Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Chapter 165: Leisure days

Chapter 165: Leisure days


In a mere two days, this product has skyrocketed to become one of the most sought-after items in Orario, sparking curiosity and interest among the locals and even outsiders. 

Not only was it cheap, but it also allowed people to learn many things. More importantly, the newspaper paper was also a good item for them to wrap their food, make a fireplace, or even wipe their butt clean.

Anyway, there were many things that could be used with just a single newspaper. 

The first edition of this newspaper provided essential information about Orario, the current situation, and more. 

Businessmen, traders, and other smart people quickly bought the newspaper, as it helped them learn about the world and the economy. 

Frankly, a newspaper wasn't something new, as the guild had its predecessor, which was a parchment, which was usually shared by everyone to announce something huge, such as a rare monster, a legendary adventurer, or various big news on the Orario. 

However, the newspaper was much more complete, the quality of the paper was outstanding, and it was easier to read. Lastly, it was more interesting. 

Even though it had only been two days since this product existed, it caught the eye of many, wondering who the creator of it was. 

"World Economy..."

Deep inside the guild, there was an altar, and a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance read the newspaper in his hands quietly. 

"...was this something created by the child of Hestia Familia?" 

"Yes, Ouranos." 

A figure with a figure that was fully hidden by the hood answered that question. 

"This is a good thing." Ouranos, the creator of the guild, was amazed by the newspaper, and he wondered how the child of Hestia Familia could learn all of that news and be able to build such a deep network in just a short moment of his stay. 

At the same time, he also felt that this item could become something dangerous, yet he shook his head, thinking that he might be overthinking. 

The newspaper's benefits were great, and it could even popularize the Orario by turning it into an unshakeable center of the world, which was one of his aims. 

Ouranos thought for a while and asked, "Do you think we can ask the newspaper to talk about Monsterphilia?" 

"I will ask." 

"By the way, isn't the boy close to one of our staff?" Ouranos asked. 

"Yes. It seems they are dating." 

"Is that so? Then, you should send her to meet him." 


As the hoodie figure disappeared, Ouranos muttered the name of the young man he would definitely not forget: "Iinuma Isao..." 

At the same time, Riveria walked out, shaking her head, thinking about the newspaper, which was based on Loki, which was something created by Isao.

Amazing, she thought. 

Riveria should be in doubt, but she felt that everything was possible for that boy. Still, this also made her wonder what he should do to him, especially when he had asked her to make Eina leave him. 

Yet, with all of his achievements, if he didn't feel that he was worthy of Eina, then who would be suitable for Eina? 

If there was something that made her unhappy about him, it was his gossip, having many unclear relationships with many other women. 

However, compared to having a relationship with another man, it was far better, she thought. 

'No, no. I can't think of that.' 

If possible, Riveria wanted to talk with Isao more, clearing up her doubt, but she didn't even know where he was, so there was nothing she could do. 

Nevertheless, she only needed to wait for a while since Loki would attend the "Banquet of Gods," and when that happened, Loki could ask Hestia, the goddess who got lucky by getting Isao. 

Still, as she thought to go out to clear up her mind, she noticed Aiz, who seemed to be in the middle of practice, swinging her rapier wildly like a hurricane that destroyed many things. Even though many thought her movement was powerful, she could tell that Aiz was in the middle of a dilemma, troubled by something. 

Watching all of those people who just observed Aiz from a distance and were unable to approach her, Riveria sighed and called Aiz out. "Aiz, what's wrong?" 

Aiz quickly stopped, then shook her head after Riveria's question. "No-Nothing..." 

"Is that so? Then, how about you follow me?" 


"No, I want to relax for a bit." 

Aiz hesitated, lowering her head until Riveria said, "I want to meet Isao Iinuma." 


Somehow, Aiz agreed. 

Riveria looked at Aiz strangely, then asked, "Why did you agree so suddenly?" 

"I... I want to learn more about him." 

"Oh? Do you have an interest in him?" Riveria was surprised since it was the first time Aiz had an interest other than sword, magic, dungeon, or getting stronger. 

