The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 432

Chapter 432

The enormous armored monster that had been formed from the earlier tumor was now ablaze, its fiery embrace consuming it. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the monster had emerged from Sleesia's body; this was why, even though the creature—the embodiment of the trace she had left behind to lay claim to this land—was an entirely distinct entity, its consciousness remained under Sleesia's influence.

"Hmm? That flame seems rather peculiar, doesn't it?"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several brown-colored tentacles emerged from the midst of the flames and darted toward Davey. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, particularly upon realizing that this entity had originated from Sleesia's arm.

The flickering flames whirled intensely, forming into a sphere. Their rapid rotation gave the impression of Saturn with its expansive rings.

"Resisting while undergoing transformation after taking hits is a technique you've acquired from somewhere," he remarked.


Davey vanished from his position, only to reappear gripping the monster's form and forcefully slamming it onto the floor. Without hesitation, he also implanted the miniature bomb he had fashioned within the enigmatic creature's body, which had been attempting to slap him, causing it to detonate upon impact.

Bzz, bzz, bzz, bzz!

The vigorously swirling blue flames finally vanished from sight as the monster absorbed them into its body. Despite the impressive and stunning firepower exhibited by the attack, the creature persisted in its transformation—an unexpected outcome.

Sleesia, who had linked her consciousness to the monster, burst into laughter. "Oh my. It appears that events didn't unfold as you had hoped, did they?"


"That's to be expected. Unlike the other test subjects, this body was meticulously crafted with great care and attention. Do you truly believe it would wail in agony just because a mere insect like you assaulted it?"

Nevertheless, her taunting words failed to elicit any change in Davey's resolute expression.

"This is problematic..."

"What's wrong?"

The delay in the effects was becoming a concern.

"I miscalculated my force."

That... was truly unfortunate.


Davey immediately slammed his palms on the ground and used spatial movement magic upon seeing the blue light whir to life. It swirled around under the flesh of the monstrous creature beneath him.


As he opened his eyes once more, he was met with what appeared to be a distant, resounding pop. Despite being several kilometers away from the initial location, the sound reverberated vividly in Davey's mind.

Quickly, Davey stamped his feet firmly upon the ground and invoked Fly Magic. Gazing upwards, he beheld a dense cloud of dust ascending to towering heights.

Shortly after its billowing commencement, the dust cloud began to writhe and twist, as if imbued with life. Reacting swiftly, Davey gestured with his hand, conjuring a robust and impenetrable barrier through shield magic.


Once the shield magic manifested, an intangible, colorless, and odorless force collided forcefully against it. The aftermath of this impact proved tremendously potent, roaring vehemently, causing the earth to quiver and convulse. The assault was potent enough to rupture the lava zone, leveling the entire vicinity.

Yet, this was not the sole extent of the onslaught. A brilliant and formidable light erupted, blinding anyone unfortunate enough to witness it. Simultaneously, this radiant burst emitted an immensely intense heat that liquified the surrounding terrain. Vigorous gusts and shockwaves relentlessly assailed the shield for an extended duration.

Davey remained vigilant, observing until the aftermath of the assault gradually waned, then waved his hand with a delicate motion, dispelling the shield before him.


In tandem, a spatial movement magic circle materialized beneath Davey's feet, transporting him back to his original location.

“It’s still hanging on to dear life, huh?”

Before Davey stood a vast crater, its epicenter occupied by a writhing, contorting mass of flesh. The repercussions of the attack, achieved by transforming the 8th Circle Flame Magic Prometheus into a Reversed Circle Magic, were undeniably profound.

Naturally, the true might of this technique didn't align with its seemingly grandiose name. After all, Davey wasn't the sole practitioner capable of orchestrating such an audacious feat. In this instance, Davey had merely appropriated the moniker from a comparable phenomenon he had previously witnessed.

[That's truly astounding.]

"At this pace, we shouldn't encounter any further complications."

[To begin with, the masses of flesh have ceased to exist. Nonetheless, the resilience they displayed is truly astonishing.]

The unleashed assault, bearing destructive force on par with that of nuclear fission, was a formidably potent strike executed by Davey. Nonetheless, even this overwhelming might failed to instantaneously extinguish the clusters of flesh.

[Gurgle… Gurgle, gurgle…]

Ultimately, the struggling mass of flesh proved unable to endure the overwhelming force it had been subjected to. Its regenerative abilities faltered, leaving it resembling a deflated balloon.

Davey let out a sigh and, with the lump of flesh now ominously silent, he rose to his feet.

"Is there more?"

Sleesia's influence might have extended and delved deeper elsewhere, but that wasn't the present situation here. This world was already inherently warped. Introducing additional variables to this realm would lead to complications surpassing this particular realm, hastening its decline.

