The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 242 Tyr's Hopeless Task

The hours passed and Tyr traveled through the snow, but Tyr did not take into account the trail that his movement would have left, the weather made it near impossible for anyone else to take notice of it but near impossible was not impossible.

There was a possibility that it was possible, but Tyr did not gamble on the fact that this would be the one time in a million when it would be.

Tyr did not have the luxury to do it or he would be stranded or freeze to death in this weather.

He had to keep moving to keep his body from shutting down, and if he did not, he risked dying of hypothermia.

Tyr was getting closer to the camp, he was surprised that it was stationed this close, and it was just as they suspected, they were surrounded as the area was lit up by sticks illuminating the darkened area because the clouds had blocked out the sun.

This was what Tyr planned to exploit because he knew his target should be those lights.

If they could go out, then that would be his leeway to sneak through the camp in the cover of darkness.

But there was a problem and that was that Tyr had no idea how he could accomplish this.

There was only so much his camouflaged clothes could do, and he knew if they got a clear view of him then there was no helping it.

But he needed to move and fast, Tyr attempted to circle them to see if there was a weak link but there was none, each position as firm as the rest.

He knew he could not charge in, he was no Erik so he had to use his brain.

He had to wait it out, he had to wait for night to fall but this also meant he had to regulate his body temperature.

The layers of clothing helped a great deal despite it slowing down his movement and if he was this cold with it, he could only imagine what state he would be in without it.

Tyr waited in a nearby encampment, it looked abandoned but it barely held up.

Tyr was glad that he found this because this might be the very thing that saves him.

Tyr spent time there, munching away at the food he had left but there was no water to wash it all down nor could he absorb the snow for liquid.

Time went by slowly, and every second here felt like he could drop at any moment.

"I can do this! I can!" Tyr spoke to himself, he knew he needed that edge because his mind was crumbling under the pressure.

"Are you sure about that?" A voice asked him and Tyr immediately jerked his head in the direction the voice came from but he could not move fast enough due to his body temperature at such extremes.

"Who is there?" Tyr asked and his eyes made contact with a man standing above him.

The man was Kjell, Kjell had only one arm after having the other one torn away by Erik The Berserker.

Tyr immediately took a defensive stance, but he knew he was no match for him even despite the man having a single arm.

This man defeated Erik in a one-on-one deathmatch and Tyr was certain he was not on the level of Erik but he was confident he could devise a means to defeat him for he too had his strengths.

"I am Kjell and I think you know what fate awaits you," Kjell said bluntly, Tyr noticed he had a horse behind him but what was he doing here in the first place?

This strategy they were using, now made sense.

Tyr knew there was something familiar about it but never could he have guessed that Signy was involved in any of this but now he had no doubt.

Tyr knew he was as good as dead if he was captured and he had seen the potential fate that awaited prisoners of war and that was being the ultimate glory of Valhalla.

He would rather die here than be captured and despite Tyr drawing his weapon, Kjell never reciprocated his hostility and instead just watched the boy.

"What were his last moments like?" Kjell asked Tyr but Tyr was confused by this question, a confusion that did not go unnoticed by Kjell as he had to rephrase his question.

"I want to know what Erik's last moments were like. I know you are the one that took his life," Kjell said bluntly, everyone was aware of what Erik did to Lagertha as well as the trial for news traveled fast.

The state of Erik's corpse varied from the people that told the tale but there was no way he was not killed by someone that held a personal grudge against him.

Kjell just knew it was Tyr, and he wanted to confirm if this much was true but seeing how fearless the boy has become only supported his claim.

"What makes you think I am the one that killed him?" Tyr wanted to know what good this information was before he gave it away so carelessly for it could prove to be a potential bargaining chip.

"Tyr Ragnarsson, you might think you snuck out of the camp unnoticed but you have been watched all through. I can confidently say, you will not be leaving here alive…." Kjell said and like a defensive dog, Tyr pointed his ax at Kjell but he noticed that his slender needle-like sword was still holstered around his waist.

…. Or that is what I would have said., I think we can help each other, Tyr Ragnarsson," Kjell revealed his intention and this explained his lack of hostility.

He did not know how Tyr managed to kill Erik and survive for this long but this only showed just how capable the young warrior was as he was leading a group of savages, having killed a Chieftain to cement his authority as its ruler.

But just what did Kjell want from Tyr, the boy that Signy wanted to kill by all means possible?

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