The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 307

307 Over the Edge

“When I woke up next, I had a pounding headache and everything was spinning. At first, I didn’t know what was happening. My memory didn’t return as fast as I would have wanted it.

So, I thought we were all there together. Those were the other two voices I was hearing. Ginger was talking to me. Bree was yelling and nothing was making sense, but then... It started to make sense when I saw Ginger standing over me with no chains holding her,” Crysta described.

“She was the one that had organised everything. At least that’s what I had expected. She was sure of her mission. So sure that she told me how everything was supposed to play out. How she was planning on using the rogue to... to kill Lina the moment she came to save me.”

“Rogue... there was no rogue when we saved you yesterday,” Honour said to her.

“That’s the other thing I wanted to tell you about. Ginger never stood a chance of being saved. The rogue she thought was on her side stabbed her in the back and killed her,” Crysta told them.

“Was this before or after you had contacted me?” Honour asked.

“I was only able to contact you because the rogue told me how, but she made sure the girl she’d stabbed would bleed out or would at least be near death by the time the rescue party found us,” Crysta explained.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying, Crysta. Are you saying a rogue saved your life or am I misinterpreting something?” Lina asked, more confused than Crysta intended her to be.

“Ginger was being unreasonable. She just wanted to see you dead and was willing to do anything. Even side with a rogue, but she should have known a rogue wouldn’t have let us live at all.


I got lucky, I guess. The rogue she chose was not a usual one. Her eyes glowed blue when she felt like it and turned back to red at will,” the girl narrated. Her audience remained quiet and as she was about to continue a voice interrupted them.

“The woman killed Ginger... supposedly because of her despicable crime, then told Crysta all she had to do to contact one of two people,” they all turned to see Bree standing at the door frame.

The girl had a look of defeat in her eyes, “I would have never thought Ginger capable of that. I know we both hated Lina, but I didn’t know she would go to such lengths. After everything we did to try to make Crysta forget about you. Honestly, what do you see in this girl? And why is Lina worried about someone who isn’t worth her time? Was it not enough for her to humiliate you for years? Why value a traitor? It doesn’t work like that.”

“You were able to tell that I value her. If you could see past that, then you have your reason why it should work both ways,” Lina chuckled.

The girl did not return her warm reply. Instead, she stared coldly at the princess and shrugged, “Rest up, Crysta. I can handle the rest of the story.”

“How can I trust that you won’t twist the story?” Crysta asked, “I’ll finish it myself. Thanks for offering.”

The air seemed to shift in response to the answer as Bree searched for her mind for a reply, “Very well. I’ll let the three of you be. Sorry for interrupting,” the girl was gone before they could think of stopping her. Crysta sank into her bed, a bad feeling turning in her stomach.

“Is there anything else you know about the rogue that captured you?” the girl asked.

“Yes, I know something about her. She gave me a message to deliver to you,” Crysta replied, “The woman called herself Amanda and she was one of the rogue king’s generals. She had come to Sirius on her own in search of someone. While she was searching, the girl found her and blackmailed her into helping out with the insane plan to kill the princess of Sirius, claiming the girl was an abomination to the royals.

I asked the woman who she was looking for and she told me she was in search of the king’s uncle, Sean Sirius,” Lina gasped at the mention of her great uncle. They had tried visiting him and for someone who was a spy for the rogues, he was far too comfortable in his cell.

“What else did she tell you about my uncle?” the girl asked.

“She said I was to ask the king to release him by order of the moon goddess. I don’t know what that is supposed to mean, but she made it clear that I had to get the message to the king like that. It was all too confusing, not to mention the headache I had at the moment I was hearing all that,” the girl replied.

Lina’s curiosity seemed to peak higher than she had initially suspected. She knew there was more to her uncle than she’d been told, but now that she was hearing his name coming from a rogue that had saved Crysta’s life, she was curious as to what the man had to hide from the king.

“We’ll get the message to the king for you. Get all the rest you can, okay?” Lina said to the girl in the bed.

“Why has everyone been telling me that one thing?” Crysta replied, “I can do what I want, damn it.”

“Don’t complain...”

