The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 103

Chapter 103

The narrow, steep secret stairs took a full five minutes to descend despite their brisk, intermittent pace.

Halfway down, the impatient Lu Groomsman went ahead alone, only to double back after a few minutes. "Which way did you go after the elevator?"

Jian Jing: "..." If it wasn't more entertaining than waiting idly for the wedding feast, she wouldn't bother dealing with this kind of person.

"Am I omniscient?" Irritated, she walked to the stairwell entrance and looked around.

Lu Groomsman said, "The kitchen and ballroom are ahead, also crowded areas. The lawn is behind, even more people. Where do you think he went, like you said?"

Granted, his learning ability was first-rate.

Jian Jing paced near the entrance for a while before resolutely heading toward the kitchen.

The club's kitchen was divided into Western and Chinese sections. The Western kitchen was open with less oil fumes, connecting to the Western restaurant. The Chinese kitchen resembled those in regular hotels, separated from the Chinese restaurant by a hallway.

Adjacent was a small path hidden behind foliage, exclusively for food trucks and refrigerated vehicles, avoiding customer foot traffic.

Today was a wedding, so the planning team was busy checking delivered items. Cars came and went incessantly.

Jian Jing stood in the corner thinking hard for a long time before suddenly going to the roadside and parting the bushes lining it.

On the third bush, she pulled out a silver-gray suit and shook it. "Is this the groom's outfit?"

Lu Groomsman rushed over and took it to inspect closely. Sure enough, the material of this suit had a unique fluid shine under sunlight, matching the bride's wedding dress.

"It's his." Brow furrowed, he asked, "Why is it here?"

"Too conspicuous." Jian Jing said, "He intentionally avoided people's sight by taking off his jacket."

Lu Groomsman had no time to quibble with her now.

The groom had apparently left voluntarily, which wouldn't make finding him easy.

"There are family members of both sides greeting guests at the entrance. He couldn't have gone out the front door without his car moving." Lu Groomsman looked toward the food trucks. "Did he leave in one of them?"

Jian Jing threw up her hands. "Possibly. Alright, I'm going back now."

She turned to leave, but Lu Groomsman refused to let go so easily. Grabbing her arm, he said, "Wait."

"Let go." She glanced at his hand.

Her body reacted first. Lu Groomsman reflexively released his grip and asked, "You're not looking anymore?"

"What's there to look for?" Jian Jing retorted. "It's his choice to leave. Why should I interfere?"

She only helped search because she was bored waiting. Now that the groom had voluntarily left, whatever his reasons, it was his freedom. Why should she get involved?

Lu Groomsman had no rebuttal. He accompanied her back silently.

Unlike the groom, they had no need to avoid crowds, so they directly entered the first floor lobby rather than taking the small stairs again.

"Lu Yu." A middle-aged man ahead called out to him in a low voice. "Xiao Yan's missing?"

Lu Groomsman nodded.

The middle-aged man sucked in a breath, expression odd.

Lu Groomsman sighed. "Brother, he left voluntarily. Just give me guidance on how to proceed."

"Left voluntarily?" The other was stunned briefly. "What happened?"

Lu Groomsman glanced at Jian Jing, repeating the earlier deduction.

The middle-aged man was quite polite, extending a hand. "Miss, I'm the groom's elder brother. You're the bride's friend, yes? May I ask your surname?"

"Jian Jing." She tapped her fingertips to his.

Fang Da was very courteous. "So it's Miss Jian. Thank you for your help today. Please excuse the laughable situation."

She reciprocated his courtesy. "It was nothing. No need to stand on ceremony. I'll be going now if there's nothing else."

"Miss Jian," Fang Da said, "A wedding is no joke. We'll resolve this as quickly as possible, but can you please keep this confidential for now?"

Jian Jing readily agreed. "No problem."

"Much appreciated for understanding." Fang Da's tone was very sincere.

Jian Jing had no intention of lingering. She nodded at them and turned to leave.

