The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 435

Chapter 435

It didn't matter whether they were high-ranking or low-ranking demons; in the end, the fate that awaited them would remain the same. The pungent smell of warm and freshly splattered blood spread all over the place.

Astaroth, who faintly sensed his impending death, slowly opened his eyes, wondering why he was still conscious.

“What?!” he exclaimed.

Super Ribbon’s blade didn't pierce through his neck but rather the chest of a woman who suddenly appeared, blocking the sword's path.

“Ah, aaaaaaah!!! Liline!!!” Astaroth cried as he struggled fiercely while suspended in the air. He vomited a mouthful of blood as he forcefully freed himself from the telekinesis that held him tightly, rushing to embrace the woman who had collapsed on the ground, sobbing fiercely.

“Why? Why did you come here?! Didn't I tell you to go back!?” he exclaimed.

“Ugh… Kghhk… F-Father,” Liline managed weakly.

Astaroth screamed. He appeared to have lost his reason upon witnessing the death of the succubus, who had never lost her smile. Everything had collapsed now.

Davey silently looked at the woman named Liline Orlouge and thought about the succubus who had fought against him using a scythe back when he settled Perserque in her own body. He knew back then that she had a connection with Astaroth, but he hadn't expected that the two of them would care about each other so deeply.


“N-No! You can't die!”

Seeing the tears of despair trickle down Astaroth's face, the succubus named Liline smiled faintly as she slowly closed her eyes. Astaroth could only gaze blankly at Liline’s slowly cooling body. Then, his body began to tremble as he let out a loud scream, 'Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!'

Overwhelmed by the numbing pain and sadness, Astaroth continued to scream and cry. He even began to pound his fists on the ground, creating massive shockwaves as he released the unbearable sadness that consumed him.

However, Davey simply watched in silence.

“Human… Human!!!”

“You brought this upon yourself.”

Astaroth's glare intensified the moment he heard Davey's words. However, his eyes widened as he locked eyes with Davey.

“You bastard… your eyes…” he muttered, disbelief painting his features as he continued his unwavering gaze at Davey.

Davey's powers had been amplified, a fact that became immediately apparent. This amplification also affected the residual trace of the Demon Lord's power within him. As a result, his eyes, normally tinged with red, now radiated an even deeper crimson hue, causing his aura to shift further toward that of the demons rather than humans.

With weak restraints on the demonic energy within him, the amplification caused it to surge forth, leaking from his body. This revelation left no doubt in Astaroth's mind about Davey's true nature.

Davey's gaze remained steady on Astaroth as he slowly raised his empty hand, the one not holding his sword. Simultaneously, a gathering of black flames manifested at the tips of his fingers. Gradually, these flames coalesced, forming a substantial black sphere. While its temperature remained intangible, an unsettling and spine-chilling sensation emanated from the sphere as it hovered ominously above Davey's palm.

With Astaroth caught in a daze by this startling revelation, Davey deliberately rotated his palm, causing the sphere to ascend into the sky, all while keeping his gaze locked onto Astaroth's bewildered expression.

Vwoooooong… vwooooooooong!!!

Suddenly, the black sphere set into a furious spin, generating perilous sparks that crackled through the air. Its growth was relentless, rapidly expanding and swelling. In the span of an instant, it reached a diameter of several tens of meters.

This eerie transformation mirrored the magical force Davey had employed to obliterate Megalodria previously. However, its essence was fundamentally distinct.

[9th Circle Dark Magic]

[Transcendental Realm]

[The Anxious One’s Courtship]

“Stop… Stop!!!”

Unperturbed by Astaroth's exclamation, Davey continued to elevate the sphere, exerting more force until it reached an even higher point in the atmosphere. And then, as the sphere eventually descended, catastrophe unfurled.


As soon as the ominous black sphere collided with the ground, a colossal pillar of ebony light erupted into existence, spanning tens of meters in radius. This harrowing spectacle was swiftly succeeded by a deafening explosion, consuming the entire vicinity and reducing everything to a desolate expanse of ashes.

