Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 214

Chapter 214: Song Yu Lowered Her Head and Saw Him Pinching the Slight Protrusion of Her Abdomen Lightly With His Slender Fingers (Second Upload)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, it was not easy to accept a divorcee as a lady of the Qi family.

Even though she acknowledged that Qi Chengyue did not have the attitude of a spoilt brat, their families were just too different. There would definitely be clashes after they got married.



There were not many cars in the morning. Li City was not as crowded as B City to begin with. Cheng Dongge sped all the way to the hotel and headed right to Qi Chengyue’s room.

However, no matter how many times he rang the doorbell, no one answered.

“Qi Chengyue, you can’t just hide inside. Please open the door, let’s talk!” Cheng Dongge yelled from outside. “I didn’t know that the Qi family housed a coward like you. Open the door!”

As he shouted, he pounded the door. Moments passed when a cleaner pushing a trolley filled with cleaning supplies, fresh towels and bathrobes, and dirty laundry walked up to him.

“Sir, the previous guest has already checked out,” informed the cleaner.

Stunned, Cheng Dongge stared at him. Then he took two steps back and echoed, “Checked out?”

“Yes, that’s why I’m here. To clean the room,” he answered.

Cheng Dongge spun around and left, pulling out his cellphone as he walked.

He was scheduled for the 10 o’clock flight, but, if Qi Chengyue had left for the airport then she would be on the earliest flight back.

Getting into the car he dialed her number, but he had to wait for a long while before it was picked up.

Hearing her answer, he said, “Why are you running away? We’re in the same company. Where do you intend to run to?” His voice was deep and commanding.

When he called Qi Chengyue in line to board the plane.

At his question she stopped, uncertain. “I...”

“Qi Chengyue, you said that you’re not good enough for me because you are a divorcee. Would you like me to marry someone too so that we might be on the same playing field? So that there woudn’t be any discrimination? Or is it because I am not worthy of you? Lady of the Qi family that you are. But, then, I would need to climb the social ladder for that.” Qi Dongge’s deep baritone dripped with sarcasm.

“Cheng Dongge...You’re angry,” her voice was soft, gentle.

“Quite the rare observation,” he bit.

“Cheng Dongge, please don’t do this.” Pangs of guilt sunk deep into her as she heard the anger dripping into the receiver.

“What do you want me to do then? You left without saying a word this morning. You didn’t think that’ll upset me? You were so brave when you were with Jian Yi, marrying him without caring about anybody else. Yet, you behave like a coward with me, worrying about everything. Why shouldn’t I be angry when you’re treating me so unfairly?” Cheng Dongge said. The anger in his voice was merely a mask for the deep pity he had felt for this woman.

“It won’t be an issue if you don’t like me, but, please, help me stop chasing after you. Tell me you don’t like me. I won’t be able to stop pining for you if I know that you still have feelings for me. You have feelings and, yet, you don’t want to be with me. Are you trying to kill me?”

“Cheng...” Qi Chengyue had never got to give him an answer, as he had killed the call the moment he was done.



Since Qi Chengyue had left Li City, Cheng Dongge saw very little reason to further his stay. Bidding goodbye to his parents, he left, taking the flight back to B City.

Cheng Dongge returned to Qilin and reported to Qi Chengzhi.

Upon his return, he went straight to Qi Chengzhi and gave his report. This declaration of events was heard with a bored twirling of the pen around slender, elegant fingers, and a cryptic smile.

“Why didn’t things go well with Qi Chengyue?”

Cheng Dongge was well aware of the reason behind the question. He knew that everyone had known of their dalliance and the eventual collapse of their affair, but he was not going to answer untruthfully to Qi Chengzhi, and neither was he going to play it off. “She was deeply affected by the divorce. She hates that she is a divorcee, and, so, not good enough for me.”

Cheng Dongge frowned as he told Qi Cengzhi the evets. He felt embarrassed about the interchange. And, since, Qi Chengzi was her brother he did not want him to know all that had taken place between them.

“I don’t know what Jian Yi did to her. What happened in her marriage with Jian Yi that made her lose all her confidence now? No matter what I say, she won’t listen,” Cheng Dongge gave his chin a small unconscious jerk. “She’s still fearless when it comes to other things but she is avoiding all relationships.”

“So you’re giving up?” Qi Chengzhi said, with an arched eyebrow and casual flick of the pen.

Cheng Dongge replied, serious, “I won’t give up.”

