The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 288: Mage Tower Conference

Davey took a long time to get to somewhere secluded and quiet. Only after seeing that nobody was around did he put Reina down.


Reina, left with no strength to stand properly, fell to the ground. She sat there blankly before looking up at Davey in disbelief. She muttered, “Just now… What the hell happened just now…?”

“Look at your feet.”

Reina quietly lifted the hem of her skirt. What she saw beneath her clothes made her eyes grow wide in shock. “What the hell is this…?!”

“What do you think will happen if a foreign substance enters a human body?”

Whenever an antigen entered the body, the body’s natural course of action was to produce antibodies. In other words, the laws of the world had begun to reject Reina’s existence. God’s Will and the laws of the world were two separate matters in the end, even though the laws had been created by God’s Will.

“Then… I…”

“That’s right. You’re being forgotten. I told you, you’ll regret it.”

Reina turned pale, thinking that she had lost everything.

She must have grown quite attached to her party without her knowing it. Those people were certainly the comrades who she had fought life and death with in her world. However, in this world, they were nothing more than inexperienced people who had never met each other before.

“This can’t be… Can’t be…” Reina murmured sadly at the thought of disappearing without anyone remembering her.

“In the first place, you already expected something like that to happen, right?”

Reina looked up at Davey with wide eyes. She protested, “This… This is not the result that I was hoping for… Ugh!”

She stood up…only to fall back down and collapse on the ground. She trembled from her strong emotions.

Lifting her back up, Davey carried Reina to her room, laid her on her bed, and sat beside her.

“…” Reina remained silent as she laid in bed.

“Your physical body doesn’t have any problems, but your consciousness will slowly fade away. It’s hard for you to stand up now.”

“I’m…dying right now.”

“That’s right.”

With a smile devoid of hope, Reina slowly raised her arms to cover her eyes. She gritted her teeth and said, “I don’t want to die…”

It had only been a week, but she had lived the happy life that she had lost.

“I don’t want to be forgotten…”

“This happens to everyone.”

“Will you forget me too?”

Choosing not to reply, Davey simply moved Reina’s arms away from her face. He looked at her tear-streaked face.

“Why me…? Why come now…?”

“You regret it, no? You think everything was useless, right? You think that living for revenge was not worth it, right? If you did not recklessly run to get your useless revenge, you would have been able to live a bit longer than this.”

Reina bit her lips, but she couldn’t defend herself. She could only agree with Davey, who spoke the truth. “Yes…”

“You did not need to freeze to death. And if someone dared to hit you on the cheek, you should slap them strong enough to send their teeth flying.”

She was not a Saint or a Saintess, no?

Reina slowly turned to look at Davey, who said, “Good job.”

“I want to live… I don’t want to die…” Reina said, raising herself up and reaching for Davey desperately. “How much time do I have left?”

“Around two hours?”

“Please hug me,” Reyna said as she struggled to get up. “Even if everyone forgets about me, I don’t want to forget. Although it was only for a very short moment, you still showed me the light.”

Even if alone, she wanted to have a happy dream until the very end.

“It was only a short time, but I will never forget the light that you have shown me.”

Davey waited for Reina to bury herself in his arms.

“Before you forget me…”

Now, the existence of Warrior Reina would be completely forgotten in the Heins Territory and the entire continent. Perhaps the achievements that Reina and her party had made would be remembered in a different way.

Seeing that Davey did not do anything, Reina’s hopeless smile grew deeper. She murmured, “You were right. Thank you…for remembering me until my very last moments in this world.”

She grabbed Davey’s arms and added in a tearful voice, “Even if you forget everything, I will make sure to remember you. I will remember you if the Goddess would give me the precious opportunity to enter the cycle of reincarnation.”

‘I will never forget this feeling.’

Davey silently flicked Reina’s forehead and sent her falling back down on the bed. Then, as if pouring cold water on her burning emotions, he said bluntly, “What bullshit is that?”

Reina said in surprise, “Yes?”

“I won’t be able to forget you,” said Davey. When Reina fell silent, he added, “Even if I wanted to forget you, I won’t be able to do so.”

Davey was an existence beyond this world’s providence. He would not be able to forget anything. In a way, this could be called a curse, something that actually brought him pain.

Davey, who had his eyes closed, slowly opened them. His eyes, which used to be red, had now turned to blue as he said, “You want to live?”

After a moment of silence, Reina said, “Those words are very cruel. So what… I want to live…”

With tears in her eyes, she kept murmuring, “No, if I must speak my true feelings… I don’t want to die… If I can live, then I want to live…”

She had finally found a good life, a happy life. If she could, she would want to keep living like this. Her desire for happiness had grown by far too much. It was far too much for her to feel at a moment like this.

“Then, clench your teeth and hang in there.”

Reina’s eyes grew wide in surprise just as a large magic circle appeared beneath her bed. Then, it disappeared from sight.

