The Record Of Barton's Fantastical Events

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Chapter 14 Flames

When returning to Grande Funeral Home, the sun had already set in the west. Alice held several bags with excitement and put them back in her room. These were gifts from Lola, clothes, cosmetics, accessories from Liszt Street… Alice decided to experiment with these new things after dinner.

Yes, after leaving Raiput, Lola unexpectedly skipped her cheerleader training and forced the three people to go shopping with her.

Zach first returned to his office, got himself a glass of ‘wine’, sat behind the desk in the dark, and pressed the answering machine with one finger.

After disappearing for an afternoon, he didn’t think that Old Hank would help manage the business of Grande Funeral Home.

“This is Stuart William. I want to make a reservation…”

It was just a regular appointment call. Zach pulled out a pen and paper and noted down the other party’s phone number.

“Zach! James wants to make contact with the hunter! He won’t listen to me easily!” This is Anthony’s voice, “I don’t think he will listen to you either! But you still have to find ways to protect him! We don’t know what the hunters know, he might be in danger! Anyway, you need to be careful!”

Zach shook the goblet and frowned.

After a short beep, the message continued, and Zach noted down several names and numbers.

Then a strange voice appeared.

“Grande Funeral Home? No one answered, this is the answering machine’s voice. How about the police station?”

Another voice appeared, it was very low. It could be heard that the person was not near the phone, “He was not at the police station, I have checked around the area, still couldn’t find anything. Did you get anything here?”

“No, this is the last number he pressed. It is called Grande…”

The conversation became quieter and quieter until the phone was hung up.

Someone is really a rich second generation. When everyone is still using the old pulse-dialing phone, someone has already used the more advanced push-button phone.

Okay, this is not the point. The point is that Zach looked at the time recorded on the answering machine, it was just an hour ago. He put down the ‘wine’ glass, took off his coat, his eyes had already turned red, and his sharp teeth had protruded from his lips.

The situation was already obvious. James exposed the Grande Funeral Home.

“Ah!” Alice’s scream came from the kitchen outside the office.

Zach disappeared from the office.

The sound of broken windows sounded, and a sturdy dark-brown figure jumped out of the window! Alice tremblingly hugged her own shoulders, curled up in the corner. On the left side, the Great Dane’s shoulder was pierced by a silver metal stake and nailed to the floor!

Zach looked coldly at the broken window. Benjamin had already chased out. Zach looked around, picked up a rag to wrap his palms, and grabbed the silver metal stake obliquely nailed to the Great Dane’s right shoulder, and pulled it out.

The vampire bit his wrist and put it on the mouth of the Great Dane that had a weak breath left: “Hurry up!”

The hair-raising bones cracking appeared, and the wound on the Great Dane disappeared in a moment, “Change the shape and protect Alice.”

Zach withdrew his wrist, the Great Dane’s body began to change. The musculoskeletal under the skin was twisted and reconstructed strangely! The bleeding wrist of the vampire healed quickly. Then the vampire disappeared, leaving only two red afterimages in the air. Outside the window that was broken by Benjamin, the sound of glasses being stepped on was gone in a flash!

“Left! There is another one!” Benjamin, who was covered in dark brown hair, had several stakes stabbed on him! Red blood soaked the hair of the alpha! However, the werewolf still used its power that ordinary people could not compete, to hold the man under him! The slightly protruding lower jaw opened and closed, quickly reminding the passing-by vampire with the snarling sound of a beast!

Zach didn’t stop, moving on the ground like a ghost under the night sky! The werewolf’s nose is a more powerful means of detection than the vampire’s senses!

Then many cold silver gleaming rays appeared under the moonlight. The vampire was constantly forced to dodge, and under his shirt that has been torn open, there were wounds that seem to be corroded!

It’s that very surprising! It is normal for professional hunters to use silver weapons!

The man in front discarded the crossbow that had been shot empty while retreating, then suddenly turned around resolutely, and stopped moving! While reaching for his waist, the distance between him and the vampire was rapidly shortening!

Zach’s red eyes suddenly constricted, his upper body leaned forward suddenly, and his sharp fingertips thrust into the ground! His entire rear body turned sharply under inertia! The muscles of the vampire’s abdomen and back contracted as much as possible, forcibly stopping the forward momentum!

Just before the vampire finally stopped, the muddy hands were pulled out of the ground, and his whole body turned 180 degrees and retreated in the opposite direction. But in front of the vampire, the fine powder that was blown out from the man’s silver canister was instantly lit by a spark from a silver lighter!

In front of the man, in the area of nearly ten square meters, the bright red flames like the rolling demon swallowed Zach!

I think I have mentioned that the vampire had a strong aversion toward all kinds of cremations, right?


An ear-piercing scream burst out from the flames. It was loud and harsh under the night sky.

“Huh, huh, huh, ha, ha…” The chest of the man whose limbs were tightly held by alpha was moving ups and downs quickly. He seemed to have seen something funny, “A werewolf is actually worried about a vampire? ! Hahaha!”

In the dark brown eyes of the werewolf, the flames in the wilderness under the night sky occupied his pupils, as if it was teasing his soul!

The muscles of Alpha were stretched, the strength of his limbs was increasing, and the bones of his body seemed to be pulled apart by some force, and they were slowly reconstructing!

“What are you doing!” The man below shouted in horror! “Stop! Stop!…”

Maybe I can ask everyone a question. Do you know what the end result is when you treat someone with double personalities? The answer is to choose one out of two, giving up one personality. For example, like Benjamin now, he seemed to give up his human personality.

“Phil! The man wanted to struggle, but he couldn’t move anything except the chest that was moving more and more violently and the throat that made more and more sharp calls!

“Here! Save me!”

The man’s eyes were bloodshot, and he desperately turned his gaze to where his partner was, hoping that the partner who solved the vampire could come to the rescue him!

He succeeded.

No, I am not saying that his call for help was successful, I am saying that he successfully saw his partner. Flames without fuels will not exist for a long time. The bursting flame disappeared under the night sky after losing the support of fuel.

In front of a black statue that had its arms spread wide open and its head raised facing the sky as if it were about to swallow the sky, his partner drew a dagger from behind his waist warily.


The black carbon flaked off the ‘statue’ like a broken eggshell. The vampire’s arms were folded. His raised head slowly turned on his neck, and his mouth that was wide open because of the scream was slowly closed.

Two red points emerged slowly in the total darkness.

Let’s thank Kyle Barton, who used his twisted soul to whet the vampire’s appetite in the afternoon. He was why Zach was still alive.

“You made me scream like a girl.” The lips were opened and closed, allowing the black material to flake off, revealing bright red lips and pale teeth. “You will be punished.”

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