This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Shen Youlin didn't come alone - he was accompanied by Passerby A and a group of bodyguards.

Shen Youlin approached Yu Shu and gently asked while holding her hand, "Are you hurt?"

Yu Shu shook her head, and Shen Youlin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

With his keen insight and ability to read situations, Feng Shuo could tell at a glance that Shen Youlin possessed an air of authority, and knew he wasn't someone to be trifled with.

He had only met Yu Shu twice before, and had simply helped her deal with two uncles in her family as a personal favor. Now, faced with Yu Shu and Shen Youlin on one side and his own brothers' children on the other, the choice of which side to take was obvious. But what was Shen Youlin's background?

The KTV owner, a shrewd man, quickly tried to smooth things over with flattering words, arranging for a large private room so that both parties could talk things through.

Shen Youlin consulted Yu Shu's opinion, and she nodded in agreement, instructing her bodyguards to take the remaining two girls to the hospital and inform their families.

Feng Shuo's men tried to stop them, but Shen Youlin's men were adamant and pushed them back.

Due to this incident, Feng Shuo and his two present brothers were grim-faced as they sat down in the private room.

The culprits were locked in the adjacent room, with Feng Shuo's and Shen Youlin's men guarding the door.

Passerby A showed Feng Shuo a tablet computer with his information: "Feng Shuo, 62 years old, ancestry from Ningyuan Village, Lingyuan Town, Tongya County, made his fortune through cross-border smuggling early on, invested in real estate since 2002..."

As Feng Shuo read further, his expression grew darker. In such a short time, Shen Youlin's men had dug up his entire background, from his humble beginnings to his current assets, family members, and personal connections.

Feng Shuo had engaged in illegal businesses to accumulate capital in his early years before going legitimate in middle age. If investigated thoroughly, he would end up serving a few years in prison.

When Passerby A felt he had said enough, he put away the tablet and politely said, "Mr. Feng, after working so hard for half your life, why jeopardize your wealth for the sake of a few unruly nephews?"

Feng Shuo stared at Shen Youlin and asked, "Who exactly are you?"

Shen Youlin casually introduced himself, "I'm this wealthy lady's kept man."

Yu Shu glared at him, "Stop messing around."

Shen Youlin smiled and raised his eyebrows at her, then turned to Feng Shuo. The warmth and affection in his eyes instantly vanished, replaced by cold aloofness and arrogance. "Who I am, you don't have the right to know. You only need to know how to settle today's matter, and she has the final say. If she's the slightest bit displeased, I guarantee you'll be sent back to your ancestral village tomorrow to farm the land."

Shen Youlin's words left room for negotiation, not pushing Feng Shuo too far.

Feng Shuo pressed his lips tightly as he and his brothers discussed in hushed tones.

Yu Shu had also received a message from Lin Fangyu - Wenwen had dislocated her index finger and fractured her pinky, but overall wasn't seriously injured. Lin Fangyu had helped Yu Shu understand the situation: Wenwen and one of Feng Shuo's nephews had met through an online game. Wenwen and another female friend would often team up with this "gaming lord" for matches. Since they were from the same area, Wenwen was somewhat friendly with him, but as the young girl put it, she had plenty of other "gaming thighs" and didn't need this one.

Upon reading this, Yu Shu couldn't help but feel wistful - the girl already had the makings of a true player at such a young age and would need proper guidance in the future.

The incident today began when this "gaming lord" invited Wenwen out, but she refused to meet a stranger late at night. Then Wenwen's (former) best friend Wang Yan, one of the two girls involved, called Wenwen to go out for a midnight snack. Wenwen often snuck out with Wang Yan for late-night food, so she didn't think much of it and left home. Wang Yan had taken money from the group and lured Wenwen by claiming there was a newly opened barbeque place.

According to Wang Yan, she thought the group just wanted to drink and make friends with them, unaware of their true intentions. Wenwen's injuries occurred when she resisted their attempts to force her to drink alcohol.

Yu Shu couldn't help but roll her eyes - what kind of family raised such a stupid and terrible girl?

Feng Shuo had also received news from the hospital and had a bargaining chip against Yu Shu: "Miss Yu, your sister is not seriously hurt, but my nephew was injured quite badly."

Yu Shu remained unmoved, "So what?"

Feng Shuo managed to keep his composure, speaking in a measured tone, "As the saying goes, 'one should forgive when forgiveness is due.' You've had your revenge, so let's consider this matter settled."

Shen Youlin pointed at Feng Shuo and joked to Yu Shu, "He actually dares to bargain with you, while I wouldn't even dare to bargain with you."

He then turned to Feng Shuo with a mocking tone, "If even I don't dare, what makes you think you can?"

Feng Shuo's face reddened as he struggled to respond.

By now, Yu Shu's mood had greatly improved, and she smiled, "How about this - we won't cut off any fingers. But each of them should have their little finger broken. That's not too much to ask, is it?"

Feng Shuo and his men pressed their lips tightly, their expressions grim.

Shen Youlin clapped nonchalantly toward Yu Shu, "Not at all, I love the sound of bones breaking."

Shen Youlin beckoned to a bodyguard, "Chen Sheng, come here. He studied medicine for two years and loves fixing people's bones. Go do as Miss Yu says."

"Yes." Chen Sheng nodded and left with a few bodyguards for the adjacent room.

One of Feng Shuo's men stood up to stop them but was held back by Feng Shuo and the others.

Sounds of scuffling came from outside, and soon Feng Shuo's guard, clutching his broken arm, came in to report to Feng Shuo but wisely swallowed his words upon seeing the one-sided situation in the room.

Before long, Yu Shu heard the agonizing screams coming from the next room, piercing through the KTV's soundproofing for all to hear clearly.

Shen Youlin listened with a smile of enjoyment, rhythmically tapping his fingers on the table as if not listening to screams of agony but a world-renowned pianist's performance.

The screams eventually stopped, and Chen Sheng and the bodyguards returned to report.

Shen Youlin silently asked Yu Shu with his eyes: Is this enough?

Yu Shu nodded and told Feng Shuo, "This matter is settled today. If you and your brothers and nephews are still displeased, you can come after me, but if you involve others, I will retaliate without mercy."

Shen Youlin stood up, putting his arm around Yu Shu as they headed out. Before leaving, he turned back and said, "I heard your projects are short on funds. It so happens that I recently received some New Year's money, so let my assistant discuss with you."

Passerby A approached Feng Shuo, his expression now one of gentle warmth instead of the earlier cold aloofness.

Seeing Yu Shu's puzzled look, Shen Youlin explained softly, "There are no permanent enemies. Either cut them down completely or give them a carrot after the stick, making them regret ever wanting to see you fail."

Yu Shu asked, "I'm not confused about that. But you still have New Year's money? Didn't you hand it all over before?"

Shen Youlin looked sheepish, "Well, a man has to keep some pocket money for himself, right?"

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