The Omnistore System

Chapter 255 Inside the cave

Chapter 255 Inside the cave

"What's our move here?" Kevin glanced at the ongoing skirmish with the lupins.

"Just wait for the right moment," Yelena replied, tucked close to him, her eyes glued to Keyara taking on the main monster.

"Right moment for what exactly?" Kevin scratched his head, puzzled. He thought about pouncing on the leader when it's hurt, but Keyara was also in a rough spot. Other ideas seemed foggy.

Yelena grinned knowingly, teasingly. "Think about what opportunities could arise?"

"I'm trying, but nothing solid's popping up," Kevin grumbled, annoyed by the vague hints.

Her grin widened. "Then put your thinking cap on, buddy."

Kevin furrowed his brow, his gaze fixed on the chaos unfolding before him. His mind raced, scanning for any potential opening amidst the intense clash between his teammates and the lupins.

He observed Keyara's tense stance as she countered the leader lupin's lightning-fast strikes with her sword. This creature relied on its incredible speed and flexibility, maneuvering from here to there in swift, agile motions. It constantly lunged and leaped at Keyara, leaving her with little choice but to dodge or block each attack.

Nine monsters against nine humans—the numbers matched, but the balance of strength and skill didn't align evenly across each individual. Stuart, in particular, struggled to keep up with a beast towering twice the size of a building. He bore wounds on his chest and thighs, a testament to the fierce battle. Despite evading some strikes, he couldn't evade a massive claw that ultimately tore through him, rending his body into pieces.

Meanwhile, Robert was locked in a fierce duel with his opponent, showcasing an impressive display of skill and prowess. With calculated precision, Robert jabbed and parried, exploiting gaps in the creature's defense. Each strike was deliberate, aimed at vital spots, causing significant damage. The spear gleamed as it sliced through the air, finding its mark time and again, chipping away at the creature's resilience.

The monster bore numerous minor wounds, but Robert's strikes strategically targeted areas that hindered the creature's combat capabilities. However, in a sudden turn, Kevin noticed something remarkable: Robert employing genuine spear-fighting techniques.

Robert shifted into a half-squat position, harnessing strength from his core. Gripping the spear with both hands—one in the middle and the other at the end—he executed a powerful upward thrust as the monster lunged at him. The fluidity and precision of Robert's movement were striking, a testament to his expertise with the weapon.

It was just not one thrust it was a flurry of thrusts from Robert's spear within a mere second. Afterimages blurred together as the spear repeatedly pierced the monster, causing it to roar in agony. The creature attempted to retreat, but Robert's relentless strikes had left its neck drenched in blood, spurting from the wounds. Some thrusts even landed on its face and one of its eyes.

All of this transpired in a single swift motion. The spear wasn't merely puncturing the skin; its impact resembled the force of small cannon rounds, blasting away flesh and leaving devastating injuries in its wake.

"Did you catch that?" Kevin turned to Yelena, his eyes aglow with amazement. "Robert's technique is something else. Is it another version of those soldier techniques from the cultivation associations?"

Yelena grinned and shook her head. "Nope, it's his family's technique."

"Really? What's it called?" Kevin's curiosity piqued.

"You should ask him," Yelena replied, her attention still fixed on the ongoing battle. "By the way, do you guessed why we're hanging back here instead of joining the fight?"

Kevin shook his head but quickly shared his theory. "I'd wager it's about the herbs. These monsters tend to guard them, right? We haven't spotted this one's stash yet, so maybe we're laying low to get a chance at finding it."

Keyara nodded, her gaze fixed on the ongoing battle, particularly on the cave behind them where she and the leader monster were engaged in combat. "You're close, but you missed one thing," she remarked, gesturing toward the cave. "We already know where the herbs are."

Kevin's surprise was evident, though he couldn't contain his excitement. "So, we're waiting for the leader monster to get fully engrossed in the fight to stealthily nab the herbs from the cave."

Yelena affirmed with a smile. "Exactly. Let's move slowly. Robert is wrapping up his fight and will soon assist Keyara against the leader. That's when we make our move into the cave."

Kevin eagerly nodded, thrilled at the prospect of the imminent action. His gaze shifted back to Robert, whose spear was now emitting a radiant white glow. The luminance gathered solely at the spear's tip, intensifying in size and brilliance. Yet, it wasn't a mere display of light; there was a purposeful aura to it that intrigued Kevin deeply.

As Robert continued his skilled maneuvers, the glow atop his spear grew more pronounced, its ethereal brilliance seemingly aligning with his martial movements. It wasn't just a shimmering display; there was a distinct energy forming, something far more than mere illumination.

