The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 309

309 Letter to the King

Lina spent most of the time she could spare with Crysta doing everything the girl asked of her and even called on one of her servants to deliver her tablet from which they watched a few of their favourite shows.

The three girls had decided to forget about finals that were only the next day and chose to simply have some fun. Madeline, who asked that they didn’t remind her of the topic, joined them in the fun. It wasn’t like either of them hadn’t been serious with their studies for a moment. A failing grade seemed like the only thing they had to avoid in light of what they’d gone through that weekend.

When Crysta had finally fallen asleep, Lina leaned back into the chair, “What now?” Madeline asked them. The girl had come looking for them and chosen to hang out with them when she realised they hadn’t filled her in on their agenda once the delta fell asleep.

“Well, now we have to return to the king and report everything Crysta told us. That was what Honour agreed to after all,” Lina replied, “It’s such a hassle to give reports.”

“This one is important though. Who would have known the king’s brother would have such secrets bottled up?” Honour wondered. The situation was getting more and more complicated...

“Yeah, it’s scary. I wonder what his reasons for conspiring with the rogues are and the woman Crysta mentioned. What is she? Can she do the same thing Madeline can with her eyes?” Lina asked Honour.

“Why are you asking me? I have no idea. Madeline, can you change the colour of your eyes to blue?” Honour asked.

“No, I can only change them to yellow which is the colour that every average werewolf should have. You can’t just switch your eyes to a rank that’s higher or basically not yours. The colour that your eyes shine represents how much power you have from the goddess of the moon. From what I’ve learnt. The behaviour of that woman’s eye colour is completely new to me,” the girl explained.

“Oh, I see,” Honour answered. The theory only confused her more since she was the weakest werewolf she knew about. It didn’t make any sense to her at all.


“Let’s just get going already...” she concluded, forcing Lina, the immovable statue, out of her seat and out of the infirmary.

Outside, the moon was already climbing through the sky, making its trek across the starry sky. The girls had barely noticed how time had moved while they were in the infirmary. Lina just hadn’t seemed ready to leave the room and they had stayed there until Crysta had fallen asleep. She seemed to be making a quick recovery. Even her mood had gotten severely better. However, this would not be the case once she heard about Ginger’s situation.


The king opened the door, admitting his daughter, her best friend and the girl with grey/amber eyes in. They locked the door behind them and took their place in the congregation that had gathered, “I’m glad you could make it, you three. As it so happens, there is trouble in both kingdoms. While our kingdom seems to be in the clear, Lycaon is in more danger.”

“What happened? Is Katie okay?” Lina rushed.

“Yes, Lina. Your sister is fine. I honestly wouldn’t be that worried about her,” the king replied, “Under normal circumstances, that is... It seems Katie wasn’t able to detect anything. I know we should rely on her, but it is worrisome to know that the girl is only growing weaker by the second.”

“I’m not following, your majesty,” Honour was the one to speak this time.

“From what Thomas has told us, Katie has not been seen exerting her powers like she normally would. While it’s too close to the time of her hospitalisation to tell what’s going on with her, it is starting to cause some level of worry to go through the hunters. Katie hasn’t shown any signs of recovering to her former state for a week now. She can walk and carry out her activities as normal, but she gets tired much faster now and has numerous moments of weakness.

When that is coupled with the recent events in the Lycaon capital, it is safe to assume that things will only take a turn for the worst at the coronation at the end of this week,” the king explained.

“Cole is going to be crowned king? What’s going to happen at the coronation? Is someone targeting him?” Lina asked.

“The criminals that escaped during the dungeon break have banded together. At first, it was abductions, but now they have made it clear that they are going to attack the coronation ceremony,” the king confirmed.

Lina was quiet for a moment. As it so happened, the others in the room knew of these developments and didn’t raise any questions, “We shall discuss the guest list for the coronation later, but for now, we would like to hear what you heard from Crysta,” the king turned his attention to the girls.

“Oh, yeah, Crysta. She mentioned the name of the rogue that captured her along with the absurd colour of her eyes,” the girl mentioned.