The surviving demons, who had been the unfortunate recipients of this catastrophic assault, found themselves at the heart of the devastation. The infernal realm extended its grasp, slowly claiming the canyons and plains that had been sought out by the enemies as a refuge. Yet, Davey's onslaught exhibited no signs of cessation. He continued to unleash wide-reaching spells of destruction, his rampage becoming an unrelenting tempest.

Amidst the unfathomable catastrophes that ensued—an abyss of impenetrable darkness stretching into eternity, a towering column of intermingled black and white flames, and a ferocious maelstrom of lightning—Astaroth sat entranced, his senses dulled by the overwhelming spectacle. In the end, all he could manage was to lower his gaze, his visage contorted by an amalgamation of despair and helplessness.


Astaroth's countenance bore an expression of profound helplessness as he crumbled to the ground. The query echoed relentlessly within his mind, 'What in the hell is this situation?'

The circumstances that unfolded were utterly incredulous, defying all logical comprehension. Yet, inexplicable as it seemed, this was the stark reality they were now confronted with. Any remnants of doubt that Astaroth had harbored regarding the young human who had advised their surrender vanished in an instant. Despite his reluctance to concede, it was undeniable that the boy possessed a power that transcended their capacity to fathom.

‘Is this what God is like? Just like what was described in those ancient texts?’

In a mere instant, all that the demons had toiled and constructed over countless ages crumbled to insignificance before the might of that solitary boy. Their achievements, vast and significant though they may have been, were utterly and irrevocably dwarfed. Like fragile bubbles caught in the wind, everything vanished into nothingness.

Amidst the cataclysmic turmoil that engulfed the realm, Astaroth found himself encapsulated in a maelstrom of chaos. Despite the surrounding inferno, he never once pondered the absence of Sleesia, the formidable ally who had supported their cause.

Sleesia's strength was undeniable, her formidable presence radiating an aura of impending peril. She wielded a power that rendered them ill-equipped to engage her in combat. Yet, this boy was an enigma of a different kind. Though Astaroth struggled to articulate it, an unmistakable dissimilarity existed between the boy and Sleesia.

"You stand alone now," the boy's voice pierced the silence that followed, his words bearing a weight that Astaroth found nearly impossible to resist. "It took a while since I struggled to rein in my power. So, any parting words?"

A subtle gravity suffused the boy's tone, a force that pressed upon Astaroth's spirit as the resplendent wings of light upon the boy's back began their gradual dissipation, fading into the void.

“You bastard…”



Astaroth's anguished voice quivered as he clung to the lifeless form of the succubus named Liline, crimson tears tracing a gruesome path down his cheeks.

"Curse you," he seethed, his grip on Liline's cold body tightening. "I'll damn you to eternity! I'll haunt you! Even in death, I'll be a vengeful ghost, haunting you!!! You've shattered the very essence of the demons' desires! Our hopes, crushed by you!!!"

A primal scream of frustration escaped Astaroth's lips, akin to a petulant child's tantrum. "What wrong did the demons commit? Why must we endure this desolate existence, a barren land after being subjugated by humans?!!!"

The boy's response was a weary sigh, which further constricted Astaroth's already constricted throat. The compassionate look the boy cast upon him added to the oppressive weight that hung in the air. Ultimately, all that remained within Astaroth was a pitiful whimper.

"You're a devil, a bastard! Liline… her death was needless!" Astaroth accused, his voice quaking with anguish.

The boy appeared oblivious to the depth of connection between the two demons. However, his silence was ephemeral, replaced by a disapproving click of his tongue as his sword found its place at Astaroth's throat.

"I believe I've already addressed this previously," the boy interjected with a somber tone. "This war was instigated by your ancestors, your forebears. And I bear the cost of that transgression. I gave you ample warning to halt this conflict midway, did I not?"

Astaroth's response was silence, heavy and charged.

"Furthermore," the boy resumed, his voice steady despite the circumstances, "exterminating humans to secure your prosperity? That's a lie, Astaroth, and deep down, you know it. Should humanity perish, only annihilation awaits you."

As the words settled in the air, a grim tableau unfolded, a testament to the consequences of strife and the anguish it begets.


