Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 373: Arlong

Chapter 373: Arlong

Just a few weeks after the Clown Pirates continued their New World exploration, they get another big news. Arlong Pirates have come to East Blue. They haven't gone to Conomi Islands though, so Buggy decides to return to East Blue right now.

Even if he's sure that Bellemere and his friends on Conomi Islands can defeat Arlong, he just can't help but be worried. So he chooses to return and take care of this himself rather than sailing while being worried all the time.

The crew moves fast as usual and they reach East Blue just in a day even though they need to cross Red Line & Calm Belt from New World. There's still no news of the Arlong Pirates' attack on the Conomi Islands, so Buggy is quite relieved. But he still commands his crew to move as fast as they can.

They reach Conomi Islands in a few hours and the islands are still peaceful as usual. The crew's sudden visit surprises everyone there, but no one has a problem with it. Buggy's family is more than happy to see him return after a while.

"Dad, why are you returning without telling us anything?" asks Nojiko.

"Of course, it's to surprise you guys. It won't be fun if I always tell you when I'll return," says Buggy with a smirk.

"Then you also have surprise gifts for us, right?" asks Nami as her eyes turn into Belly symbols.

Buggy sweatdrops and says, "Of course, sweetheart."

He takes out some unique items that he collected on the islands he visited. Not all of these items are for children, but they all look interesting, so the kids like them. Nami is quite disappointed that he doesn't bring treasures, but she still likes these things.

When the kids are occupied with their gifts, Buggy is enjoying his time with Bellemere. It's been quite some time since they met, so they really enjoy this meeting. Arlong Pirates haven't come here, so Buggy can enjoy his family time for now.

A week passes, but Arlong Pirates haven't come to Conomi Islands. There's no news about them too, so Buggy gets very confused. He knows that things are different from the story, but this is way too strange because Arlong Pirates have come to East Blue, yet they don't show up again after being found.

Just when he thinks about that, he finally received the news about Arlong Pirates. The Fishmen suddenly appear in Shimotsuki Village just now. His men there called him immediately because they knew how dangerous the Fishmen can be.

Buggy calls his crew and they go to Shimotsuki Village immediately. No one questions him and they just follow his orders, leaving everything they did. The crew moves fast to Shimotsuki Village and they arrive in half an hour.

When they arrive there, they see a small war taking place at the port. On one side are humans while on another side are Fishmen. Both sides seem to be equal as they all have injuries and just stare at each other now.

Buggy can see Kyoushiro there along with some swordsmen and a few other fighters. Those few fighters and a few of the swordsmen are Buggy's men. They are members of The Caribbean who work in Shimotsuki Village, that's why they are strong enough to fight the Fishmen.

"Hey, they are not bad," says Enel while grinning.

"They were trained well, so they should be able to do something like this at least," says Palu.

"Their enemies are Fishmen who have rampaged on some islands in New World, so this is a great feat actually," says Cricket.

Buggy is also impressed by his men's power that can match Arlong Pirates with fewer people. He knows that the current Arlong Pirates are stronger than the ones that Luffy & co face. Just from the news and intelligence that Buggy got, he can conclude that there is a big gap of power between the current Arlong Pirates and the ones that Luffy & co fight

These guys have just separated themselves from Sun Pirates, while the versions of them who fight Luffy & co have been lazying around on East Blue for too long, so they've gotten weaker. The current them can be said to be in their prime compared to the future them.

"Our men have reached their limits though, so we need to step in. Siman, go take care of them. Show the humans that not all Fishmen are the same," says Buggy.

"As you command, Milord," says Siman, the orca Fishman while bowing before jumping into the sea.

Siman swims very fast towards the port as the ship is sailing from afar. He arrives in a short time and it surprises either the humans or the Fishmen. But then the humans sigh in relief because they know Siman as it is not his first time here.

"Well, well, well, to think that I would meet you guys here. Such an unexpected situation, right, Arlong?" asks Siman while smirking.

Arlong grits his teeth and says, "Siman, what are you doing here?"

"Why can't I be here? I've visited this place a few times and no one has a problem with that. It's me who needs to ask you guys. What are you doing here? I heard that you have a conflict with Jinbe, but why did you come here?" asks Siman.

"That's none of your business," says Arlong.

"It might be my business because these guys are my acquaintances," says Siman while pointing at the humans.

"One of you, tell me what happened?" asks Siman.

"Mr. Siman, I am Derril, the leader of this island's unit. I will explain the situation shortly. These pirates were coming here and suddenly attacked the village. Then they ordered everyone to give them a ridiculous amount of money," says a big muscular man.

"Hmm, so it's like that. You guys have become real trash after Tiger left you, huh? He would be very disappointed in you guys," says Siman.

Arlong gets angry when Siman mentions Tiger in front of him. "DON'T TALK AS IF YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT BIG BRO TIGER!"

He said that before rushing at Siman who calmly says, "I actually know more about him than you. He won't like what you guys do here, so I will punish you in his stead."

Arlong sends a strong punch at Siman, but the Orcaman simply parries it to the side. Then Siman grabs Arlong's forehead, avoiding the saw nose. Before Arlong can do anything, Siman slams Arlong's head to the ground very hard.

The slam even shakes their surrounding a little because it is very powerful. Siman gets back up and Arlong is lying unconsciously on the ground with blood coming out of his mouth & head. Just one slam from Siman is enough to defeat someone like Arlong.

"It's your turn now," says Siman while looking at his fellow Fishmen before taking a punching stance.

Siman covers his right fist with Armament Haki as he says, "Fish-Man Karate Original Art: Demon Orca's Sonic Fist!"


In an instant, Siman's posture changes as if he has finished punching. Everyone is confused because nothing happens. But the truth is, it hasn't happened yet because suddenly, blood comes out of the Fishmen's mouth.

They realize it and just as they want to check it, each of them suddenly feels a strong hit on their bodies. They cough up more blood as their bodies get flung back. The next thing they know is they lie on the floor while feeling a lot of pain.

"Be glad that my Captain didn't ask me to kill you because I would never hesitate if he ordered me to do it. You guys are disgracing Fishmen, so I don't mind removing you from this world. But my Captain doesn't want to kill you, so I won't go any further," says Siman coldly.

A few seconds later, the other Fishmen members of the Clown Pirates arrive after swimming. They tie the defeated Arlong Pirates while waiting for their ship to arrive. Black Pearl has been moving slowly since Siman left the ship to give him time to fight.

On the ship, Buggy is thinking, 'I never thought that Arlong's target will change to this place. Good thing I spread my force all over East Blue. More changes will surely happen, so I need to prepare for them.'

His past actions have changed the present and surely the future. This small change could turn into a big incident or event. So Buggy needs to be ready for any changes no matter how small they are.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 397 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 408 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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