Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 453: End of Marineford War

Chapter 453: End of Marineford War

The death of Big Mom shocks everyone watching. They know Buggy is strong, but not to the point of killing another Sea Emperor effortlessly. Also, he does that after fighting the whole Marines for a long time.

Now people start thinking that if Buggy wanted it, then he could kill the Admirals too. Even a very tired Buggy can kill Big Mom, so he should be able to kill the Admirals when he was still full of energy before. It makes them fully realize why he can be the strongest in the world.

Buggy drops Big Mom's head to the sea before looking at Big Mom Pirates. Her kids are still in shock because their mother died just like that. Even though she was cruel to them, their family bond is quite strong.

"From this moment, there's no Big Mom Pirates anymore. If you Charlotte siblings want to live for the next years, then be my subordinates. I will give you 3 seconds to think."

Buggy surprises everyone including his crew with that.

"One, two, three!"

"Stop! Alright, we'll comply."

Katakuri answers Buggy hastily as cold sweats run down his spine. He saw a glimpse of future that made him terrified. Only a few seconds later, Buggy would show a ridiculously powerful attack that could destroy the remnants of Big Mom Pirates easily.

Facing such power, Katakuri knows the only way to survive is by complying. Their crew has been hit greatly and their power is reduced a lot with Big Mom's death, after all. The homies she made also died when she died, and homies fill almost half of their total crew number.

Their ship was also a homie, but now it has lost its soul along with Big Mom's death. It has become a normal ship, so their naval power has reduced significantly because their ship can't work as well as before.

Some of his siblings don't agree with Katakuri's decision to surrender. But they change their minds immediately when they see Katakuri's expression. The strongest among them who can also look a little into the future is terrified, so they know that something bad would happen if they keep fighting.

It's a well-known fact that Katakuri cares for his siblings more than anyone in the family. People even thought that Katakuri would oppose even Big Mom when she hurt his siblings if he has enough power. But he wasn't strong enough to do it and he knew that without Big Mom, them siblings would be numerous people's targets of rage.

Even without seeing Buggy's future attack, that reason was enough to make Katakuri sure that they need to follow Clown Pirates. They might be enemies, but Katakuri knows very well that Buggy is someone who treasures his subordinates. He would even avenge a small crew that has pledged loyalty to him when they get killed.

Also, unlike Big Mom, Buggy never punishes his men just because he was angry. He was very clear of his rules and will punish anyone who broke them. If not, then he would never punish them no matter how angry he was. At most, he would scold them. The Clown Pirates are more like a family than even the Charlotte family.

"That's more like it. Cricket, you go with them back to New World. You can take Enel and Magnus with you."

"Aye aye, Capt."

"Now, Marines, do you want to end this or you still want to continue?"

Obviously, the answer to Buggy's question is the Marines don't want to continue the war. But they can't answer that because they'll look weak to the people who watch this. They'll lose people's trust if they just surrender to the pirates.

Buggy understands this and he smirks while looking at the Marines who have lost their fighting spirits. He just stands there looking at them trembling while waiting for their Fleet Admiral to answer. They don't want to fight anymore, but only Sengoku can make the decision.

"I think it's enough, Buggy. You've won, there's no need to continue this any further. Wasn't your goal to save Ace? You've saved him, so there's no need to fight anymore."

Shanks steps up and asks Buggy to stop the war already.

"Hahaha, should I stop this just because you said it's enough? Shanks, even if we have known each other for a long time, it still doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do. Should I destroy your crew as well? I don't mind reducing the number of my enemies right now."

Buggy grins menacingly while Shanks has a very serious expression.

"What do you want, Buggy?"

"It's good that you aren't that stupid. I'll pull back, but you'll owe me a favor. The same also applies to you Marines although I can't fully trust your promise."

"What favor do you want?"

"I will tell you later. As for you Marines, I will pull back now if you promise to raise my crew's bounties. I want 6 billion for my head and for my crewmates, you can think for them yourselves. But I want the raises to be satisfying and I want every single one of my crew members gets a bounty."

