The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 320: The Unfortunate Warrior Opens Her Eyes

Just looking at Rinne standing alone and towering over the young students, who all laid on the field, was enough for anyone to deduce what had happened.

“I… I don’t want to anymore…”

“So terrible…”

“It’s a disaster… A disaster…”

The students had given up on hiding their hideous appearances after having gotten hit and overwhelmed by consecutive CS Nausea Bullets. The second raid had clearly been on an entirely different level from the first raid.

The unidentified metal golem’s offensive had easily shaken off the students, who had already been in a miserable state with tears and snot running down their faces due to the earlier raid. Its offensive had been so terrible that the students had wanted to scream if their instructor actually intended to kill them.

Left without a choice, the students had to release all of the superhuman powers that had slumbered in their bodies for their own goal of survival and flight. The students had no other thoughts than about their own survival.

However, the one who had brought the deepest despair to the students had been the expressionless silver-haired girl. The metal tool in her hand became a vicious weapon once she was using her arm strength. The most appalling fact was about her magical defensive power, which was extremely outstanding and capable of rendering all of the students’ attacks useless.

“Rinne, very satisfied. Exercise is very stress-relieving. Rinne evaluates this highly,” Rinne said to herself proudly with her chest puffed up and her hands on her waist.

Looking over at her, the students lying on the ground felt angry. They questioned why they had to go through something like this.

“Look here! What the hell did we do wrong…? Heup!” one of the students bravely shouted at Rinne and expressed his dissatisfaction.

However, he soon freaked out and backed away after collapsing once again on the ground.

“Davey’s orders. Rinne is just carrying out orders.”

Although the silver-haired girl did not appear to be angry, the students met her eyes and immediately stopped complaining. They felt like any more complaints would only send them back into another round of hellish nightmare.

“Davey,” the silver-haired girl, Rinne, said softly.

The students immediately followed the girl’s gaze and saw a boy approaching from afar.

“In… Instructor!”

“What the hell is this?!”

Looking at the students suspiciously and sensing their dissatisfaction, Davey asked, “Rinne, why do they still have the energy to talk?”

“Rinne failed to adjust the difficulty properly. Rinne requests for an opportunity to make up for this mistake.”

“Do as you please.”

The students all turned pale when they heard Rinne and Davey casually throwing out their death sentence like that.


In the end, the students of Class F were only able to return to the lord’s castle after they had been pushed and tortured to the point of exhaustion. They all looked ready to keel over except for Josiah, who only looked slightly tired and could still walk normally.

Davey gathered the students in one place and used his holy mana to help them recover from their physical exhaustion and injuries.

Seeing the warm and cozy holy mana wash over them, the students’ expressions only turned darker.

“It’s been confirmed…”

“Holy magic…”

Their dark expressions morphed into shock. It was not a lie. They truly realized that Prince Davey was the Saint.



Josiah Frances seemed to have been waiting for this moment. She approached Davey, looking up at him with hesitation in her eyes.


“Did you feel the desire to suck blood?”

Josiah flinched at Davey’s question as if he had hit the nail on the head. She asked, “What the hell is this? It was fine at first, but… After a few days, I kept on thinking about you, Instructor.”

“I don’t have any interest in kids.”

“But there’s not much difference between my and the Instructor’s age, you know?”

“I don’t care.”

“Please…give me blood,” Josiah said, her eyes turning red as she grabbed Davey’s arm. She said, “I can’t take it any longer…”

Clang, clang, clang!

Momentarily losing her sense of reason, Josiah jumped on Davey, sat on him, and both of them fell over. She began to sniff his neck and her lips parted slowly. Her fangs soon appeared to pierce through his skin. It was as if she was moving on instinct.

Davey wasn’t surprised by this. Even if her awakening as a vampire had been stopped midway, Josiah was still a vampire who instinctively knew how to suck blood. Since she had turned into a vampire, she could not withstand the desire to drink blood.

However, the fact that vampires could not live without blood was untrue. Josiah was not an ordinary vampire but the Vampire Lord, the pillar of their race. She was an existence that was a disaster in and of itself.

Simply put, Josiah was an existence that Davey would have a hard time dealing with if he did not prepare well once she awakened properly in a few years time.

“Instructor… Haa… Haa… I can’t take it any more,” Josiah panted, looking down at Davey with a red face.

When Davey pushed her forehead away with his palm, there was a strange glint in Josiah’s eyes. However, it also felt slightly different. She looked at Davey not with a craving for affection but in a way that a predator would look at prey.

“Instructor, I’m not sick. It’s alright.”

“You… Are you telling me that you have sucked a human’s blood?”

Davey had to know the answer to this question. Thankfully, the girl shook her head in response.

“Ah, I don’t know… I just know about it…”

“Where did you learn such a perverse thing?”

—I’m sure it’s from you.

Davey immediately slammed Josiah’s forehead away at Perserque’s words.


Giving Josiah a stern look, Davey grabbed her by the head before twisting his fists against her temples.


Josiah’s eyes grew wide at the sudden burst of pain, struggling fiercely against Davey’s hold. However, he did not let go.

“What big talk for an unmarried woman, no? It seems like you’re willing to be hugged by any man, huh?”

“Kyaaaack! W… Wait!”

“What? You want my blood? Do you know how expensive my blood is? And you just came here to collect it like this?”

“You… You said that you’d give it to me!!!”

Josiah, who had shown ridiculous behavior to someone of the opposite sex, was red with shame and ended up bursting into tears. At this point, Davey had already let her go. She ended up crying for a very long time.

