The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 446: Complete Metamorphosis

Chapter 446: Complete Metamorphosis

‘My name is Ford and I am thirteen years old. I originally lived with my father, who was a tanner, and only did errands for a living.’

Honestly, Ford never anticipated such a turn of events. It was inconceivable that someone as humble and illiterate as him would find himself studying in a grand and magnificent institution, learning from illustrious educators.

According to the prevailing narrative, malevolent forces had emerged on the continent, prompting the nation to call upon its citizens for assistance. In response, Ford's father retrieved his grandfather's antiquated armor and sword, heirlooms concealed deep within their studio.

These relics were, in fact, woefully outdated, so ancient and deteriorated that they verged on being unsettling. Yet, commoners like them had no choice but to bear arms, even though the cost was so exorbitant that they could only pass these precious items from one generation to the next.

With the sword and armor, passed down through generations, in hand, Ford's father bravely ventured out to participate in the war. He even promised Ford a gift upon his triumphant return. Those were the last words Ford ever heard from his father.

Ford's mother had passed away long ago, and he had no siblings to lean on. Consequently, he was the sole survivor. Nevertheless, Ford was too young and inexperienced to follow in his father's footsteps and continue the family's tanning tradition.

During that time, the territorial lord approached him with the decision to dismantle their studio, filled with his father's memories, and replace it with a garden. Ford realized he had no recourse but to acquiesce. Only a fool would dare to oppose them, for he understood that defiance would inevitably lead to his demise.

In the blink of an eye, Ford lost everything. He was thrust into a life on the streets, begging for sustenance day after day. Existence became a torment, and as his emaciation grew more pronounced with each passing day, Ford resorted to desperate acts. He stole bread from bakeries and even relieved the pockets of unsuspecting passersby.

In just a matter of months, Ford underwent a profound transformation. Perhaps his father would shed tears if he could witness the sorry state of his son from above. Nevertheless, Ford harbored a tenacious desire to cling to life. He refused to forfeit the world his father had bequeathed him.

Regrettably, the world was far from accommodating. As was his custom, Ford resorted to pickpocketing, targeting the son of a high-ranking noble. In the end, he was apprehended and subjected to a brutal lashing, leaving him on death's doorstep, devoid of the willpower and strength to persevere. His body had been so brutally battered that he felt as though his bones were shattered, and his intestines were bruised and weakened. Agony consumed him.

What had Ford done to deserve such pain and suffering? For the first time, he felt a profound resentment toward the father who had left him in this unforgiving world. Wasn't it better for him to simply embrace death? Perhaps he was indeed being punished for his transgressions, just as his father had warned.

Just as Ford believed his demise was imminent, individuals clad in black robes suddenly materialized, halting the advancing knights. He strained to discern if they were nobles, but all he could perceive were their voices.

[Name: Ford. His father perished in the war against the vampires. He is the offspring of a distinguished man. Verified.]

One of the men extended a piece of parchment adorned with what appeared to be intricate, serpentine symbols. The nobleman's son retreated at the sight of this document.

Ford was spared, though he remained clueless about why they had intervened. Without further ado, he trailed the people who had come to his rescue, boarding a splendid carriage where he encountered numerous children in circumstances similar to his own.

‘Where on earth are we heading?’ This question nagged at Ford during the days he spent within the carriage.

Eventually, they disembarked in an entirely unfamiliar place. The locale was remarkably picturesque, with a vast stream of shimmering water suspended in the sky, adorning the territory without a single droplet falling. Additionally, a magnificent clock tower stood proudly in the center of the landscape.

‘Where is this place?’ Ford's query was only answered when he and the other children entered a resplendent palace—the Heins Academy.

Ford had asked because he had no prior knowledge of it, and the people he queried informed him that it was a school. Subsequently, Ford encountered several other children in similar circumstances and met a young man, slightly taller than himself, with jet-black hair, piercing eyes, and a mischievous grin.

To Ford's initial judgment, the young man appeared to be a noble, prompting him to bow his head promptly, fearing dire consequences otherwise. However, the boy defied Ford's expectations.

