The Omnistore System

Chapter 335 Indebted Emma

Chapter 335 Indebted Emma

"Don't spend too much, it's not our money," Emma said to her daughter as she bought one thing after another. They weren't expensive, but it was still the money Kevin had given them, and she was very reluctant to spend it.

Lora, adding the new piece of clothing to the others she had bought earlier, replied, "Mom, he said we can spend it on whatever we want. He clearly told us to use it to take our minds off the situation at home, so let's just have some fun." Looking over to where Riya was shopping in another store, she continued, "And if you feel indebted to him, you can pay him back by helping him with whatever he needs."

"And what's that?" Emma asked, a bit angry that her daughter showed no shame in spending someone else's money.

"I don't know," Lora shrugged.

This made Emma even angrier and more frustrated. "Then how are you going to pay him back?" she asked.

Lora turned to her with a wide smile and said, "Who said I was going to pay him back?"

Emma's eyes glared with fury, but since they were already near Riya, she controlled her emotions to avoid a misunderstanding. "We'll talk about this at home, young lady," she warned, but Lora just stuck out her tongue, not taking her seriously.

While it was frustrating, Emma agreed that if she was receiving help, she should give back in some way. However, she didn't know how to help Kevin and his family. She didn't have any money, and even if she did, it didn't seem like they needed it. 'House chores?' she thought, but Maria didn't like her doing them. She didn't have any special skills, being just an ordinary housewife.

'There has to be something they need my help with,' Emma thought, trying hard to figure out how she could assist them. Nothing came to mind, so she decided to find out what they needed help with. Even if it was just helping one member of the family, she wanted to contribute.

Emma never liked getting things done for her for free. She understood that family and loved ones did things out of care, but she was never comfortable with it, so she always found a way to pay them back. Even as a housewife, she maintained the house, cooked hot meals, and took care of her cheating husband because he provided for her and their daughter.

But that was in the past, and she didn't want to dwell on it anymore. Shaking her head, she muttered to herself, "Lora is right, I should focus on something else." With that in mind, she reluctantly decided to spend some money on things she liked as they browsed the market.

Emma took a deep breath and decided to indulge a little. As they walked through the market, she picked up a few items that caught her eye. A pretty scarf, some handmade jewelry, and a cozy sweater. Lora and Riya were also busy exploring the stalls.

"Mom, look at this dress!" Lora exclaimed, holding up a beautiful, but pricey, outfit.

"It's lovely, but it's a bit too expensive, don't you think?" Emma replied, examining the tag. "We should be mindful of what we're spending."

"I know, but it's so pretty," Lora sighed, putting it back reluctantly. "Did you see how that shopkeeper looked at us, though? So rude!"

"Yeah, I noticed," Riya chimed in. "He acted like we couldn't afford anything in his store. Some people are just like that."

"Don't let it bother you," Emma said, smiling at her daughters. "There are plenty of other places with nicer people."

They moved on to another stall where the shopkeeper greeted them warmly. Emma picked up a delicate bracelet and tried it on. "What do you think, girls?"

"It looks great on you, Mom!" Lora said enthusiastically.

"I agree," Riya added. "You should definitely get it."

Emma smiled and decided to buy the bracelet. As they continued shopping, they chatted about various things they saw.

"These handmade soaps are amazing," Riya said, sniffing one. "But they're a bit pricey."

The shopkeeper, hearing her, smiled and said, "It's because, miss, these soaps have some qi herbs mixed in, which are really good for the skin."

"Let's just get one to try," Emma suggested. "If we like it, we can always come back."

Lora nodded in agreement. "Good idea. And look at these candles! They smell so good."

They bought a few more small items, enjoying their time together. Despite her initial reluctance, Emma found herself relaxing and having fun. It felt good to treat herself and her daughters, even if just for a little while. As they left the market with their bags in hand, Emma felt a sense of contentment.

"Alright, girls, let's head back. It's almost dinner time," Emma said, glancing at the time.

Lora nodded. "Yeah, I got everything I need."

Riya nodded too. "Me too."

"Then let's go back," Emma said, feeling a bit more relaxed than before.

As the three were heading home, Kevin was already ready and sitting cross-legged on the sofa with his eyes closed. He had absorbed some yin qi from his time with Maria, so he chose to cultivate it. Since it wasn't much and not of high grade, it didn't take long to use it all up.

Kevin had released his semen in Maria instead of his yang qi, since ejaculating too much yang qi could make her ill due to the buildup. 'And cumming feels much better,' Kevin thought as he finished gathering yin qi to advance his cultivation. It was becoming harder to increase his cultivation; the last significant leap happened when he had sex with Lidia. However, her yin qi wasn't of good quality, so only the qi from Keyara had been helping him a bit lately. Maria and Riya were just starting the qi linking stage, so they didn't produce much quantity, and the quality was also low. Keith was fine, but his cultivation would soon match her, rendering it ineffective.

Now, his best options were Viana, Keyara, and Samira. He could also have fun with Lorelie if the chance arose. However, he didn't need to increase his cultivation rapidly at the moment, as he had other things to take care of after this small getaway.

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