Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 394: A Wannabe Ninja

Chapter 394: A Wannabe Ninja

Ancient civilizations, the once thriving communities that have disappeared from this world and even history. Many people are seeking traces of these ancient civilizations with different purposes. Some search for it just to know what happened in the past and some are after their leftovers.

Clown Pirates are obviously the last one because they don't really care about what happened in the past. What they care about is what they can get from ancient civilizations. Treasures, technologies, knowledge, and other things they can use.

They've found a trace of civilization on this island and it most likely is an ancient civilization. It makes them very excited because every time they found one, they always got treasures even if there aren't many because sometimes others have found it first.

But those who found it first often left a few things they didn't see as valuables like broken weapons or precious metals buried underground. For The Clowns, broken weapons are very valuable and they can detect hidden metals using Enel's ability which has gotten much stronger.

Right now, they also try to find the treasures using Enel's ability. He puts his hands on the ground and spreads his lightning all over the island. He only uses weak lightning though because if it's too strong, he can break the old metals, and they don't want that.

"There are a lot of them," says Enel excitedly.

"Well, that should be the case considering this place's location. There weren't many who can survive Calm Belt, so not many people went to this sea. That's why this place may be undiscovered for so many years and the treasures here haven't been taken by anyone," says Buggy.

"That means we can take everything for ourselves?" asks Hachan confusedly.

"Yeah, now you will see how we hunt treasures, new guy," says Cricket while smirking.

"Alright, everyone forms groups as usual, and we'll explore this island as fast as possible. This is a big island, so we need to move fast. We need to map this island so that Enel will be able to map the treasures. Focus on mapping and if you find treasures, only take the ones you can take easily. Jude, take your team and sail around this island to draw the layout of this island. The others will gather information to help you make a detailed map. Let's clean this place, lads," says Buggy while smirking.

"AYE AYE, CAPTAIN!" shouts everyone excitedly.

The crew spreads immediately to not waste any time. It's not like they are in a rush, but they know this whole process of treasure hunting is long, especially on this island which might be as wide as Alabasta. So they'll never finish if they are too slow and waste too much time.

They move fast and spread all over the island with their groups. Each group has a denden mushi to communicate with other groups like reporting if they find unusual things. They follow their usual procedure when exploring islands.

Buggy is exploring the island alone and does not join any group. He doesn't need any protection, after all, and he wants to do what he wants, so he always exploring alone. In the past, he always explored with the kids, but now those kids have made their own crew, so he can move alone now.

He is exploring the island by jumping on trees like a ninja. Buggy was also a fan of Naruto, so he always wanted to move by running on trees. This place has a lot of big trees with a lot of branches, so it's his chance to do what he always wanted to do.

Buggy jumps from one tree to another and he sometimes uses his hands to swing like a monkey. This is very fun, after all, and he often does it when exploring jungles. Walking on the ground is quite boring because he has done it in his 2 lives.

Anyway, he wants to enjoy his life and does what he wants because now he has the power to do anything he wants. This is the reason why he seeks power, after all. He wants to do anything he wants without any worries.

Well, it's not like he can do everything because he isn't a God. But he also doesn't want everything, he only wants what he always dreamt of in the past. He doesn't need the world because his world is what he has around him.

Buggy is still doing his job while having fun though. He still looks around and notes everything he sees while making a crude map. All Clown Pirates now can make crude maps to help Jude map the whole island. They learned it because it is very useful for their adventure.

After moving on the trees for almost an hour, Buggy suddenly sees something unusual. He sees a hut with some types of equipment that look very good. There's even burnt firewood and charcoals that indicates someone made a fire before, maybe last night.

He smiles happily as he thinks, 'So there is someone here. Maybe a human or a person of another race. I'm not sure who it is, but it must be an intelligent individual. Maybe a native of this island, a descendant of the past civilization. Or maybe it's someone stranded here.'

Buggy doesn't need a long time to confirm who the individual is. He suddenly catches an arrow that flies very fast from his left. Someone is shooting an arrow at him and it's surely the person who owns that hut.

"Calm down, buddy. I'm not here to be your enemy," says Buggy with a nice tone because he doesn't know if the person will understand his language.

There's no answer from the person for a while before Buggy hears, "Who are you?"

It's a man's voice and he can speak the current common language of this world. Buggy knows that the man is most likely someone who was stranded here because if he is a descendant of this past civilization, he might not understand his language.

"I'm Buggy, an explorer. I came to this island with my crew and we split to explore this island," says Buggy. He doesn't say that he is a pirate to not scare the man.

"You came here on your own volition?" asks the man in shock. It seems he never thought some people would come here on their own.

"Yeah, we are explorers, after all. We've explored many places and are now exploring Calm Belt. This is the 2nd island we visit in this exploration. What about you? Who are you?" asks Buggy calmly while sitting on the high branch.

"I won't tell you because I haven't trusted you enough to tell you about myself," says the man.

"Is that so? Then, can you at least tell me if you are a native or not?" asks Buggy.

"Yeah, I'm a native," says the man.

Buggy has met many kinds of people that made him able to tell if someone is lying or not. This man doesn't lie, but it also doesn't sound like the truth.

"Let me rephrase my question. Are you a descendant of the people who lived here in the past?" asks Buggy.

".... No," says the man after a short silence.

Buggy gets even more confused now because he can't understand those 2 contradictory answers. He needs to talk with this man to know more because he is very curious now.

"Hey man, honestly I am very curious about you and this island. I am an explorer, so obviously I am curious about the island. But you also look interesting and must have some interesting stories. What can I do to make you want to talk to me about yourself?" asks Buggy.

"That's..... Tell me about the world outside and I will tell you about myself," says the man who still hides on the tree.

"A trade, is it? Fine, I can share what I've experienced when exploring the world with you. It's just some stories anyway. Besides, I like to brag about my adventure to people," says Buggy while smiling widely.

He really likes telling people the stories of his adventure because it feels like he has achieved many great things. His smile is genuine and the man can feel it. Buggy's wide smile makes the man feels he can trust Buggy a little now, so he comes out of his hiding.

Buggy can finally see the man now. He doesn't have any expectations, but he is quite disappointed. "Sigh, his voice & appearance don't match at all."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 418 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 429 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.