She could already smell the coffee.

After ordering a cherry blossom coffee—pretty but not that tasty—she sat in the veranda-facing area, pondering the groom's disappearance today.

Although she told Lu Groomsman that the groom had left voluntarily, many bizarre details remained.

In the groom's waiting room, the refreshments like water and snacks were provided by the club, visibly placed everywhere, but one thing stood out oddly.

Under the coffee table was a red paper slip.

The surface was red while the inside was white, but it allowed speckles of red dots to show through, a cheap material commonly used at weddings.

Logically, red paper wasn't out of place at a wedding, but today's ceremony was Western-style, predominantly white, with almost no traditional colors seen.

So what was this red paper used to wrap? Lying under the table which held water cups and cookie crumbs, the groom must have sat there a while.

She guessed that perhaps the item wrapped in red paper led the groom to resolutely leave.

What could it be?

Jian Jing imagined some family drama scenarios. She figured today's wedding would likely be cancelled. But reality was just reality—at eleven o'clock, the ceremony started on time.

The missing groom appeared bright and spirited, holding the bride's hand before the officiant, smiling ear to ear.

Jian Jing: "???"

Did you just leave for fun?

Utterly confused, but the groom's return was ultimately good since the bride avoided losing face before so many relatives and friends.

The rich's weddings had no real differences in procedure from commoners'—the officiant, a prominent tycoon, joined the new couple in matrimony, then they exchanged rings and kissed each other's cheeks.

The banquet began.

Tables lined the veranda, ventilated yet warm. Guests sat on both sides of the solid wood tables with fragrant floral arrangements in between, very elegant and grand.

The courses were also very Western, including appetizers, soup, sides, mains and desserts, with champagne and red wine, sublime taste.

Jian Jing's honest review: pretty delicious.

The guests ate while the newlyweds went around toasting. Jian Jing's table were all Golden Crow's authors, relations long distant, so they each lightly sipped once to get it over with.

While toasting, Jian Jing specifically observed the groom.

Handsome and well-built, wearing a Patek Philippe watch with what seemed like a rather loose wristband. Also, the style looked vaguely familiar.

But before she could scrutinize further, the groom pulled his bride away.

Only Lu Groomsman was a step slower. He faced her with a strange smile, raising his glass. "Miss Jian, I'll finish this. You do as you like." Then he downed the half glass of red wine in one go, flashing the empty bottom at her.

Yet Jian Jing looked confused and puzzled. "Excuse me, you are...?"

Lu Groomsman choked. Remembering he'd asked her to keep it confidential, he didn't dare refute and introduced himself. "Lu Yu."

"Nice to meet you." Jian Jing nodded and sat down.

Lu Groomsman was stuck there, unable to advance or retreat. Unwilling to easily let her off, he deliberately offered his business card. "Here's my card. May I get your contact info?"

Jian Jing looked apologetic. "Sorry, I'm only here for the wedding today. It's inappropriate to give autographs."

Lu Groomsman: "..." This woman!

Jian Jing then asked, "Would you like to sit and eat with us?"

Grr, foiled. With his plan failed, Lu Groomsman didn't persist. "No need," he said coldly and strode off tempestuously as if someone owed him a billion dollars.

A nearby author remarked, "That's the young master of the Lu family, right? Impressive, a real rich second gen!"

Jian Jing responded especially calmly, "Don't know him. The groomsmen all look similar."

"He's the most handsome," everyone dutifully commented.

Jian Jing neither agreed nor denied it.

After lunch, the wedding banquet was over. The newlyweds' relatives and close friends would linger to chat and take photos before the second family banquet dinner.

Jian Jing was not acquainted with the bride at all, so she prepared to leave after eating.

But Kang Mu Cheng seemed to have met a friend. The two sat alone in a café corner, speaking softly about something that appeared to be business.

Unwilling to disturb them, and not wanting to hitch a ride, she idly strolled the backyard garden, digesting food and passing time.

