The Max Level Hero Has Returned!

Chapter 553

Chapter 553

As Illyna regained consciousness and realized she was clad only in her underwear, a wave of panic and embarrassment washed over her. Reacting swiftly, Davey grabbed a torn robe lying nearby and draped it over her, providing some cover. Clutching the robe tightly, she blushed deeply, feeling intensely embarrassed.

Amid this awkwardness, Davey recognized the urgency of attending to her medical needs. Lives are on the line, but avoiding embarrassment is a priority! Damn, it should be the other way around.

Follow my lead," he instructed, raising his hands and gesturing in a dance-like manner.

Still disoriented, Illyna hesitated but eventually mimicked his movements, slowly raising one hand while clutching the robe with the other. Contrary to Davey's expectations of limited mobility, Illyna showed surprising agility, suggesting that most of the poison had been neutralized.

"The poison seems weaker than I anticipated," he mused.

The venom from Yorgan, the serpent, shouldn't have dissipated so rapidly. Despite this, Davey felt a sense of relief, considering his plan to immediately escape after providing emergency treatment if necessary.

Yorgan wasn't merely sealed by the Deathlord's power; it was the Deathlord who had sealed it. This distinction was evident, and Davey hadn't expected to face such a formidable challenge. Yorgan's venom was an extreme poison, far surpassing typical venomous substances. However, the Yorgan Davey encountered seemed differentthe venom appeared notably weaker.

[Yorgan... originates from vengeful spirits, born from the collective resentment of numerous children and possessing terrifying power. As it feeds and grows, its potential is boundless. Yet, it's also a pitiful being, born against its will, forever crying with no outlet for its hatred.]

Davey recalled.

[How powerful can it become?]

[Yorgan's existence is a taboo among taboos. I pray its awakening never occurs.]

[And if it does awaken?]

[...Even if forgiven once, a second offense won't be overlooked by the Creator.]

A lifeform deemed taboo, a challenge to the creator. Davey suspected that what the Deathlord sealed wasn't merely Yorgan but the essence of Yorgan itself.


As the attacks from the baby-headed serpent Yorgan intensified, the creature's increasingly distraught face and louder cries seemed to enhance the surrounding atmosphere.

"Such overwhelming power," Perserque muttered, furrowing her brow as she repelled Yorgan's charges with her barrier. Despite her strength, she struggled to contend with the creature. "Just deflecting its attacks almost shatters this solid barrier..."

Perserque hesitated to strike, sensing the imminent danger. Her physical capacity was nearing its limits.

"Davey... What is that thing?"

"Yorgan. And it's going to be the end," Davey stated briefly, slowly rising and drawing out Red Ribbon and Blue Ribbon.

The Deathlord hadn't killed Yorgan; she had sealed it. Davey wasn't certain about the specifics of the seal, but if it presented an opportunity to eliminate the creature, he would seize it.

"I'm not like Rho Aias."

Acknowledging he wasn't strong enough to risk facing a creature that might break free and grow stronger, he made a crucial decision.


"Sorry, but this is where it ends for you."

Davey was well-acquainted with Yorgan's tragic narrativeits grotesque form a fusion of the resentment from hundreds of infants and an ancient curse. No child deserved such a fate. Considering Yorgan's physical traits and incomplete growth, resolving it with the power of Red Ribbon and Blue Ribbon alone appeared challenging. In case of lacking strength, he would supplement with items that was his approach.

Swiftly melding Super Ribbon, he frowned at the immense mana consumption required to sustain it.

That's why it's termed a finishing move.

"Perserque, it's my turn."

Upon Davey's command, Perserque, having layered her barriers multiple times using the Transcendences Demise, deftly redirected the several-meter-long, slender body of Yorgan. She went beyond merely erecting a shield, subtly maneuvering it to withstand the tremendous force of the creature's body.


Yorgan, the baby-headed serpent, was repelled with a heavy sound. It was a fleeting moment, but it sufficed.

"Wahhhhh!" Emitting a mournful cry, the creature lunged at Davey, who had activated his protective aura.

The aura began to crumple under the intense pressure, startling Illyna, who looked at him in astonishment. However, holding Super Ribbon, Davey shut his eyes and continued to whisper, "May those seeking salvation, those unable to find peace, be embraced by divine mercy."

It was a cold decision, but it didn't sit well. What fault lay with these children, transformed into monsters by the deplorable desires of greedy adults?

"I'm sorry," Davey murmured briefly, infusing Super Ribbon's blade with tremendous divine power.

The essence of the goddess Freyja began to gently swirl around.

Are you witnessing this? Then the tale shall hasten.

It appeared his prayers hadn't gone unheard. Slowly, he opened his eyes. This wasn't his usual forceful or sharp sword strike.

Clang! Crash!

The protective aura finally shattered under the strain. Yorgan lunged, seemingly about to crush Davey's body. But then, a gentle breeze swept through the area.


Simultaneously, Yorgan's encompassing body began to fracture into dozens of pieces, crumbling away.