The swift swoosh of the sword slicing through his neck reverberated through the surroundings, a resounding testament to finality. With the exception of the 50,000 demons who had pledged allegiance to Perserque and withdrawn from the battlefield, Astaroth, along with his devoted followers, was destined to find his eternal rest here, forever enshrouded by the land.

"Each grave echoes a tale. If you wish to become a vengeful specter to haunt me, you're free to do so. Yet, first, you must reconcile your karmic debts," Davey remarked as he surveyed the lifeless forms of Astaroth and Liline.

A flame was ignited, consuming their bodies until only ashes remained.

With the demons' fate concluded, Davey, his demeanor undisturbed, shifted Super Ribbon's blade and embarked on his next course of action.

"You can't possibly fathom the extent of trouble and annoyance you caused by hiding behind these demons," Davey's voice remained composed as he addressed the yawning Abyss where Sleesia had plunged, an oppressive aura radiating from his very being.

Emerging from the Abyss's depths, obsidian tentacles snaked forth, ensnaring and hauling forth a figure draped in a pristine white gown. A beauty she might have been, were it not for the ghastly array of jagged teeth adorning her mouth, and the multitude of sinuous appendages wriggling beneath her attire—a monstrous visage of unparalleled terror.

Sleesia's voice trembled, her gaze locked onto the boy's form. "What... What are you?"

Her words struggled to escape, bewilderment etched across her features. "How did you escape?"

The rationale behind Davey’s actions eluded Sleesia. She had posed a choice—humans or the tumor. Yet, this enigmatic figure defied convention, opting for neither. Adding insult to injury, he inflicted grievous harm upon her, rending her physical form.

"Unknown, unimportant. It seems this may become rather troublesome and bothersome, so it's best to address matters here before departing."

"You wretched pest!!!" Sleesia's fa?ade fractured, an inhuman shriek tearing from her lips.

Concurrently, the myriad of tentacles lurking beneath her gown congealed, forming a colossal, serpentine lower body. Metamorphosing into a hybrid half-human, half-snake form resembling a lamia, her once-white eyes now glowed crimson. A resounding clap resounded through the air.


Subsequently, the very fabric of space commenced its inexorable descent into chaos.

"You pose a threat to our future, you wretched fiend. It appears that Urd's torment was not mere happenstance under your malevolent grasp." Sleesia's words dripped with venomous accusation.

"Your realization comes far too tardily." Davey's retort bore an air of resignation.

"You lack the power to end my existence. Whatever method you've unearthed to surpass my abilities, it's of no consequence how potent you've become." Sleesia's voice brimmed with defiance, unwavering even in the face of overwhelming might. "For my life force is—"

"Ah, spare me your ramblings!" The boy erupted in exasperation, his palms alighting upon the ground with a casual yet potent touch.


In that instant, a vast expanse of white unfurled akin to ink, etching an intricate and expansive pattern upon the ground.

‘This is Goddess Freyja’s sentence.’

“I’m already tired of your immortality bullshit, bastard.”

Sleesia's vitality remained considerably formidable. Nonetheless, this was no longer a pressing concern. Davey had harnessed the might of his Taboo's Karma, effectively neutralizing her immortality. The enigma that remained pertained to addressing her overwhelming innate defensive prowess.

Yet, a timely intervention arrived as Super Ribbon's voice reverberated in Davey's consciousness.

[Father! You can use Super Ribbon!]

“Can’t you call me Royal Father?”

[I, I don’t want to!]

Super Ribbon's voice resonated with a hint of embarrassment, eliciting a subtle grin from Davey. His gaze lowered to the sword's translucent blade, his fingers delicately tracing the exquisite pattern etched by the bluish-red hue that coursed throughout its length.

Red Ribbon was the blade that sundered the tangible, while Blue Ribbon cleaved through the intangible. The question lingered: what domain did Super Ribbon dominate? In a scenario involving Perserque, he might have sought her insight, but her absence relegated him to speculation. One possibility emerged—Super Ribbon might possess the capacity to sever the very fabric of existence itself.

Soon after, a colossal lance of luminous radiance manifested within Sleesia's grasp. Each deliberate movement she made birthed ruptures within the surrounding space. The capability to dismantle reality with a mere gesture left Davey genuinely impressed. He discerned that any contact with the affected space would result in instantaneous dissolution—a realm akin to her personal creation of a black hole.

