The Vampire Cat System

Chapter 159 A Plan In Mind, One Man Against The Second Years

Previously on The Vampire Cat System

[they watched as one man with an owl mask and red eye at his left side entered the midst of those devilish second years and massacre several ranks 8 students like they were nothing, it was a display of might and power they had never seen before, far greater than anything than they had ever seen even till now.

The academy had shown them that there was power far greater ahead, this was what drove them to become stronger and the fact they needed more power.]

He couldn't help but look at Sophia on the spinning board, and shook his head, although they were not as cruel as the previous second years, they still wanted to show the first years they were not to be cocky, and go against them even though they wouldn't kill her this was meant to be a warning not just to the entire first years, but to Sophia herself, the girl was just too crazy to have gone against them.

The reason why they were attacking her was to teach her a lesson, not only for breaking the rules but as a tradition that was passed down as well, they were already being lenient by not straight out killing her, to show her that they were a mountain she couldn't overcome just because she was rank 5 symbiote user, this was a lesson she needed to learn, otherwise she and other future trouble makers would think they were already strong enough just because they had high ranking, and if she didn't learn from this they would kill her without thinking twice.

After he came to the front, Bernard began to look around him, he wasn't doing this on a whim rather he was trying to calculate the numbers of the second year in the assembly ground. Soon enough he couldn't help but smile, as he realize there were twelve second years students by the entrance of the assembly ground, four on each side taking different positions as they surrounded first years.

When he raised his head to look at Sophia, he could see a second-year student by the side, this was the person who was spinning the board wheel, compared to the invisible guy and that rank 6, Bernard thought this dude was very weak considering the fact he was only rank 3, although he was still a high ranking student he still thought he would be able to take care of him without activating his skills and abilities.

One more thing he realized, besides the invisible guy and the rank 6, most of the second years seemed to be very weak, this made him understand not all second years were here, likely there was a power struggle between seconds years and this bunch might just be the ones on his side, he thought to himself. Beside that most of the students outside of the platforms, seem to have newly just become second years, since he couldn't sense any sign of them having gone through the second stage of symbiote transformation.

Although he was itching for a fight, he knew best than anyone else that the invisible guy and the rank 6, and the several ranks 5 second years were no joke, besides, he wasn't sure perception would be able to perfectly pinpoint the guy's location since the dude was too scared to show himself, but that wasn't where the problem lies it was that the amount of points in perception was too low to be able to perfectly sense where he was, this was the only person that gives him the creeps since he couldn't see him.

As Bernard looked at his side, he realize it was unlikely to seek the first years around him for help, most of them were already too scared after seeing what the second years did to those who resisted, after the rank 4 first years had been taken care of, the only person who was the strongest in their side was Sonia, however, she didn't seem like she was willing to help, it was likely it wasn't because she was scared because he had seen her fight before, but because except she was provoked she wouldn't act, this made him look at Sophia, and thought they had an uncanny resemblance in attitudes.

Everyone watched as Bernard brought out a dagger from his waist, however after bringing it out, he didn't seem like he wanted to attack anyone, instead, he gradually walk towards the energy crystals, before he picked the energy crystals he made sure the dagger was activated, giving him the usual extra 3 agility points and +4 attack power, after he was done with that he finally picked an energy crystal, with that a notification message appeared before him.

[Name:Energy crystal]

[Type of beast weapon:Stone]

[Tier:Basic tier]

[Attack: +4]

With appraise activated Bernard could see, the information on the energy crystal, as his eyes roam around the information of the energy crystal for a while, before focusing his attention on the next notification below it.

[Would you like to activate the energy crystal?]

This was the reason why he had equipped the dagger, it was for the extra attack power since wielding it gave him an bonus when attacking power, and this wasn't just limited to using it to attack as long as he wielded it he could even use his fist and still enjoy the same the bonus in attacking power.

And now it was the same thing he was doing for the energy crystal, the attacking power was what he needed if he truly wanted to pull off what he had in mind, what more he didn't need to worry about the dagger and energy attack power not coexisting as one, he also didn't need to be concern about how to figure out the activation method for the energy crystals since the system automatically does it for him.



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