Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 387: Legend Pirates

Chapter 387: Legend Pirates

Currently, The Clown Pirates are having a party with Legend Pirates. They haven't met with their apprentices' crewmates at all, after all. So they are very curious to see what kind of people Alan & co recruited.

All of them are young and the oldest is Alan, which is 22 y.o now. So they are just a bunch of teenagers in the eyes of Clown Pirates. Their achievements are great for their ages, but they still have long ways to go.

Buggy is surprised by something else though. He sees a little girl and a little boy among Legend Pirates members. Their identities surprise Buggy a little because he never thought that they will join Legend Pirates.

The 2 kids that surprise Buggy are Ulti and Page One. He doesn't know what kind of fate made this happen, but the 2 siblings now join Kaido's daughter, Yamato's crew. They are just 13 and 11 now, but Buggy knows they have the potential to be very powerful in the future.

'I thought those devil fruits would fall on others' hands. But maybe these 2 are fated to get those 2 fruits. I never believed in fate, but this is surely interesting,' thinks Buggy while smirking.

The Clown Pirates found many devil fruits when they explored New World. The Caribbean also found many devil fruits and sell a lot that gets approved by Buggy. Among all those fruits, Buggy has just received 2 Ancient Zoan fruits.

Dragon Dragon Fruit, model: Spinosaurus and Pachycephalosaurus. Those are the fruits that get eaten by Ulti and Page One. Buggy didn't find them in Beasts Pirates' stash, so Kaido must've hadn't found them, and he just got them by luck through The Caribbean.

It's interesting how Ulti and Page One appear after he got the fruits. Maybe the fruits are waiting for them or something along that line, but he doesn't care much. He just keeps looking at Legend Pirates that have 30 members and 8 of them have bounties on their heads.

'Captain Acidic' Alan: 642 million

Jack 'The Destroyer': 544 million

'Guardian Beast' Yamato: 398 million

'Evil Princess' Elen: 345 million

'Heavy Boxer' Alison: 96 million

'Happy Feet' William: 89 million

'Gunslinger' Taylor: 78 million

'Narcissistic Guy' Raden: 69 million

The other 4's bounties are very low compared to the 4 apprentices. Well, their power is also low compared to the 4 apprentices. They are strong for rookies, but the 4 apprentices are monstrous, and they get overshadowed.

Luckily, they aren't people who care about how high their bounties are. They care more about fighting strong people and getting stronger. Almost all their members joined the crew for that same reason, after all.

Most of them joined the crew after getting defeated by the 4 apprentices very easily. Alan & co who saw their potential offered them to join the crew by promising that they would fight strong opponents and get stronger. The ones who agreed joined the crew and formed the current Legend Pirates.

Unlike Clown Pirates who like adventuring more than fighting, the Legend Pirates only like fighting, except for Elen. For Clown Pirates, fighting abilities are needed to help their adventure. But for Legend Pirates, fighting is their way of living.

These youngsters are hot-blooded and they are fearless. Their thirst for battle is something that The Clown Pirates have never seen before because after the party, all members of Legend Pirates, except for Elen are challenging Clown Pirates to fight.

"Oho, interesting. Lord, I will do it," says Enel.

"Sure, let's see how much the little ones have improved. But you know, right, Enel?" asks Buggy.

Enel smirks and says, "No worries, I don't kill kids. Come on, you dipshits! Let's take it outside!"

The other Clown Pirates sweatdrop hearing Enel's contradictory sentences.

"Only you? Damn, you're looking down on us," says Alison, one of Legend Pirates' members.

Enel just smirks and says, "You'll see if it's me or you who look down on the other."

Alan, Jack, & Yamato don't say anything and just agree to face Enel together. Their crewmates don't have any choice but to follow their Captain's choice. They go out to open ground and get ready to fight.

The Clown Pirates are watching them from the side while betting. But instead of betting for the winner, they bet on how long the kids will last. None of them doubts Enel's victory, after all. It's just a matter of time for him to win.

Everyone gets silent before the battle of Legend Pirates vs Enel starts. All Legend Pirates' members who participate rush to Enel together. Enel just smirks while spinning his gold staff and waits for them.

Alan, Jack, & Yamato arrive first and they attack him from 3 sides. But he calmly evades all their attacks and hits them 'lightly' with his gold staff. They defend themselves, but they still get flung quite fast, which surprises their crewmates who know their power well.

Enel then faces the other Legend Pirates who finally arrive. Some of them who use Guns shoot him from afar, but he can evade all their shots with ease. He evades the bullets while attacking the other Legend Pirates members.

The Clown Pirates watch as Enel fights the Legend Pirates by using just his battle skills. He doesn't use his devil fruit ability or even his Observation Haki actively. His Lightning Devil Fruit still affects his physical power, but he doesn't make Lightning attacks, which means he doesn't use it actively.

The passive effects make him faster though. He is the embodiment of fast itself, so even without using Observation Haki, Enel still can evade every attack sent by The Legend Pirates. His attacks are also very fast that no one in Legend Pirates can evade or block them properly.

Even Alan, Jack, & Yamato who can use Observation Haki proficiently are helpless against Enel's speed. Their Armament Haki also can't defend his attacks that don't even use Haki or Lightning power. Just his basic abilities are enough to overwhelm the Legend Pirates.

Now, none of the Legend Pirates members look down on this fight again. After all, none of them succeeds to land even 1 attack on Enel while they get beaten a lot. So they take this fight very seriously now even though it still hasn't changed the result.

One by one, Legend Pirates members fall to the ground, defeated. In the end, only Alan, Jack, and Yamato left. But they've got beaten up quite badly and it will be hard for them to continue fighting. Both Jack & Yamato are already in their full Zoan forms, and Alan always uses his Acid Devil Fruit, but they still couldn't scratch Enel at all.

"Are you done, kids?" asks Enel haughtily.

"We can still go," says Alan as blood drips from his face.

The 3 of them attack Enel again and Enel faces them quite seriously now. These 3 have been together for years and their teamwork is very good. But even great teamwork is nothing in the face of the overwhelming power shown by Enel.

Enel is the 4th strongest in Clown Pirates, so his power is very great. He can even stop Big Mom or Whitebeard by himself if he is serious even if winning is difficult. That's why these kids aren't a threat to him and he defeats them easily.

"No way! Those 3 get defeated that easily. They couldn't even scratch him," says Taylor with a shocked tone.

"That's why I told you that it's not me who looked down on you. It's you who looked down on me," says Enel while grinning as he stands near the defeated trio.

The Legend Pirates have defeated many veteran pirates. But those veterans were just pirates who have sailed for a long time and are a little strong. The Clown Pirates are on whole different levels compared to those guys because they are standing on top of this world's power.

Then the rookies look at Buggy at the same time. If Enel is already this strong, they can't even imagine how strong Buggy is. Buggy just grins while looking at them. This is a very good lesson for these kids for them to be ready for the world level.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 411 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 422 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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