Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Against Wind Spirit King Nervatum's worries, Mu-Gun effortlessly handled a hundred Death Knights by tapping into the power of the four Spirit Kings. The Death Knights were formidable, but Mu-Gun's strength was simply overwhelming.

The Death Knights, it turned out, were mere pawns in the grand scheme. The true objective of the Demon God was the opening of the Hellgates. Mu-Gun, anticipating this move the moment the Death Knights surfaced, had already prepared for the eventuality. He had instructed the Wind Elves to keep a vigilant watch over the Pamar Empire.

Have you heard anything from the Wind Elves? Mu-Gun asked Nervatum, who could communicate with the Wind Elves through the wind spirits.

-I havent heard anything yet.

Despite the absence of any detected Hellgate signs by the Wind Elves, there was no room for relief. The sheer breadth of the Pamar Empire rendered it practically impossible for the Wind Elves to cover every inch, inevitably leaving gaps in their surveillance.

I think the two of you will have to put in some hard work, Nervatum, and Nordic.

-Well start the search right away.

-Leave it to us.

Reacting swiftly, Nordic and Nervatum summoned the spirits under their dominion, issuing a directive for a comprehensive search across the entire expanse of the Pamar Empire's territory.

Have you heard anything from the Dragons?

-Seeing that there has been no contact from the elves moving with them, it doesnt seem like the Hellgates have been opened yet.

The Fire Spirit King Sarman said.

-As the Dragons are holding the fort at the six kingdoms, it is more likely for the Hellgates to be opened in the Pamar Empire than in the six kingdoms.

Mu-Gun nodded at the Ice Spirit King Eladiums remarks.

I think so, too. I am sure they tried to open the Hellgates while I was dealing with the Death Knights. I hope Im not too late. Mu-Gun could not shake off the uneasy feeling that the Hellgates were opened somewhere.

I think I will have to check it myself.

Mu-Gun decided to personally take charge and verify the situation, perhaps feeling that entrusting the task solely to Nervatum and Nordic might not be sufficient.

-I think its too late.

The Earth Spirit King Nordic said.

Its too late, you say?

-The Hellgates have already opened.


-Its the Warshant fief.

Warshant, situated to the north of the Lapas Forest encircling the central Pamar Empire, was a region three days' journey from the Empire's Imperial City. The implications were clear: if the Hellgates were to open in Warshant, unleashing the Demon God's legions, the ultimate target would undoubtedly be the Imperial City itself.

The Imperial City housed over a million inhabitants, making it a prime target for catastrophic damage should the Demon God's legions infiltrate. It became imperative to thwart their advance, preventing the summoned legions from launching an assault on the Imperial City.

Mu-Gun relayed the urgent message to the elves, directing them to gather all dispersed Avalon Knights across the nation. Waste no time, he promptly set forth towards the Warshant fief, recognizing the gravity of the impending threat.

* * *

To the north of the Warshant fief, the very fabric of space quivered intensely, giving rise to a profound disturbance. A sinister black flame erupted, expanding and coalescing into the colossal form of a door. This formidable portal, taking shape as a massive entryway, was none other than the Hellgatea dimensional conduit capable of summoning entities from the dreaded Hell Realm.

In due course, the Hellgate materialized, its ominous door swinging wide open. From its depths emerged the demon tribes, obedient to the command of the Demon God Baal. These demons bore a humanoid visage atop a bestial, red-hued body nearly ten meters in stature. Adorning their foreheads were the distinctive pair of long hornsa symbolic hallmark of the demon tribes.

Despite being part of the demon tribes, their status wasn't uniform. Within their ranks, some demons boasted noble lineage, evident through the possession of black wingsa distinctive symbol denoting their elevated status and nobility.

A grand total of one thousand and five hundred demons emerged through the Hellgate, with five hundred among them distinguished by their black wings. These demons, at the very least, held the rank of Master, and a significant portion surpassed the prowess of Grand Masters. Without the intervention of entities wielding divinity, these demons had the potential to single-handedly lay waste to the entire Avalon Continent.

"Listen, all! The Great Demon God has brought us here through great effort. Our sole objective is clearto sow destruction in this realm, generating an abundance of vengeful souls. This will hasten the Great Demon God's recovery," proclaimed Balak, the commander leading the legion summoned via the Hellgate, addressing the assembled demons.

