The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 259

90. Water Spirit

Perhaps the man’s pride got wounded from Davey hitting him with the Code of Law, one that he had carried and read his entire life.

“This… This is an insult! How dare you beat me with the Code of Law that I have read and studied my entire life?! I will never let this insult pass! I’ll have a discussion with the royal family!!! Your Highness! I will make sure to personally report this injustice that I have suffered!!!”

“You want to have a discussion with the royal family?”

“I did not volunteer in the Heins Territory under Count Orlsen’s recommendation just to suffer like this!!! You can’t do this to me! I came here to establish law and order!!! I’d… I’d rather you kill me!!!” The judge shouted in a fit of anger.

A dark and creepy smile slowly tugged at the corners of Davey’s lips.

At the same time, Monmider and the rest of the guards who were watching everything unfold by the sidelines turned pale.

“Right… Kill you.” Davey nodded in understanding. He tapped the Code of Law that was thicker than his hand all the while ignoring the angry shouts of the man. He then said, “Let’s see how long you’ll be able to endure this.”

“N… No. I, I mean…”



The judge’s eyes widened, enough for his eyeballs to pop out of their sockets.

Although he might just be getting hit with the Code of Law on his abdomen, the force and impact that he would suffer from would depend on just who was the one hitting him and what kind of material the book was made of.

The material of the book was only some thick and sturdy leather, but the one wielding it was no ordinary human being.

For someone like Judge Merdein, who was only an ordinary human, getting hit by Davey with the Code of Law would be some kind of hellish and torturous pain.

“Keheok! W… Wait a moment!!!”

“Weren’t you the one who asked me to kill you instead?”


Once again, Davey slammed the Code of Law into Judge Merdein’s body.

It was obvious that these hits would be enough to kill the judge, but he did not die. That was why he had no other choice but to go crazy and jump around…

“W… Wait!!! I was wrong. Your Highness!!! Spare… Spare me!!!”






Davey continued to slam the Code of Law on Merdein, creating a scene of harshness and brutality. However, none of the people present stopped him.

“If a man commits a sin with his hands, then cut their wrists off. If a man commits murder, then death shall be bestowed upon him.”


“It’s a Code of Law that exists in a different world. Of course, I’m not thinking of imposing such a strict and harsh law.”

All Davey wanted was for them to use their common sense. If they committed a crime, then they should prepare themselves to be punished. If they did good deeds, then they would naturally be rewarded accordingly. That was more than enough for Davey.

That was why these two men kneeling in front of Davey who dared to cross a line that they should never have crossed would never be free from the punishment of their sins.

Then, Davey reached his hand out toward the dying Judge Merdein and casted a holy magic upon him.

[Highness Heal]


Merdein’s battered body slowly recovered. Even his consciousness and spirit returned back to normal.

Realizing the situation that he was in and would continue to be placed in, Judge Merdein screamed and begged, “Please… Please forgive me!!! Your Highness! It was God! God is the one at fault!”

“Since you did something wrong, then you should be prepared to get beaten up!”



[Highness Heal]


A bright light suddenly appeared to swallow up Judge Merdein’s bloody figure, healing him and returning him back to normal.

“Ugh… ugh!”

Judge Merdein looked at Davey with a trembling gaze upon returning to his senses. Perhaps realizing that he would be hit by the Code of Law if he said something again, he held his tongue. In fact, he was already shaking from the sight of Davey alone.

“A judge, someone who should have been the greatest example of fairness, was blinded by greed and self-interest… Royal Attendant Bernile, is there a precedent to a case like this?”

“There has never been a case like this before… I believe no judge has ever been punished in our history.”

“Since there’s no precedent, then I can start and make an example for them.”

Royal Attendant Bernile murmured bitterly and worriedly, “Your Highness…”

For Monmider, this scene was not that big of a deal. As for Amy, who was studying about the territory’s internal affairs under Royal Attendant Bernile’s tutelage, this scene was completely terrifying.


“Yes… Yes, Your Highness!!!”

“Go back. I don’t need you to do this and witness this kind of thing.”