Buggy's request makes everyone hearing it dumbfounded, except for his crewmates who are overjoyed. A lot of them don't have bounties even though they are powerful and dangerous because they are just normal crew members. Their executives' names are overshadowing them.

"We'll think about it. Now leave this place, you filthy pirates!"

Sengoku seems to agree, but he answers with a lot of hostility to show that he doesn't surrender and just wants to stop the war to prevent getting more casualties. Buggy smirks because he knows that, but he ignores it and orders his crew to retreat. But before they leave, Buggy has something to say to everyone watching.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Sengoku, you better strengthen the Marines quickly or you won't be able to stop me again. Me and my crew have been silent for quite some time. It's time for us to do something interesting. Let me announce this here. We will go to Laugh Tale and take the treasure y'all kept fawning over for years."

Sengoku and the Marines widen their eyes in surprise when they hear what Buggy said.



Buggy said it vigorously and the camera denden mushi captures that moment flawlessly. The denden mushi is left on a marine ship, but it has been set to face the sea so it could capture the scene of the pirates retreating. Everyone watching from Sabaody is stunned to hear Buggy's vigorous statement.


Sengoku yells angrily because he never thought Buggy would create another trouble before going back to New World.


Right after Buggy said that, the sea gets covered in thick fog. The camera captures the thick fog that suddenly appears on the sea, covering all the pirate ships. Kizaru sends light bullets into the thick fog to attack the ships.

The fog starts to disperse, but when the sea finally becomes visible, the pirate ships are nowhere to be found. In just a short time, the pirates have left Marineford's sea. Although the most surprising thing is the opened Gate of Justice has been closed now, which means there is someone colluding with the pirates here.

Sengoku plans to take care of it later because now he needs to take care of this war's aftermath. This whole war didn't go as they expected at all. Everything went from bad to worst. No one ever thought that all 4 Sea emperors would appear in this war and one of them was killed by a fellow Sea Emperor.

There's no time for Sengoku to get relaxed though because then he receives the news of what happened to Marie Geoise. 2 of the World Government's most important locations were attacked at the same time. It will surely shake their power significantly.

To add salt to the wound, the incident in Impel Down is finally known by the Marines. They already realized that something must've happened in Impel Down when they saw the escapees. But they never thought that all prisoners in level 6 have been killed by Buggy.

Right now, the man who caused that uproar is giving orders to his men. He told Cricket to bring the newly recruited former Big Mom Pirates back to New World. Whitebeard Pirates can do anything they want, but he prefers them going back to New World immediately.

"Manba, you go with them and help the old man. I want to talk with him when he's better."

Whitebeard is unconscious now because he has a lot of injuries. When the tension of the war loosened up, his adrenaline drops instantly and he lost consciousness. Buggy gives Ace back to Whitebeard Pirates, but he still brings Luffy on his ship.

Other than Luffy, there are some more people too on Black Pearl. Ivankov, Inazuma, the Okamas, the escapees, and Hancock. The Pirate Empress sneaked into Black Pearl to see Luffy's condition. She is Clown Pirates' ally, so they were covering for her when they were still in the war.

"Iva, why didn't you steal a Marine ship or something?"

"Why? You can just send me to Kamabakka."

"Do you think I'm that free? Sigh, let's just steal a ship on Sabaody for you. The Revolutionary Army has just done something big, so you need to prepare to work immediately."

"What do you mean?"

"You will know later. Hancock, have you called your crew?"

"Of course, I don't want to be here with you filthy men for too long."

"Yes, yes, just take that brat with you because we'll return to New World. We'll meet your crew on the sea because it'll be problematic if the Marines see us together if we meet them on Sabaody."

Buggy then goes to Red Hair Pirates' ship to talk with Shanks.

"Oi, tomato hair, it's time to do that favor you promised."


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 490. 2Y Reunion (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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