“What does anything have to do with her eyes? Was she one of the rogue king’s generals?” the king asked.

“It seemed that way, but Crysta saw something else that confused her. The woman’s eyes flashed blue when she wanted them to do so and when they did, she also gave the girl a message to deliver to the king of Sirius,” the room grew tense at the mention of a message that was directed to the king. This was not what any of them had expected to hear at all... A message from the rogues.


Outside, the guard that had been taking care of protecting the dungeon was packing his bag, excitement written all over his face, “I finally get to go home after a hard day’s work,” the man sang to himself.

One of the guards on the inside yawned, “Well, there he goes again. Can you skip the part where you talk about your daughter this time?” he yelled to the departing colleague.

“I am not the one that decided the lot of y’all should remain single,” the man replied as smugly as he could.

“Just because you found your mate in high school doesn’t mean you should rub it in our faces, okay?” another man replied, walking towards the dungeons to replace the dotting father, “Honestly, you’re hopeless sometimes.”

“On the contrary, my night shift comrade, I am full of hope. Hope that my little one grows up into a beautiful strong woman that will bring joy to her father and no one else,” the man was on cloud nine and there was no bringing him down from there.

“You realise when your daughter grows up, she’ll also find a mate like you did in high school and will start...”

“Don’t you dare, Daniel? She will always be Daddy’s little girl,” he snapped before becoming happy once more, “Now goodbye single males. I will go and visit my lovely family. Do take an example from me and raise a happy family as well. Feel free to come to me for advice as well. I am a master.” He winked before skipping away from the dungeon entrance, leaving his replacement to reorganise the office for his night shift.

“That’s one jolly werewolf. Perhaps far too jolly,” Daniel chuckled to himself. Just as he was about to settle in, he heard a voice coming from the office’s other side.

“Where is the guard I showed my clearance earlier?” a girl spoke from the outside the office of the head guard.

“Huh,” the man looked out to the girl standing on the other side. She was beautiful, however, she was nothing like the woman he’d known to be his friend’s mate, “I don’t know who you are, but I think you missed him. Would you like to leave him a message? It would be odd for you to bother him through the mind link at this hour of the night?”

“Okay then... would you write my message down then?” the girl asked him.

“Very well. Let me just get a paper and pen. Damn you, Troy. You’re one hell of a player,” the man chuckled to himself as he finally got a pen and paper from the drawer, “Very well... what would you like to tell him?”

“Well, I would like him to know that he stood me up the other night and I will be giving him another chance to make up for it tomorrow. If he doesn’t show up then... I will...” the girl went quiet. The man thought he felt a pinch at the back of his neck when she stopped talking, but the quick healing his wolf provided him allowed him to look past it.

He looked up and asked him. As soon as he stared at the girl, her image split in two and the world began to spin, “What will you do to him if he... Woah... What’s going on?”

“Perhaps you had a lot to drink. Are you even allowed to drink on the job?” the girl asked him, watching him with a smirk.

“I don’t... I don’t drink,” the man said, panting as exhaustion racked his body, “Damn it... You did this, didn’t you?” The girl went through the door and into his office. The other guards that saw her getting into his office only smirked and continued to stand guard as diligently as they had been trained to be.

If only they’d known what was really happening inside.

The girl on the inside held the man and placed his head down at his table. The wolf didn’t have the energy to resist her after the drug she’d just used against him. Searching through the room, she found the key to the cell she was searching for.

From her small handbag, she found the small devices she’d carried with her. ‘Wolfsbane vapour... This stuff cost me a fortune. Just a sniff of it will have all the wolves in here struggling for their lives. It’s not lethal, so they will be fine...’ she thought to herself for a moment, ‘I don’t care anyway. Even if they die, it won’t mean much to me by the time I’m done.’

With that, the girl stepped out of the room and let the devices she was holding roll out of her hand letting out deadly puffs of smoke that tinged the eyes of the guards far before they had the time to react. The girl covered her face with a gas mask and walked through the dungeon with another of her smoke grenades in one hand and a key for one cell in particular.

‘All too soft...’

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