“But… But that!” Amy protested before rushing down with limp arms. Bowing toward Davey, she begged, “Your Highness! Please… Please trust me! I promise I will never let you down!”


“Please do not leave me out of consideration and allow me to do more work! I do not care about how rough or violent things go, I will make sure to repay the trust that Your Highness has placed upon me!”

Davey could see how grateful a person Amy was. After hearing her beg and cry for him to not leave her behind, he finally tossed the bloodied Code of Law away. He said, “There’s blood tainting this Code of Law. Burn it. As for those two, announce the sins that they have committed at the break of dawn and tell the public that they would be executed outside of the territory four days later. Make sure to spread the facts accurately.”

Just then, an unexpected person spoke up to question Davey’s orders.

“Brother…” Baris called out bitterly.

It seemed like he had been training late into the night.

And to Davey’s surprise, another unexpected person was accompanying Baris, who was dressed lightly and holding onto a wooden sword.

“Why are you still up this late at night, Princess Maria?”

“I…couldn’t sleep, but… I think I made a wrong turn somewhere,” Maria said calmly as she turned toward Judge Merdein, who was hanging in the air above them.

“It seems like I have shown you something very unsightly.”

“It’s fine. I believe it’s only right for the guilty to receive their just punishments…” Maria mumbled as she rubbed her eyes over her blindfold. She then asked, “Is this the guy? Is there really a judge who willingly allowed human traffickers to go crazy in the territory?”

“That’s right.”

“Then, why don’t you just do a public execution? In the plaza in the center of the territory, for all the public to see…”

“Baris,” Davey called out after hearing Baris’ question.

Davey beckoned for the younger boy to come closer. Once Baris was within reach, he lightly flicked him on the forehead.


Of course, a light flick from Davey still wouldn’t be weak.


Davey, who watched Baris groan and moan in pain, said, “You will be the king of this kingdom. You are going to be its ruler, Baris.”

Baris was not like Davey, so why did Davey throw away his shot at the throne? It was because a king always had to remain calm and composed even after being exposed to something dirty. Not wanting to see or do something like that, Davey had chosen to throw the position away.


“I’ll give you homework. Think carefully about why I chose to execute them outside of the territory and not in the plaza in the middle of the territory. Also think about why I only chose to notify the public about something like this.”

If Baris could find out the reason why, then he was capable of thinking on a much deeper level than anybody else.

Baris was rendered speechless for a long time after hearing Davey’s words.


The morning that arrived after the break of dawn was quiet yet lively. Davey felt that everything was energetic enough to overshadow the chaotic events that had transpired the day before.

“Brother… Excuse me… Where are we going?” Tanya, who was riding a horse and was trailing behind Davey, asked carefully.

“I’m going to show you a rare spectacle.”

Tanya nodded. “Hmm… If that’s the case, then I wish Baris would have come with us…”

Winley, who was riding beside Tanya, heard her sister’s murmurs. She said with a giggle, “That idiot seems to have stayed up all night trying to find the solution to some homework that Big Brother has given him.”


Although Tanya looked over at him nodding in confusion, Davey did not give in to her inquisitive look. He didn’t even offer her any hints.

Tanya then said, “I’ve heard all about it, Brother. Goodness, I did not expect them to try and do that in the Heins Territory…”

Winley cackled loudly as she caught up with Davey on her horse. Then, she asked quietly, “Can’t you tell me the answer?”

“No,” Davey said as he ruffled Winley’s hair.

Winley looked up at Davey tearfully, then groaned, “Ughhhh…”

In fact, there was no correct answer to the homework that Davey had given to Baris. However, Baris could gain very important perspectives and insights during the process of thinking about it.

‘What about you? Do you know?’

I know what you’re thinking.

As expected of Perserque, she had realized Davey’s intentions through the actions that he had chosen to take.

—But every situation has its own problems, Davey. Your thoughts and ideas can’t also be considered to be the perfect alternative either.

‘You have to know that there’s a big difference between having a choice and not having one.’

After sharing his perspective with Perserque, Davey promptly shut his mouth.