“No, I have to. I have been cooped up in here for far too long. At least tell me how your trip went. I need something to get this mind moving or else I’ll lose my mind in here,” Crysta cut her off.

“Alright then... I’ll tell you how it went. After all, I was meant to tell you about it anyway,” Lina chuckled, settling back into her seat and starting her own detailed narration of the events that happened in the Golden Moon Pack. Madeline’s story had Crysta silently wishing she hadn’t asked about the trip after all.

“How is Madeline doing?”

“I’m not sure, but the king had a room chosen for... Oh, I don’t even know where her room is. I came rushing straight here,” Lina groaned. The princess had barely paid anyone any attention once she’d heard of Crysta’s condition. Her mind had been completely overtaken by the need to reach her friend and make sure she was okay.

“Yeah, no kidding. You didn’t even see me when you walked in,” Honour couldn’t resist the scowl that appeared on her face.

“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t even notice I was causing that much of an inconvenience for everyone.”

“Don’t tell me you came here running as fast as you do when in the forest,” Crysta groaned.

“I didn’t... If I’d done that, I would have been able to make any sharp turns. I probably would have caused a serious accident if I had moved any faster than I did,” the girl mumbled to herself... which was entirely beside the point.

“I finally see the resemblance between you and Katie,” Honour piped up.

“Huh, really, what is it?” the girl asked her.

“You’re both impossible to convince once you’ve made up your minds,” Honour beamed. She’d stumbled upon a golden discovery. Crysta wouldn’t stop laughing at the observation.

“It’s like talking to a brick wall. I’ve witnessed it before as well,” she clarified.

“Hey... that’s not like us at all,” Lina tried, but it was all in vain. The girls had already made up their minds on the two royals. ‘Is it a bad thing or not?’ she couldn’t help, but think to herself.


Exiting the infirmary, Bree continued walking with a destination in mind. Her hands wouldn’t stop curling into cruel fists in frustration. The genuine laughter and tears that had come from the hospital room only worked to haunt her mind. ‘After everything we’ve been through, you would still side with her. I know Ginger took it too far, but her emotions were justified in my book,’ the girl argued with herself.

Finally making it to the entrance to the dungeon, the girl bowed respectfully to the green-eyed guard that protected the metallic entrance, “I would like to visit someone please.”

“Oh, who might that be?” the man, who had tried his best to ignore the loitering girl finally gave her his attention.

“I would like to visit the king’s brother, his highness, Sean Sirius,” the girl said to the guard.

The man’s eyes widened in surprise before getting serious, “Oh? Do you have approval from the king to make such a visit?”

“Do I need the king’s permission to pay him a visit that badly?” she asked, doing her best to keep her calm.

“Yes, you do. Without it, you can’t even get within hearing distance of the prince’s cell,” the man replied sternly, however, now he was curious to know why a random girl wanted to see the man all of a sudden. It was not like the prince had anyone he was particularly familiar with. He kept to himself and very easily swatted any attempts made in his direction.

Even the guards that visited him for his routine check were intimidated by his oppressive aura. Those who tried to make any conversation immediately regretted uttering a single word. He was nothing like the rest of the Sirius family.

The girl briskly walked away from the dungeon without uttering another word and was standing before the king’s office as soon as her legs could get her.

Her mind was working hard for a reason she could give the king for wanting to visit his brother. The woman that had helped them escape gave her all the information she needed to handle herself better than her departed friend... Bree had taken the time to make all the necessary deductions from what she witnessed in the cave... She was almost certain her plan was going to work.

The door clicked open, allowing her to enter, “Lina, I was about to... Oh, Bree? Surprise seeing you here. To what do I owe the pleasure?” the king asked the girl, setting down the papers he’d been sorting and paying all attention to the girl before him.

That’s how the king had always been. Behind the seemingly self-serving nature that he exuded with his flashy suits, he took everyone in his kingdom to be a high priority. Bree had only witnessed it a few times and had come to love their king for it.

Even now as she looked at him, she recognized the kind benevolent king of the Sirius empire, ‘Your kindness might be your greatest weakness,’ she bitterly thought to herself.

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