The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 50 A Household with No Choice 3

Chapter 50 A Household with No Choice 3

"The companies that submitted bids for the sale of Hando Steel are Sunyang Group, Daehyun Group, and Miracle Investment. After considering the prices and non-price factors submitted by these three, the acquirer of Hando Steel is..." People watching the breaking news on TV collectively swallowed hard. "It has been decided to award the bid to Sunyang Group, who bid 2.16 trillion won."

"That's right!"


"Congratulations, Chairman Ji."

The people gathered in Daehyun Group's chairman's office smiled widely, glancing at Chairman Joo Young-il.

Chairman Ju himself couldn't help but smile.

"It went according to plan, but... Chairman Jin, he's quite stingy. He could have just bid 2.3 trillion won instead of ending it with 10 billion won less."

"Still, it's quite an increase, isn't it? If you hadn't pushed, Chairman, Hando Steel would have been taken for 800 billion won plus 1 billion dollars."

There were some regrets, but in any case, the goal had been achieved.

Now Sunyang Group's barn was empty.

"Was Hando Steel a good acquisition?"

"Yes, it was. Sunyang didn't really lose out. Anyway, they were going to dive into the steel business, and with Hando Steel, they can start easily."

"But what about that Miracle Investment? Because of them, we've become the villains."

"Thanks to them, they had an excuse to exclude us from the judging panel."

Chairman Joo still couldn't shake off his suspicion.

"Is the investigation ongoing?"

"Yes. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual on the surface. They invest in IT and the film industry, and they also pour money into Japan. It's extensive, but... the identity of the owner is concealed."

"We need to find out who the owners are quickly. If it's just a simple private equity fund, that's fine, but it's unsettling that the CEO is Korean."

"I'll hurry."

"Well, then, should we start the main game?"

As soon as Chairman Joo's words were spoken, a thick file was placed in front of the meeting attendees.

"In 1991, if someone hadn't reported the Soosu corruption, A-jin Automobile would have been absorbed by Sunyang Automobile."

"Sunyang was unlucky too. It just had to happen at that time."

Daehyun Group never imagined that someone from Sunyang's bloodline was the whistleblower.

"Chairman Jin of Sunyang came up with a great strategy. This report is about 'The Necessity of Restructuring the Domestic Automotive Industry and Government Support.'"

Chairman Joo Young-il glanced at the report for a moment and then put it down.

"Even though it's the end of the regime, they will still give Daehyun its final gift. Hando, Sammi, Jinro, and Samrip - four major groups have gone bankrupt. Blaming it on the reckless management of large corporations might not be received poorly by public opinion."

It was a cruel spring. But it was also a warning sound signaling the imminent danger to the Korean economy, unnoticed by anyone.

However, the subsequent report pleased Chairman Joo even more.

"A-jin is the fourth-largest in the business world. It's the result of their reckless expansion. The internal situation is even worse than it was in 1991. Their main bank, even without us pressing them, is considering loan recalls."


Chairman Joo's short laughter revealed his true feelings.

"Chairman Jin, that Yeong-gam... he's going crazy. He's making a strategic move to take over A-jin, which he had been craving for, and I'm just watching without doing anything, thanks to him. If I just stand idly by and watch him, I might go crazy from frustration."

"That's right. he emptied out his savings, built a steel mill, and didn't even make a profit... Ha-ha."

Daehyun Group's chairman's office echoed with mocking laughter.

"Start immediately from tomorrow. Call in the journalists and broadcasters, wine and dine them, give them money. Include women too. Shake up A-jin Automobile on a large scale until it completely collapses. Make it easy to pick up. U-ha-ha."

By the time the media published articles that caused A-jin Automobile to be criticized by the public, Chairman Joo Young-il would have meetings with the presidential economic advisor, the National Assembly's Planning and Finance Committee, and the financial institutions that had been in long-term business relationships with A-jin Automobile.

Dissecting a live cow into its different parts is the job of the lower-ranking people. The role of the chef at the dinner table is to play with the politicians.

All Chairman Joo Young-il had to do was pay them well.

"Chairman, it's been a while."

"Oh, Chairman Hong. I've aged a lot since I last saw you. Looking at Chairman Hong makes me feel better. I'm not the only one getting old, right? Hehe."

"What are you talking about? Chairman, you're still in excellent shape. As for me, I'm already in a state where I need a cane, aren't I?"

Chairman Hong of Hanseong Daily waved the cane he was holding lightly.

"Now, let's sit down. If the two old men stand here, all the young people will feel awkward."

The living room of the hotel suite was hastily converted into a meeting place for the two families, and the elders from both sides began their formal meeting.

It was the best place to avoid the prying eyes of outsiders.

News of their relationship should not spread until the wedding. In case of an unexpected breakup, both families would suffer disgrace.

Chairman Jin lowered his gaze and began to scrutinize the granddaughter of Chairman Hong, who was sitting quietly.

I've learned one thing from meeting countless people over the years. The first impression is only slightly off from a person's true character.

The image of Hong So-young reflected in Chairman Jin's eyes was that of a strong woman. Her sharp jawline, thick eyebrows, and calm demeanor, not even a hint of nervousness, were evident even through professional makeup.

"That good-for-nothing grandson, it looks like he'll have his hands full taming her."

Sensing Chairman Jin's penetrating gaze, Hong So-young promptly stood up and respectfully bowed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time, Chairman. I am Hong So-young."

"She's quite sharp."

"Hehe, why so formal? In front of your grandfather-in-law, you should show respect and even act a bit cute. Relax your heart."

Chairman Jin's final approval had been given. Now, the wedding preparations would proceed swiftly.

The expression on Hong So-young's father, the President of Hanseong Daily, brightened considerably.

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