In response, Davey's hands came into contact with the ground, channeling the entirety of his sanctified mana. Witnessing his initiation, Sleesia promptly propelled the mammoth spear, its length spanning tens of meters, directly at Davey. The sheer potency of the assault instilled a shiver down his spine, its impending collision seeming akin to a death sentence.

Although the endeavor required him to strip away the power influenced by her presence from his body and surroundings, the undertaking was undoubtedly worthwhile. Observing the scope of Sleesia's might, Davey procured an understanding of her strength.

Leveraging her internal energy, Sleesia lunged, the interminable spearhead a swift, unerring trajectory aimed directly at Davey's neck.

‘Goddess Freyja.’

[I ask that you protect me.]

A true, manly man would never turn his back on an opponent.


Davey extended one of his hands ahead, withdrawing nearly all the mana contained within him. The fissures tearing through the fabric of space, a result of Sleesia's movements, attempted to converge upon Davey, yet the holy mana coursing within him surged vigorously, behaving as if endowed with a life of its own, interposing itself between Davey's form and the encroaching spatial fractures.

"That's impossible!"

"It's possible, you b*tch!"

The diminutive asteroids encircling the moons Syras and Cryas in the heavens achieved newfound solidity and resilience, infused with the moons' potent influence. This infusion bestowed upon them an enigmatic power, affording them an unsettling degree of autonomy and detachment from the constraints of this world.

[9th Circle, Transcendence]

[Descending Lunar Rock]

‘I choose you! Syras, lend me two of the asteroids orbiting around you!’

A colossal sphere, hundreds of meters in diameter, plummeted earthward akin to a shooting star. The impact of the attack shrouded the sky in obscurity, compelling Davey to expel a mouthful of blood. As anticipated, manipulating celestial bodies at his current proficiency proved to be an arduous endeavor.

"Kghhk?! What in the abyss is this? Gravity?!"

The Descending Lunar Rock had triggered an unforeseen gravitational anomaly. Sleesia was jolted by this sudden shift in gravitational forces, compelling her to retract her spear and redirect its trajectory skyward. Nevertheless, despite the asteroids' unprecedented potency...


…Sleesia’s assault, capable of tearing open space, fragmented the plummeting lunar rocks.

'Geez, I'd be in a real fix if one of those hit me.'

In the span of a heartbeat, the momentary respite proved sufficient. It granted Davey the vital breathing room he needed to prepare, Super Ribbon's blade glowing brilliantly within his grasp.

Without delay, Davey harnessed the most formidable and annihilative swordsmanship at his disposal for this singular strike. A weight, exuding tremendous explosiveness and sheer mass, materialized upon the blade in his hands. This unwieldy burden fractured the very ground beneath him, compelling it to crumble and collapse. Maintaining his stance became a challenge, as the ground's fissures rendered his footing precarious. However, this unwieldy burden was essential to extract the utmost destructive potential from his strike, and so he persevered.

'I wonder what wine derived from an Abyssal serpent would taste like?'?

[Transcendental Longsword]

[World Creation, One Swing Cut]

[Splitting the Sun]

The technique Davey employed was more akin to a blunt force strike than a traditional sword slash.

Thanks to the influence of Taboo's Karma, the entirety of Davey's power had undergone a metamorphosis, attaining autonomy and liberation from the confines of this world's laws. This granted them the capacity to disregard Sleesia's influence and seamlessly breach her defenses.

Davey had already meticulously studied and conducted repeated experiments on entities that emerged from the Abyss. This thorough exploration bestowed upon him an ample reservoir of knowledge and insights, thereby easing his approach in dealing with them.

Sleesia, her body twitching under the gravitational pull exerted by the lunar rocks, gaped as Super Ribbon's blade extended, a spectacle that defied belief. "How... How can a mere insect…?"

"Had any of my mentors graced this realm, the Abyss would undoubtedly face dire repercussions," Davey retorted, his voice laced with a cool resolve.

‘Basically, you’re lucky that I was the one that came down, b*tch.’

There was a brief flash of horror in Sleesia’s eyes the moment she heard those words.

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