The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 442: Traces of Outsiders

Chapter 442: Traces of Outsiders

What would happen if someone skinned a person alive using a sharp blade? The little girl who sold flowers to Davey in the plaza was fine. However, the girl’s mother was left in a dire situation. She had been tied up and mutilated by a man she had never seen before, right in front of her daughter.

She must have felt despair, fear, and pain back then. Whatever they felt, the fact that it was not easy for an ordinary person to endure would remain. That's why Davey asked Milpieu to erase their memories.

“Should I erase everyone’s memories?”

“Yeah, erase them so they won't suffer any trauma.”

Josiah could do it, but the girl had already used too much of her vampiric powers in one go. The more power she used, the faster her instincts would awaken. They had to be careful; any unnecessary use of her power would lead to her turning berserk and irrational.

So, instead of using Josiah's abilities, they opted for Milpieu to erase their memories. Davey could easily manipulate their brains and the memories stored within using illusion magic. However, there were a few races that could alter and manipulate one’s memories without leaving any side effects, a race just like the vampires.

Milpieu silently cut her hand with a knife and fed her blood to the victims before activating her powers. Not long after, the terrible memories disappeared from their heads.

Their wounds had healed, and their memories had vanished. Just like that, they returned to their normal lives. However, even though their memories had been erased, the fact that something like that had happened would not disappear.

“So, even this territory had a villain who deserved death! Wise Teacher! Please give me an opportunity too! I want to avenge my fellow dwarven men whom he murdered!”

It seemed that one of Grim's victims was a dwarf. The dwarf in front of Davey huffed and gripped his hammer as if he was about to break Grim’s head. Davey quickly intervened and spoke to the people around him.

“You should leave for now. I don’t intend to kill this scoundrel so easily.”

“What do you mean you don’t intend to kill this scoundrel? Are you saying you'll spare this damn scoundrel?!”

“If he dies, then that’s it.”

The dwarf's eyes widened at those words. Then, he nodded. “I see!”

He appeared quite agitated, especially with his trembling fists.

“Josiah, good job.”

“N-No. Well, if there's anything I can help with, I will. But... You're not just going to sweep this under the rug after taking advantage of me, are you?” Josiah Frances asked slyly, grinning when she saw Davey’s eyes twitch at her words. “So, as I was saying...”

“Well then, it's time for the kids to go back.”



Mana flowed out of Davey’s hands, which were gripping Josiah’s shoulders, as the scenery around them completely changed.

“Oh, my gosh!”

“It’s time for the kids to sleep. I’m sorry for making you witness such a horrendous scene.”

“No, what…” Josiah, perhaps feeling awkward, scratched the back of her neck and avoided Davey’s gaze.

“Then, Instructor!” Josiah shouted with firm determination after pondering for a very long time. It seemed like she had finally made her choice.

Of course, Davey used his space transfer magic and didn't even listen to her words.

“Blood… Please let me have a bit.”

Davey felt like she was asking him for a favor, but it didn't seem to be important, so he chose to ignore it for now.

The moment he returned to Heins Territory, he immediately lifted the red alert and ordered Chief Attendant Bernile and Amy, who were waiting for him, to prepare for the victims' funeral.

“You look very busy.”

“I brought a lot of things over from that side.”

Perserque smiled, flew up, and settled down on Davey’s head. Then, she tapped his head and smiled playfully. “You've worked hard, Davey.”

“I really have worked hard.”

Davey would normally have answered playfully. But this time it was a bit different. Plans for what he needed to do piled up one after another in his head, and he felt exhausted.

“You're worn out. The fact that you admit you’re exhausted means that you've used up a significant portion of your soul's capacity,” Perserque said, returning to her original form and gently resting Davey’s head on her thighs. “Just for a bit. Take some rest, just for a bit.”

“…” Davey rested his head on her thighs without any hesitation and closed his eyes.

“Right. There's no rush.” Perserque looked down at Davey with a mischievous expression on her face.


“We don't have any connection with each other, do we?”

“This is strange. Why can’t I log out...? Is this some kind of annoying and bothersome quest?”

“What use is it to you, asking me something like that?”

Grim frowned at Davey’s indifference from beneath his broken mask. But Davey did not care about that and looked around for the pistol he was using. No matter how much he examined it, it looked very similar to the pistols from Earth that he knew.

“Desert Eagle,” Davey murmured quietly to himself as he read the inscription written on the side of the gun with squinted eyes.

“How about putting down that dangerous toy, hmm?”

“Dangerous toy? Do you think I don’t know how lethal this is?”

“Ha! You uncivilized people wouldn’t even know how to handle that thing.”

“I can kill you with this. Well, let’s stop talking about nonsense and start exchanging necessary information with each other.”

“Kghk… Kefufufufufu. Do you think I’ll say anything?”

Since he did not feel any pain, he did not have any fear. And since he had a heart that would never die, he also did not fear death. Of course, Davey also had to wonder if death would stimulate him since he was someone who thought death was a natural part of the process.

Well, since Grim stirred, provoked, and entertained Davey, it was only natural that he returned everything in kind.

