The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 87

87 Arrangement

“Yes.” General Ryan’s answer was short and concise, but it felt as if a big hammer had been directed towards their fragile hearts.

These doctors were staring at the room with mixed expression.


“I never thought that a pet could actually awaken such a rare ability.” The second doctor sighed deeply.

“Yeah. All the other pets are only basic element, but this is...” another doctor sighed.

General Ryan looked at these doctors and rolled his eyes internally. If they knew that this little cat actually awakened two abilities instead of just one, he was sure that their eyes would have long popped out of their head.

But he didn’t have any plan to expose Little Kitty’s real strength.

Both spatial ability and healers were the rarest in the entire world. At the same time, they were also the weakest despite their highly important role. It was also because of this that everyone was aiming for them.

Should someone with either one of the ability appeared, they would definitely be coveted greatly.


And this little cat actually had two of them.

“General Ryan... is this cat belonged to Young Master Kyle?” One of the doctors asked with regretful tone.

“Yes.” General Ryan pursed his lips.

“What a pity, what a pity.”


The doctors sighed one after another. They knew very well that Kyle’s reputation in the military had been extremely bad lately mainly because of his attitude. Not to mention, this young man was also extremely hard to control and would definitely not allow anyone to get close to his cat.

Even though they had only seen this short scene, they knew that Kyle treasured Little Kitty very much.

If anyone dared to ask for that cat... that would be the same as courting death.

“If only the little cat can help us and follow during mission, it will be very wonderful.” One of the doctors lamented.


“General Ryan, your family Kyle is very lucky.”

General Ryan laughed but didn’t say anything else to these doctors. They were all military doctors who were responsible for the health of these soldiers. However, after these awakened people appeared, their role had been decreasing.

They knew that but they also accepted it.

After all, not all of them were suitable for this kind of role.

“I’ll talk to them about their work arrangement.” General Ryan walked to the door and pushed it open.

At this time, Kyle had already settled Kate in his hand. It seemed that he had gotten used to have one of his hand carrying Kate at all time. With the training he had in the past, just carrying such a light little cat was definitely not a problem for him.

“It’s done, Father.” Kyle had returned to his calm appearance.


Kate also raised one of her paw and greeted General Ryan. Her action was so cute and definitely could steal the heart of so many women.

“I can see that.” General Ryan was pleased. “The doctors will be very pleased to have you work here. Even though I think that the soldiers will not necessarily like it.”


The major who followed General Ryan had a bitter smile on his face. He knew very well that the reason why they would not like it was because of how troublesome Kyle could be. If he could only reign his temper a bit, the soldiers would be more welcoming of him.

“I have already been kicked out once, why should I bother to stay here again?” Kyle asked with a shrug.

“The reason for you being kicked is because of the prank you show...” General Ryan didn’t feel like repeating what had happened back then anymore. He was so tired when he saw the black face of those old comrades of his. “I’ll respect whatever you want to do.”

“I would rather stay in my Black Group.” Kyle shook his head. “But when we’re not having any work, I’ll bring Little Kitty here so that she can help the military a bit.”


Kyle patted Kate’s head. He could sense that she was a bit excited when mentioning about working here. It seemed that this little cat was somewhat kind in nature.

Well, most people were like that.

After all, being given healing ability, if she didn’t use it to heal other people, what would she used that ability for? Not everyone was like Kate had had the reverse healing method, so all they could do was to use their ability to help others.

“That’s good.” General Ryan was pleased with this arrangement. He didn’t expect to be able to bring the little cat by himself anyway. With Kyle watching 24 hours a day, he would applaud anyone who managed to steal the cat away from him.

“Does your cat tired from the healing today? There are still a few other who are badly wounded, but they can still be treated with normal medical equipment. It will just take more time before they can return to the active duty.”

“What do you say, Little Kitty?” Kyle glanced at Kate.


“Do you have green crystals?” Kyle seemed to be able to somewhat understand Kate. He could see that she was not tired, but if she had to work a lot, it meant that she would need those green crystals.

“We have a lot.” General Ryan nodded. There was no healer in their military, so all the green crystals they had been gathering for the past half a month was piling up. There should be a few thousands of them. “I’ll give them to you. For now, follow me to other rooms and heal those other officers first.”

“Ok.” Kyle had no opinion about this.


Kate now felt a bit more excited. She felt now she had become more useful aside from acting cute and being the items carrier for Kyle.

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