The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel

Chapter 165: The choice that changes everything

Chapter 165: The choice that changes everything

(Ryoto's pov)

Getting to the 3rd district took me four days. Longer than expected, but what can I do? For the next three days, I plan to observe my target.

I need to know the best time to do the deed. I would assume that it would be at night, but I expect that the Corps Commander won't leave his wife unguarded even if no one should know that she is here.

My eyes, while significantly weakened, are still powerful, and I hope I'll be able to find all the guards unless they can hide better than I think they are, which is possible. I still can see fast movements without any problem, but I noticed that 'zooming in' takes a lot of effort. I can still see pretty far away, though.

3rd district was a lot cleaner than 78th if that makes sense. Poverty was at lower levels, not that it didn't exist. It will always exist.

Yan Fon lived normally as far as I could tell. She looked happy with her daughter, but soon the tragedy will hit their family and it will be brought about by me.

Seeing her with the small child, somehow reminded me about Lala and our child as well. What would happen if Lala was killed by someone? Probably there would be carnage, war, or both at the same time.

The point is that I'm going to do something that I would kill someone over, but I need to do it.

I steeled my heart, buried all my emotions deep inside, and readied myself to complete my mission.

I will do it. I need to do it!

I couldn't use poisons as not only would I need to buy it myself and it's expensive, but also Yan Fon is always together with a helper, and I noticed that that helper is always tasting the food before both Yan Fon and her daughter. I suspect she is someone from Stealth Force who is supposed to protect them. The guard is with them most of the day and doesn't leave their side.

It leaves only night to take action.

I also found five other guards around their house. I assume that they are all elites, so I don't want to fight them if possible.

I used these three days to learn how Yan Fon lived. Where she went, what she did, and her daily routine overall. I would like to observe her for a longer time, but I promised Rin that I would return in max two weeks, so I can't take my time.

Thankfully their days were pretty monotonous. That also meant that their guards were monotonous as well. They become predictable the same way the one they are supposed to protect. Unless they are really good, of course. In that case, my plan doesn't change much. I go in, kill Yan Fon painlessly and escape.


Today was the night that I kill Yan Fon. I was ready, and while not proud about what I was going to do, I didn't have a lot of options. The other option would be to wait while earning earnestly, but it would take too long. Stealing is also an option, but it's less profitable. I could steal many valuables, but selling them would be the problem. I don't have time to establish contacts with high established people because only they would buy valuable things. Besides, there aren't as many of them as one would think.

However, if I started stealing less valuable items, I wouldn't earn as much as I would like. If I was by myself I would choose that way but... I want to take Rin away from Rukongai as fast as I can. In Seireitei, she would not only gain strength to protect herself but also a better lifestyle and maybe friends as well.

With heavy thoughts, I started my mission.

I sneaked into the mansion. It was an easy part. While there weren't any blind spots in security, I could create one.

I used my eyes to create the illusion for one of the guards and used three seconds to get inside. Luckily for me, Yan Fon left some of the windows open. She needs to be more careful being the wife of the Corps Commander and all. Not that she'll get the chance.

*Sigh* I hate that.

In the house, the only people I needed to be careful about were the nanny helper and daughter of my target, as everyone else was protected from outside. They were pretty confident in not having any blind spots in their defenses.

I was moving through the house in complete silence. Everyone in the house was sleeping, but I bet that if I made even the slightest noise or if I let my Reiatsu out even a bit, the nanny would wake up and attack me immediately.

I made my way to Yan Fon's bedroom, where she was sleeping. I entered the room without making any noise.

I could see Yan Fon sleeping in bed. I wanted to finish it quickly, but I first made sure that there weren't any traps in the room. She may not be associated with Stealth Force, but it doesn't mean that she didn't learn a trick or two from her husband.

Yan Fon: "Don't worry, there aren't any traps in the room."

I heard a calm voice coming from the bed as she was getting up.

What I witnessed was someone who was scarily similar looking to Soi Fon. I already knew that she was, of course, Yan Fon.

Knowing that I was busted, I rushed towards her with Zangetsu, and in just a moment. My blade was touching her neck, but her expression didn't change. She even smiled at me.

I tried to push to the blade, but something stopped me. I could see Lala's silhouette in her.

Yan Fon: "It seems that my killer this time isn't as cold-blooded as I would assume."

I didn't say anything or even move. I was waiting for her to do something. It was stupid, I know, but I needed some kind of push.

Yan Fon: "Why the scary look?"

She said, still calm even though I could kill her with just a tiny movement.

The longer I waited, the harder it was to finish her off.



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