[I will never forget the peace and the contributions your parents made. Even if everyone else forgets, I will ensure that I remember. Once again, I welcome all of you. This is Heins Academy. This is the home I have prepared for you, your new starting point. Here, you will acquire the necessary knowledge and learn everything you desire.]

At first, Ford didn't grasp the full meaning of the speaker's words.

[Don't, even for a second, believe that learning and studying are meaningless. As long as you work hard, this place will undoubtedly help you achieve your dreams. Do you want to master the sword? Here, we will guide you to reach that level. Do you aspire to master magic? Then, we will unveil its secrets to you. Nothing is insurmountable. With unwavering determination, nothing remains beyond your reach. So, learn and study. Each one of you is precious.]

For reasons he couldn't quite fathom, Ford felt tears welling up and streaming down his cheeks.

‘Father. Can, can I follow him? Can I really stay in this splendid and majestic place?’

After the departure of the black-haired Saint, the prince, Ford and the other children were escorted by a maid to their accommodations. These lodgings were impeccably maintained, surpassing the standards of their humble childhood homes. They referred to it as a "dormitory."

They were then led to a restaurant where they could partake in a lavish meal, a luxury that had existed only in their dreams before. Much like Ford, the other children had endured hunger and now devoured their meals with an almost possessed hunger. Normally, such ravenous behavior would warrant reprimand, but no one scolded them. In fact, the staff merely smiled and encouraged the children to eat heartily.

‘Father, this must be heaven.’

It appeared that faith in the Saint, the bestower of this surreal existence, was blossoming in Ford's heart. After everything, he attended his first class.

In addition to learning to read and write, along with proper etiquette and manners, they were given the opportunity to acquire various small yet seemingly inconsequential skills. Ford's aspiration was to master swordsmanship, so he eagerly enrolled in the swordsmanship class and attended his inaugural lesson.

Their instructor was a knight renowned as a Sword Master. However, curiously, Ford couldn't shake a sense of unease upon seeing the peculiar and unsettling grin on the teacher's face, along with the firm grip on a potato.

[Welcome, newcomers. Fufufufufufu. Do any of you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you? Follow me, all of you. I will impart the ultimate purpose of the sword to you. Is there anyone among you who believes they lack talent? No one? Well, it matters little to me. I will ensure that each of you becomes something extraordinary.]

Upon their arrival, Ford and his friends had regarded the man with curiosity. However, Ford's friends had dispersed. Some had chosen to enroll in magic classes, while others had decided to study holy mana.

Despite the instructor's seemingly warm demeanor, Ford couldn't shake a peculiar sense of fear. And after a week...

‘S… Save me, Father.’


The mysterious gaze felt both strange and oddly familiar to Davey. He had experienced this very same gaze before.

It bore a striking resemblance to the gaze of the missing Observer who had granted him the final ten minutes of opportunity in the other world. However, simultaneously, it felt distinctly different. For some inexplicable reason, it sent a shiver of peculiar terror down his spine.

"What's wrong? Is there something out there?" Perserque queried, observing the sudden change in Davey's expression.

She reacted as if he had seen a ghost, but judging by her responses, it was apparent that he was the sole recipient of this unsettling gaze.

The gaze left Davey feeling both intrigued and uneasy. No matter how intently he scanned the surroundings, he couldn't pinpoint the exact source of the gaze. It had a peculiar, murky quality, as though it emanated from beyond the confines of this world they inhabited.


"It's nothing," he replied, though his unease lingered.

The gaze soon dissipated, seemingly satisfied with whatever it had observed.


"Rinne, awaiting orders."

"Scout the surrounding area. If you encounter anything suspicious, subdue it. If there's resistance, handle it as you see fit. There shouldn't be... any issues."

"Rinne highly values your trust!"

As Davey watched Rinne disappear on her scouting mission, he stepped into the fray, activating his status window using the Abyss' Authority. He possessed more than 120 metamorphosis stacks, a quantity he believed to be more than sufficient. However, to be honest, he was uncertain about how to utilize them.

Nonetheless, he was confident that he could find the information he needed through research. And the answers were right there in the title window.

[Half Metamorphosis]

(A title given to those that knocked on the door of evolution and metamorphosis by themselves.)

