The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 176 Different Scenario (6)

Long, light pink hair; flawless, bluish skin; and well proportioned, seductive figure. Basil could clearly see half of the naked body of the person inside the hut; she was chilling in the tub that was filled with warm water.

"The Sixth Great General of Goap, Lucilla..." Basil muttered under his breath. "What in the Magic world is she doing?" Basil knew Lucilla was bathing; he just didn't get the reason why Lucilla must bathe herself.

Upon remembering his habit of doing the same thing however, he quickly shrugged away the thought. "Tsk! This Lord shan't be looking at this soon to be dead body too much." Basil shook his head in disappointment to himself.

Although he couldn't fully see Lucilla's chest that was half submerged in the water, he was basically peeping; it was a blasphemous action that someone as respectable as him would never do.

When he was about to move his vision to somewhere else, Lucilla stood up from the tub. Her body was revealed in full glory, and Basil kept his vision on her.

He was by no means entranced by her otherworldly figure however, he was interested in the way she was staring his way.

"Am I found out?" Basil smiled faintly in interest. "The Guide only knows how to brag, it seems." He wasn't worried about being found out; he was just disappointed with the Guide's performance.

He could see Lucilla was intently looking exactly his way as if she knew he was there. He waited expectantly, until he saw Lucilla shaking her head in annoyance; she clicked her tongue, then muttered something, which Basil couldn't hear.

Of course, he still knew what Lucilla was muttering; he could read her lips movement.

—I feel like someone is stalking me, but I guess it's just my mind playing with me.

Basil quirked his eyebrow, and smiled softly. "I underestimated the Guide too much, it seems." Lucilla wasn't aware of his action, which means the Guide was far more superior than her sense.

Moving his vision away from Lucilla, Basil observed the entire camp meticulously. The army was comprised of 6 different kinds of Demon; combined, they were amounted to 57,000. Compared to the human side, the amount was indeed overwhelming.

Luckily though, three fourth of the army were all Low Class Demons. Although troublesome to deal with, they were by no means threatening to the Knights and Mages fighting there.

Still, the battle would never be easy; Middle Class Demons and above had the capability to personally slay a Fifth Circle Mage or an Early Stage Green Core Knight. Furthermore, a High Class Demon of Lucilla caliber couldn't be just dealt by anyone; many would surely die in her hands.

With that being said, Basil could confidently say that the people in Woster County only had one fate: getting wiped out. As long as the Kingdom held back its resources—the Royal Army—winning the war would be close to impossible.

'Moreover, the rest of Goap's army...' Although the situation was pretty much chaotic, the true chaos wasn't begun yet; it was still peaceful. It seemed that the rest of Goap's Army stayed in BA-32 guarding their Lord, but in truth they were silently moving.

As to where they were heading, Basil knew about it. For how they could arrive to their destination, Basil was about to find it out; he didn't get the chance to know it in the past, but he was sure the Church must had a hand in it.

Ending [Visualization], his vision returned to normal.

[Visualization is ended by the Host...]


Basil was a little bit taken aback at that announcement; he didn't think he would achieve something like this very soon. Although he was addicted to using [Visualization], he didn't think he had used it that often to the point it could trigger an update.

[The Guide is a highly intelligent existence whose existence has transcended the state of sentience and insentience. The Guide is a profound existence made of complicated algorithms that a mere mortal can never fathom. As the Guide and the Host was coexisting...]

Basil tuned out the rest of the Guide's announcement as he didn't think it was something important. It was basically a speech belonging to a self-absorbed prick that was delivered with an emotionless, asexual voice.

What it was trying to convey was, 'Be grateful for my existence, mortal!' There were also some empty words about how understanding of an existence the Guide was to him, the Host, which was honestly irritating to him.

[Due to those reasons mentioned earlier, one of the Guide's functions, that is, Visualization, will be renamed to better suit the Host's personality development.]

Basil knew there was something rather off, but he couldn't stop the Guide from spouting the nonsense. Therefore, he patiently waited to see where the thing was going.

