There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 31: Dekan's Unwarranted Arrogance

Chapter 31: Dekan's Unwarranted Arrogance


The music room was eerily silent at this moment.

Whether it was Dekan's calm and composed attitude since he entered the room…

Or his bizarre ability to control the school's broadcast…

Or the uncanny methods he used to manipulate other demons like a malevolent god…

All of them sent shivers down the spines of the demon students.

Dekan's presence here felt like he was specifically hunting them down.

Whether it was through cunning or straightforward means, he had countered them using the rules.

It was a feeling akin to that of the school's ruler!


This time, the music teacher said nothing.

He simply started playing the piano.

In his eyes, the fates of these demon students were already sealed.

It was better to finish things quickly and get rid of this jinx.

This guy was ominous in various ways.

Dekan's series of actions and behaviors were far beyond what demon students could achieve.

The music teacher had some suspicions forming in his mind.

He was most likely sent by the principal to enforce the rules!

If he let Dekan continue, he might be in danger himself.

"Deng, deng deng..."

Music filled the room but the demon students stood frozen, unsure of how to sing.

So Dekan pretended to hold an imaginary microphone and began to sing, wearing a mocking expression as he looked at the demon students.

"Dame da ne dame yo dame na no yo~"

With the accompaniment, Dekan sang according to his own thoughts.

The demon students wore expressions of despair.

Even if they struggled with all their might, their voices couldn't compete with Dekan, who had control over the school’s broadcast intercom.

Seeing Dekan's confident smile, their bodies couldn't help but tremble. It was as if they were standing on the edge of a cliff about to be pushed off.

By now, they had made three mistakes.

"It’s a pity."

The music teacher sighed and stood up.

Next was the moment of carnage for the music teacher.

Apart from Dekan, the demon students were all slaughtered in the midst of their screams...


The entire stage had turned into a slaughterhouse, reeking of blood.

Demon bodies were scattered all over, making Dekan unsure of where to step.

"You can leave now."

The music teacher's brow furrowed as he spoke.

He had followed the rules strictly so there was no reason for Dekan to trouble him.

However, Dekan showed no intention of leaving and just stood there.

This made the music teacher increasingly uneasy.

Dekan smiled and said, "It's not time for class to end yet."

"You can leave now, and I will give you the demon pass according to the regulations."

The music teacher took out a familiar red demon pass and handed it to Dekan.

But Dekan looked at the pass with disdain and averted his gaze. It was as if he couldn't even be bothered to take it.

The music teacher's brow furrowed even deeper.

A simple test had already confirmed his suspicion: this guy wasn't a student at all.

Demon students at this school would eagerly desire a demon pass.

To some extent, a demon pass was a free pass to escape death!

Even if this guy had stolen the authority to control the broadcast, the principal couldn't just let him be.

If the demon pass had no attraction for this guy, then he must be just a temporary visitor to this school!

"Are you sent by the principal?" The music teacher's gaze became cautious as he asked in a probing tone.

"You're quite clever, unlike other teachers. You actually managed to guess my identity," Dekan replied without directly answering the question.

His words still carried a hint of mockery, but he finally started looking directly at the demon teacher.

His gaze seemed to be saying, "You're smart, but you still don't know the extent of my power."

This made the music teacher's heart race.

Earlier, during the break, the music teacher had heard some rumors.

Strange things had happened at the school today with several teachers being persecuted one after another.

The methods used were extremely bizarre, as if they were induced to commit violations and then died mysteriously.

He couldn't help but be thankful that he had received some inside information; otherwise, he might have been caught in the same situation.

Seeing the music teacher's expression, Dekan felt that he had probably guessed enough.

"But…," Dekan changed the subject.

He raised his index finger and smiled faintly, his words carrying a hidden meaning, and remained silent for a couple of seconds before speaking again.

"It’s something above."

The music teacher's pupils contracted.

Something above than the principal?

Although various conjectures flashed through the music teacher's mind in an instant, he dared not continue thinking further.

This person's identity must be beyond his imagination!

These demons, who seemed docile and sophisticated, were often the most terrifying.

You could never guess how strong they really were.

They would disguise themselves as perfect prey, only to reveal their overwhelming power when you thought you had the upper hand, crushing you like a toy!

The music teacher could almost be certain that if there had been any act of sheltering or bias towards demon students just now, his body would probably already be cold.

Even if Dekan hadn't personally taken action, the principal, or someone even more terrifying than the principal, would have appeared.

"Rest assured, you are a teacher who follows the rules. We won't trouble you. We just need your assistance with something," Dekan said.

He withdrew his hand, placing it behind him, and looked at the music teacher with a friendly demeanor.

For a moment, his aura seemed to exude friendliness.

"..." The music teacher, though he knew this demon had a menacing side, breathed a sigh of relief and appeared much more composed.

As long as this person's purpose wasn't to cause trouble for him.

"So, what can I assist you with?" The music teacher's tone became more polite.

"What I'm about to tell you, please don't tell any other demons. If it leaks out, not even the principal can save you, understand?" Dekan continued in his calm tone.

The music teacher nodded with a serious expression.

"However, luck is something that can be influenced by oneself, don't you think?" Dekan asked, with hidden threats in his words.

He placed his hand on the music teacher's shoulder, gazing into his eyes as if trying to pierce his soul.

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