Kevin's fascination grew as the gleaming radiance at the spear's tip intensified, almost pulsating in harmony with the battle's tempo. It was as if the weapon itself was attuning to Robert's prowess, resonating with his every strike and maneuver.

"He's going to finish it," Yelena remarked, her tone tinged with excitement.

Kevin heard her comment but remained silent, his focus locked on Robert's intense battle. He witnessed the glow at the tip of the spear expanding to almost triple its original size. The monster, already gasping for its last breaths, displayed fear as Robert charged towards it.

However, the creature couldn't flee while its leader was engaged in combat, so it staggered toward Robert, blood trickling from its wounds, leaving a gruesome trail as it moved.

With lightning reflexes, Robert swiftly evaded the monster's desperate lunge, narrowly avoiding its claw that aimed to tear into his chest. As the creature's attack missed its mark, Robert seized the moment. With a swift, decisive movement, he swung his spear with remarkable precision.

The gleaming blade sliced through the air, cleaving through the monster's massive head with a decisive force. The monster let out a final, guttural cry before collapsing to the ground, its life force extinguished by the skilled strike.

The tension in the air dissipated as the creature fell, its threat finally ended. Robert stood, his chest heaving with exertion, his spear stained with the monster's blood. The team watched in awe at his display of skill and bravery, a mix of relief and admiration coursing through them.

"Wow..." Kevin muttered, his eyes wide with amazement at the swift and precise victory.

"It's our signal," Yelena announced, diverting Kevin's attention from the headless monster's body. Robert, still catching his breath, moved swiftly toward Keyara engaged in battle with the leader monster.

The leader's attacks intensified as it witnessed the demise of one of its subordinates. With the creature fully engrossed in the fight, Kevin and Yelena wasted no time, darting towards the cave entrance. Yelena murmured into her walkie-talkie, "We're making our move."

Mid-fight, Keyara seemed attuned to their plan. "Go ahead, Robert, keep ii entertain a little longer."

"I doubt it's here for the entertainment," Robert quipped, a faint smile on his lips. The leader monster directed its aggression towards him, while Keyara capitalized on the opportunity to land her own strikes.

Kevin and Yelena stealthily crept towards the cave's entrance, their movements calculated to avoid attracting attention. The shadows of the cavern engulfed them as they ventured deeper into its mysterious depths.

The air within the cave felt different, cooler and tinged with the scent of damp earth. Yelena signaled for Kevin to proceed cautiously, her hand resting on her weapon as they navigated the dimly lit passageways. Small pockets of luminescent moss adorned the walls, casting a faint, ethereal glow that illuminated their path.

They trod carefully, each step echoing softly in the cavernous silence. The sound of distant rumbles and echoes from the ongoing battle outside reverberated through the cave, a reminder of the chaos beyond its confines.

Kevin's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and trepidation as they ventured further, their objective clear: to secure the elusive herbs guarded by the creatures. Yelena maintained her focus, her gaze sharp as they moved deeper into the cave's enigmatic embrace, staying alert for any signs of the guarded treasure they sought.

He glanced at Yelena, her black armor blending seamlessly into the darkness. Her presence was nearly imperceptible, her breaths so faint that they were barely discernible. Yet, the subtle yin energy emanating from her provided the only clue to her presence in the cave's depths.

Though Yelena moved without a sound, Kevin's own breathing and footsteps seemed to echo, stubbornly reverberating in the cavern despite his efforts to control them.

They had traversed a considerable distance, at least two or three hundred meters, without encountering anything noteworthy beyond the cave's expanding dimensions. The space grew larger as they descended, spacious enough for the agile lupins to maneuver freely, with even room for one to leap overhead.

"This moss contains herbal energy. Let's collect some." Yelena whispered suddenly. Nodding, Kevin carefully gathered some of the moss into a small crystal container. Each herb had its designated storage, and while uncertain of the exact container for this particular moss, he opted for the standard one typically used for similar herbs.

Gathering samples, they ventured deeper into the cavern, procuring more of the moss. As they continued, Yelena suddenly halted and uttered, "Stop."

In an attempt to listen keenly, Kevin quieted his breathing, hoping to discern any sound. To his surprise, he heard only the rhythmic thumping of his own heartbeat. Even more astonishing was the absence of Yelena's breath. Confounded, he glanced at her, poised to question how she managed that feat, but before he could speak, Yelena whispered, "We're not alone."

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