Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 147 - Is Bankruptcy Not Considered a Loss?

Chapter 147: Is Bankruptcy Not Considered a Loss?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Song Yu could not resist and gathered the courage to look up at him. His expression was normal as if he indeed had let go of the question. She let out a sigh of relief.

Relieved, she picked up her phone again. “They should be free. Let me give them a call.”

Just a moment after dialing the number, she said, “Dad, Chengzhi and I are going to drop by tomorrow.”


“No, we want to discuss something with you.”


“That’s not it. Stop guessing blindly. You’ll know tomorrow, alright?”


“No, that’s not the matter at all. You don’t have to get mom on the phone. I... Mom...”


“Seriously, stop imagining things. You’ll know when we’re there tomorrow. Alright, I need to go. Goodbye.”

Song Yu did not give Yu Qianying any more chances to speak. She hung up quickly.



Jian Yi was immersing himself entirely in the bathtub when he took out his usual phone. He opened an encrypted folder, and two photos appeared.

Unexpectedly, it was the two photos Xia Wenna had taken stealthily in the reading room of Viewpark Residence — the images of the acquisition documents, which should have been deleted by Grandmother Qi.

Initially, Jian Yi had no clue on how to get about investigating.

However, thanks to the recent incident where hackers had leaked photos of the Hollywood stars, he learned about the cloud. The cloud would have the backup even if the picture was deleted from the phone.

It was a considerable achievement for people at the age of Xia Wenna and Grandmother Qi to make use of a smartphone. They would not possibly know about this.

In the recent years, Jian Yi had befriended people from all walks of life. All he cared for were their potential utility — he did not mind if they were involved in complicit activities.

As a result, he made use of his network and got in touch with a well-known hacker. Thinking to try it out, it was a pleasant surprise when the hacker had successfully penetrated Xia Wenna’s cloud and found the two pictures.

The reason why he did not visit the Qi family that night was because he had an appointment with the intermediary.

Hacking into someone’s cloud was against the law, and naturally, the hacker would not appear in person. It was impossible for Jian Yi to even contact him directly. It was always done through an intermediary.

He had just acquired the two photos that night.

However, as the photos only comprised of the first and last page of the acquisition document, he still lacked concrete details.

Fortunately, the company seal on the signing page was distinct enough for him to continue with his investigation.



The next day, Song Yu decided to go to work. She felt that if this goes on, the idleness would kick in and it would take forever for her to overcome the jet lag.

Besides, she could not possibly shirk everything to Ruan Danchen, so she insisted on going to work.

Qi Chengzhi then sent her to work. When she entered the office, Ruan Danchen was sorting out the work notes. It would help ease the transition for Song Yu.

Song Yu felt so sorry for her. She handed the unwrapped gift to Ruan Danchen — a gift box by a skincare brand.

Ruan Danchen knew the value of the gift box was in the range of five figures when she saw it. Squinting happily, she said, “For your generosity, I’m willing to do another month’s worth of work for you!”

“Stop fooling around,” Song Yu said as she laughed. “You’ve worked hard.”

“Didn’t I tell you? It wasn’t much.” Ruan Danchen handed Song Yu the completed work notes. “This is what you missed out on during your absence. Take a look, and you can take over right away.”

Song Yu took it, and before she could continue, the phone on the desk rang.

Song Yu picked up, and just as she said, “Hello, Cheng —”

“Song Yu, it’s me, Jian Yi,” emitted Jian Yi’s voice from the phone. Over the phone, he had a pleasant voice, mellow and alluring. However, Song Yu felt that his voice lacked the piercing quality of Qi Chengzhi’s.

“Manager Jian, what can I do for you?” Song Yu asked as if she was speaking to an acquaintance. However, she was not as impatient as last night.

Jian Yi strengthened the grip on his phone. The reason Song Yu did not sound impatient was because she was treating him like a client, polite but distant.

He dialed her office number this time because he knew she could not turn him down in the pretext of work. The motive was apparent, and she seemed to have understood the message.

“Song Yu, you can get engaged to Qi Chengzhi, but don’t get married to him so soon,” said Jian Yi.

Song Yu’s face sunk. She defeated her desire to shout ‘Do you know no shame!’ at him and took a deep breath. She kept her cool and spoke calmly, “Manager Jian, you can call me anytime if it’s related to work. However, if it’s about my personal life, can I request you to stop harassing me?”

“Song Yu, it’s for your good!” Jian Yi was on edge. “Why are you so stubborn? Why won’t you listen? I told you Qi Chengzhi cannot be trusted. Do you want to marry him just because he’s going to be the head of the Qi family, and you’re unwilling to give up the position of being the mistress of the family? Or, is it just a form of retaliation on me?”

Song Yu needed an outlet to release her anger after hearing what he said.

He called her in the office, and with so many people around, she could not vent her anger directly.

‘Jian Yi is outright shameless!’

‘He regards himself too highly!’

‘He knows no shame and assumed others would be the same.’

Song Yu was so cross, she could feel an acerbic sensation in her throat, and even her eyes.

