The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 311

311 Captive

Bree and Sean were running from the capital for many hours before the girl was certain they were far enough from the capital to be tracked.

After having made their getaway, they were now stranded in the middle of nowhere. Sean was not sure if this was part of the girl’s plan or if there was something else she had prepared.

The prince remained quiet through their entire journey, never once voicing his opinion about her actions and the silence was starting to irritate her. If anything, the prince was impressed by her endurance. He was sure the average wolf was not supposed to be able to keep this pace for more than an hour, but the girl was proving him wrong.

While she was visibly tired and more winded than he was, she was still in incredible shape in comparison to the pack warriors her age that was of the same rank.

The prince didn’t give Bree any directions or advice and never once complained about her decisions. The woods were dangerous, but the prince never once warned her of any dangers.

Bree was convinced he would do nothing if she found herself trapped by the creatures in the wild the moment he didn’t warn her of a bear she almost awoke.

When she asked why he hadn’t helped her, he merely shrugged. It wasn’t hard to see the logic behind why he’d done nothing. Prince Sean was not even a little bit repulsed by his actions.

From the girl’s point of view, she somewhat understood why he would feel that way. After all, seeing her dead would only free him from her.

Eventually, the girl got tired and rested on the large root of a random colossal tree in the forest.


Sean leaned against a tree opposite her and sighed. Listening to her breath, he could tell she was getting exhausted, but then again, the pack she had been carrying along with her the entire time, could just as well contain what she needed to acquire more strength.

“Why don’t you say anything?” the girl barked at him.

“What’s there to say? You broke me out of the dungeon and endangered the werewolves in the dungeons without batting an eyelash. There’s nothing for me to tell you,” the man scoffed, sliding down the tree and taking a seat as well.

The girl didn’t miss the disappointment laced in the royal’s voice. It irked her to think he would judge her. ‘You’re no saint either,’ she wanted to retort, “What about you? You escaped from the dungeon after betraying the royals. You can’t exactly go back to the palace.”

“I am not worried about myself. I used to be a lone wolf so I have no trouble returning to that life,” the man shrugged.

“Whatever, none of that matters anyway. You’re going to call your girlfriend,” the girl told him.

“Hmm, how is that going to help you?” Sean, skipping over Amanda’s newfound title, narrowed his eyes at her.

“No questions. I’m the one in charge right now. Call her,” the girl ordered, her eyes holding only hate toward the royal.

Sean had had just about enough of her attitude and he was now drawing the line to her disrespect. In an attempt to get up and summon power from his wolf, the royal fell to his knees, losing the feeling in his legs and soon after, his whole body.

His legs seemed to have given up the moment he’d stood up, “Oh, you haven’t noticed yet, have you?” the girl smirked, “I poisoned you too. Come on... I’m not stupid to break a royal out of the dungeon without a backup plan.”

The numbness in the royal’s limbs continued to spread through his body, “What kind of poison is this?” Sean asked her. He hunted through his mind, but there was nothing that reacted the way this poison did towards him.

His wolf normally fought all toxins that entered his body, making him almost immune to all poisons. And even those that worked weren’t this effective. The poison that had rendered him immovable at the moment was stronger than any he had ever experienced.

What was worse was that he couldn’t tell when it was that he had been poisoned. He knew he hadn’t been infected and that he hadn’t breathed in the gas from the dungeons...

“It’s a poison that inhibits the flow of divine energy. The hunters have learnt a lot concerning the power of the moon lotuses. This one was my personal favourite out of all of them,” the girl chuckled.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying. What does the moon lotus have to do with any of this?” the man asked her.

“Oh, you don’t know, do you? The hunters really do keep a lot of information from the royals. Luckily for me, I have done my homework. Unlike Ginger, I was not going to do something that would get me killed that easily.

That girl was so impatient. I’m not so different, but I wouldn’t go in that blind. She didn’t even the rogue she had hired. Enough of that though. In any case, I made my research. There are many places you can get what you want for the right price.

Wolfsbane, information, wolfsbane deployment devices... Most of them don’t make it through because of the diligence of the hunters, but just a few are enough to cause the damage I needed,” the girl narrated.

From what the girl had said, the king was still at a loss on how to get movement back into his system, “What about the drug you’ve just used on me?” the king asked her.

“Oh, that. It’s a new one that inhibits the use of divine energy, which means the more divine energy one has, the more effective it is. I had no doubt it would work for you. The royals have the most divine energy out of all the werewolves and probably even more than the hunters, so it was bound to work on you for sure. Now... call your girlfriend,” the girl said to her.

“What makes you think I can call her,” the man asked her indifferently.