“You said that you don’t want to be forgotten. Don’t you know? Miracles can happen to anyone.”

“It wouldn’t be called a miracle if it simply happened to everyone… Anyway, thank you. If I remember you, then I will give my life to you,” Reina said with a smile as she slowly faded into the light.

Watching Reina disappear, Davey said, “Didn’t I tell you? I have a close relationship with you in this world.”

Reina, who was slowly disappearing into the light, smiled and nodded at Davey. “Please take good care of me.”

With that, Reina disappeared completely. There was no saving someone who did not have any choice but to die. After she disappeared, only a small ball of light was left. Just like that, she had been forgotten by everyone.

The one whose body and soul had separated from the providence of this world was Davey, not Reina. And this world’s providence had seen her completely use up her soul. That was how she disappeared.

Davey was the only one who could remember Reina. Perhaps there was not even another soul who could remember this very day.

Although he found this situation to be quite annoying, Davey still silently picked up the ball of light that Reina had left behind.

The ball of light was none other than a brilliant white stone shrouded in bright light. However, it was not a simple gem. It was something that had been created by the soul’s firm decision.

Reina would think that she had been completely wiped out. However, she was still able to leave behind something, a fragment left by a sacred soul that had made many noble sacrifices. Unbeknownst to her, she had left behind something that was uniquely hers. And Davey did not miss it.

Since there was still an existence who remembered her, as long as she had the lingering desire to live, then magic would still have an effect on her.

[9th Circle]

[Great Law’s Limit]

[Laplace’s Key]

Davey would not be able to do anything against the laws of this world, but he had found another way to make this work after fighting against Nyx.

—Hmm? Davey? What happened? Why do you look like that?

“It’s nothing.”

However, the entire process would take quite a while. If Reina still had the will to live when the time came, then Davey would do his best until the very end to save her.

At this point, it was made obvious to Davey why the Goddess had used the word ‘salvation’ when making a deal with him. He also could not judge the situation carelessly, since he was aware of the weight of that very word.

At the same time, in the status window floating in front of Davey, the items related to the ‘Final Salvation of the Poor and the Pitiful’ disappeared completely from sight.


Even Perserque and Rinne could not remember Reina after she had disappeared. Just like that, the world continued to go on like usual. The achievements that Reina had made remained, but people remembered those feats as something that Davey had done.

The situation became more troublesome for Davey after that, but he was seen as the Saint who had direct communication with the Goddess, so nobody doubted him.

In fact, it was a funny situation. It was just too easy getting rid of all the traces that someone had left behind. It was as if everything had been a dream.

“Brother, I received an invitation from the Mage Tower. It’s from Yulis.”

Yulis was the youngest elder of the Red Tower and was of similar age to Reina. He was a humble genius who gave off a very gentle aura. It had also been a long time since he last contacted Davey.

“Princess Maria and Sister Tanya both went to the Moon Forest, because they like the bow and are very interested in elven archery. From what I heard, Miss Yuria had officially invited the two to visit the forest.”

Baris, on the orders of the King, had returned to the royal palace to start dealing with state affairs.

The only one left in the Heins Territory was Winley, who just received an invitation at the perfect moment. She exclaimed, “Goodness! This is good news. Brother, I will go to the Red Tower!”

Davey, who quickly processed the documents in front of him, paused. “The Red Tower?”

“Yes. I heard that Yulis will be officially presenting his thesis in a conference in the academy. I’ve been invited to attend! This is like a dream! Ah, but from what I heard, only the best of the mages can attend…”

Even if she looked young and energetic, Winley was still a 4th Circle mage. It would not be strange for her to be interested in magic and magical items.

“Good for you,” Davey said, slowly getting up from his seat while looking at the dormant lumps of flesh on the petri dish on one side of his desk. He then said, “I have a commission for the Red Tower, so I’ll personally take you there.”

The Red Tower was not really that far away from Davey’s territory. However, this particular request he wanted to make had to be done personally.

Why couldn’t he just call for the representative of the Red Tower’s branch here? Well, it was because Davey did not need some mage in the Red Tower. The one he needed to talk to was none other than Hellison Valestia, the Red Tower’s mage who was hailed as the 7th Circle Great Sage. Only a mage at that level would have the materials that Davey needed to deal with this damned Abyss creature right here.

“Brother, will you go with me? Well… It doesn’t matter. The letter also said that you can come if you’re interested.” Winley waved the letter at Davey happily

Davey nodded. “If it’s the academy…”

“Aren’t you looking forward to it?!” Winley asked with her eyes sparkling, as if waiting for Davey to agree with her.

Davey simply nodded in agreement.

The academy was a place where outstanding mages would gather together to discuss and debate their knowledge of magic. The conference was a very huge event where all three of the mage towers in the continent would come together to discuss the limits of magic. In essence, it was a gathering of extremely proud people.

Well, it could be seen as more of…a kindergarten’s talent show?

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