The Surrogate Bride of the Colonel He

Chapter 65

C65 – Disappearing Again

Tank, what’s your strategy when you’re facing an unseen adversary?

Rosen’s gaze remained fixed on Tank displayed on the screen, vigilantly monitoring their surroundings. He couldn’t help but empathize with Xu Yangyi, who was stealthily advancing while Tank remained oblivious.

At that moment, Xu Yangyi cautiously lifted his hand, nimbly rising to his feet, and swiftly sought refuge behind a tree. Leaning against the tree’s roots, he finally released a sigh of relief.

That was a close call! He had nearly been hit by Tank, but now it must be tense out there. As his distance from my operatives kept narrowing, he probably can’t locate them.

Xu Yangyi broke into a smile, then cautiously extended his head to assess Tank’s position. However, Tank suddenly redirected its attention toward him, starting to approach. Startled, Xu Yangyi immediately withdrew.

Oh no! Has my position been compromised? Xu Yangyi eyed the tree a couple of meters away, about to leap for cover, when Tank discharged two rounds in his direction. The bullets grazed Xu Yangyi’s hair, widening his eyes in astonishment.

“You sneaky brat, I’m not sure how you managed to get ahead of me, but it’s over now. I know you’re lurking behind that tree. If you surrender, you might escape physical pain.” Tank advanced as it spoke, though it remained cautious of its surroundings, as if unsure whether Xu Yangyi was indeed concealed behind that tree.

In this tense moment, the soldiers were fraught with anxiety. Their collective outcry warned against the trap, suggesting that not succumbing to it would risk exposing their position during the counterattack.

But Xu Yangyi was oblivious to this. Unaware that Tank was assessing him, he raised his firearm, intending to reload. However, just as he was about to do so, a sudden calmness overcame him. He listened intently to the footsteps behind him.

An unease crept over Xu Yangyi as he honed in on the oddity. He was perplexed; why wasn’t the person approaching with bold strides? Instead, it was as if they were on alert, wary of something.

Carefully, he nudged a rock at his feet, sending it rolling towards a distant tree. As anticipated, Tank pivoted and fired toward that sound’s source. Seizing the moment, Xu Yangyi dashed from his tree cover, his shot intended for Tank. Initially poised to land a blow, his plan was swiftly thwarted by Tank’s cold retaliation – one of Xu Yangyi’s bullets was intercepted. With agility, Tank evaded the subsequent barrage. Closing in on Xu Yangyi, it taunted, “Kid, your attack was too transparent. I knew you’d fall into this trap.” Two more shots echoed.

Xu Yangyi cursed, swiftly darting toward a sizable nearby tree. Hiding in the shadows, he braced for confrontation. Yet, Tank was relentless, fast approaching. It raised its weapon, aimed behind the tree, and barked, “Little punk, your luck’s run out!”

The soldiers watching the screen had little time to react, for Tank’s speed was remarkable. Xu Yangyi couldn’t dodge or counter. Just as it seemed Xu Yangyi’s defeat was imminent, the camera’s flash captured an unexpected scene from behind the tree.

How… What had just occurred? How could that kid vanish? Tank’s eyes widened, incredulity etched across its face. It scanned its surroundings, yet Xu Yangyi remained invisible, as if he had truly disappeared.

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