Can undergo metamorphosis by paying a special price upon consumption.

—Materials needed for complete metamorphosis are in possession.

‘I knew it. It’s similar to lifting a ban.’

Davey was not sure if the term existed in this world. Nevertheless, he jumped into the space that he secured and activated the title without any hesitation.


At the same time, dim and vague characters began to flash in front of his eyes.

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—Confirming the conversion of the title ‘Half Metamorphosis to Complete Metamorphosis’ by using the required number of Metamorphosis Stacks in possession. Initiate conversion?


Davey raised his hand gently toward the phrase, which appeared in front of him and asked him, much like a game system would.


Then, a small grayish and translucent cauldron appeared in front of him.

‘What in the world is this?’

Additional elements can be added to the process of metamorphosis. Would you like to add something else?

With those words, light started to engulf Davey’s body.


It was a power with a structure he had never seen before, yet it felt strangely familiar. It was God's Will, a title bestowed upon him by Goddess Freyja, the one who had twisted the rules of this world. In simple terms, this power was God's Miracle.

"Urk?! My eyes! Davey?!" Perserque exclaimed in surprise.

Ignoring Perserque's startled cry, Davey narrowed his eyes to examine the power that emanated from his body—a twisted ladder.

‘A twisted ladder, huh? Then, it’s a large fragment of DNA, no?’

Davey could instinctively discern the nature of this object. It was none other than the genetic information of Shane Scrift, one of Davey's teachers at the Hall of Heroes and the Mythical Beast Summoner and original owner of the currently sealed Megalodria.

‘So, it was in my body, huh?’

The fragment of DNA, composed of light, departed from his body and was drawn into the cauldron. At that moment, Davey grasped what he needed to do. He began retrieving containers filled with water from inside his pocket plane. These containers held none other than the divine mana water he had acquired from the final room of the Prugrepf Royal Kingdom, just before the stone chamber where the cursed deceased resided.

Davey poured out all the precious water he had obtained, emptying the containers in the precise location indicated by the Observer. If he didn't utilize it here, he surmised there would be no other purpose for it. So, he spared no expense. The cauldron consumed everything, resembling a black hole, as soon as Davey opened the containers.

‘Should I also include the Silver Chime?’ Davey contemplated, thinking of the Silver Chime he had obtained by saving the cursed dead upon his return to the original Tionis Continent.

The Silver Chime possessed the ability to defy the world's rules, much like Taboo's Karma, but without the accompanying penalties. Why? Because its potential was limited.

Davey had a hunch that incorporating it might extend the duration of his complete metamorphosis.

Have you finished adding all of the elements?

He quickly took out the Silver Chime upon having the urge to do so. Then, he placed it inside the cauldron and incorporated it into his complete metamorphosis.

‘Well, it will work out somehow. First, let’s put everything in and shake it!’

Davey contemplated what else to include. Suddenly, he retrieved a very small bottle and held it in his hand.

"Let's add this... too," he remarked.

"Davey, that..."

"A poor imitation of an elixir. The real elixir has already been depleted. This is a replica with less than half the efficacy of the original."

Davey knew how to create something of this caliber, so he didn't anticipate needing it for a long time. He poured nearly everything into the cauldron, reserving only a small amount to reproduce the elixir once more.

This metamorphosis was opulent in every sense. It featured a substantial quantity of divine mana water, the DNA of a trait ability user, a Silver Chime, and a small quantity of imitation elixir.

Davey even incorporated all the herbs he had received as bribes, though he didn't hold high expectations for their effects and efficacy. However, he was certain that a change would manifest when all these elements converged.

"I don't know what you're up to, but there's a saying on Earth that having too much of something is bad for you, Davey," Perserque cautioned.

"I'm aware of that. I only have one chance, so I'm being extremely cautious," Davey replied.

After brief consideration, Davey clapped his hands lightly.


Simultaneously, a massive magic circle emitting a light green radiance materialized beneath the cauldron. Davey had incorporated everything he could find. Finally, many young forest spirits released their power as well.


As the magic circle began its operation, various forces residing in the forest started converging in torrents. It was as if the cauldron had been patiently awaiting this moment, drawing in the spirits' energy.