About an hour later, she bumped into a rushed Lu Groomsman.

He saw her, and immediately said, "You are here."

Jian Jing was very surprised. This guy was full of the arrogance of a young master, but at this moment, his face was solemn, and his every move revealed urgency.

"Miss Jian, do you have time? The groom's father wants to see you." He said in a low voice, "Please be sure to give him this face."

The groom's father wants to see her, could it be that the groom has run away again?

Jian Jing became interested, but had to ask first: "What's the matter?"

"You'll know when you go." Lu Groomsman grabbed her arm, his five fingers gripped her like iron pliers, and said loudly, "Miss Jian, the bride asked you to come take photos!"

At the same time, another burly groomsman also came over, lightly patting her back to cut off her way of retreat.

Jian Jing frowned: "What do you mean by this?"

"Sorry for the offense." Lu Groomsman's expression was solemn. "I'll apologize to Miss Jian later."

They actually sent two groomsmen to find her, and were so aggressive. This was really unusual. Jian Jing thought for a while, didn't make a fuss, and obediently stepped out.

Lu Groomsman breathed a sigh of relief, and led her away quickly.

In the waiting room, Jian Jing met the groom's father, who was also the chairman of Fang Group. He was probably in his sixties, but very well maintained, with black hair and smooth skin without many age spots.

"Miss Jian, hello, I'm Fang Liming, the groom's father." Chairman Fang spoke neither hastily nor slowly, not showing any anxiety or panic at all. No one could hear any emotion in his words. "I'm really sorry to bother you like this, but I have no other choice."

Jian Jing asked, "May I ask what happened?"

"My child is dead." A trace of grief appeared in Chairman Fang's eyes. "On a day like this, it's not convenient for me to call the police. I want to ask you to help investigate who killed him."

Jian Jing paused, and decisively refused: "I'm sorry, I don't have the qualifications to investigate. You should call the police."

She was joking. There must be countless intrigues in a wealthy family. She was not related to the Fangs, and although she was interested in detective work, she didn't want to get involved. Moreover, without law enforcement qualifications, investigating cases was inappropriate.

But Chairman Fang had clearly come prepared: "Miss Jian, you're being too modest. You helped me find Xiaoyan before, and I asked around among friends. You've helped the police solve quite a few cases."

His tone was not domineering at all, but anyone could hear his determination and insistence.

This was an arrangement, not a discussion. He expected you to be grateful instead of bargaining.

Jian Jing did not buy into this: "As you said, I helped."

"Today's matter cannot be made public. You are the most suitable person." Chairman Fang stared into her eyes. "Both I and Rong Rong's father trust you."

Jian Jing said, "I'm not familiar with President Nie."

"But you are familiar with Chairman Jinwu, aren't you?" Chairman Fang calmly pointed out the key. "I've talked to Kang Lei on the phone. Do you want to ask her?"

Kang Lei was the name of President Kang.

"I see. You're asking me for help, but actually threatening me." Jian Jing smiled and said, "I'm a contracted author of Jinwu, not an employee. The president won't order me like this."

She took out her phone and asked, "Shall I call now and ask? What do you think?"

She didn't understand President Kang's personality, but no boss of any company would be stupid enough to agree to this.

Besides, for President Kang to build his business from nothing to what it was today, he must absolutely not be someone who compromises easily. Even if it was Kang Mu Cheng, upon hearing such a request, he would refuse outright. At most, as a junior, he might refuse a bit more tactfully.

Chairman Fang was just bullying her for looking young and naïve, forcing her with his power and status.


Chairman Fang looked at her steadily for a while, then suddenly laughed. His face was full of appreciation as he said, "Very good, Miss Jian is really smart and capable. Please don't mind, although I heard from friends that you are very capable, you are so young, which makes me uneasy."

He breezed over his coercion just now, and started appealing to her emotions: "Miss Jian, please understand a father's pain at the loss of his son. I'm sending off someone of the younger generation."

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