It was not due to Jian Yi’s misunderstanding, but rather, how he twisted and smeared her feelings toward Qi Chengzhi.

She had always felt her feelings toward Qi Chengzhi was pure — why did Jian Yi have to impose his vileness on others? What basis did he have to do that?

“You make me sick!” Song Yu spoke, gnashing her teeth. Taking a look at her surroundings, everyone was busy working. She lowered her voice and said, ” Don’t you understand? I’m sick and tired of you. Whenever I see you, I feel repulsed. Do you know what it feels like — to hate someone until you’re sick? Even if Qi Chengzhi had indeed played some dirty tricks, you’re not one to be passing judgment. Who do you think you are? What right do you have to do that?

“In my eyes, even if Qi Chengzhi has done something forbidden by God, he’s still in a better position than you. Don’t even think about putting you two side by side, for you to sprout his name is an insult. By now, you should know my opinion of you. I’m telling you that I don’t care if he has wronged me in the past. My parents are healthy, and we suffered no loss. Why should I care what he has done to me in the past?

“I’m saying this once again — I don’t care about what he has done in the past! You’re free to think that I do this for his status or my revenge on you. If it helps your esteem, think whatever you want, as long as you stop bothering me!”

Song Yu took a deep breath and lowered her voice. It was trembling in anger. “Jian Yi, please, I’m begging you. Can you accept my request and stop bothering me? I don’t hate you, not at all. However, your current action is making me sick. Can’t you just let me live my life? Stop disturbing me. Given how stubborn I am regardless of what you said, why do you persist on bothering me?

“You’re married now, too. Qi Chengyue is your wife. While she can be capricious sometimes, she loves you dearly. For your sake, she is willing to be more tolerating. You should appreciate her more. To be able to find someone who loves you wholeheartedly and doesn’t ask for anything in return, do you know how lucky you are? She knew your motive of marrying her, but she went ahead with it anyway. What more could you ask for?

“Why are you not satisfied with your present life? Why are you messing with others’ lives? Jian Yi, karma will hit you if you don’t cherish what you have.

“Jian Yi, that’s all I have to say. If you have any self-esteem left, please, leave me alone.” When Song Yu finished, without hearing Jian Yi’s reply, she hung up.

Ruan Danchen did not dare to even breathe loudly next to the flaming Song Yu.

Her seat was right next to Song Yu’s. As a result, even though Song Yu had spoken softly, Ruan Danchen could hear everything even if she did not intend to.

Regardless of what Jian Yi said to Song Yu, she could tell that it was exceedingly upsetting. There was no other reason Song Yu would look so troubled, and on the verge of tearing up.

Ruan Danchen sighed. She stood up, went to the restroom, and sent a text message covertly. “Jian Yi called just now. I have no idea what he said, but Song Yu is so mad, she’s on the brink of tears.”



Jian Yi was still in a daze, looking at his phone that had fallen into silence.

His lips were trembling. He felt a harsh bitterness in his mouth. That bitterness he felt was reflected in his eyes. He was wounded deeply.

Song Yu’s ruthless words pierced through his heart.

He did not expect Song Yu to be so cruel and ruthless. She was so disgusted with him, it was as if he was a bed bug.

Perhaps, in her eyes, he was of a lower status than a bed bug.

Whimpering, Jian Yi gasped for air. Feeling weak, he leaned back on the chair, with his head resting on the headrest. He closed his eyes, enduring the pain in them.

His chest, however, still hurt.

He lifted his hand and covered his chest, pressing it hard.

Why couldn’t she understand his good intentions? He wanted it all for her good, for her not to be deceived by Qi Chengzhi.

Recalling Song Yu’s statement, “My parents are healthy, and we’ve suffered no loss. Why should I care what he has done to me in the past?”

“Ha!” Jian Yi sneered coldly, “Song Yu, do you think your family suffered no loss? Is bankruptcy not considered a loss?”

After saying that, Jian Yi remained static for a long time.

Eventually, he took a deep breath. Picking up the cigarette box on the table slowly, he lit up a cigarette in his mouth. He began inhaling, taking it in deliberately. He then put out more than half of the cigarette in the ashtray.

He picked up the phone and dialed out again.

Song Yu had remained silent for a while. Her anger had yet to subside — she was still upset, and it was hindering her breathing. Her mind was a mess, and she could not focus on work.

It did not take long before she felt irked again.

After much trouble, she finally was able to get into the mood for work. When she was ready to start, the phone on the desk rang again.

She adjusted her state of mind and picked up the call. She spoke politely, “Chengshi Construction, you —”

“Don’t hang up, Song Yu. I have one last thing to tell you. I’ll hang up after that.” On the phone, it was Jian Yi again. His voice was rushed, and it revealed his fatigue and bitterness.

Song Yu held onto the phone tightly. She heard him babble, “Song Yu, I now have evidence about what Qi Chengzhi had done, but it is not concrete yet. Even if I pass you the evidence in hand, I know you still won’t believe me. I will keep investigating until I have the whole truth, and I will lay out the pieces of evidence all in front of your eyes. You’d then know that Qi Chengzhi isn’t trustworthy, and who’s the one that is truly there for you!”

