The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 437: Psychopath

Chapter 437: Psychopath

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!!!

Sparks appeared in the empty space as it was torn apart, revealing a landscape from a world with the same concentration of mana as the previous one. However, unlike the ruined world before, this one was peaceful.

Davey walked silently in the dark forest. After a few minutes of walking, he knelt down and gently rubbed a handful of soil between his palms.

‘Right. This is how it feels.’

A worn-out smile appeared on Davey's face as fatigue washed over his entire body. He felt unusually exhausted since he had been unintentionally thrown into another world and left there for a considerable amount of time.

[This place... has the same mana concentration. Yes, this is the place where I first met you.]

"That's right. How about Imperial Princess Aeria?"

[I can't sense anything wrong with her. However, it seems like you have achieved what you wanted to do.]

"I see."

[More importantly, there's one thing I need to tell you, Davey.]


[It's about that girl.]

Megalodria, who had been freed from the erosion that plagued his reasoning, looked silently at the sleeping Aeria in Davey's arms.

[There's a second life there.]



Megalodria, who had been worried about this matter for a very long time, turned into light and disappeared. He transformed into a card and settled back into Davey's hands.

"I need to find a way to get you out of here."

Davey could activate and release Megalodria for a very short period of time. However, if he remained outside for too long, he might be taken over by Urd's erosion once again.

And there was only one solution to this: implanting Shane's genetic information into his body. Now that their transaction had been completed, Goddess Freyja should have already implanted the genetic information of Davey's teacher and mythical beast summoner, Shane Scrift, into his body.

How should he change it? Well, he couldn't use Taboo's Karma. The problem was that he was completely unaware of what kind of side effects would occur the moment it happened.

"Ughhh... Daddy..."

At that moment, two children popped out of Davey's Pocket Plane and hugged him. Perhaps it was because Davey's power had disappeared. So, Super Ribbon's fusion had loosened, and she returned into Blue Ribbon and Red Ribbon's cute and adorable forms.

"Yes, Blue Ribbon? Red Ribbon?"

"Red Ribbon is sleepy..." Red Ribbon looked exhausted.

It seemed like rubbing her eyes and mumbling like that was already a tedious effort for her.

Davey transformed the two into their sword forms and hung them on his waist before saying, "Let's go; we need to lift the red alert."

At the very least, Davey was sure that Urd would not make an appearance for a while.


In a pitch-black void, this place was once a thriving world. However, it had now become a world devoid of everything. How long had this world been like this? There wasn't even a trace of something in it, so it was evident that it had been this way for a very, very long time. At the very least, the situation had been like this before Urd woke up.

There were many worlds in every dimension, and the Abyss had been consuming these worlds one after another for a very long time.

"Ah…" A short black-haired girl, who was looking at hundreds of test tubes inside an empty crack in space, exclaimed, "Sleesia's dead."

Then, with her small lips, she murmured, "Big sister…"

The eyes of Skuld, the girl who was silently watching the test tubes, grew wide in shock at those words. It was truly surprising.

"Sleesia... You said that big sister saved you and told you that she would go to the guy that turned you into this and make him pay, right?"

Seeing Urd nod in response, Skuld pressed a button on the test tubes.

"Fu, fufufufu… Sleesia has died…" Skuld giggled as if she found it ridiculous. She then continued with a quiet and dreary voice, "Well. Sleesia was one of us…"

Skuld ended up murmuring the rest of her words. Then, she took off her glasses, throwing them away as she looked around.


"He's really strong… What should we do?"

Urd could only sigh and bow her head when she heard that flustered voice. She knew that the situation was grave. Sleesia, among all of the Princesses of the Abyss that had their own will, held overwhelming power. Yet her sister was telling her that she was killed by one human being?

"From what you said, he could never have killed Sleesia, even if he was very lucky. Right, big sister?"

That should be the case. However, it was obvious that he was hiding something that they did not know. And the death of Sleesia, who went to him, was a testament to that fact.

"We still haven't found Big Sister Verdandi. Are we going to be fine?"

Urd remained silent for a moment at that question. Then, she said, "Let's not touch his land for the time being. I don't care if the others die. I only need the two of you to be safe," Skuld said.

Urd, whose gaze had been blank since earlier, narrowed her eyes as she looked at the bottom of the test tubes that Skuld was observing earlier.