[Congratulations! Visualization has been successfully renamed to The Eyes of Voyeur!]


Basil's face turned from expectant to neutrally cold very quick. He wasn't someone who would argue over a trivial thing such as naming sense, but this case was different; the Guide had said the name was based on his personality development!

'This Lord, a voyeur? Ludicrous! This Lord can easily sway the heart of any loyal wife. Why shall this I be a voyeur?!' He couldn't accept the Guide had just labelled him as a scum just because he had accidentally seen a bathing woman—a Demon, at that.

"How can I rename the name of the function again?"

[The name of the function can no longer be renamed.]

"How can I throw away the Guide?"

[The Host can throw away the Guide by ... The function will retain its original name.]

There was a three seconds pause which was highly suspicious for a mechanical object, but Basil chose not to pursue the matter.


[The Eyes of Voyeur is renamed to Visualization!]

".... Hmph! Ridiculous insentient object." Basil had a sneer on his face. He knew the Guide was messing with him; it could never win against him. He had messed with many people—he was more experienced.

Still, the Guide couldn't just take the defeat willingly; Basil felt a prick in his head, and it disoriented his vision slightly. If he were to describe it, it felt like being slapped ... By a woman.

"Hmm..." Basil frowned in contemplation. "I have been ignoring this issue, but the Guide is getting more humanlike these days," he muttered.

As soon as the thought came however, it was shaken away even faster. There was only one sentient existence inside him, and it was Vagus.

If the Guide was really sentient, it would've been living with Vagus. Therefore, he didn't want to think much about it; as the Guide had often proclaimed, it was just a highly intelligent insentient object.

Exhaling softly to himself, he sat down on the floor of the rooftop. Gazing at the sky, he was quickly entranced by the many stars decorating it; he was glad he could see the stars again. He hadn't seen the stars for slightly more than two months.

Since he practiced [Star Withering], he developed a quite unnatural interest in stars. For the past eight months, he had to, at least, spend three hours to stargazing; spending two months inside the Dungeon, being unable to see the stars, hadn't actually been a good time for him.

Not only stargazing fascinated him, but it also boosted his Body Forging progress. If it hadn't been due to the Church that was so eager to dig everything about himself, he would've achieved a greater mastery over his Body Forging Technique.

Of course, every clouds has its silver lining; if he hadn't gone to Death Howl Dungeon, he would have not met Caesar. If he hadn't met Caesar, he wouldn't have been able to advance his Magic mastery on time.

Upon remembering Caesar, he was reminded of Caesar's ash that he carried with him. Taking the jar out of his Spatial Bracelet, he held it in his hand; one of Caesar's last words was replayed in his head.

—I had terrible parents, not descendants.

Although he didn't know the full story yet, he was sure it must have something to do with the beginning of the Church's reign over the Human Empire.

"Thou may have become an ash, but thy ash shall bring them doom, Caesar." He would spread Caesar's ash at the destruction of his traitor of a family, Rancuser.

Storing the jar, Basil took out two pills of Morning Dew—the Catalyst he had consumed in Death Howl Dungeon. He could feel his body warmed up immediately, and it became more acceptant toward Natural Mana, which would be processed to Qi.

He closed his eyes, then started Forging his body. Although he had managed to reach Green Core Stage, which was very impressive for someone his age, his prowess wasn't yet enough to let him roam around freely in the current situation.

The Obelisk of Goap's Outbreak would be the beginning of every tragedy; Basil was currently having his last seconds of peacefulness. In the future, even if he wanted to, there would be many instances where he couldn't get rest.

He was not pushing himself to get stronger for the sake of the world; he wasn't a hero, and he would never become one. He was doing it for himself, so he could protect himself and his treasure: wealth, family, and friends.

He wouldn't be fighting for the peace of the world, he would fight for himself. He wouldn't care even if the world was occupied by the Demons, but he didn't want to let the people he cherished live in that kind of world.

Therefore, he would become so strong to the point he could make a world where its habitants were only him and the people of his choosing; he would make his own world.

'The rest of the world can go meet their doom.'

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