Not long after, Davey, Winley, Tanya, and Princess Maria, who was following Tanya, arrived at a wide open field that was near the lake.

In front of them was a seemingly ordinary lake and field, but the entire area already had plenty of people present. There were workers who had come to get a job. They were dwarves of the Yellowstone Tribe. Yulis, the youngest elder of the Red Tower, had also sent some mages in for support.

“Oh! You came, Wise Teacher. You didn’t have to come, since we’re still waiting for all of the materials to arrive. So, we still have to wait before we can start working.”

“Thank you for your hard work,” Davey answered leisurely as he dismounted from his horse.

Elder Golgouda just smiled broadly and guffawed. “Bahahahahaha! New technology is always interesting to me. But Wise Teacher, if we follow the designs in your blueprint, the construction process will surely be rough and slow, right?”

Davey nodded quietly.

Elder Golgouda was the leader of the Yellowstone Tribe, and the elder brother of First Elder Goulda.

“That’s right. As far as I recall, we have to deal with this huge lake to supply each and every single part of the Heins Territory.”

The construction was truly impossible right at this very moment. Even if Davey were to use magic to make it possible, the astronomical costs and the long construction period would be enough for him to wave the white flag of surrender.

“According to my estimates, construction will be done in ten years.”

Davey sighed bitterly.

“In fact, it would take up to thirty years at most. No matter how simple you’ve made the designs on this blueprint to be, there’s a limit to how much a living and breathing being could do.”

What they needed to do was to move the water in the lake somewhere else and lock it there for them to be able to build. Only after the building process was done could they release the water once again.

The design would then use several waterways to circulate the water and let it pass through hundreds of thousands of spinning wheels. And the spinning wheels’ movement would generate power and resonate with the mana stones to create mana power.

What Davey wanted to build here was a source of power. Now that water had been distributed properly in the Heins Territory, the next step was to create a source of power that would illuminate their streets. After all, it was an entire waste of money to buy large amounts of mana stones and install them one by one. Besides, the cost of maintenance was also crazy high.

That was why Davey wanted to invest in this. He needed to invest some of his time and money to create their own mana power, and then use the excess power to let the money roll in. One good example would be establishing the very first amusement park in the Tionis Continent.

“We will finish the construction work in a month.”

“I have seen the requirements and the intricacies of the blueprint… Is that… Is that even possible?” Elder Golgouda asked Davey with a somber look on his face after hearing Davey’s declaration.

No matter how much the elder thought about it, it was impossible for the dwarves to finish the construction work in that timeframe.

“Even if we do a piss-poor job at the construction, it will still be impossible to finish everything in a month. Just draining the water alone will take us half a year.”

Davey nodded in agreement. Walking forward calmly, he then said, “That would be true if we proceeded with the general and ordinary construction process.”

Winley, Tanya, and Princess Maria all looked at Davey. They wondered what exactly he was going to do.

“But when did I tell you that we’re going to do normal construction work?”


Once Davey snapped his fingers, the dark mana within him began to tremble.

Crack, crack, crack, crack!!!

At the same time, thousands of robed beings began to appear and walk forward. It was as if they had been waiting for this command for a very long time.

“Goodness… Bones?!”

“Are… Aren’t those skeletons?!”

The people around Davey shouted at the unexpected occurrence.

However, Davey did not care. After all, they were not the skeletons that he had created. They were simply his previous workforce, the ones that he had taken from the necromancer who had appeared in the Pallan Empire a while ago.

“Their numbers are small, but this should be enough to be considered a small labor force.”

Reinforced and strengthened skeletons could provide more labor since they had much more power than humans. They were also the ideal labor force since they did not need to eat or sleep.

“Aside from them, there were a lot of those bastards who dared to play some tricks inside the territory. We wouldn’t have that much of a problem when it comes to our labor force. Let’s make them do all the dangerous work.”

And what if they did not agree to work? Then, Davey would have no choice but to show them the majesty of the Code of Law once again. Besides, he knew how to handle the whip well too.

