The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

Ye Jinchen's office at Ye's Group headquarters.

Ye Jinchen massaged his brow, coldly watching the trembling executives from various departments standing before his desk, a low pressure permeating the entire office.

"Has work been too relaxed lately, or do you think I'm too easygoing that you're all slacking off and testing my patience? Look at this garbage!" Ye Jinchen flung the files in his hands across the room.

"The planning proposals are a mess, the designs lack any innovation, there are decimal point errors in the financial statements, and you even let a promising partnership slip away. What exactly are you and your subordinates doing?"

Most of this work was done by their subordinate employees, but as leaders, they failed to properly supervise and review, which was a dereliction of duty.

"How long have you been working at Ye's Group? Do I need to retrain you on how to do your jobs?"

"If you can do it, then do it. If not, head to HR and collect your severance pay!"

Since taking over, Ye Jinchen had never lost his temper like this before. The company executives had indeed become complacent, and now they were being reprimanded, heads bowed and starting to panic.

"Director Ye, I'm sorry. It was our fault for failing our duties. Please give us another chance."

The design department head, heart pounding, was the first to admit his mistake. The other executives soon followed suit, lowering their heads in apology.

Ye Jinchen scowled at their display and waved his hand dismissively. "Get out, get out! Fix all these issues within three days. If you can't, you're fired!"

"Yes, yes, we'll get right on it."

The executives wiped the cold sweat from their brows and headed for the exit, only to be startled by the person standing outside.

"Ye... Chairman Ye!"

It was Ye Junli.

When Ye Junli was in charge, he was decisive and ruthless. These executives dared not slack off. Now that they had made mistakes and were reprimanded, caught red-handed, their faces turned pale.

Ye Junli had arrived earlier but didn't enter when he heard Ye Jinchen yelling, so he understood the situation perfectly.

However, he didn't say much, simply waving his hand sternly to dismiss them.

The executives felt they had been spared and quickly fled the scene.

Ye Junli entered the office to find his son with a gloomy expression and couldn't help but smile.

This stubborn son, when serious, had about a third of his father's demeanor.

The room was in disarray from the files Ye Jinchen had flung.

"Seems work hasn't been going smoothly lately!"

Ye Junli spoke up from the couch.

Ye Jinchen, thinking it was his assistant coming to tidy up, was startled to hear his father's voice and looked over.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Ye Jinchen stood up quickly and instructed the assistant waiting outside to bring tea.

"Don't ask why I'm here first. Tell me about those people just now."

As the assistant brought the tea, Ye Jinchen asked her to close the office door to avoid disturbances.

Recently, there had been issues across the company in various areas. Some were indeed careless mistakes by employees, but others were not.

Particularly concerning was that a partnership agreement had been signed with Xiao Group without Ye Jinchen's knowledge, making him suspect internal sabotage at the company.

So Ye Jinchen had his assistant secretly investigate the recent work situations in each department and examine the surveillance footage, which revealed clues.

Ye Jinchen sat beside Ye Junli and sighed softly, "Dad, I suspect someone is trying to sabotage the company."

Ye Junli's expression turned cold upon hearing this.

"What's going on?"

"Recently, the company missed out on several promising partnerships but instead signed a contract with Xiao Group. This whole thing is too suspicious."

"After all, Xiao Group currently does not meet our company's partnership requirements. Yet a project was signed without my knowledge. I had no choice but to investigate."

"Following the leads, I discovered a connection to Uncle Junwen."

Ye Jinchen glanced at Ye Junli.

Ye Junli was shocked. Junwen would do such a thing?

Seeing his father's disbelief, Ye Jinchen continued, "It's true. We had planned to partner with the fashion upstart Dream Studio, but they had some issues, so the deal fell through before signing. However, the contract wasn't properly handled and Uncle Junwen took it and had Xiao Group's CEO sign it, even using our company seal illegally."

"When reviewing the surveillance footage, I noticed parts were missing. After having the techs recover it, I saw it was Uncle Junwen."

Ye Junli's brow furrowed. "When did you discover this? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I only found out early this morning. Besides this, he did cause us to lose some good projects."

"I'm not sure if Uncle Junwen did it intentionally or what his goal is, but the situation is still under control for now. I wanted to see what he's trying to do, so I didn't want to act hastily."

Ye Jinchen spoke calmly, though he suspected his uncle wanted to undermine him.

But these tactics were so amateur, getting exposed immediately.

He couldn't fathom what his uncle was thinking, helping Xiao Group sign a contract when they were on the verge of bankruptcy. What benefit could he possibly get?

Ye Junli couldn't understand it either. In his view, this brother was supposed to be a pillar of the new generation at Ye's Group, just like Ye Jinchen. But these actions could cause Ye's Group significant losses.

"Dad, don't overthink it. The losses are negligible for the group, so I plan to first determine Uncle Junwen's motives, then decide how to handle it. What do you think?"

Ye Junli nodded, feeling uneasy about the situation. "For now, don't tell Grandfather. Give him one more chance. If it still doesn't work out, then let Grandfather handle it."

Ye Jinchen agreed.

"Dad, why did you come today?"

Reminded by Ye Jinchen, Ye Junli recalled his purpose.

"You know about X International, right?"


Of course Ye Jinchen knew. X International was founded just ten years ago but became the number one business in the country S within a year. Not only that, their subsidiaries cover a wide range of industries with branches all over the world. People in many countries and regions are huge fans of X International's products.

So Ye Jinchen had always seen X International as a target, aiming for Ye's Group to become the next X International.

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