The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 252 Victory.... Short-Lived?

The day had advanced, Tyr was nurtured back to health and he was back in full form.

Luckily, there was no damage to the nerves in his fingers so it just needed to be defrosted slowly.

Finn was praised and hailed, he was the hero of this victory, not Tyr despite Tyr playing a pivotal role in this.

Tyr noted that they were able to save a few houses from burning to the ground, this was made possible because of the cold, and the fire died out quickly.

This provided them shelter to pass the previous night with, they had eaten and restored their health.

The starvation tactic did not work and it had backfired even because the demoralized army was now reinvigorated but there was something that no one knew about and that was the force of nature that was headed their way, Sturla alongside a few others were already on their way to crush the enemies.

"TYR RAGNARSSON! YOU ARE A CRAZY SON OF BITCH! I AM GLAD I DID NOT KILL YOU!" Gissur screamed at the top of his lungs.

He could never imagine the fortune they had, running into each other like this had to be nothing but fate.

Gissur thought Tyr would die yet here he was, without a scratch on his body.

"Hahaha! I have to thank you both for trusting in my strategy! I would have never thought we would meet like this but it was a fortunate mistake. This, however, would not be possible without Finn!" Tyr said, he did not hug the spotlight all to himself and gestured for Finn to join the table of the Chieftains.

This was an honor because it showed that he was being recognized by each Chieftain, Nora could not believe her eyes because she never thought this day would come.

She had always thought that his disability would inhibit his journey to the top but to think he had a skill that was far more valuable than physical combat was something that took the weight off her shoulder.

Finn did not say a word, he was far too flustered because the men that surrounded him were all greater than him in both name and status.

Being in their presence was honorable enough as the warriors behind kept changing his name.

Gudrun was relieved that Tyr was okay, but she did not like how she felt when he was gone.

She knew that if anything should happen to Tyr, her heart might not be able to take it but she did not have time for such baseless thoughts.

The present was important and she wanted to spend as much time as she could with Tyr but she knew she could not overdo it or she might scare him away.

She was no fool, she noticed him getting uncomfortable with how clingy she had become.

Her eyes turned to Nora, she was in a relationship after all so she could maybe help her get her thoughts together.

It was funny that amid war, this was what was troubling the young girl.

She needed it off her chest as soon as possible.

Girl talk, that is what she wanted right now as absurd as it sounded.

Nora and Gudrun spoke about it.

"Nora…." Gudrun said timidly and Nora already knew what she wanted to ask because Gudrun could not take her eyes off Tyr.

"You are hopeless, Gudrun. I know you are in love with him, and I bet I am not the only one that noticed it," Nora teased her but Gudrun was not worried about this because she wanted people to know that Tyr and her had a thing so this was good news to her ears.

"I do not know what to do with these feelings, I fear I will go mad at this rate…" Gudrun said with a show of genuine fear. Nora could not help but giggle at this prospect because she was once like her.

The dilemma of a girl's first love but Nora wanted to reassure her about one thing, and that was whatever she was feeling was normal.

"You know… That is how love is, it is beautiful, is it not? Knowing you will not hesitate to die for a person…" Nora said, eyes momentarily settling on Noa before returning to Gudrun.

"Stop trying to control it, let it run amok and consume you. You have fallen in love with a fine man," Nora said, and Gudrun sighed in relief.

That was all she wanted, she wanted to hear that her feelings were valid.

"Thank you, Nora…" Gudrun thanked her with a wide smile.

This kindred atmosphere was soon interrupted by someone screaming, it was one of the many scouts they had stationed to watch their flanks because the last thing they needed was an unsuspecting attack.

"ENEMIES ARE INCOMING!" The ever-reliable Gō had informed them.

"They took longer than I expected…" Gissur scoffed as he down the cup of ale in front of him before getting to his feet.

"ARE YOU READY FOR YET ANOTHER VICTORY!?" Gissur screamed and his men roared.

Kolbeinn was glad that he did not face him as an enemy, there was something primal about the men Gissur led, there was no way his men would have been a match for them.

Tyr looked over at Finn and the man nodded, a nonverbal instruction had been given to him.

"I want ten men that would not mind dying to go with Finn, this may very well be your last battle but boy will your tales be sung far and wide because your sacrifices will help us achieve victory!" Tyr said but the way he phrased his words made it seem like dying was a good thing and the next thing he knew, people began fighting to die for him.

They were bickering among themselves and Kolbeinn watched in amazement because Tyr had just made people fight to die.

But this right here, scared Kolbeinn down to his bones because he knew that Tyr was far too dangerous to be left with even more authority within his clan.

"What is he?" Kolbeinn thought as they prepared for battle.

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