Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 369: Wang Zhi

Chapter 369: Wang Zhi

Under everyone's bewildered eyes, Buggy flicks one of the bullets he caught to Frit. He only uses his fingers, but the bullet is moving faster than when Frit shot it using his Gatling gun. Still, as a pirate with a bounty of almost 500 million, Frit can predict the bullet's direction using his Observation Haki.

Frit covers his left chest with Armament Haki to block the bullet that flies there. His prediction is correct as the bullet hits his left chest. He is confident his Armament Haki can block the bullet, and he succeeds as the bullet doesn't pierce his body.

"Hmm? Is that it? Hah, an Emperor's attack is not that great, huh? I thought you would be able to kill me with just one attack after acting cool and using that kind of attack. But this is disappointing, Clown Lord. That attack didn't even hurt me," says Frit.

"Of course, it didn't hurt you. A dead man won't feel any pain. You are already dead," says Buggy.

"Huh? What are you-? Ugh!" Frit can't finish his words because blood suddenly comes out of his mouth and he falls dead on the floor.

His heart was ruptured already when Buggy's bullet hit his left chest. Buggy used an advanced haki which destroys the target's insides, after all. So the bullet didn't pierce Frit's chest, but it destroys his heart.

Buggy has won, but his expression isn't good now, he is pissed. It's not that he is pissed that he won, he is pissed because Frit's response was wrong. He has used a good attack because he wanted to deliver that famous line, but Frit's wrong response ruined it all.

"This motherfucker should've just asked 'What?' before dying. Why should he use more words? They are unnecessary," says Buggy angrily while gritting his teeth.

"Maybe you should tell your opponent how they should respond to your words. This is your 23rd attempt and it's still a fail as usual," says Dela.

"Dammit! I've finally succeeded to make a one-shot attack that doesn't kill my opponent right away. But the responses were always wrong. These bastards just really wanted to piss me off in their last seconds," says Buggy angrily while kicking Frit's dead body 'lightly'.

"Maybe you need to pretend to have a hard fight with them first. Or maybe you should really get a good opponent. You always do this on weaklings, so maybe that's the reason for your failure," says Dela.

"Hmm, maybe you're right. Fine, let's try it on a tougher target," says Buggy before walking away.

Their conversation makes those who hear it speechless. Frit, a pirate with a bounty of almost 500 million is considered as a weakling by the 2 of them. But no one can refute that because Buggy has just one-shot the guy, so he can say that Frit is a weakling.

Buggy suddenly stops and turns around, surprising the hell out of everyone there. "Ah, no one is allowed to touch that dead guy. My men will take care of him, and anyone who touches him will accompany him in Davy Jones' Locker."

Everyone immediately backs away and leaves the corpse. There are some bounty hunters here, and this is a very good opportunity for them. They just need to take Frit's head to a Marine base and claim the bounty for themselves.

But Buggy doesn't have any intention to give that much money to these scums. He will claim the money himself through his men. Buggy has a group of people who claims the bounties of criminals he & his crew defeated in the Marine.

It's very profitable, after all, so he made a group of people who act as bounty hunters. This thing has run for almost 3 years now and obviously, the Marine has noticed it. But they still pay the bounties because they need to maintain the peace treaty with Clown Pirates.

Buggy only tried it without hoping too much at first. But the Marine's & World Government's responses were unexpected. So he keeps this business running because his crew & fleet often defeated other pirate crews which makes this business very profitable.

It's just that last year the World Government negotiate with him about this. The result is they will only pay 70% of the bounties to Buggy's group. In exchange, they will reduce 50% of the surveilance on Clown Pirates' groups.

Buggy knew it was just a play of words. But he still agreed because it's better to get 70% of the bounties than nothing. Also, his group always checks on Marine surveillance on them, and they control it.

The agreement is 50% of the previous surveillance rate in all aspects. So if there's even 1 ship more in the surveillance group, they will sink one of the ships to make it 50%. The Marine also can't do anything about it because this is the 5 Elders' decision.

Anyway, right now Buggy is facing yet another idiot. He defeated the guy and the next ones who block his way. But he doesn't repeat his attempt to do his favorite Fist of The North Star line because he is not in the mood already.

It doesn't take long for Buggy to reach the giant skull. The skull is actually a building, maybe a kind of fortress or castle where the one who rules this place live. Wang Zhi or also known as Ochoku must be living inside this place.

"He doesn't want to come out on his own, huh? Maybe I should destroy this place to force him out. This place isn't important to me, after all," says Buggy while rubbing his chin.

"Please refrain from doing so. If you destroy this place, then many pirates will be upset and start targeting us. We won't have any problem, but our men will surely suffer. These pirates are our customers too, so we shouldn't make them hate us too much or they won't buy weapons from us again," says Dela.

"They don't seem to know that we are the ones who sold their weapons though. If they know, they won't try to kill us using our guns," says Buggy.

Frit & some of the idiots who tried to stop him were using weapons that The Caribbean sold. In another word, they are the weapons that Buggy sold to them. And they were used to attack him by some clueless pirates.

"Well, that doesn't matter as long as people keep buying our weapons. Wang Zhi is more important right now. It seems he really won't come out, so let's just break in," says Buggy.

Dela nods and then they break inside the skull fortress. When they step in, many men suddenly aim their guns at the 2 of them. These men have waited them to get inside, that's why no one come out before.

"Oh, what a merry way to welcome someone. So this is how people on Hachinosu welcome their guests. I don't think this is a good welcoming party, Wang Zhi," says Buggy while looking at a middle-aged man who stands quite far in the back.

The middle-aged man is Wang Zhi, someone who was once a member of Rocks Pirates. He is a big man that still looks strong for his age which is similar to Whitebeard. Wang Zhi has thin curled mustache & beard and he uses small round glasses on his eyes.

His clothes are similar to traditional Chinese clothes with green shirt & brown pants. His hair is green in color and it's long, so he braided it. Overall, he looks like an old chinese martial artist who often appears in Chinese mainstream stories.

"Clown Lord Buggy, Roger's apprentice. What are you doing here?" asks Wang Zhi.

"Am I not allowed to be here? I thought this is Pirate Paradise that pirates can visit anytime they want. Do I need your permission to come here? Well, I don't know about that, so I'm sorry," says Buggy with a very not-so-sorry tone.

"Just answer my question," says Wang Zhi with an angry tone.

"So what if I don't? Will you tell these guys to shoot me? Do you really think these weapons will even hit me, old man? Hah, it seems your senses have become very dull after resting for so long," says Buggy while smirking.

"I just want to avoid conflict, Clown, so just tell me what you want," says Wang Zhi with a calmer yet pissed tone.

Buggy scoffs and asks, "How the mighty has fallen. But fine, I'll tell you what I want. Where is Shiki? Tell me everything you know."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 393 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 404 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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