"Command us, and we shall reduce Avalon to ashes, pleasing the Great Demon God," confidently declared Daymon, Balak's right-hand subordinate and vice-commander, eagerly awaiting their orders.

That was the same with the other demons.

"Do not grow overconfident. Avalon harbors the representative of the Sky God Yupir, the four Spirit Kings, and the Dragons. Their might is not to be underestimated," cautioned Balak, offering a reminder to the demons.

"Regardless of their strength, they pose no threat to the might of the Great Demon God. Once the Demon God regains its strength, they will be inconsequential," asserted Daymon confidently.

"Hence, our mission holds great importance. Should we falter in our duties and succumb to their might, the Great Demon God's recovery will be impeded, leaving it vulnerable to their threat."

Then, shouldnt we hurry before they appear? Daymon asked.

Its as you say. Also, lets divide the forces of our legion and move.

You want to divide our forces? Daymon asked to reconfirm.

"The representative of the Sky God Yupir, the four Spirit Kings, and the Dragons are a limited force. Just as one hand can't halt ten, if we divide our forces and strike multiple locations simultaneously, there will inevitably be gaps in their defense. We can infiltrate without encountering significant resistance," Balak explained.

"However, there's a risk of defeat if we divide our forces and face them individually. Wouldn't it be more prudent to muster our strength and confront them head-on?"

Balak dismissed Daymon's counter argument with a shake of his head, emphasizing, "We risk complete annihilation if we engage them directly. In fact, it's highly probable. Even if we suffer defeats individually, it's preferable to conduct attacks in numerous locations, achieving the best outcome that they can't reach. Furthermore, by diverting their attention, we might create openings for other legions to be summoned. Follow my orders."

Understood. Daymon nodded without arguing.

Balak organized his legion of one-thousand-and-five hundred demons into fifteen groups, each consisting of a hundred demons. He instructed them to disperse and assault various territories. The legion, now divided into fifteen groups, spread out in every direction from the Warshant fief. Randomly selecting fifteen territories, including Warshant itself, they initiated their invasions.

The wing spirits relayed their actions to Mu-Gun as he made his way to the Warshant fief. Upon learning of Balak's legion movements through the Wind Spirit King Nervatum, Mu-Gun's expression tightened. Trying to halt Balak's scattered legion of fifteen groups with just Mu-Gun and the four Spirit Kings proved to be a challenging task.

Despite the presence of the Avalon Order, attempting to thwart two or three of Balak's groups constituted their maximum capability given the legion's formidable strength. This limitation persisted even with the support of the Yupir Churchs paladins and the High Elves fighting in unison.

To minimize the destruction, it was important to swiftly confront and neutralize Balaks legion. However, calling the Dragons stationed at the six kingdoms posed a challenge. If the Dragons were summoned, the Demon Churchs priests could exploit the opportunity to open Hellgates freely in the six kingdoms. Thus, the Dragons needed to remain vigilant to thwart any attempts to open additional Hellgates.

Leaving the Dragons stationed in the six kingdoms did not eliminate the risk of Hellgates opening elsewhere. Focusing on stopping Balaks legion made it challenging to detect signs of Hellgates opening in other parts of the Pamar Empire. The Demon Churchs priests could exploit this focus on Balaks legion to open Hellgates elsewhere in the empire.

In essence, putting the brakes on the second and third Hellgates became an almost impossible task once the first one had been opened. Given this predicament, the wisest course seemed to be pooling all their resources into thwarting Balak's legion. This formidable force had emerged from the inaugural Hellgate, leaving little room for contemplation on other fronts.

Having reached a decision, Mu-Gun swiftly sought aid from the Dragons through the spirits. The Dragons, without hesitation, agreed to support Mu-Gun's plea and immediately took to the skies, heading towards the Pamar Empire. Mu-Gun wasted no time and pressed forward, not waiting for the Dragons to catch up.

Initially, he called upon all four Spirit Kings. Subsequently, he dispatched them to the regions under siege by Balak's legion of demons. Summoning and sustaining the four Spirit Kings demanded a substantial reserve of Thunder God Qi. Fortunately, Mu-Gun had absorbed yet another Mana Heart from the Red Dragon, enabling him to summon and uphold the four Spirit Kings with relative ease.