"Yes." Aiz thought that Isao was so powerful. Even though he was just a Level 2 adventurer, he could do something incredible, such as defeating hundreds of the Apollo Familia with ease and even defeating Bete. Moreover, he could even stay in the dungeon for six days continuously, without eating, sleeping, and fighting all the time. Lastly, he could become a Level 2 adventurer in just a mere two weeks! 

Last time, Aiz thought that she could learn Isao's secret by fighting him. 

Yet, unexpectedly, Isao would run away, and even though Aiz often went to the guild or dungeon to search for him, she was unable to find him. 

'I have to find him...' 

Aiz thought almost every day became an obsession, especially for her, who wished to become powerful. 

Watching Aiz's strange state, Riveria hesitated for a while, then sighed. "Let's go." 


As the two left, many hesitated, but in the end, they didn't follow them, especially when they knew how weird Aiz's state was. 


A certain cute elf stared at Aiz's back longingly. 

Aiz didn't notice this gaze and kept looking around as she followed Riveria. "Where are we going?" 

"Hmm? Well, let's just walk around the neighborhood first. I have heard that there is a new bookstore." 


Unlike the others, l hardly went out from the headquarters of the Loki Familia, Twilight Manor, since she didn't like crowds and spent her days either studying or reading, so when she heard that there was a new bookstore nearby, she couldn't help but wish to check it. 

Hearing that, Aiz hesitated, as reading wasn't one of her favorite things. 

"I will buy you Jagamaru-kun too later." 

Aiz showed a troubled face, but then she nodded and followed Riveria firmly. 

Riveria chuckled when she saw Aiz's reaction, and she also understood why Aiz didn't want to follow her to the bookstore. 

Unlike the others, their relationship was so close that Riveria often took care of Aiz from childhood. They were inseparable, and it wouldn't be wrong to say that they had a daughter and a mother-like relationship, especially when Riveria didn't have a child on her own. 

Aiz, who was a child, happened to be on Riveria's side when Riveria needed someone to pour all of her maternal feelings, and those feelings continued until now. 

Still, as they got closer to the new bookstore, Riveria saw someone familiar. "Eina?" 

"Ah, Riveria-sama!" Eina was startled when she saw Riveria and then noticed Aiz. "Aiz-san, too." 

Aiz nodded at Eina's greeting. "Eina..." Still, as she wasn't good at communication, she could only say one or two words. 

"Aren't you working, Eina?" Riveria asked curiously. 

"No, I am taking a leave today," Eina said calmly.

"Why?" Riveria knew that Eina was a workaholic, so it surprised her when she knew that Eina had taken a leave.

"Isao-kun opened his bookstore today." 

Even though Eina said those words calmly, Riveria could hear how proud Eina was of her man's achievement, which made her helpless. 

"Then, this bookstore?" 

"Yes, it is his." Eina nodded. 

"..." Riveria then looked at the new bookstore, which had a clean and neat image. The store's door was even opened automatically, and she saw many people coming in and out from time to time. 

"Do you want to buy books, Riveria-sama? There are many rare books inside." 

"Really? Let me see." 

With Eina's lead, Riveria entered the bookstore and saw many people inside. Even though it was rare to see someone who read a book on the Orario, all of them quickly gathered when they knew there was a new bookstore. 

"The business is good," Riveria commented. 


"Will he stop becoming an adventurer and becoming a businessman?"

If so, Riveria would be glad, thinking that Isao could take care of Eina well. 

"Will he stop becoming an adventurer?" 

Yet, the one who reacted the most was Aiz, who showed disbelief. 

"....." 2x

Eina and Riveria looked at Aiz strangely, but then Eina shook her head softly and said, "No, he will still become an adventurer." 

"That's great...' 

'What was so great?' 2x

Eina and Riveria looked at Aiz strangely. 

Still, under Eina's leadership, Riveria picked up many books and stationery items that were sold in this bookstore. 

Even Aiz also took a cute mascot doll in the shape of Jagamarukun. "What is this?" 

"It's a doll." 

"You like that, Aiz?" Riveria asked curiously, as it was the first time she had seen Aiz interested in anything other than fighting. 