After that, it was Jian Yi who hung up this time.

He shattered her focus again.



Song Yu was in a better mood when she got off work in the evening.

As she stepped out of the office, while she was still a little affected, the sight of the Range Rover across the road pacified her.

Feeling fuzzy, one could peek the gentle smile at the corner of her mouth. She waited for the road to be clear before running toward the Range Rover.

Song Yu saw the handsome, composed man sitting in the car. Even though the Range Rover was spacious, space still seemed limited for his long legs.

There was a faint smell of tobacco in the car. Even with the windows opened, the scent did not disperse entirely.

Song Yu leaned forward and wrapped her hands around his arm. She sniffed the tobacco smell off his shoulder.

She never disliked the smell of tobacco on him. The familiar tobacco smell made her feel more reassured.

“Did you wait long?” Song Yu asked and smiled. “You’re always here before I get off. I know you’re busy, but you don’t have to rush here. I can wait for you.”

“Hmm,” came Qi Chengzhi’s surprisingly cold reply. He then withdrew his arm from her embrace and started driving.

Although he had always been indifferent and cold, his actions toward her were filled with passion. It had always been that way despite his cold expressions. This was the first time he refused her embrace.

Song Yu took note of this glaring anomaly.

Qi Chengzhi, still with his stone-cold face, said nothing.

Song Yu did not know what had gotten into him all of a sudden. She was slightly irked at his mood swings.

Her day was awful. First, Jian Yi had pissed her off, and Qi Chengzhi was doing the same thing too.

She said nothing. Throughout the ride, the atmosphere in the car was tense.

Despite that, Song Yu could not help but steal glances at him.

Every time she did so, she would find Qi Chengzhi focusing on the road ahead with a straight face.

He had always looked a little scary when he had a poker face on.

While Song Yu was not afraid of him, she still felt a little ill at ease, not knowing the cause of his anger.

The Range Rover finally arrived in the area near the Song family’s house. Qi Chengzhi found a parking spot for the car.

Song Yu sighed in her heart. Shyly, she reached out with her soft hands and grabbed Qi Chengzhi’s hand softly.

This was the limit to her ingratiating initiative. She could not go any further.

It was not about getting tit for tat with Qi Chengzhi, merely that her nature would not allow her to do so.

Qi Chengzhi glanced at her and saw her rosy cheeks. Seeing how docile she looked, he finally held her hand and did not dismiss her.

“Do you have anything to say to me?” he asked in a flat tone.

This time, Song Yu was stunned. She did not know what Qi Chengzhi meant.

“Nothing!” Song Yu answered subconsciously. She really did not know what there was to say.

She was startled to see his grim expression. She then behaved like a pet that was eager to please and spoke softly, “Are you mad?”

“Well, I’m surprised you can see that.” Qi Chengzhi let out a huff.

Song Yu was a little unhappy with his sarcastic tone. First, he got mad for no reason, and after she tried to reconcile with him, he still behaved in such an off-putting way. What was the meaning of this?

He had never behaved in such a peculiar way before.

Anger had gotten into Song Yu. She pulled a long face and retreated her hand. Not saying a word, she wanted to get off the car.

Qi Chengzhi raised his eyebrow. Why was she the one making a scene when it was her fault?

Seeing that she had gotten angry and was about to open the car door, Qi Chengzhi let out a helpless sigh. His gaze at the back of her head was filled with compromise and adoration.

Even when he was in a foul mood, he could not bear to see her mad.

Song Yu was about to open the door when he grabbed her waist and scooped her up. He had her sitting on his lap.

“What are you doing?” Song Yu spoke furiously.

He was the one who got mad at her for no reason first. What was he doing, trying to get her back?

“You’re so spoiled. Can’t you even let me throw a little tantrum? Before I even lost my temper, you had already decided to walk out on me.” Qi Chengzhi strengthened the grip on her waist.

“I got this temper from you.” Song Yu was not afraid of him at all, and she countered right away.

Qi Chengzhi was delighted. The corner of his mouth had a flash of smile before he tensed up again.

“Don’t you know why I’m mad?” he asked coldly.

“How would I know? You got cold all of a sudden. I thought you didn’t like me anymore!” While Song Yu intended to irk him, the words pierced through her heart.

What if he lost his passion and no longer liked her?

What if he, all of a sudden, realized that he did not like her as much? That she was not his ideal partner? What would she do if he had decided that she was no longer worth it, and that he was sick of her?

She was terrified when he got mad at her all of a sudden.

Imagining things to take a turn for the worse, she was tearing up.

Qi Chengzhi could not get mad at her when she looked so miserable. He immediately regretted his behavior for having shown his dismay.

“What’s up? Don’t cry!” Qi Chengzhi felt sorry for her, but he was not adept at expressing himself. While he sounded calm, his expression revealed that he was panicking. His fingers brushed through her eyes, to wipe away her tears.

He held her face in both hands and sputtered, “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you without explaining. Don’t cry.”

Song Yu felt more wronged hearing what he had said. Her tears began spilling, and drops of them were hanging on her eyelashes.

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