The Mysterious Art Museum

Chapter 159 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Chapter 159 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Yong-han freezes as he reads the article. Rereading it from the beginning with disbelief, he asks in a trembling voice, "Painter A is... Ban Jeong-hoon?"

“So you little punk! Didn't I tell you to either not provoke them in the first place, or if you did, to keep your mouth shut and be careful? Did I or did I not?”


“You started getting all high and mighty just because people praised your drawings, huh? Thinking you're some great artist just because you got invited to England? You crazy fool, do you think you would have been invited to England if you weren't a K POP singer?!”

Yong-han swallows his saliva.

At the exhibition held in England on the gallery's invitation, only two paintings were sold. And even those were bought by a member of his fan club in England.

“What should I do now?”

Young-min frowns and spits out his words.

“Go straight to the airport. I’ll include your name in the concert happening in LA. Pretend you’re leaving the country for the performance and don't come back until I contact you, I'll cover it up as a vacation.”

“Then, what will happen next?”

“We have to wait until the public opinion dies down, what else!”

“And if it doesn't?”


“What if, like two years ago, Jeong-hoon Ban subtly mocks us on air, what then?”

“Damn it.”

Kim Young-min kicks the table again and yells.

“Damn it, you little punk! Look at the mess you’ve caused!”

“CEO, sir!”

“Just get lost to LA for now! I’ll convene a meeting with the board members, so keep quiet until then!”


“The journalists are on their way here right now! Hurry up!”

Yong-han, who had been dejected, suddenly gets up and runs out, shouting.

“Manager! Where are you! Get the car ready quickly!”

Young-min, left alone, washes his face dryly.

“Ha, even two years ago, I had to freak out to settle this mess. And here we go again, damn it.”

Two years ago, Yong-han had not just had an argument with an artist, but had also faced backlash from the art world for his derogatory remarks about a historical master.

At that time, YM was already dealing with some of its artists being involved in a drug issue, and its stock prices were already falling.

If Yong-han also caused a scandal, they feared the situation would become uncontrollable, so they bribed the journalists.

They also manipulated the fan club with money.

They found out where Jeong-hoon Ban lived and let the fan club know, blaming Ban's mistakes for the fans' wrongdoing and ensuring it was reported in the media.

They had to spend billions to finally settle the media down.

There were rumors that Yong-han had an artist's sickness, but he was a genius musician and his albums were always hits, so it was natural for the company to protect him.

They contacted TV and radio PDs, inserting Yong-han into broadcasts under the pretext of featuring YM Entertainment artists, and coerced writers to subtly bring up episodes involving Ban Jeong-hoon.

At that time, Yong-han actually dissuaded those who were belittling Ban, turning the public opinion in his favor.

But the public isn’t stupid.

Well, at least some of them aren’t.

Some caught on to this tactic, and again, they had to spend money to silence them.

It was fortunate that the main person involved, Ban Jeong-hoon, had disappeared and did not respond at that time. If he had actively responded, Young-min would have had to spend even more money.

Kim Young-min mutters as he scratches the table with his fingernail.

“If this goes on, Ban Jeong-hoon’s current exhibition has to fail.”

To prevent this fire from becoming a wildfire, Ban Jeong-hoon must destroy himself. If they act rashly, they could suffer a major blow.

“Ha, this is driving me crazy.”

Kim Young-min presses the intercom and speaks.

“Tell all the board members to come to the company, immediately!”

* * *

“Crazy guy, didn’t I tell you to shave?”

“Sorry, I was just too lazy.”

“It’s too long for a razor, bring the scissors.”


In the CEO’s office of Artist Company.

Coming to this empty CEO’s office in the building, which had never seen anyone before, I awkwardly look around. It’s my company, my office, but it’s my first time here.

“The interior is killer.”

“Stop talking nonsense and just bring the scissors!”

Startled by Young-ju’s fiery shout, I hurriedly grab the scissors from the pen holder on the desk. Young-ju looks at me irritably as she wraps a towel around my head.

“You have to do interviews with the journalists, and here you are looking like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. What’s with this beard?”

I grin with my bushy beard.

“Thanks to it, no one recognized me at the airport.”

“It would be strange if they did, man! Didn’t you get searched?”

“Hehe, yes, I did.”

“You crazy fool, laughing about it. Raise your head.”

Young-ju cuts my beard.

The sound of the scissors cutting the beard is oddly satisfying.

It feels like worries and pains are flying away with the beard.

Young-ju grumbles while shaving me.

“Wow, I’ve never even shaved a boyfriend, and here I am shaving this guy.”

“Think of it as practice.”

“Nonsense, why practice on you? It should be a boyfriend.”

“So you’ll be better at it when it’s time.”

“What if the boyfriend asks why you’re so good at it?”


“Say you got good by practicing on other guys?”

“That’s one way to see it.”

“Shut up and look forward.”


“Did you go home at least?”

“No, I came straight to the office.”

“You unfilial fool, your mother must be so worried.”

“Did she call?”

“I visit her sometimes. Her son is always out and about, so atleast I should take care of her, you know. Ah damn, raise your head.”

Though Young-ju’s mouth is harsh, his heart is warm like a spring. I looked at my grateful friend.

“Thank you, Young-ju.”

“Stop it, it’s ticklish, you fool.”


“One more time lowering your head, and this razor is going in your throat.”


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