Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 392: 5 Billion

Chapter 392: 5 Billion

The party with Whitebeard Pirates ends after a day and The Clown Pirates finally can start their journey again. They are going to explore Calm Belt now, so they go to Paradise because the first part of Calm Belt they'll explore is the one separating East Blue and Paradise.

Buggy's journey started on East Blue, so he will start his Calm Belt exploration from East Blue's side too. Then he will go to North Blue's side, West Blue's side, and lastly South Blue's side. The order is just like when he explored the Blues with his crew.

On their way to Twin Cape where they'll start their new exploration, they receive big news that once again shakes the world. Buggy gets a new bounty and it's something that takes the world's attention because it is the 3rd bounty in history that surpasses 5 billion after Roger & Whitebeard.

'Clown Lord' Buggy: 5.1 Billion

Buggy's new bounty is more than Whitebeard, but not by much because Whitebeard's bounty is 5.046 billion. It is still lower than Roger's bounty too. Roger's last bounty was 5,564,800,000 Belly, which is also the highest bounty for a pirate in history.

It is very difficult to surpass Roger's bounty because one doesn't only need power to rival Roger, but one also needs to achieve something bigger, which is the most difficult thing to do. Even Whitebeard can't close that 500 million gap with Roger solely because of his lower achievements that threaten The World Government.

Even so, surpassing 5 billion is also very difficult in itself because only 2 people known in history ever get that before Buggy. But now, there are only 2 people alive with bounties higher than 5 billion. Buggy is the highest bounty holder now, so he is The World Government's number 1 enemy now.

It doesn't faze him at all though, he is very happy instead because he just broke a record. Not only he surpassed 5 billion, but he also surpassed Whitebeard's bounty. It's a very great achievement for him, so he immediately holds a party with his crewmates while still sailing toward Twin Cape.

The celebration for Buggy's new bounty also happens on Clownland and Clown Pirates' territories. Their families and friends are also excited by this. Well, except for those who get more worried because now The Clown Pirates will surely face harder challenges.

Too bad though, those harder challenges never reached The Clown Pirates because they disappear after Buggy's new bounty got released. They have entered Calm Belt without The World Government or Marine's knowledge. Only a few people know about this and no one spreads it, so the world doesn't know where they've gone.

Having a new bounty excites Buggy a lot, but exploring a new place is even more exciting for an adventurer like him. After all, this is a place no one has fully explored, and there's no known record about Calm Belt, so they really start a new history.

Well, maybe there were people in the past who have attempted it. But there's no record left, so it's better to think that their crew will be the first. It is more exciting to think that way rather than thinking that others have done it before them.

"Uhm, so, how will we find the first island?" asks Jude.

"You are the navigator, think of something," says Enel.

"Don't be like that. I just want to know everyone's opinion," says Jude.

"Well, let's go around in a zigzag pattern along the Calm Belt line. This sea is not that wide compared to Grandline, not to mention the 4 Blues. As long as we move in the path that allows us to see the border of what we saw in our previous path, then we will be able to see every inch of Calm Belt. The compass works well except for the area near Grandline, so we should be able to do that," says Deon.

"So you want to see the entirety of Calm Belt?" asks Cricket.

"Yeah, that's the only way to find islands here because there's no trusted map of this place," says Deon.

"Will our supply suffice though? Moving around like that will take time which will affect our needs. Also, we will keep using our engines because there's no wind here. So energy is also a problem that we need to think of," says Palu.

They keep discussing while Buggy is just looking at them with a pissed expression. "Are you still going to talk about those things? I thought we have talked about this and we were done already. So why are you repeating this discussion?"

Everyone looks at him and says, "We just want to make sure."

"Making sure? For the 11th time?" asks Buggy rather pissedly.

"Hey, this is quite nerve-wracking. There's not enough information about this place and it is the den of monsters," says Mantis.

"Yeah, but we've talked about this for years and planned this for months. You should be prepared for it. Besides, we've gone through Calm Belt many times," says Buggy.

"Those were just passing by. But we will basically live here now, it's different," says Dela.

"Different? There's nothing different here. It's the same as when we passed through it back and forth. Stop your bullshits and start working! We will adapt soon anyway, so there's no need to be overly worried about this," says Buggy pissedly.

Everyone boos him while they scatter to do their jobs. They start moving again by using their ship's engines because there's no wind here. There are no waves too, so the only sounds they heard are the sounds on their ship like the engines and their voices.

Buggy admits that it's a very strange feeling because they are used to hearing the sound of waves and wind. But there's no wind or waves here, so those familiar sounds are nowhere to be heard.

So to break that strange feeling, Buggy orders Brook's team to start playing. Some music will lighten the heavy mood caused by the silence of the sea. The loud music might attract the Giant Seakings, but no one here is worried about such things even if tens of those Seakings appear.

Then, it really happens. 8 Giant Seakings suddenly come out of the calm sea and raise their heads high. The Seakings are surprised to see a ship and people there because they couldn't sense anything as the ship's bottom is coated by seastone.

They look down on the ship and the happy pirates who ignore them even when they've appeared. Seakings are quite intelligent and they understand many things. So they know very well that they are ignored and it makes them angry because, for them, people are weak and just their prey.

They are pissed and immediately attack The Black Pearl. But then they stop just a few meters away from the ship with widened and shivered eyes. They will let out cold sweats if they are hot-blooded creatures, which shows that they are very afraid right now.

The cause of their fear is none other than the man sitting on the mast. Cricket is sitting there while smoking because he is tasked to look around now. But then the Seakings appeared and suddenly attacked them, so he released his Conqueror Haki.

"I'm still being nice now, so fuck off! You will be dead already if it's not me who stops you. Tell your friends to never mess with us while we're here because we won't show mercy next time," says Cricket calmly, but it sounds very terrifying for the Seakings.

They are intelligent enough to understand Cricket just from his tone and intimidation. So they nod and immediately dive again after Cricket stops his Conqueror Haki. Cricket has trained his Conqueror Haki a lot since he awakened it in the war against Beast Pirates, so now his control is very good because it's been years already.

He rarely had the chance to use it, so he is quite happy to use it now. "Damn, I should tell those Seakings to call their friends so that I can keep using this rarely used Haki."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 416 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 427 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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