Who would consider someone like her as the head and leader of an entire race? What with her hiccuping and crying? In fact, Josiah was someone who had an outstanding and calm personality. However, in the end, she was just a child. There was still much left for her to learn to become the leader of her race.

“Josiah Frances.”


“Take this,” Davey said as he threw a pack with waterproof magic casted upon it. He continued, “Never use your fangs directly to someone’s neck. No. Just don’t suck anyone else’s blood. You can only drink mine.”


“The more blood you drink, the farther you get away from your humanity.”

Josiah’s eyes grew wide at Davey’s words. She asked, “Is, is that true?”

“I would like to say that it’s a lie. However, this is the reality of your situation.”

Vampire Lords would not change just because they sucked blood. However, Josiah was currently in a transition period and was undergoing plenty of changes in a short period of time. Everything from mass accumulation of power to a drastic increase in physical abilities and sharper instincts, everything was changing in her. That was why Davey believed that it was necessary to give her an early education.

“However, I can’t forget the taste of your blood, Instructor. Do you know how hard it is to endure that? I want to quit the academy and stick by your side, so I can stick my fangs in your neck whenever I want,” Josiah said with a bright expression on her face while putting a straw in the pack and sucking its contents.

“You remember the taste of my blood?”

“I’m drinking it right now.”


Josiah immediately shook her head when she saw Davey’s expression cool down. She explained, “T-That. I don’t actually remember it, but… How should I say this? There’s this voice ringing in my head that keeps on telling me that I have to suck the Instructor’s blood.”

It seemed like her instinct itself was not going anywhere. However, it was clear to Davey that her complete awakening as a Vampire Lord was proceeding faster than he had expected.

—It’s quite strange. The speed, I mean. Davey, I think there’s a huge change in their race itself.

‘For example?’

For example, the radicals are far more than the moderates right now. Even though they’re radicals and have turned against their lord, it does not mean that they aren’t vampires anymore. Davey, you know that Vampire Lords are not appointed through an election. An individual will be born to take on that position.

Davey nodded quietly at Perserque’s words. Perhaps it was truly the existence of the radicals that was making Josiah instinctively uneasy so she was moving on instinct. In other words…

“A bomb just went off.”

It was like saying that something huge had happened among the radical vampires, one large enough that they could not handle it. Davey believed that those vampires had already noticed this fact and were trying to hide it from him.

However, Davey had a biological radar that could feed him their situation in real time, and that radar was none other than the Vampire Lord herself.


“It’s nothing. Drink everything and go back to your room. I have already told Attendant Bernile to prepare rooms for you. Wipe your mouth before you go.”

Josiah was not a young child yet she talked despite still having blood in her mouth, “But I want to stay here longer.”

Davey said with a frown, “If you don’t want to get hit, then go.”

“Well, I’ll go.”

Davey’s expression hardened, his gaze turning stern as he watched the rascal step back without any hesitation. He said firmly, “Josiah.”

“Yes… Yes?”

“Do not waver, ever.”

Hearing Davey’s solemn words, the gears in Josiah’s head turned quickly as she tried to decipher the meaning of those words. However, in the end, she gave up and just smiled. She said, “Yes.”

After watching Josiah leave, Davey headed straight toward his underground private laboratory where Reina was currently asleep.


“Back when I attacked them, I planted two bombs on the important materials that they were transporting. I haven’t heard from one of those two yet, but I’m sure that the other one has already exploded.”

It was something that Davey did not have to think over. After all, the fact that Josiah’s awakening was proceeding faster and her desire for blood had increased was proof enough.

For the vampires, their lord and monarch was bound by their entire race. In other words, if their race ever turned unstable, their lord would also be able to experience the effects of that instability albeit only slightly. Even though Josiah still hadn’t completely awakened, she was most definitely their Vampire Lord.

—Davey, more than that. Can we throw that away now?

Perserque said as she pulled Davey’s collar and pleaded. She pointed at the test tube containing the purple severed tentacle that was recuperating on its own. It was exactly what Davey had pulled out from the Abyss.

“I still have a lot of things to test and take note of.”

It was thanks to this creature that Davey was able to create that Mana EMP. If he did not have what he needed, then he could replace it with something else.

Without access to the necessary materials for the Mana EMP, he had replaced it with the tentacles that could ignore the rules of this world. It was also thanks to this lump of flesh that Davey was able to make the vampire-only zombie virus that he would spread with the help of the Alpha Reinforcement.

“Well, I’ll probably throw it away after…thirty years?”


Perserque, who was experiencing physiological disgust from the tentacle, shook her head as if she felt sorry for it.

—How unfortunate. Why did you let yourself get caught by this bad man…?

“I never let go of anything that’s already in my hands, Perserque.”

Perserque waved her hand as if she wasn’t interested in what Davey was saying.

—So, what are we doing here?

“Because it’s time to wake Reina up. I was going to leave her for a bit longer, but we don’t have any more time,” Davey said calmly as he looked at the woman sleeping inside the tube.

Her white hair had been tainted blue, turning it into a beautiful and pale sky blue color.

Davey drained the solution from the tube, opened the door, and took Reina’s body out. Then, he wrapped her body with cloth before casting magic.


“We’re going to Hyeon Kingdom.”

This was because Davey had a piece of land in Hyeon Kingdom.

—In the Guardian Deity’s Forest…

“It’s the perfect place to create a sanctuary.”

—Is there really a need to make a sanctuary?

“There is. Perserque, you should stop thinking that I’m fighting the vampires because of some twisted sense of justice.”

—No matter what you say, I still have no idea about what you want to do with a sanctuary.

“It’s not that far. You’ll know it when you see it.”

Davey still held a grudge against the vampires. However, his goal had not changed since the incident at the Duchy of Felicity.

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