However, the paramount revelation was the presence of an eye capable of detecting the tumor concealed by Sleesia within this world. It was at this point that Davey realized something significant: Why had the Observer in his original world remained silent, refusing to communicate?

[You have to meet two conditions. One, you have to be a person that does not belong to this world.]

If the first condition alone were the determining factor, then Aeria and Reina should theoretically be capable of undergoing the same transformations that Davey had encountered. This implied that the second condition held the utmost significance.

“So, what’s the second condition?”

[You can see the flow of fate, no?]

Davey had not anticipated this outcome. Ultimately, these conditions implied that he alone would possess the ability to communicate with the Observer within this world. Perhaps if World Tree [Al] were to arrive here, she might also be able to engage in dialogue with the Observer?

"That's unfortunate," Davey muttered in a brief aside. Without turning his head, he inquired, "What's transpiring over there?"

[The enemy has initiated an offensive. If you issue your orders, then...]

"I see. Let's proceed."

And so, it was time to confront and overcome them all. With a proclamation, the regent vanished. Davey, too, began to gather his mana, preparing to leap through space. However, the spatial surroundings abruptly contorted.

"Ahahahahahahaha!!! I've been ensnared!"

The maniacal laughter reverberated through the area, causing a slight furrow in Davey's brow.


Davey was confident that he had eliminated her main body, right? As this thought flickered through his mind, he pinpointed the source of the sound. It emanated from none other than the mass of flesh that had deflated like a balloon.

Although the mass of flesh was undeniably lifeless, something swiftly wriggled out of it. Advancing toward Davey, it unleashed a burst of green liquid, splattering the surroundings. This liquid proved to be a highly corrosive acid, dissolving anything it came into contact with.


Davey observed as the rocks jutting from the ground dissolved under the corrosive effects of the acid.

Simultaneously, Sleesia's voice reverberated once more. "Decide. The tumor I implanted will rise again. Opt to safeguard the humans, and the tumor will conceal itself deeply in a location beyond your reach. Choose to eliminate the tumor, and the besieged humans will be eradicated. Now! What shall your verdict be?"

Having heard her words, Davey directed a flurry of sword strikes at the mass of flesh, almost as if he had unwittingly fallen into her trap. Following this, he turned away deliberately.

Was she attempting to force him into an either-or situation? Regrettably for her, Davey had a different approach in mind.

He smirked inwardly, for he opted to choose both options.


Nervous gulps rippled through the ranks as they beheld the vast assembly of 500,000. The opposition consisted of an amalgamation of monsters, demonic beasts, demons, vampires, and a myriad of other creatures. Among the formidable throng, rare species loomed large, interspersed within the imposing horde.

The sight of colossal creatures, towering meters above ground, hauling equally immense siege weaponry, was an exercise in inefficiency. However, the intent behind deploying these gargantuan beasts at the forefront was to instill a paralyzing dread in their adversaries.

Yet, a crucial alteration had occurred: the demons were no longer under Perserque's dominion. Instead, Sleesia had assumed control and manipulated them to her own whims. Her perception of the conflict resembled that of a game, leading her to adopt rather ineffective strategies.

In stark contrast, the human faction grappled with dire circumstances. Emerging from seclusion, their artisans toiled incessantly, forging weapons and war implements. However, the output was insufficient to meet demand.

Still, the humans clung tenaciously to their convictions. Nestled within a natural stronghold that had stood unyielding for untold years, they wielded clay soldiers and stone statues possessed of overwhelming might. United in combat, their collective strength could quell a Sword Master, curtailing their capacity to wield their own formidable abilities.

Essentially lifeless, the stone statues and clay soldiers remained impervious to fear and death. This attribute endowed their movements with a staggering and overwhelming quality. Their contributions and feats had earned them accolades so remarkable that even the demons dubbed them "crazy dead" or "terror dead."

“They’re coming!”

“All troops!!! Load your arrows!”

At Eurina’s valiant shout from atop the walls, the soldiers also shouted in return while pulling the strings of their bows.


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!!

A steel deluge descended upon the enemy ranks, swiftly toppling the regular demons, monsters, and demonic beasts that advanced menacingly.

"Strike force!!! Ready to advance!!!"

In the face of hundreds of thousands of adversaries, the possibility of repelling them all seemed grim. Yet, the humans held steadfast trust and belief in their defenders.

Creak, creak, creak, creak!

Innumerable clay soldiers emerged before the fortress, confronting hundreds of thousands of adversaries with unwavering resolve. Standing resolutely, their faces remained devoid of expression, exhibiting no trace of fear.

[Go! Go my men! Let us repay the grace that our great ruler has bestowed upon us!!!]


Amidst a resounding and thunderous roar, the clay soldiers surged forward in a charge. In response, the demons swiftly moved to counterattack. However, the clay soldiers' relentless assault from all directions surpassed their wildest expectations.

"Uwaaaaaaaaack!" A young demon's cry echoed

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