“Don’t play dumb with me. She only showed up because she couldn’t contact you. I can only imagine that was because of the punishment the king gave you. I tested it out. That cell wouldn’t let you mind link anyone outside the cell.

You couldn’t communicate from inside those dungeons and she came to see what was going on. Now, call her,” the girl ordered once more.

“From the looks of it, you seem to know far more than I do. So how about you answer my questions...” the man stopped talking when he heard the tearing sound of fabric. Something was completely wrong... He couldn’t feel anything because of the odd drug that had paralysed his body, but the sudden movement of his shirt explained what was going on. The girl had ripped his shirt at the back. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“Hmm, I never thought you would be completely paralyzed by this. It seems you can’t even feel a thing. I don’t have all day, Sean. Call her or else I start cutting up your back. I know you won’t be able to feel it which, honestly, I don’t care about...” the girl smirked, “but I bet she can feel it.”

“What makes you think our connection is that strong for us to be able to share the pain?” the prince’s voice had gone up in volume. ‘This girl is insane.’

“Oh, I can’t even begin to count the number of ways she proved that to me. Was it the way she spoke about you or maybe the way she could change the colour of her eyes? You can take your pick. Besides...” the girl scraped the edge of her knife over the scar of bite mark set on his shoulder, “I don’t think anyone has ever had the chance to see this.”

Shivers went through the man’s body as the nerves under the mark intensified the light touch of the knife, “If you don’t call her, I will start to cause her pain. I don’t think you would...”

“You’ve made your point, girl,” the king sighed.

“Now wasn’t that much easier?” Bree replied triumphantly before replacing her smirk with a deep scowl.

“Try to get her to bring you a shirt as well. I don’t want to have to look at your shirtless self for the entirety of this trip,” the girl added, walking away from the prince.

“Are you going to just leave me here?” Sean called out.

“Oh, all the poison does is inhibit the use of divine energy. The more you draw on your wolf, the worst it gets. You should be fine as long as you keep your wolf back,” the girl mentioned to the man, “Just in case you try something else, I have wolfsbane... the real thing.”

‘Did she just threaten me?’ the prince was dumbfounded. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he asked another burning question, “And how do I take the poison out of my body?”

“I didn’t ask for those details. Your body might just reject the poison like every other useless thing that enters your body, but I’ll have given you a new dose of the drug by then,” the girl yawned, settling down under a tree as she had before.

“I’m not going to just let you inject me with some kind of drug,” the man argued while the girl merely chuckled at his statement. He could feel malice in her voice as well as the mocking attitude in her mind.

“Just go ahead and call Amanda already,” the girl chuckled to the man. Sean was defeated at the moment. He had his wolf go to the back of his mind and as he did, the feeling began to return to his body. It was cool in the night air, however, it wasn’t as humid as he would have expected of a kingdom that had received a deluge of rain for an entire week.

Focusing on the connection he shared with the rogue the girl was referring to, Sean called out to her, “Hey, General Amanda. I would like you to meet me in Sirius. You know how to find my location.”

After a moment of silence, a reply came through, “It was far too quiet without your voice in my head. You’re being formal. I’m guessing you’re in trouble. Stay put, I will be there.”

Sean thought of warning the woman of the girl but held back his worries. She was more than powerful enough to deal with the girl on her own. The prince finally regained control of his body and rose from his place on the ground. The girl before him was starting to fall asleep in the darkness of night. The king saw this as an opportunity and stood up to approach her.

If he only could... his thoughts were stopped by a sudden tug at his leg. Looking back, his eyes noticed a chain going around his leg and to the tree he’d been leaning against not long ago.

Without his wolf’s strength, it would be impossible to break the chain. Just to try, the king went held the chain and summoned all his strength in an attempt to snap it, but the more his wolf was drawn out, the weaker he got. Before he could tell what was happening, he collapsed on his back, his entire body had gone numb once more.

“Don’t bother, Sean. You won’t be able to break the chain. I make the rules now,” the girl’s cold voice broke the silence of the night.

“I thought you were asleep,” the king asked her.

“I had to pretend for a bit to see what you would do. I guess I was right. You would probably kill me if you were given the chance,” the girl sighed.

Sean stared off at the canopy. Next to no light from the moon made it to the forest floor, but the light that did make it seem like there was an entirely different collection of stars in the sky that night, “You’d be surprised,” he replied, as his last words of the night.

‘In truth, I wouldn’t care what would happen to you if I took you back to the capital. The rest would be up to them.’ His own thoughts brought questions to his mind, ‘Can I even make it back to the capital myself? Would the king listen to me if I tried? No, Davin has his limits. He wouldn’t... I’m not sure I’d even get the chance to plead my case one bit,’ he chuckled to himself.

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