The death of one of the Princesses of the Abyss spread throughout the entire Abyss. Even in this endless darkness, a huge commotion had begun to stir.


Thump… thump…

The atmosphere surrounding Heins Territory was quite chaotic and messy. Rinne, who had faithfully guarded Heins Territory at Davey's command, began to doubt and question her own master.

"Rinne evaluates Davey poorly."

It was strange. She had obviously raised the red alert in Heins Territory, increasing tension throughout the entire region. It had been a few days since Davey had disappeared. Knowing him, Rinne faintly believed that there was no way he would die.

"Ugh…" A woman, tanned with a healthy glow to her skin, groaned. "What did the empire say?"

"Rinne received reports that the empire is planning to send a large-scale army. Rinne judges that this will likely cause an international conflict."

"We have to find her Imperial Highness right away. I can't lie down like this."

"These are Davey's orders. Prioritize your quick recovery. Although you have received recovery magic, Archbishop Alice has determined that your injuries were very severe. According to Miss Amy, the current proxy leader of the territory, no one is allowed to leave Heins Territory during a red alert."

There were quite a few high-ranking priests staying at Heins Territory because of the establishment of the Heins Academy. Even though they used their holy magic on the injured, completely treating their wounds was impossible.

"It has been determined that you were lucky enough that the parts that had been cut off from you were joined back together. Rinne suggests that you wait until Davey comes back."

"What if I still decide to go?"

"Rinne will overpower and subdue you."

Normally, Kathryn would say that she should not joke around. Rinne was strong, but Kathryn was stronger than her. However, in this injured state, it would be difficult for her to stop Rinne's irregular attacks.

"I'm going nuts. The empire must be in a huge mess."

Rinne rose from her seat after hearing those words. Then, with an indifferent look on her face, she pressed Kathryn's head back onto the bed and turned around.

"Rinne will do reconnaissance. Rinne says that you should make a quick recovery to join her."

"I will do so, as much as you want."

Rinne left Kathryn behind, entering the dark hallway outside. That was when she saw a girl approaching her silently. She was a very beautiful woman, more beautiful than any other being that Rinne had seen, with huge horns on her head, a testament to the fact that she was not human. From what Rinne had heard from Davey, her horns were removable. However, for some reason, she kept on wearing them.


“Don’t call me madame.”

“Then, Lady?”

“I don’t like Lady either.”

“How about Miss Per?”

"…Right. Let’s go with that," Perserque said weakly, a faint smile on her gaunt face.

"Miss Per, Rinne has detected that your heart rate is very abnormal, and your blood pressure is very low. Rinne evaluates that you need to seek immediate medical attention."

"No. I’m fine."

"Rinne has analyzed that Davey has a significant effect on Miss Per and her deteriorating physical condition. Rinne evaluates this poorly."

"I’m fine. I was once the Demon Lord; I can determine something like that myself."

Rinne looked at Perserque suspiciously, but the woman just bent slightly and hugged her, patting her on the back at the same time.

Perserque remained silent for quite some time. Then, she let out a sigh as if she was expelling all of the complicated feelings in her chest before standing up and leaving Rinne behind.

"I’ll go and search for traces of Davey’s energy a bit more. I’ll let you know as soon as I find him."

"Rinne has determined that Miss Per has not slept for days. Rinne highly recommends getting some rest. Rinne has analyzed that this has a very bad effect on Miss Per’s biorhythm."

"I’m fine."

Rinne looked at Perserque strangely as she passed by while murmuring to herself. In the end, all she could do was sigh.

Just one person had disappeared, but the entire territory was plunged into chaos and turmoil. Everyone, from the residents to the guards and even to the employees of the lord’s castle, was agitated. In fact, even the faculty members sent by each nation to the academy were also feeling restless and anxious.

It was very obvious that Davey had disappeared from this place for a moment. Rinne knew that there was a chance that he probably went somewhere using the dimension key. Assuming that he returned safely, they would be able to find him the moment he appeared. Until then, Rinne had to follow Davey’s orders and prepare for any possible attack.

"Interesting research material."

"Rinne is the living biological golem Rinne. Rinne is not interesting research material."


"Try to analyze and observe Rinne one more time, and Rinne will break your head open with Rinne’s weapon."