Aiz hesitated, but she hugged the large doll tightly, showing a cute expression as she closed her eyes. She then showed excitement, reluctance, and hesitation before putting it back, but then Riveria and Eina stopped her. 

"Let's buy it!" 2x

Aiz was so cute, so they decided to treat her! 

Nevertheless, as they had bought so much, it was quite troublesome to bring all of them. Fortunately, their home was quite close, so it didn't matter. 

Still, Eina hesitated for a while and said, "Riverisa-sama, Aiz-san, do you want to go to the secret reading room?" 

"Secret reading room?" 2x

"It is a room made by Isao-kun for reading. Only a few know and can enter. There is also good tea and coffee there. If you want, you can read your book there." 

"...okay?" Riveria was curious and nodded. 

"Is he there?" Aiz simply asked. 

"No, he went out to take care of his business." Eina sighed helplessly. "He was too busy sometimes." If possible, she wanted to meet more, but they had only met at night. Still, she was comfortable every time they met. Frankly, she didn't feel angry at him and understood him. Instead, if possible, she wanted to help him more, especially when she knew that it was also for their future. 

Watching Eina's womanly expression, Riveria felt strange somehow. After all, Eina was her niece, yet she had a man already. She, who was almost a hundred years old, hadn't even found a man, which made her feel slightly urgent and hurt somehow. 

Nevertheless, the three walked to the back area of the bookstore and then climbed up the stairs before they saw the door that led them into a large, comfortable room with a lovely scent. 

'The air feels nice...' 

Riveria looked curiously at the item inside the room, which gave fresh and cold air. 

"Oh? Advisor-kun?" Hestia was there, drinking tea elegantly while reading a book. 

"Hestia-sama." Eina bowed her head respectfully. 

"Are they... the child of Loki?" Hestia looked at Riveria and Aiz curiously. 

"Yes, Hestia-sama." Eina nodded. 

"Well, I don't mind them being here, but you two, don't tell Loki, okay? She is too noisy!"

"I agree."

Unexpectedly, Riveria nodded.

"Good." Hestia nodded with a smile, then continued to read the book while sipping her jasmine tea. "You can sit anywhere. If you want to, you can try the tea or coffee here." 

"Thank you, Hestia-sama." 2x

Riveria and Aiz thanked Hestia. 

Hestia waved her hand since she didn't have much of a hate toward the children of Loki except for Bete. Moreover, Isao had told her that it would be unfair to treat all the members of Loki Familia like Loki or Bete. 

'Isao is amazing...' Hestia thought when she heard Isao's words about how they would treat the Loki Familia. Moreover, if possible, she also wanted to live a peaceful life, read a book, and enjoy a leisurely life, which was why it was better this way. 

In the case of Hephaestus, she would say, "As expected, someone of a big size has a big heart." 

There was no one other than Hestia inside, but Eina told them many things about this room, and it was better not to tell anyone as it would be rowdy. 

"What do you want to drink? There are many types of drinks here," Eina said. 

"What is Hestia-sama drinking?" Riveria asked curiously since the smell was pleasant. 

"It's jasmine tea. It has a calming effect and helps with digestion." 

Frankly, this was Eina's favorite place, and she often played in this room. 

"Then I want to try that," Riveria said. 

"How about you, Aiz-san?" Eina asked. 

Aiz wasn't sure, but Riveria asked, "Is there something that is sweet?" 

"Oh, there is milk tea. I will make it." 

"Milk tea?" 2x

"It's sweet and nice. You should try it." 

"Okay." Aiz nodded. 

With the help of Eina, the two then soon received their jasmine tea and milk tea. 

'It's warm and gentle,' they thought, sipping their respective drinks. 

While Riveria read her new book quietly, Aiz held her new doll, hugged it, and somehow slept on the sofa quietly after she finished her milk tea. 

Watching Aiz, who somehow fell asleep, Riveria was helpless, but she smiled, then looked at the crowd from the window of the room, spending her day in the leisurely day. 

Still, where was Isao? 

Isao was busy repaying his debt to Hephaestus. 

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