The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 265 Debut

The ongoing war between the humans and Demons in Woster County temporarily stopped at two people's entrance. Both of them had a unique aura to themselves, and, of course, their power was exceptional enough to be admired.

From the human side, there was Basil, an extremely handsome young man with brown hair, who was flaring his five Ultimate Circles.

Although the people thought his were mere Grand Circles, they could see his were exceptional even amongst the other Grand Circles people had.

From the Demon side, there was Cabalen, a devilishly handsome man with a long black hair, a pair of horn on his forehead and a lizard like tail behind him. He was exuding a pressure that was enough to make a crater on the ground.

"Why are you so obsessed with me? Just to let you know, I already have my girlfriend to accompany me." Basil gestured at Iliana in his embrace.

"You don't look like someone who speaks nonsense, but I guess it was just my misunderstanding."


Basil's Mana and Cabalen's Demonic Mana clashed in the air. One was produced by an Amethyst Heart and was influenced by the Star Energy, meanwhile the other one was absorbed from the surrounding by the Mana Vein.

There was around 10 meters of distance between the two people and the rest of the people, but their mere clash of Mana Pressure was enough to knock an Orange Core Knight off his feet.

"You have to die here, human."

"Is that a command?" Basil quirked his eyebrow. "I don't think I can follow that."

"Enough talking!"

Cabalen swung his sword roughly, and basil immediately threw Iliana away so she didn't suffer from the aftermath.

"Stay as far away from us!"

"Wait, what are you to do with him?!"


Iliana's question was muted by the sound of the explosion that was caused by a mere swing of Cabalen's sword.

Basil managed to block Cabalen's sword that he had just blocked earlier, and couldn't help but cringe when he saw the crack on the surface of his sword.

It was one of the swords Jacinda had given him as the prize of winning the Regional Tournament. It was a Middle Grade Magic Sword that only a few Fifth Circle Battle Mage could afford.

Although it wasn't that expensive of a sword for him, it was still a high quality one. That just proved how absurd the power behind Cabalen's casual swing was.


'Tsk! It's not going to last long.'

Basil was still holding back Cabalen's sword from cutting him in two, but it was apparent to him that his sword would break in another 10 seconds. Therefore, he quickly infused his Qi into the sword to prevent the unwanted to happen.

He filled the crack in the sword with Qi, then also coated the sword with it to make a Qi Blade. He burst his Qi as he swung his sword afterwards, throwing Cabalen tens of meters away to the back.


Other than the crater on the ground in front of Basil that his attack had made, there was another thing that caught the attention of the people around him—his sword. It was steaming and slowly disintegrating.

In the next moment, they realized they had just witnessed a Mage had just used Qi, something that only a Knight could have. Their astonishment was even amplified the moment they noticed Basil's Qi belonged to that of a Blue Core Knight.

"You are living in the battlefield—watch your enemy, not me!" Basil shouted towards the dumbfounded people. "Don't you ever stop killing your enemy even though your enemy doesn't do a thing to you!"

Basil's commanding yet charismatic shout was like a wake-up call for the people. They immediately asked themselves why they had been watching Basil instead of killing the Demons, but they instantly got the answer to their question.

Basil's entrance was too eye-catching to be ignored. His undeniable presence aside, there was also the fact that he was facing Cabalen, whose presence was as overwhelming as Lucilla, the Demon they dreaded to fight.

It was hard for the humans, and the Demons to not look at the two.

Luckily, due to Basil's reminder, the humans immediately used the entranced state of the Demons that was caused by Cabalen's appearance as a chance to kill as many of them.

"Open your eyes, soldiers!"


Unfortunately however, the humans couldn't kill as many Demons as they wanted, because not long after they started killing the entranced Demons, Cabalen's shout immediately awakened them from their state.

The battle between the humans and the Demons were resumed—no one paid any attention to Basil and Cabalen anymore. Even Iliana, who was about to rush at Basil, was immediately occupied with the Demons coming at her.

They still stayed far away from the two, however, in fright of getting caught up in the two's clash.

"Interesting... I knew that you had a lot of energy stored inside you when you were still in Randalvine, but I didn't expect you could process all of the energy inside your body to refine your Core in just two days," Cabalen said as he slowly walked towards Basil.

