Twin Soul

Chapter 11: (3/11)

Chapter 11: (3/11)

Raynard casted [Summon Demon Lord] and Sizouze, the Demon Lord of the first gate appeared. Sizouze had the swordsmanship skill comparable to a Saint-tier warrior and could cast up to Legend-tier of Fire Magic. More importantly, this Sizouze can use her true power, as well as casting all the unique Saint-tier Fire Magic spells she had created due to Raynards current level. She is on an entirely different level compared to the last time she was conjured by Arthur Castillon.

Raynard was not happy when Sizouze appeared, she wasnt the Demon Lord he was hoping for but he will take what he can get. Sizouze, fight with that Blood Mage that can use Conjuration Magic. I will get back to my target. Raynard advised Sizouze.

Five Earth Golems slowly flew up toward Mival. Needless to say, they could fly because the Wind Walker had casted [Wind Walk] spells on them too.

Five Earth Golems and one Wind Walker, did you think that was enough to stop Sizouze? Good luck with that. Raynard advised Mival in a mocking tone.

You have shown me a tiny fracture of your power, let me show you some of mine as well. Mival then casted [Blood Extricate] and [Convene Vampires] spells to convene more than a thousand vampires.

Haha Didnt you forget that Im a Saint-tier Black Mage? Raynard laughed as he casted [Puppeteer] to shoot out thousands of black strings flying toward Mivals creatures from his hands to brainwash and control all of his vampires, as well as the five Earth Golems together with the Wind Walker.

Before the strings created from [Puppeteer] could connect into the head of Mivals creatures, Mival activated [Bloodlust] and then casted [Sanguine Tide] to dispel Raynards [Puppeteer] spell. This had cost Mival a lot of blood in the blood pool of his Blood Ring but it was worth it. Mival would be defeated if all of his creatures get controlled by Raynard.

Raynard opened his eyes widely and said, I didnt think that your [Sanguine Tide] spell is powerful enough to be able to dispel my [Puppeteer]. Very well, looks like I will have to handle you myself. Raynard flew toward Mival to attack him knowing Sizouze was powerful enough to keep Mivals creatures occupied.

Mival casted [Vampire Lord Transmutation] to transform himself into a Vampire Lord which allowed him to fly even faster through the combination of [Wind Walk] and his Vampire Wings while giving him access to four Vampire Lords spells [Darkness], [Enclosing], [Deflection], and [Vampiric Clench].

Raynard was surprised to see this because he had never fought with a level 50 Blood Mage before.

Interesting Lets see if the power of that vampire form can help you withstand my [Demon Anatomy V] form! Raynard shouted as he swung his big greatsword toward Mival.

Mival used his left hand to block the greatsword while his right hand attempted to attack Raynard. Unfortunately, due to Raynards windy aura, Mival was pushed back and couldnt land his attack on him. Seeing he had the advantage, Raynard furiously swung his greatsword at Mival but then Mival casted [Deflection] to deflect all of Raynards sword attacks.

Not bad. It seems like both of us wont be able to successfully land a physical attack on each other. In that case- Raynard couldnt finish the sentence because his throat was being magically choked by Mivals [Vampiric Clench].

Raynard casted [Force Punch] to attack Mival at thirty feet range while being choked by him. Mival received a minor injury from the powerful [Force Punch] casted by a level 80 Black Mage but that wasnt enough to stop him from using [Vampiric Clench]. Mivals minor injury was soon recovered through draining the blood pool of his Blood Ring using [Life Drain].

Shit! I shouldnt have underestimated him. Raynard regrets looking down on Mival. Sizouze! He screamed out loud hoping Sizouze would rescue him on time. Raynard intended to have Sizouze keeping Mivals creatures occupied, but then the tide was changed because Sizouze is now being occupied and couldnt come to rescue him.

No other option available, Raynard had to casted [Surgeon], a unique Black Magic spell that he created nearly a million years ago. [Surgeon] spell allowed Raynard to detach any part of his body then reattach it within ten seconds without causing any side effect. Raynard detached both of the arms which held the greatsword and big shield. Raynards hands flew toward Mival to swing the greatsword at him while using the big shield to push Mival back. Mival still had [Deflection] ability activated which helped him deflect the greatsword. But when Raynards left hand which was holding the shield slammed into Mival, he was not able to deflect it. Mival was pushed back fifty feet and that caused the [Vampiric Clench] spell to get out of the effective range. Raynard reattached his hands then quickly flew backward to keep a further distance away from Mival.

Raynard thought to himself, This is bad. I cant get close to him or he will be able to choke me magically.

Mival thought to himself, This Executioner Black Mage can detach and reattach his body parts at will, I cant use [Vampiric Clench] to defeat him now.

Vonda unlocked her storage ring and brought out a golden staff embedded with six Magical Fire Stones that had a large-size Mana Stone attached to the top of the staff. Vonda casted [Frumgar] spell and the fire energy released from her hands created a giant Flaming Dragon that was nearly half as big compared to the giant vessel of the Red. Vonda was happy with the result because her [Frumgar] was one percent bigger compared to the last time she casted it which was thirty-two years ago when she had a friendly duel with Wrenn Gasketel. This means her power has gotten stronger since then.

Vonda is not the strongest Fire Mage in the Mages Council. But as the Lord of the Red, she was able to command the worlds strongest Fire Mage alive. His name is Wrenn Gasketel. He is the oldest member of the Red, and the only level 100 Fire Mage currently living in Toria Continents. He was not chosen to be the Lord of Red but his magical power is ten times stronger compared to Vonda Hardy.

Frumgar, wipe out all the Blood Mages. Vonda calmly advised the Flaming Dragon.

Etgar smirked as he heard that. If Etgar didnt think he could defeat Vondas [Frumgar] then he wouldnt organize this raid in the first place. The solution was quite simple, kill Vonda and then her [Frumgar] will crumble. How to kill Vonda quickly before Frumgar can attack his Guild Members? All Etgar had to do is overpower this giant Flaming Dragon so it could not drag out the battle longer than needed.

Etgar then casted [Replica] to create nine clones of himself. Nine was the maximum number of clones Etgar could create using [Replica]. If Etgar was still stuck at level 50 Legend-tier Blood Wind Mage, he wouldnt be able to create more than three clones. As a level 51 Saint-tier Blood Wind Mage, his magical power had multiplied three times which means he was three hundred percent stronger compared to when he was still stuck at level 50.

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