There was no need to release the power from within his body; everything being absorbed came from the outside. Davey seated himself in front of the cauldron and observed as these forces were slowly drawn inside.

"Now, all we have to do is wait," he said.

After a brief period of anticipation, Davey pressed on the title column and activated its effects. He retained just enough power to sustain the forest and allowed the remainder to be absorbed into the vortex of energy the cauldron had been drawing in earlier.


At that moment, all of the metamorphosis stacks that Davey had accumulated disappeared from his status window. It was quite ridiculous to use everything since it was more than what was needed. However, instead of thinking that ‘too much is bad for you’, Davey was thinking, ‘the more the merrier.’

‘Well then, shall we start on the changes?’


Subsequently, the cauldron erupted into massive streams of light that cascaded into Davey, seated directly in front of it. It had finally commenced.

Davey instinctively pushed Perserque, perched on his shoulder, away. "Stay away from me until everything is over. I won't be able to do anything if you get caught up in it either."

"Davey, don't overexert yourself."

"Can't you trust your older brother?" Davey quipped.

Perserque, wearing a solemn expression, could only smile helplessly upon hearing Davey's playful remark. "I am older than you."

Then, Davey's vision plunged into darkness. His consciousness severed ties with his surroundings, with the last recollection being the luminous envelopment of his entire body.


"Davey, Rinne saw..." Rinne, who had flown from the other side of the forest and was flapping her wings, abruptly halted her report upon encountering a figure radiating an immense amount of light within a colossal magic circle. The only one remaining in the clearing was Perserque, who gazed vacantly at the figure.

"Miss Per, Rinne demands to know Davey's whereabouts."

"He's over there," Perserque replied, her voice trailing off as she held Rinne in her arms.

"Ah... Detecting a significant energy surge. Rinne highly evaluates this."

Rinne might have appeared expressionless, but she was actually quite astonished. Perserque knew Davey was powerful, but it seemed he could no longer remain in his current state. In any case, Perserque believed it might be for the best.

Rinne also found herself silently observing Davey's figure. She had grown accustomed to his eccentric and unconventional behaviors and actions over time. At this point, she no longer had any questions or doubts about him.

But then…


Davey's body, bathed in radiant light, twisted and convulsed before releasing a powerful surge of energy that instantly enveloped the entire forest.



Perserque's eyes trembled as her instinctual reaction caused her to recoil.


"Rinne has detected an immense concentration of energy. It's immeasurable. Rinne... highly regards Davey's actions," Rinne muttered in shock, her entire body quivering in response to the power.


Then, another wave emanated, extending its reach far beyond the confines of the forest.


Yet another wave expanded, this time encompassing not only the forest and its vicinity but also the Hyeon Empire, the country of the bows. It was an enormous power fluctuation, evident to anyone who should be aware.

However, the wave of power showed no sign of ceasing. It continued to spread, wider and wider, until it enveloped the entire continent.

While there had been many powerhouses undergoing metamorphosis, nothing like this had ever occurred before. Those who had experienced and witnessed Davey's true power recognized the unique characteristics of his energy and could identify its source.

Davey, already formidable, had embarked on his first complete metamorphosis. Although he had been enigmatic about it, Perserque couldn't help but harbor heightened concerns for his well-being.

Metamorphosis was a process that occurred when a person's body reached the pinnacle of their abilities. It allowed their body to evolve, enabling further growth. The issue was... if Davey underwent further evolution here, Perserque couldn't foresee what kind of monstrous entity he might become.


As if anticipating her realization, another immense and terrifying wave radiated outwards, engulfing Perserque's senses.


All of the mighty individuals could sense the presence of this intangible, colorless, and odorless wave that permeated the entire continent.


Further transformations unfolded within a small cottage nestled in the dense forest just north of the eastern part of the continent. A beautiful black-haired woman, cradling a petite magic book in her arms as she slumbered, slowly awakened.

Of course, the changes didn't cease there. In the southernmost region of the western part of the continent, a colossal entity began to writhe and convulse as the wave washed over its form.

Similar alterations also began to take place in the southernmost region of the central part of the continent, a tumultuous area often referred to as the graveyard of ships.

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