Clack… Bang!!!


Grim's expression changed when he saw Davey load the bullet into the magazine, pull the trigger, and fire the shot seamlessly. He stared strangely at Davey, who shot a bullet into his leg without any hesitation.

"Did you think you had already become an expert in killing people?"

“What are you talking about? I am only making art.”

“Art. Bullshit.”



Grim’s expression twisted when the bullet lodged in his arm. It seemed like he was finally starting to struggle.

Davey walked slowly, grinning as he loaded another bullet into the magazine. All of the bullets that Grim had left in the pocket by his waist? Davey would use them all.

"Felt unfamiliar? That’s what pain is."

"Keuk… Ugh… Heup.” Grim frowned at the sensation that he had never felt before.

"How… Do you know how to handle that? Furthermore… this sensation… this feeling…"

"Ah. Of course, one wrong move, and an ordinary person would die from this. But you're quite sturdy. You wouldn’t die so easily, would you? And you must be curious about this, right?"

Clack… Bang!!!

Another shot pierced through Grim’s body.

“If you’re curious, then keep on being curious, you m*therf*cker.”


Another shot caused Grim's body to twitch, and he gasped as he glared at Davey.

"In any era, artists are never persecuted, especially when they create something valuable. My hometown's history spans thousands of years and is a testament to this..."

"You scoundrel... Do you even know how a psychopathic killer like you meets his end on Earth?" Davey calmly said as he lightly grasped one of Grim’s fingers and applied pressure.


Simultaneously, a red energy slowly emanated from Davey’s hand, scorching one of Grim’s fingers. Terrible pain surged through Grim’s body, and he let out a scream. However, Davey turned away from him with an impassive expression.

"You will meet your demise here. Just so you're aware, I've disabled the logout function you seem so confident in. So, don't even entertain thoughts of escaping."

"You scumbag... So, you're not an NPC. Are you a player?"

"Did I appear as a player to you?"

Grim gazed at Davey with a mixture of confusion and disbelief. It was understandable, as in a world devoid of games, Davey's existence raised perplexing questions.

"That's absurd. According to your own words, this place is reality. But there are no games in this world! This means that your proficiency with the gun, your knowledge of the game's elements and systems — it's all a deception. How dare a data anomaly like you mock and scorn the supreme among all creations?!"

"Who ever told you that you are the supreme being among all creations? You're nothing more than an entity that could be considered a mutation…"


Davey fired another shot through Grim's unusual body. Grim's body seemed to regenerate, growing back if severed, while his injuries vanished after inflicting pain.

Davey surmised that Grim's body operated on a concept similar to HP in standard games. If more beings like him emerged, the continent might face substantial transformations. After all, they were entities that could resurrect even after death, never aging or tiring. They resembled a blend of angels, devils, or perhaps Nephalems[1]? Even a berserker's body wasn't akin to this.

"I have nothing to discuss with a savage like you who lacks any comprehension of my art."

Grim might have been disoriented by the pain he experienced for the first time in his life, but his intent to kill remained unwavering in his glaring eyes.

And for someone who preferred silence, numerous challenges awaited him.

A mana saw, dubbed Conversation.

A rapidly rotating mana drill, named Negotiation.

A whip crafted from drake bone and leather, known as Peace.

Lastly, a miniature mana cannonball called Mercy.

These weapons had all been fitted onto Megatron. However, they had been downsized from golem proportions to dimensions more suitable for ordinary individuals. Davey hadn't crafted them himself; it was the dwarves who, despite their initial trepidation upon seeing Megatron's equipment, had successfully modified and enhanced it.

"Do not equate art with ruthless and senseless murder."

"In my eyes, a scoundrel remains a scoundrel. And you, you are nothing more than detestable trash in my eyes."

[8th Class Holy Magic]

[High Recovery]



"Does it hurt? I shot you so you'd feel the pain."

"This is a crude action that lacks any purpose or reason!"

"But isn't that what you've been doing? Don't you think so too? Don't worry; you'll be seeing a lot of me for a very, very long time. You've lived the way you wanted so far, right? Then keep in mind that you won't be able to do that anymore."

Of course, Davey could dismiss the heinous and vicious weapons mentioned above. After all, a pistol was more than sufficient.


Would someone be called a psychopath if they had a similar reaction to normal and ordinary people? Of course not. It has to be understood that Grim was a true and genuine psychopath. The fact that he could not feel pain nor empathize with others' feelings was the telltale sign of this.

After venting his anger under the pretext of an interrogation, Davey shook his hand and observed Grim, who was moaning in pain but had not yet lost consciousness. In any case, Davey was sure that the man in front of him had lost a significant portion of his mental resistance by now.


Davey seized Grim's head and immediately employed dark magic. Many ghosts and spirits were still lingering around, unable to pass through and instead turning into grudges that clung to the space around Grim. The moment Davey raised his hand, the ghosts and spirits eagerly rushed toward him and clung to him.