Qi Chengzhi nodded his head and stopped talking.

Cheng Dongge left Qi Chengzhi’s office and returned to his seat. A shadow was cast over him and his desk.

Cheng Dongge lifted his head and saw his colleague from the secretariat, He Cancan. She had just joined the company half a year ago and recently passed her probation.

“Special Assistant Cheng, I know that you came to the office right after an early morning flight. You must be tired, right?” He Cancan smiled shyly, her cheeks were dyed with a tint of red.

Cheng Dongge, “...”

He Cancan placed a cup of freshly brewed coffee in front of him. “I added two spoonfuls of sugar with less milk.”

It was how he usually prepared his coffee.

“Thank you,” Cheng Dongge nodded slightly.

He Cancan shook her head, her cheeks growing even redder.

They knew of Cheng Dongge’s engagement and how he had broken it off. When he had a girlfriend he had not even looked at another, not even a lady from the upper classes let alone the office staff. None of them could even get close to him. All they could do was pine and mourn endlessly from the sidelines. They had not stood a chance until now.

And once they had sunk their claws into him they would not let go. No one would be silly enough to break up with him.

So, it had come as a huge surprise when his girlfriend was caught cheating on him. Not only that, she had done it while they were still engaged, and in the middle of the wedding arrangements too.

Therefore, his coming into the fold of bachelorhood once more alighted the beacon of hope for every woman.

Cheng Dongge’s passionate declaration of his love for Qi Chengyue, during the interview, had not deterred the ladies as they saw it as a mere distraction organized by Qi Chengzhi to draw attention away from his sister.

With this information and the knowledge that she was the only single woman on her floor, He Cancan made her move. Speed was the key, as she did not want her other colleagues to capitalize on her inaction.

He Cancan had made her move, and she had no intention of being easily dismissed. She had planned her move well. Her makeup was smooth and well blended, and her fingertips, pristine, twirled a lock of hair seductively. “That...Special Assistant Cheng, you have helped me so much when I joined the company, and you also taught me many useful things. As a way of saying thanks, I would like to treat you to a meal. The reason I had not done so sooner was that you had a girlfriend, and I didn’t want her to misunderstand. But, I have always wanted to express my gratitude and thanks, so, if you don’t mind, would you allow me to buy you a meal?”

Fearing that he might reject her offer, He Cancan continued, “I just feel that it’s not sincere enough if I were to just thank you verbally. I want to express my gratitude officially.”

Her words had not made a difference, and, just as he was about to turn down her offer, he spotted a figure walking in.

He Cancan followed his gaze and saw Qi Chengyue. Instantly, she lowered her head in embarrassment, not knowing if Qi Chengyue heard what she had just said.

Despite her knowing that they were not dating, He Cancan could not help feeling ashamed.

Qi Chengue offered them a casual glance, betraying nothing of the inner turmoil she felt when she was He Cancan’s blush. Of course, she had heard everything.

“Manager Qi,” greeted He Cancan; her face still a deep shade of red.

Qi Chengyue gave her a customary “uhm”, before turning to Cheng Dongge. “My brother told me to come up,” she said; her expression was distant and reserved.

Cheng Dongge stood up and nodded before replying, “Young Master Cheng is waiting for you.”

As she pulled open the door to her brother’s office, she heard Cheng Dongge say, “You don’t have to treat me to a meal. It is my job to guide you and correct any errors you might have made. Every mistake is a loss to the company, and I would have done it for any of the other new recruits.”

He Cancan had been prepared for his rejection, but it did not stop the disappointment.

Lowering her eyes, she bit her lip and whispered, “Then I won’t force you to have a meal, but I will brew a cup of coffee for you daily. I have been told by my colleagues and other members of the office that my coffee is rather delicious. You may try the one I have just served you. I tailored it to your preference. If you enjoyed it then I’ll brew you a cup a day, but just one cup a day.”

He Cancan lowered her head and smiled shyly, “Too much coffee is not good for the body.”

Qi Chengyue tried her best to resist turning around to look at the coffee that He Cancan specially made for Cheng Dongge. She wanted to see his reaction and the shy expression on He Cancan’s face.

She gave the office door several raps before pushing it in.

Qi Chengzhi glanced at her and said, “How was yesterday’s meeting?” He did not bring up the matter of Cheng Dongge.

“There are some parts that I felt were inappropriate. I’ll head back and organize them. It’ll be ready for you by tomorrow,” Qi Chengyue said.