With the four Spirit Kings in action, Mu-Gun wasted no time and headed straight for the Warshant fief, the site of the opened Hellgate. Upon reaching Warshant with the Thunder God's Shadow, a devastating sight awaited Mu-Gun. The fief lay in ruins, reduced to ashes. The city's structures, once home to tens of thousands, now stood engulfed in flames and ruin. The scene was heart-wrenching, with lifeless bodies scattered, their limbs torn and severed amidst the destruction.

As Mu-Gun beheld the scene, he observed demons reveling in the destruction of the Warshant fief. The sight fueled an overwhelming rage within Mu-Gun at the devastation before him. A singular determination now consumed his thoughts he yearned to eliminate every last demon, leaving none alive.

Clad in the colossal Dragon Scale Divine Armor, standing at a towering twenty meters, Mu-Gun took flight towards the demons who were preparing to depart after laying waste to the Warshant fief. Despite the imposing armor, Mu-Gun's movements remained as agile as when he relied on his own body. At that moment, he operated solely on his innate power, without tapping into the assistance of the Wind Spirit King Nervatum.

Mu-Gun ascended into the skies, enveloping the Dragon Scale Divine Armor in cascading waves of lightning qi. With precision, he descended right into the heart of the demonic horde. Upon the armor's impact with the ground, a colossal shockwave reverberated in all directions, accompanied by a surge of lightning. The demons of Balak's legion found themselves caught in the crossfire, struck by both the electrifying force and the forceful shockwave, sent sprawling in all directions.

Without hesitation, Mu-Gun conjured a multitude of golden Thunderbolt Swords, each serving as a Mind Sword against the demonic horde. The number of Thunderbolt Swords equaled that of the demons present. As soon as a hundred Thunderbolt Swords materialized, they swiftly launched towards the demons. Faster than a ray of light, the Thunderbolt Swords pierced the heads of the demons upon contact.

The Thunderbolt Swords proved devastating for the weaker demons, their heads crushed like watermelons upon impact. Over half of the demonic group met their end in this brutal fashion. However, the higher-ranked demons, distinguished by their black wings, displayed a notable difference. Swift as teleportation, they vanished on the spot, adeptly evading the Thunderbolt Swords aimed at their heads.

In an instant, the higher-ranked demons closed in around Mu-Gun, releasing a torrent of dark flames toward him. These ominous flames coalesced into the likeness of a colossal demon hand, descending rapidly to strike Mu-Gun. Yet, before it could reach him, the immense demon hand twisted unexpectedly. The Thunderbolt Sword, previously sidestepped by the high-demons soared into the sky and swiftly descended, shattering the demon hands forged from dark flames.

But the spectacle didn't end there. The Thunderbolt Swords that had obliterated the heads of the demons altered their course, darting from behind to attack the high-ranked demons. Reacting with the same agility as before, the high-ranked demons ascended into the sky, eluding the Thunderbolt Swords just as adeptly as they had done moments earlier.

Simultaneously, the high-ranked demons extended both their hands toward Mu-Gun, unleashing torrents of dark flames that coalesced into the likeness of dragons adorned with horns. The combined efforts of over thirty high-ranked demons resulted in the creation of hundreds of Demonic Dragons, each menacingly poised to strike.

In no time, the sky was teeming with hundreds of Demonic Dragons hurtling toward Mu-Gun. Rather than being daunted by the sight of this formidable onslaught, Mu-Gun sported a confident smirk. Finding the situation somewhat bemusing, he promptly unsheathed the Infinite Thunder Sword.

Typically, the Infinite Thunder Sword manifested as a colossal blade formed by amalgamating ten thousand Thunderbolt Swords. However, in the current scenario, it had disintegrated into ten thousand individual Thunderbolt Swords. These swords encircled Mu-Gun in a dense formation, presenting a menacing sight with their sheer numbers.

The truly harrowing moment unfolded swiftly. With a snap of his fingers, Mu-Gun set into motion the ten thousand Thunderbolt Swords, propelling them like beams of light toward the oncoming Demonic Dragons. The swords seamlessly pierced through the bodies of the Demonic Dragons, leaving them no time to react.

The assault didn't conclude with a single attack. The Thunderbolt Swords, having penetrated the bodies of the Demonic Dragons, persisted in their relentless assault. Moving dynamically, they tore through the dragons' forms, ceaselessly puncturing and rending their bodies, resembling beehives. Subsequently, the Demonic Dragons' bodies erupted in a spectacle like exploding firecrackers.

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