"You've always been at the top, right? Always in a position where you could do anything to someone without facing the consequences? You know, I don't really care about the information that will come out of your mouth. It's not necessary for me."

Davey merely wanted to demonstrate to him how it felt to be on the receiving end of the actions he had inflicted on others.

"Research and studies on what changes occur in a person's brain when subjected to extreme stress and fear are considered taboo. That's why I didn't dare to approach that subject recklessly. However, it seems like luck is on my side, doesn't it?"

Grim had no choice but to cooperate with Davey on this. Not long after, the person who had lived for a very long time without knowing pain and had callously taken others' lives screamed desperately.


There was a specific reason why Davey took the time to torture and bully Grim. It was because the weaker his mental state, the more vulnerable he would become to Davey's probing.

"How is he?"

"It's just as you expected. No matter how I look at it, it seems like he truly is from Earth."

"Earth... but there shouldn't be virtual reality games on Earth, right?"

"Well, I delved into his memories here and there," Perserque said as she recounted what she had seen.

From Grim's memories, it was apparent that virtual reality technology had rapidly spread on Earth. Like fast-growing bamboo shoots, technology had started to develop quickly, leading to various fields springing up and flourishing. Among these fields was gaming. Earth's population thoroughly enjoyed virtual reality games like RPGs and FPS, and Grim was no exception.

As a psychopath who couldn't feel pain and lacked empathy, Grim had already killed others on Earth. However, the search for him had narrowed down, and he had no choice but to disappear. In the end, he hid behind the mask of art, satisfying his urge to kill inside the game.

Many aspects of the game felt remarkably realistic, which satisfied Grim immensely. But the problem began there. No one knew who created or distributed the virtual reality game, and while Grim explored it, he stumbled upon a bug.

From Davey's analysis, the bug acted as the gateway for Grim to enter this world. Once here, he carried out his art and evaded his pursuers by alternating between this world and Earth through extended logouts.

Something powerful enough to create dimensional shifts had also appeared. To be honest, Davey wouldn't have been too concerned if Grim were the only one experiencing this irregular phenomenon.

"I'm certain that's not the case at all."

"Yeah, it's too unnatural to be dismissed as a mere coincidence. There's a high chance that this is just the beginning."

Someone had intervened on Earth. Davey was sure it wasn't Goddess Freyja. However, if this entity had the power to interfere, create virtual reality games, and force dimensions to shift, then their motives likely extended beyond mere amusement. They must have a purpose.

Unfortunately, Davey had very little information to investigate this matter. He could attempt to go to Earth and investigate using his dimension key, but the truth was, it often sent him to random locations.

Davey and Perserque both pondered this dilemma with furrowed brows. That's when he sensed a familiar presence slowly materializing in the room.

"Just come in," Davey murmured softly as a man in a black robe appeared, as if he had been waiting for a long time. "Aina."

At Davey's words, Aina immediately returned to her original form, a slim dark elven figure, by touching her necklace. "How did you know I was here?"

"Because I can see you."

"But I've improved a lot compared to before."

"Don't get ahead of yourself."

Compared to Hermesia, a hero from the Hall known as the King of Assassins, Aina's abilities were child's play. How dare she think she could surpass Davey?

"Right. What did you find out with Annabelle?"

Davey had sent her to investigate rumors about Vedandi and the reports of an Immortal appearing in the small kingdom in the northern part of the Eastern Continent. Aina and Annabelle had been on this mission for a considerable amount of time.

"Let me tell you this, I think you'll be shocked... Do you want me to continue?"

"Shocked? Well, from the way you sound, it seems like you've found something significant."

"The people around... could you ask them to leave?"

At her words, Davey looked around. It appeared that Aina was referring to Rinne and Perserque, who had been eavesdropping since her arrival.

‘Well, there’s no problem then.’

"Continue. It doesn't matter."

Aina sighed briefly and tapped her face with her palm before continuing, "First, the person they were calling the Immortal was a woman named [Kuina]. She appeared to be around 17 to 20 years old. I tried to dig deeper since it seemed like she was using an alias, but I had no way of finding out her real name."

"Anything else?"

"There are also many questions regarding the Immortal's healing abilities. I've looked at different angles with Annabelle, but from what I could tell, the recovery ability she uses is quite different from holy magic."

‘Recovery magic and not divine magic?’

"And... To be honest, I don't quite understand what it's about, but I think I should tell you this first..."

"What is it?"

"She often says strange things like 'I don't like this class' or 'it's too hard to level up.'"

Davey didn't know what impact these statements might have if they continued to appear. That's why he wanted to prepare to get a head start. But as soon as he captured Grim, someone else appeared?

The atmosphere around Davey started to turn cold.

"It sounded like nonsense, but I couldn't just ignore it."

Aina didn't know about Grim, but when she heard those words, she couldn't let them go. In other words...

"I've seen phrases like those used all over the continent in the guild's records..."

'Oh my God, Goddess Freyja.'

Davey's forehead throbbed faintly. It seemed like signs of something troublesome were appearing once again.

1. Nephalem, a race in Diablo, offspring of an angel and a demon. 👈

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