Twin Soul

Book 4: Chapter 19

Book 4: Chapter 19

After finishing saying that, Saint Michael released a glowing aura around himself which made Noe think about the [God Heavenly Flame] ability Michael demonstrated earlier. Noe immediately activated [Warp Infusion] spell to switch places with one of his Wind Walker that was flying farthest away to prevent being locked inside the [God Heavenly Flame]. Even though Noe wasnt afraid of dying, reserving his mana pool to ensure a long fight was the ultimate goal. As long as Noe can last for over a day, then he would be able to use his Awakened Monk Warrior skills again. And if Noe loses against Michael after gaining back the ability to use his Awakened Monk Warrior skills, then Noe would rely on his [Second Life] spell to recover his mana pool in full and outlast Michael in the long fight. That was the plan that Noe Clerico came up with to defeat Saint Michael but it could only succeed if Kain Bersk and Arthur Castillon could hold back all the Archangels and their angel armies for over a day.

The glowing aura Michael just released wasnt the [God Heavenly Flame] ability. The reason he used the [God Heavenly Flame] ability earlier was just to frighten the world leaders to prevent them from thinking about gathering troops to fight him and his angels. Michael's [God Heavenly Flame] ability is great at massacring innocent people due to the large number of lands the fire could spread out within seconds. However, [God Heavenly Flame] would be useless against Noe and his minions due to the burning power being no stronger compared to the [Flame] spell casted by a level 30 Fire Mage. In another way to explain, [God Heavenly Flame] ability is for putting on a show, not for actually fighting someone as powerful as Noe Clerico.

Michaels sharp vision quickly noticed Noe swapped places with a Wind Walker as he said, You cant run away like that after making such a horrible joke, funny boy.

Michael suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Noe who was at least a mile away from his original location. Michael smiled then landed a powerful right-hand punch toward Noes head using all of his might. The glowing aura Michael released earlier was the ability named [Enrage] which could temporarily boost his strength and agility to ten thousand percent (100 times) stronger. Even though the effect only lasted for five seconds, it was plenty of time enough to kill any powerful opponent in the lower realm in just one punch. Michael knew about Noes [Unlimited Life] spell but hearing and witnessing was a whole different thing. He wanted to see if Noes [Unlimited Life] spell could counter his [Enrage] ability or not. If not, then nothing wrong with killing Noe in one hit to save time instead of dragging the fight longer than needed.

Michael happily said as he saw Noes entire body explode after receiving a punch from him, Looks like I got you, Noe Clerico. Good luck in the afterlife."

Michael quickly asked himself after noticing something strange, "Hmm No blood?

Even when Noe didnt think Michael could suddenly increase his physical power and flying speed to a hundred times faster. Noe still activated the [Substitution] spell to help himself become invisible, created a Shadow Clone using a Skeleton Warrior ten feet away, and then switched Noes place with that Skeleton Warrior just for extra precaution. Right after the [Substitution] spell was casted, Michael appeared in front of the Skeleton Warrior and killed it in one punch. The force of that punch was too strong and it blew Noe away as well despite him standing ten feet away. Noe was happy that he casted [Substitution] spell on time and knew he needed to activate the [Unlimited Life] spell as fast as possible then immediately did so before Michael realized that he was still alive.

Just like Noe had thought, Michael appeared in front of Noe again and punched him using all of his power which resulted in killing Noe in an instant. But because the [Unlimited Life] spell was activated, Noe instantly revived himself as he said to Michael using a mocking tone, You must have heard from your Archangels that I cant be killed. I need to applaud you for putting the energy into trying to achieve the impossible. As a Necromancer, my mana pool is large enough to play with you until you don't have enough stamina to hold the balls of my dick.

The effect of [Enrage] ability was over and Saint Michaels strength along with his agility went back to normal as the glowing aura that was surrounding him started to decay away. Michael activated [Phantom Swords] ability and commanded the thousands of phantom swords just appeared around him to repeatedly strike Noe. Regardless of having a reversal mark placed on his body for [Unlimited Life] spell to be activated when needed, Noe activated [Inviolable], Monk Warrior ability, to reduce incoming physical damages up to one hundred percent and managed to block all damages without receiving any injury from Michaels [Phantom Swords]. There was no doubt in Noes mind that his [Inviolable] ability can't withstand Michaels [Phantom Swords] for a long time, but Noe was sure it should last long enough for his minions to arrive and protect him.

Still having his cautious mindset up, Noe thought to himself, The fact that Michael didnt use that insanely powerful ability ([Enrage]) again meant that ability either cost him too much stamina or it has a long cooldown time which requires a more strategic approach when fighting someone like me who could instantly revive myself limitlessly.

Right after Noe finished thinking that, Lucas appeared behind Michael and swung both of his swords into Michael's back after inhaling all of his evil spirits to temporarily boost his physical strength to a God-like level. Michael sensed Lucas's presence but he didnt pay any attention to any of Noes minions because he never thought any of them could cause him any type of injury including a minor scratch. Michael knew Noe had a male Devil Warrior named Hurien and a female Devil Mage named Clairene as his minions but that didnt mean anything to Michael. Michael could easily kill Hurien and Clairene with his eyes closed which was why he paid no attention to an unknown weakling such as Lucas. In Michaels mind, Lucas could strike both of his swords at his back all day long and not even a feather of his wings would be damaged. At the time Lucass swords touched Michaels back, a tremendous amount of pain ran throughout Michaels brain letting him know what pain felt like because he had never experienced such a thing ever since he was created.

Meanwhile from a far distance away, Micah was relaxing after seeing all the Champions Souls fade away shortly after someone became God-tier in Toria Continents because of how everything and everyone was in a frozen-like state earlier. While it was unclear if the Diamond Skeleton was the one who advanced into God-tier or not, Micah at least no longer had to worry about the Champions Souls that the Diamond Skeleton had released to kill Gwenn Bigham. However, Micahs [Holy Aura] and [Circle of Protection] spells were broken followed by a loud scream he released after Micah felt a tremendous pain running through his spine. If Micah gets injured, it wouldnt cause any pain toward Saint Michael but whenever Michael feels pain, Micah would feel ten times worse compared to him.

The tremendous pain shocked Micah as he started falling from the sky toward the ocean but Gwenn managed to catch him on time because she already transformed into an Angel Battlemage using her [Angelic Avatar] spell right after she heard Micah's scream. Continuing flying toward Flumen city, Gwenn quickly casted [Circle of Protection] spell around herself to protect Micah and her from Kains conjured creatures who were still actively chasing after them. Unlike Micah, the projection of Saint Michael, Gwenn had a much smaller mana pool and she couldnt waste it on [Holy Aura] spell because she wanted to have enough mana to get back to Flumen city through flying.

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