After finishing her business with Qi Chengzhi, she left the room and saw Cheng Dongge.

He was still at his table. The coffee, clutched firmly in his hand, remained untouched; the cup brimming with lukewarm coffee.

He Cancan was gone.

Qi Chenyue looked away and began to walk to the elevator.

The expression on her sweet doll-like face was cold; she was still seething with anger.

She was aware that she was jealous. She also knew that she had no right to be jealous, not since had informed him of her inability to enter into a relationship with him. She knew she should not stop other females from approaching him, nor should she stop him from entering into relationships with other women, but she just could not help it.

Her head lowered, hands clenched, she waited for the elevator.

All of a sudden, someone grabbed her arm.

Qi Chengyue looked up in alarm, her eyes meeting with an expressionless Cheng Dongge. He was different, distant. It was rare to see him look at her this way, with stern, reproaching eyes.

His usually warm lips were stretched thin emphasizing the angle of his firm chin. Something in his expression made her anxious, stilling her.

The next thing she knew, Cheng Dongge was dragging her into the stairwell.

“Cheng Dongge!” Qi Chengyue yelled while at the same time trying desperately to suppress her voice. “We’re at work. What are you doing?”

Cheng Dongge just ignored her and pushed open the door and entered the stairway, dragging her along with him.



The elevator that was exclusively for Qi Chengzhi opened and Song Yu walked out of it. She was right on time to see both of them entering the stairway.

Only when they were totally out of sight did she stop staring at them.

She asked, right after she entered Qi Chengzhi’s office, “I just saw Cheng Dongge and Chengyue. He pulled her into the stairway. I’m guessing that their trip to Li CIty was quite eventful?”

While she was talking, she placed the takeaway from Dynasty on the coffee table. When she opened the lid of the takeaway box, the fragrance of the dishes instantly filled the room.

Qi Chengzhi walked out from behind his desk and sat beside Song Yu. He took the takeaway box from her hands and opened the rest of the containers with his elegant fingers not wanting Song Yu to do it.

After that, he told her about what happened to Cheng Dongge and Qi Chengyue in Li City.

Song Yu let out a sigh and said, “Cheng Dongge and you might not comprehend this, but, as a woman, I’m able to understand how she felt. I think she might not fully understand her feelings for Cheng Dongge. Her affection for him is so great that she’s reluctant to see him suffer. She feels that she’s imperfect since she was married to Jian Yi and has gotten a divorce. This would always be the missing piece that she couldn’t offer to Cheng Dongge. She wants to give him everything without leaving any regrets because she adores and loves him. If she can’t, she rather not give anything.

If it were me in her shoes, I would hate that I would never be good enough for you. I would hate that I had gotten married to Jian Yi. This might seem laughable from your perspective, but it is important to us because now we can’t offer you what we want to. What we want to give will be forever lost to another man.

“Furthermore, I’m afraid that her confidence in relationships was deeply affected after Jian Yi,” Song Yu frowned, and continued furiously, “It’s all Jian Yi’s fault!”

“Okay, okay,” Qi Chengzhi scooped her up and sat her down on his lap. “You’re carrying a child, it’s not healthy for the baby if you get angry.”

Song Yu glanced at him gently and did not bother to argue. “So what are you going to do?”

“I just called Grandmother Qi and asked her to introduce a few ladies from notable families to Cheng Dongge,” Qi Chengzhi said coolly.

Grandmother Qi had plenty of resources in this area. She immediately agreed when she heard Qi Chengzhi’s request. Her first love was acting, but a close contender was matchmaking.

Song Yu was stunned for a moment but she understood it right after that. She recalled that Qi Chengzhi used so many tricks and tactics when he pursued her back then. With his help, Cheng Dongge would definitely succeed with ease.

While she was still deep in thought, she felt a warm, giant palm press against her abdomen, gently pinching the flesh. Suddenly, her blouse was pulled up to reveal her soft abdomen.

“What are you doing?” Song Yu lowered her head and saw him pinching the slight protrusion of her abdomen lightly with his slender fingers. Her baby bump was not obvious, yet, it seemed more like excess tummy fat due to overeating.

Song Yu blushed instantly when Qi Chengzhi pinched it.

In the end, she heard him mumbling to himself, “It’s a little fat, no wonder I felt that you’re getting heavier when I carried you.

Filled with anger, Song Yu got off his lap and slapped away the hand that was circling her waist.

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