Accompanied by a metallic pinging sound, red droplets evaporated upon contact with the divinely charged Super Ribbon. As Yorgan crumbled under the influence of divine power, only its core, the head, remained intact.

Approaching the fallen Yorgan, who cried like a distressed baby and struggled, Davey felt a pang of bitterness. When Yorgan's head rolled toward him and bit his leg with sharp teeth, it wasn't an attempt to harm but a plea for understandingan expression of agony. These were children who never had a proper chance at life, communicating their pain and hunger through cries. That was the extent of their communication.

"The poison?!" Illyna, nearly fatal from a prior bite to her abdomen, looked horrified seeing Yorgan biting Davey's leg.

But Yorgan's venom didn't spread. Instead, its teeth, failing to pierce Davey's skin, dissipated slowly. The eye at the center of the serpent's split tongue, akin to its core, turned black and crumbled like erosion.

"Wahhh... Wahhh..." Yorgan's fading cries were heartrending, leaving even Illyna, who had nearly perished at its hands, speechless and unsure how to react.

As tears streamed from Yorgan's vanishing eyes, Davey retrieved a cross from his Pocket Plane.

God observes. Those who defy taboos face His unyielding retribution. Hence

"It seems things will resolve more easily than expected," Davey remarked, drawing puzzled looks from the others.

The intricate process became unnecessary. Although the resolution seemed ideal, considering the children lost to Yorgan, it wasn't an entirely positive outcome.


"What's a landmine?" Illyna inquired.

Its a trap-like weapon. Step on it, and it explodes, Perserque explained, leaving Illyna puzzled.

"What does that mean?"

"For those who defy taboos," Davey clarified, transforming the Divine Spear Longinus into a cross and planting it into the ground. Kneeling on one knee and clasping his hands, he continued with a bittersweet smile, "It's God's way of punishment."

[In the hallowed land, Davey ORowane, the holy child, the mischievous one, or perhaps destined to be God's bride, earnestly pleads.]

A faint divine power flowed out. As the children turned to black ash and vanished, Davey quietly recited his prayer.

[May the Goddess of Mercy bestow a shred of her grace upon these innocent souls forced to break the taboo. Well, for now, please watch over these children.]

A radiant light emanated from the cross, gradually enveloping the black ashes from Yorgan's disintegration.

[May the Goddess of Mercy grant a fragment of her grace to these pure souls, compelled to break the taboo against their will. Well, in any case, please care for these unfortunate ones.]


A colossal, resonating sound echoed through the air. A vast light began emanating from the cross, gradually enveloping the black ashes formed from Yorgan's disintegration.

[Let's simplify this; I'm already aware of everything. Assist me in my plan. Withdraw your mercy from those challenging your authority and reveal your unquestionable wrath.]

This divine power differed from the typical exorcism; it aligned with what Goddess Freyja desired.

[How about dropping a Bible to smash those guys' heads?]

Davey was aware that Goddess Freyja wasn't entirely benevolent, a fact confirmed through Verdandi. This time, he desired her to reveal it, to demonstrate the fate of those who dared to break her forbidden taboos.


A tremendous force surged forth, not emanating from Davey but filling the entire world.


"What divine power is this?!" Perserque and Illyna trembled, instinctively sensing it wasn't originating from Davey.

A deity couldn't directly interfere in the world. That's why Goddess Freyja created Saints and conveyed faint revelationsthe only way to meddle. But for those who blatantly disregarded the world's rules, who violated taboos as if they were trivial, no more mercy could be expected from God. A large book materialized within the immense light, and Davey caught it effortlessly.

[In the name of the Goddess, I decree. Punish all who have broken the taboo and summon them to my side, for I have spoken.]

A clear voice reverberated. The physical form of the Deathlord was a gray area concerning taboos, but what she sealed was undeniably one. The leader of the Illuminati, unaware of the Deathlord's legacy, exploited it for his gain. Yorgan's revival likely served a similar purpose, merely due to its power.

However, in doing so, they crossed an irreversible line. Officially, they created a scenario where God could intervene. This wasn't Earth, a world without gods. Here, life yearned for and worshiped deities.

[Those who have broken the taboo, I shall withdraw my mercy.]

Abandoned by God...

In an instant, the raging divine power vanished. A yellow card gently floated down like a feather, landing in Davey's hand.


The Illuminati was one thing, but Goddess Freyja had also issued a warning to Davey.

"Davey... What is that?"

"A yellow card."

It was a warning. Davey couldn't risk invoking Goddess Freyja's wrath so soon. There remained just one chance before the yellow card turned red. Davey also needed to fulfill his original purpose for returning from the corridor.

"Did you receive a revelation?"


"But nothing appears to have changed."

"Why wouldn't it? This came down."

Davey raised a book about 10 cm wide and 20 cm tall, featuring a pious design, drawing puzzled looks from the two.

"A legal officer who broke the law died by the law book, but those who broke God's taboo..."

They should be struck by the scripture.

"Just a scripture?"

