There’s Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made!

Chapter 42: Dekan's Tier Three Card Maker Certification

Chapter 42: Dekan's Tier Three Card Maker Certification

The morning sun hung on the horizon and the gentle breeze carried the fresh scent of fruits and flowers.

Dekan wore his school uniform with a faint smile on his face as he strolled through the campus.

With a serene expression, he bathed in the morning sunlight, exuding a sunny demeanor.

Since there were no classes in the morning, Dekan registered for the tier 3 Card Maker certification exam today.

After obtaining a high-level certification, he would enjoy discounts on various regular materials at the Card Maker Association.

Moreover, the commission rates for consignment and accepting commissioned work would also be reduced.

Furthermore, the Card Maker Association was an excellent place to seek rare high-tier materials.

Although Dekan's current wealth was far from being able to afford tier 6 epic materials, he could register his intention to purchase them in the future.

When his Shadow World produced more goods, he might have enough money to buy them.

Dekan and Cornelia scheduled their next Shadow World raid for a month later.

Firstly, it was because there was a cooldown period between Shadow World raids.

Secondly, Dekan wanted to wait until Cornelia advanced to tier 4 in the real world before they ventured into the Shadow World.

This way, their destructive power would undergo a qualitative leap.

Cornelia had been acting mysteriously these past few days, often running off to a small hill behind the school.

However, since she didn't ask forDekan's help, he decided not to pry into her privacy.

Although they appeared inseparable to other classmates, most of the time, they went their separate ways to do their own things.

Dekan often locked himself in the dormitory to make cards whereas Cornelia engaged in combat training every day.

On the other hand, Theresa had heard from Dekan that he was going to participate in the tier 3 Card Maker certification and had arranged to observe it early.

She was one of the few people at school who knew that Dekan was a Card Maker.

Theresa had long wanted to see Dekan's card-making process.

Furthermore, if Dekan could create something new, she had the opportunity to buy it first.

"Good morning Dekan!"

"Good morning Theresa!"

They met at the school gate as planned and headed towards the Card Maker Association together.

Dekan had recently gained fame in the capital city. His exploits with Cornelia, conquering a tier 4 Shadow World and defeating Faceless, had become widely known.

The school had even produced a highlight reel, although most residents lacked magical devices to watch it.

So, many people in the capital had only heard of his name but never seen him in person.

On another note, although Dekan's Shadow World raid was highly entertaining, some of the processes involved might... seriously affect the school's image.

Therefore, the school decided that Dekan's future Shadow World raiding processes would be livestreamed internally but distributed externally as edited videos.

Nevertheless, Professor Mergutt from the College of Alchemy had signed a lucrative profit-sharing contract with Dekan and Cornelia...

About half an hour later, Dekan and Theresa arrived at the Card Maker Association’s branch in the capital city of Norton Kingdom.

Pushing open the heavy wooden doors, they entered the magnificent and grandiose building.

The interior of the association appeared very quaint. Apart from clearly delineated counter areas, there were not many decorative items, and everything looked neat.

Even though it was still morning, the association was bustling with busy staff members and several groups of visitors were discussing various topics in front of the counters, occasionally erupting in hearty laughter.

"What time does your exam start?" Theresa asked.

"Ten o'clock. I arrived a bit early. I plan to register my intention to purchase certain materials. I’ll also buy some things on the second floor," Dekan replied, checking the time. It was only a little after eight.

"No problem, I'll join you."

They both went to the second floor together.

As they arrived on this floor, which resembled a business association, their attention was quickly drawn in a certain direction.

Not far away, there was a golden-haired girl wearing the uniform of Hevenlit Magic Academy. She was accompanied by several high-ranking servants and appeared to be surrounded by them like the center of a galaxy.

Judging by her uniform, she should be a second-year student from the College of Alchemy.

Such a scene was not common.

Unless her status was particularly high.

Before Dekan could express his surprise, Theresa had already recognized the identity of the golden-haired girl.

She grabbed Dekan's sleeve, seemingly ready to turn and leave.

However, due to Dekan and Theresa's distinct uniforms, they happened to catch the attention of the golden-haired girl.


The girl, who looked elegant and captivating, gazed at Theresa and Dekan with a slightly surprised expression.

Theresa sighed discreetly.

When she looked back at the golden-haired girl, her face was filled with a smile. "Good morning Princess Alice."

Dekan, on the other hand, noticed Theresa's subtle attitude and seemed to have discovered something.

This golden-haired girl was a princess and she seemed a bit troublesome.

"What a coincidence, Theresa!"

Alice quickly walked over, her face brimming with a smile as she looked at Theresa.

Clearly, they were already acquainted.

"Well... This is Dekan, right? I didn't expect to meet you here. Your exploits in conquering the Shadow World have earned even my brother's praise."

However, Alice quickly shifted her attention to Dekan; he had become quite famous in the school recently.

"Hello, Your Highness."

Dekan bowed to Alice, his face still wearing a composed smile.

It truly was the capital city; you could bump into such important figures just by stepping outside.

It was quite exhilarating.

"Dekan, I suppose you came to the association today to sell the materials you obtained in the Shadow World. I can offer a high price for them!"

Alice had already walked up to Dekan, she smiled as she spoke to him.

"Oh, no..."

Before Dekan could finish speaking, Alice nodded as if deep in thought. "I understand, you're here to buy tier 3 cards. You've just advanced, so it's time to upgrade your card collection."

Dekan was about to explain, but Alice continued, "You’re very lucky to have met me. I happen to be a super talented Magic Card Maker!"

Dekan: "..."

He understood now.

This Princess had a habit of not listening to others.

She was quite self-assured.

When Dekan was about to decline, he found that Alice was looking at him with an expectant expression, seemingly eagerly waiting for him to say, "Please, Your Highness Alice, make cards for me!" It was a rather awkward situation.

However, since she was so confident, her skills should be impressive. After all, even Dekan wouldn't dare to claim that his card-making skills were "super talented."

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