Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 355: Trafalgars

Chapter 355: Trafalgars

The Clown Pirates are sailing again and leave Minion Island. Now they have 2 more people on their ship, Law & Lami. But the 2 haven't interacted with the other crew members because Manba took them to the infirmary right after they arrived.

He also locks the infirmary so no one can enter, even Buggy. Right now, Manba is focused on treating the 2 kids' diseases. Buggy has told him the use of Ope Ope Fruit which Manba understood easily because it's similar to Buggy's awakened power. So he is guiding Law to use that power to cure their Amber Lead syndrome.

Of course, Manba tests their blood first to understand their disease. It doesn't take long for him to understand it with his knowledge. Law's father needed years to understand it, but it only takes minutes for Manba.

Well, Manba has traveled around the world and seen many types of diseases. He can even make a cure for this disease right now, but it will take a long time for the medicine to cure them completely. So it'll be better for Law to use his ability which can cure them faster.

With Manba's guidance, Law can extract all the lead particles that caused their disease from both his & his sister's body. Law operates Lami first because her condition is worse. Besides, it is more difficult to do an operation on himself, so Manba told him to operate Lami first.

Law succeeds, but he gets very tired after the operation even though Manba also helped him. Well, it's the first time Law actually operates a human, and it's his sister too. So the mental fatigue is high because it's very stressful and he's pressured to succeed or his sister will be in danger.

Lami is still sleeping after the operation because Manba sedated her. The operation procedure might be too much for her, after all, as Law uses his power to open her body. Also, removing the lead required them to remove a lot of her blood that get contaminated, so she gets very weak and it will take her some time to wake up.

But she will be fine because her blood will recover and Manba also gives her a blood transfusion. The crew always has blood stocks for them, so they have many types of blood. They never know what will happen, after all, so they often took their own blood to be stored for the future.

After Law recovers his stamina, he does the operation on himself. With Manba's help, he takes all the lead particles from his body using his power. As Manba thought, it is far more difficult to do it on himself and it takes a longer time.

Law gets very tired after the operation and he falls unconscious right after finishing the procedure. Manba looks so proud of Law even though they've just met. He knows that Law has gone through a lot, after all, so he is glad that Law succeeds.

Manba comes out of the infirmary after cleaning it and putting the siblings on the bed. Everyone is waiting for him, so he tells them that the kids are safe now. Everyone sighs in relief, even those who haven't seen the kids. Buggy has told them the kids' conditions, after all, so they were very worried.

The crew sails leisurely while waiting for the kids to wake up. They haven't been to North Blue for so long, that's why they are quite excited to explore this sea. It's just that Buggy doesn't intend to stay here for long because he has another plan.

While the kids are sleeping, the crew goes to the nearest island. They explore it leisurely and have fun on the peaceful island. Those from North Blue are enjoying the nostalgic atmosphere, food, drinks, etc.

The ones who explored the island returned to their ship in the evening. But they're confused when seeing the ones on guard duty are gathering in the kitchen. So they approach the guys and look inside the kitchen.

Now they all can see why these guys are gathering here. Law & Lami have woken up and the siblings are eating in the kitchen now. Mantis is already inside because she returned earlier to prepare food for the kids.

Law & Lami aren't big eaters, but they eat a lot for their sizes. It's not just because they were very hungry and needed a lot of food after the operations, but Mantis's food is just so damn delicious. Even small eaters will become big eaters when they taste her food.

"What are you doing here? This is not a show, so let the kids eat. Don't you have jobs to do?" asks Mantis while glaring at the crew.

They immediately scramble away and do their 'jobs'.

"Don't be too harsh on them, they are just curious about the kids," says Buggy as he enters the kitchen.

Lami smiles when she sees him and she says, "Hamffuhofhohp."

Law doesn't like that she talks while eating because some pieces of her food are falling. So he tells her, "Fohohaifiin!" while also having pieces of food fall out of his mouth.

Buggy sweatdrops and says, "Just finish your food first. We can talk later."

Lami nods and continues to eat happily while her brother looks satisfied and continues to eat too. It's quite funny for Buggy because he knows how Law acts when he's older. But maybe because his sister is still alive, he becomes less serious, or maybe this is how he is when he is young.

After they finish their food, they can finally have a proper talk. Lami finally can say what she wanted to say properly now. "Thank you for your help. I never thought that we will really get cured of that disease."

"You can thank us for saving you from Donquixote Family. But you need to thank your brother & Manba for curing that disease. They are the ones who worked for that," says Buggy.

"Well, that's true. But it could only happen because you helped us and Mr. Manba is your crew member, so we need to thank you too," says Law.

"Heh, you really know how to talk, boy. Your sister sounds more sincere though, so I will only accept her gratitude," says Buggy while smirking.

Law scoffs and looks away while Lami is just giggling. But suddenly Buggy gets a knock on his head from Mantis, which surprises the kids.

"Stop acting like that. Just accept the kids' gratitude," says Mantis.

"A-alright, I'll accept your gratitude, kids," says Buggy while rubbing the bump on his head.

Law & Lami are surprised to see the crew's Captain getting hit by a crew member and doesn't get angry. They have never seen something like this and Mantis knows it.

"Don't be so surprised, kids. This is normal in this crew. We are a family, after all, so this kind of interaction is usual here," says Mantis.

Cricket suddenly comes in and says, "She's right, we are more of a family than those guys who named their group as family. But even if we're a family, the hierarchy in this crew is still firm. He is still our Captain, so we will always follow his order. But he is just our little brother in a normal situation like this."

"Little brother? More like a son, right?" asks Buggy while holding his laugh.



Mantis gets pissed seeing their fight and she knocks both of them. They get slammed onto the floor and some big bumps appear on their head. Mantis has hit them a few times even though it looked like she just hit each of them one time.

"Don't be bad examples to the kids," says Mantis with a low scary tone.

"Y-yes, Ma'am," says Buggy & Cricket weakly on the floor.

Law is stunned while Lami is giggling seeing their funny interactions. They've lived with the Donquixote family for some time, but the Clowns look more like a family than them even though it hasn't been long since the 2 are here. The crew's interactions look more genuine than Doffy & co in their eyes.

Buggy gets up slowly and looks at them while rubbing his bumps again. "Well, kids, I don't want to play around, so listen. I already made a plan for the both of you and I'm sure you'll like it."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 378 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 390 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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