"Just? Do you not understand what that signifies?" Davey opened the book, turning to its first page.

As he did, light streamed in, and a vast power began stirring within himthe once sluggish divine power of sloth now activated instantly, overpowering even the active spirit mana and asserting its presence. The transformation resembled fervor. Davey unleashed the divine power, urging its immediate use, before calmly closing his eyes and turning to the second page.

[And God said.]

[This land is declared a sacred sanctuary of the temple.]


A colossal divine cross materialized in the sky above Davey's location. It was a sanctuary created by the power of God, exuding a divine force unparalleled to any human-made sanctuary. A tremendous power swept through the area, invoking a sense of piety so profound that even someone lacking divine power would kneel in reverence.

Angelic feathers descended, purifying the tainted ground. The land, born from Yorgan's resentment, began to purify and evaporate instantaneously. This vast area, extending beyond this spot to cover the continent, testified to its immense strength. It seemed the supreme wrath of Goddess Freyja had been unleashed.

Davey retrieved his communication crystal. "Grand Master Knight, this is Davey."

"Davey? What in the world just happened!?"

As I expected.

Goddess Freyja's wrath had indeed spread worldwide. Two taboos had preceded this: Davey's enactment of the forbidden act in the Goddess's Dream World and King Grid's forbidden alchemy, averted by Davey before its completion. However, the former was part of Goddess Freyja's strategy, and the latter was prevented. Now, an external entity dared to breach this land and commit a taboo.

Avoiding Goddess Freyja's retribution was nearly impossible. Even a human without any divine connection would kneel before such overwhelming power.

Grand Master Knight Klomen inquired with a quivering voice, "What's the next step? The Goddess herself is set to punish those who crossed the line. I've eliminated them, so I need you to manage the aftermath."

"What... What?! Weren't you supposed to infiltrate quietly without alerting them"

"No, they can't hide or flee anymore."

Even across dimensions, they'd inevitably face the goddess they had abandoned, hoping for a shred of mercy. Abandoning mercy itself by beings known as embodiments of mercy was a clear sign these entities needed to learn.

* * *

In the small kingdom of Altasha, Donmana, the Finance Minister and the shadow power behind the throne, wore a sneering smile as he observed the boy with a slave's mark on his forehead writhing in agony.


Ahahahaha! And who might that be?

The Finance Minister's arrogant tone was glaringly out of place in the royal court.

Who dared to scream?

The... The Finance Minister.

"In this sacred royal court, where His Majesty resides, whoever dares to scream must be punished accordingly.

In the Kingdom of Altasha, where an unusual scenario unfolded with a mere 12-year-old boy unexpectedly becoming king after the previous ruler's sudden demise, Donmana wielded immense influence. He was notorious for his corrupt practices, using power to oppress and subjugate the vulnerable.

This day was no different. Finance Minister Donmana had ruthlessly crushed Duke Brugos in just a matter of days. Not content with framing and eliminating the original Duke Brugos, he had thrust the young boy into the role of a Duke and continued to torment him. But the torment didn't end there. The vile Finance Minister, over fifty years old, had also set his sights on the young sister of the boy who was now Duke Brugos.

Your Majesty, this person's mind is clouded with malevolence. See for yourself, Grand Master Knight.

Donmana's words drew a stern glance from the Grand Master Knight.

What are you waiting for? Behead this harbinger of evil.

In the royal court, without the king's consent, an unimaginable actthe beheading of a nobletook place, and no one dared to intervene. Observing the silent Grand Master Knight, the Finance Minister sauntered forward and tilted the boy's chin.

"F*cking bastard," the boy who had been appointed Duke Brugos spat, the slave's brand on his forehead in plain sight.

"Everyone will know that you're funneling the treasury's money to an unidentified organization." Duke Brugos muttered in a low enough volume to prevent others from hearing as he glared fiercely at Donmana.

Finance Minister Donmana grinned broadly in response. "Indeed. The Illuminatia rather useful organization. I'll concede to that."

"F*cking bastard!" Duke Brugos yelled.

"But, Duke, you weren't supposed to find out," Donmana said, a broad smile on his face as he briefly bowed and then lifted his head again.

Brugoss features contorted horribly, a mix of madness, satisfaction, and composure forming a grotesque smile. Witnessing this, Duke Brugos broke into tears and seethed with rage.

"Goodbye, then. Having a handful of loyal subjects like you won't alter the course of events. And... about your sister..."

Duke Brugos widened his eyes in shock, and Donmana's grin widened.

"I quite enjoyed it. She bit her tongue and perished, but you know, a body stays warm for a while after death."

At this ultimate insult, Duke Brugos screamed in fury, struggling against his iron chains with a clanging sound. Meanwhile, Donmana, seemingly disinterested, slowly turned away. Duke Brugos pleaded desperately, begging anyone to defeat this vile monster, to rescue him, the kingdom, and the young king.

Suddenly, a pure white light enveloped Finance Minister Donmana. At first glance, it appeared divine, but Davey, who triggered this change by opening the scripture, remained oblivious to it.

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