The pink-haired woman turned her eyes away from the expressionless Rinne after hearing her cold response. Then, she said quietly, "It smells like blood."


"That’s right. It’s very thick too. I have never smelled this much blood inside this territory before."

Rinne immediately strode away, opening her wings and rising above the ground. Then, she made eye contact with Milpieu and said, "Davey has been missing since he made the deal with you. Rinne has determined that your existence itself is very unpleasant. Rinne has judged that this is fierce rage."

"Shouldn’t you check this out first before everything else? I don’t really care about humans; they’re not my business anyway. But if the smell of blood is spreading in this place this much, then…"

"If it spreads, then what?"

"I’m no expert, but for the smell of blood to be this thick, I believe at least seven or eight people had been cut into pieces."

Horror appeared in Rinne’s blue eyes at those words.


Davey had obviously raised a red alert, and the entire territory was in a state of emergency. However, surprisingly enough, nothing had happened yet. In fact, there had been no raids or surprise attacks. In short, no other problems had occurred yet except for Davey going missing.

"It's here."

Rinne, who followed Milpieu’s guidance, looked at the empty warehouse that the vampire was pointing at. This warehouse was originally a place where they stored food and other supplies. However, since a new and bigger warehouse had been built, it had been slowly neglected and abandoned. So, there should be no one in this place.

"Elder Brain sending command. Open the warehouse doors."

[Dirro has accepted the orders.]

Dirro, the second biological golem that had taken the form of a man, stretched out his hands, which turned into a slime-like figure. The slime-like hands moved toward the tightly shut doors of the warehouse, and the doors opened casually.

Rinne was usually accompanied by either Megatron of the Decepticon Fleet or Annabelle of the Avengers Squad. However, Megatron and the Decepticon Fleet were currently patrolling the territory under camouflage mode. As for Annabelle? She had left the territory with Aina Helishana.

Because of that, she was now being accompanied by someone else who was similar to them. However, the substitute was quite efficient, which was why she did not have any complaints.

Aside from Dirro, Rinne was also accompanied by Monmider, the captain of the guards. Monmider appeared to have been trying to find the source of this situation and had been suspecting several figures, with the exception of Davey. His behavior could be said to be extremely loyal in his own way. However, Rinne just found it useless. So, she brought him to this place.

"Did you mean that there's something here?"

"Rinne is confirming something. Rinne demands Monmider to trust her judgment."

“No. No one said anything about me not trusting you. Tch.


They slowly walked into the creaky and empty warehouse, and as if the doors were acting as a seal, the thick stench of blood began to spread outside the moment they opened. Rinne looked at the dark interior of the warehouse silently. Not long after, a bright light poured out of her eyes, like a beacon in the darkness.

"Rinne evaluates her eyeshine effect very highly!" Rinne shouted enthusiastically about her abilities and quickly scanned the interior of the warehouse.

Then, her gaze stopped at one spot. What she saw was so terrible that even the expressionless Rinne frowned slightly.

"Just like I expected… the smell of blood was just too thick. I am confident about my sense of smell, and I can smell the blood inside this territory. However, the question is, how did they hide the smell of blood so that it only leaked when it had already reached this point?" Milpieu murmured briefly to herself as she nonchalantly approached the huge figure that was being illuminated by Rinne’s eyes.

"This... crazy..." Monmider’s eyes grew wide from shock.

The scene was so horrific and vicious that he ended up vomiting on the ground. He was someone who had been trained with the sword and had seen blood for a long time. However, even someone like him could not stomach this tragic scene.

A dark-skinned man’s arm, a white-skinned young girl’s face, a muscular man’s lower abdomen, a slender woman’s upper torso, and many more. It was a horrific scene where at least seven to eight people’s body parts were sewn together.

Something like this happened in Heins Territory of all places? The worst part of this situation? The intention of the one who committed this grave sin. It was left so openly like this, as if they wanted others to see this artwork.

In fact, there was something engraved on the muscular man’s lower abdomen. It seemed to have been engraved by something very sharp.

"This is a very interesting behavior. As expected, humans are very disgusting, but I admit that you are all amazing."

[The First Movement: Delight]

A bone-chilling coldness started to appear on Rinne’s usually expressionless face.

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