Not long after, Elder Golgouda nodded and said, “That’s true… The situation will change if we have thousands of laborers joining us… But…to finish it in a month…”

Davey simply shook his head, then said, “Winley, Tanya, I told you I’d show you a rare spectacle, right?”

Winley nodded. “That’s right. Brother?”

“What are you going to show us?”

Davey smiled at his two cute sisters who had curious expressions on their faces. He took out the materials that he had prepared beforehand from his Pocket Plane. Around five or six pale green stones appeared in front of Davey.

“Brother? That…”

Instead of answering Winley, Davey simply threw the pale green stones in the lake. Each and every single one of those stones was quite expensive, but it was not that hard to make. After all, Davey only needed to nag and force Gnoass to make some.

Then, as if to personally give them a performance, Davey raised one hand up. He put his palm up with his fingers spread out.


A light green energy appeared and surrounded Davey as spirit mana emerged from deep inside him. The act of summoning a spirit was a rare spectacle in and of itself.

“What are the chances that a human will witness the summoning of a Spirit King in their life?”

After hearing Davey’s comment, both Winley and Elder Golgouda widened their eyes in shock. They finally understood what Davey intended to do.

Meanwhile, Tanya was sporting a very confused look on her face. She looked like she was doubting her ears when she heard the words ‘Spirit King’ being said.

“Ha… I see… The Wise Teacher is truly a gentleman who does things beyond a human’s common sense.”

“Now… I’m more curious about the things that my brother cannot do.”

Davey completely ignored the two who were mumbling about how he would never fail at anything that he set out to do. He went on to release the surging spirit mana toward the lake. Gnoass’ power alone was not enough to make this construction possible, so Davey intended to summon one more.

In an instant, the same magic circle appeared under Davey’s feet and the center of the huge lake. Meanwhile, strong winds blew all over the place.

[In the name of the God of Origin, the one who encompasses the entire world.]

[The coldness that flows according to the oath.]

[The one part of nature that is free, transparent, and holds no shape.]

[Your coldness is a symbol of warmth… Your…]

Davey spoke with a frown on his face.

“Bro…ther?” Tanya asked Davey with a worried look on his face.

Noticing Tanya’s reaction, Davey only frowned even more. He muttered, “Ah… Uhm… What’s the chant for summoning the Water Spirit King again…?”

—Davey, are you out of your mind? There’s no way that you have forgotten the chant…

Listening to Perserque’s comment, Davey furrowed his brows. He didn’t like that she sounded so surprised. Feeling impatient, he quickly yelled, “Ah, I don’t know! Let’s wing it and go informal!”

At that moment, the lake’s calm surface began to ripple and sway wildly. It was as if someone was throwing a temper tantrum.

[My name is Davey O’Rowane.]

[Your name is the source of water.]

[I am calling you as your contractor and hope that you pop out as quickly as possible.]

Everyone watched a huge power swirling in front of them with tense expressions. They hadn’t been there when Davey had summoned Gnoass. For Winley, Tanya, and Elder Golgouda, the summoning of the source of nature itself in the form of a Spirit King was a truly mysterious sight to see.

Davey then uttered the final word that would allow them to witness this rare spectacle.


The Water Spirit King looked exactly like a human woman, except she was all blue and watery. However, if one looked closely, she looked quite similar to a female slime that Davey had seen in this red-labeled book in his past life. And of course, Spirit Empress Yuriana had thought the same as Davey and had given her that nickname.

The nickname was the combination of Water Spirit King Ellaim’s name and the word slime. Davey was sure that the nickname would make Water Spirit King Ellaim furious. He even had to wonder if she would not come out to keep her pretty face and dignity intact, but she had properly bit on Davey’s aggressive bait.

—How dare you call me by a rude and vulgar name like Slaimmy, you bastard?!

The Water Spirit King? How long had it been since Gnoass had been summoned? Did they think that Davey still could not call for them as he wanted?

“Right, come out. Come right out and work as my slave,” Davey murmured.

The waters in the lake rippled wildly, with crashing waves that sprayed cold water on Davey’s face. It was just like a child throwing a tantrum.

“That lady has a nasty temper.”

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