"Surprising, isn't it? I also didn't expect that I could encounter a Quasi-Dragotaur this soon."

"Hoh? You know about my identity as a PURE Dragotaur too?"

Both of the people were smirking and quirking their eyebrow at the same time.

While Cabalen was trying to figure out Basil more, Basil was slightly amazed and irked that Cabalen could know his prior Core Stage even though he was sure he had hidden it well.

Like Cabalen had said, he had managed to use up all of the energy contained inside the Pure Essence Pill he had gotten from Solomon's Goblet of Concoction. Thanks to that, he now possessed a Peak Stage Blue Core.

This had been the reason why he had broken his sword even though he didn't use [Synchronization]—it couldn't bear the pressure of his Blue Core's Qi that contained a dense Star Energy.

"You are just as promising as that lad, Charles, but I don't see the future when you stand beside our Lord. Therefore, you have to die here."

"Hoh? So that bastard has already gone to your side."

Cabalen snorted coldly. "I would like to say that, but I can tell he is not really genuine." Pointing his sword to Basil, he continued, "I am sure, however, he will never stand in our way, unlike you."

'Indeed. Charles Blois is such a person. He is just as vile as these Demons. Even in my past life, he killed humans just as many as the Demons killed ... A Demon that is not Demon, is what I like to call him.'

Basil smiled disdainfully as he recalled the sickening deeds Charles had done in the past.

Although Charles had never worked with the Demons, unlike the Church who had done that the moment Basil reached his prominence, he had done worse things to humanity.

The Church might have done Basil dirty, but they had never killed the people that accepted their Gods. Charles Blois however, he had killed everyone who he deemed would pose troubles to his ambition that Basil had never known about.

"Don't blame me for your death. Blame your weakness and your fate!"

Cabalen dashed towards Basil even faster than a flash. Basil could still see him in spite of that, and even though he didn't hold any weapon yet in his hands, he could still slap away Cabalen's sword.


The sound of the clash between his hand and Cabalen's sword was no different than the sound of a sword clashing against a sword. Cabalen, who had expected he would be able to cut Basil in two, widened his eyes at that fact.

Stepping aside while simultaneously utilizing his Movement Technique to make a distance, Basil activated his Aura Ability: [Master of Weapons].

He took out the remaining nineteen bladed weapons he had in his Spatial Ring, and controlled them with his Aura Ability.

Unlike when he was still a Green Core Knight, Basil could already envelop all of his weapons with his Qi, thus dramatically amplifying their destructiveness.

Despite having tens of swords that were ready to attack anyone who came closer to him floating behind him however, Basil didn't have any intention to leave himself unarmed.

He took out Death Howl's Sealing Sword from his Spatial Bracelet, and wielded firmly as he infused his Mana inside it.


The air was also overwhelmed with Mana as his five Magic Circles attracted all of the Mana in his surrounding.

"A little bit too much for such a young human, don't you think?"

"Is it not allowed to be young and above everyone?"

"It is not, but as the word goes, 'The nail that sticks out will be hammered down,' I will be the hammer."

Basil scoffed disdainfully. "I guess you haven't heard about the nail that splits the hammer yet."

"You may dream, foolish human."

"Watch carefully, ignorant lizard."

"I am a Half Dragon—not a lizard!"

Ignoring Cabalen's remark of indignation, Basil dashed towards said Demonic Dragotaur. He also sent the weapons he controlled with his Aura Ability towards Cabalen, however he didn't count on them to injure said Demon.

Although Cabalen was technically just a quarter Dragon, he knew Dragon was not a species that he could look down upon. No matter how little the Dragon blood flowed in someone's body, said person would still be exceptional.

Basil knew of this fact, and this was the reason why he had decided to reveal all of his Magic Circles—to go all out.

Dragon was such a scary creature—they could even control Magic with their words. They needed only to speak to make Mana move the way they wanted it to.

Boom! Boom!

Each time the weapons Basil sent reached Cabalen, they would always get parried to the side. The ground where they landed on would develop a crater, showing how much power they held, but it wasn't enough to faze Cabalen.

Basil had expected something like this was going to happen, so he didn't feel disappointed. His purpose was, after all, distracting Cabalen from noticing what he was up to.

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