Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Chapter 186: Aiz wishes to help

Chapter 186: Aiz wishes to help

"...what are you doing here?" 

Isao couldn't help but ask that question with confusion and blank expression as it was impossible for him to have a good impression of Aiz after all of that. 

Yes, Aiz might be the heroine who was loved by the original protagonist, but he wasn't the original protagonist. 

More importantly, he was committed and had a girlfriend. 

While it was true that he couldn't be loyal to her and even slept with other women, he had never been serious with those women, and he was being forced by them into copulation.

Yes, he might not hate being forced by those women, but even so, this was for humanity, for the world. 

Once again, if he didn't accept their advances, who knew what they would do to the world? 

They were goddesses, the highest beings who could determine the fate of everything at their whims! 

So, while he might enjoy the process, his purpose was for the good, peace, and prosperity of everyone! 

However, Aiz was different. 

She might be strong, but she wasn't strong enough to bring a calamity to the world, so it was impossible for him to give her a good eye.

Even if she tried to force herself on him, he would refuse her without hesitation! 


Or rather, he couldn't imagine that she would force herself into him at all, considering how pure and how silly this young woman was. Even if Aiz might be known as a powerful adventurer and even worshipped by many, in his eyes, she was just someone with a communication issue. 

So, when he asked this question, Aiz could only lower her head, squirming, moving her feet uncomfortably, and unable to say anything. 

Isao didn't have "Tada-kun" as his nickname, and Aiz didn't have "Komi-san" as her nickname, so it was impossible for him to be so gentle with her, but he could tell that she was about to say something, so he waited.

If she said something bad, then he would throw her out from the window of his room. 

While his room was on the third floor, he knew that Aiz should be alright even if she was thrown out. 

"...I am sorry." 


"I am sorry." 

Aiz apologized. "I-I am sorry for hurting you. It-It's my fault. I-I am sorry." 

After a long pause, those simple words were the only ones that came out from her lips. 

Isao stared at Aiz, feeling strangely petty for some reason. He had aimed to become a good person, yet he couldn't help but feel hatred toward this young woman, even though an understanding could be gained when two people talked. 

Yes, this young woman almost killed him, but he also had broken her nose and jaw in return. 

Was it even? 

Frankly, it's not. 

Isao was almost killed, and if he wasn't strong enough, he would be as good as gone. He wouldn't be able to meet his wives, children, and women anymore.

If all the worlds that existed on his journey were peaceful, then there was no need for him to be working hard to become stronger in this world, but he knew that it wasn't. 

All the worlds that he had been in were in turmoil, and to be able to take care of his family well, he had to become stronger. 

Yet this young woman almost killed him, so it was impossible for their relationship to be amicable. He wouldn't do revenge, but he didn't want her to be so close to his side. 

"It's fine. Just go back. Don't bother me now." 

However, Aiz didn't leave and stood there in silence. 


"I-I will take care of you..." 


"I-I will take care of you until you are healthy," Aiz said as she looked at Isao with determined eyes. 


Isao looked at Aiz in a daze and then asked flatly, "Can you take care of people?" 

"...." Aiz. 

Could she? 

No way! 

All of her time was spent in the dungeon, getting stronger; how could she have time to take care of a person? 

More importantly, as most of the people on the Loki Familia were strong due to the blessing and could heal up so easily with just a potion, there was hardly anyone who spent their days in bed all the time. Moreover, those who had serious damage died directly. 

Lastly, with Aiz's personality, how could she even take the initiative to take care of people? 

She might appear cute, but Isao knew well that this young woman was quite selfish, and as long as it was to become stronger, she would do anything. 

In others' eyes, she might be a pure young woman who wished to help others, but Isao knew that she just wanted to learn his secret to become stronger. 

While it was true that he couldn't deny that her wish to help him might be sincere, he just didn't want her to be by his side. 

Yet, with how stubborn Aiz was, it was impossible for her to leave. 

Even if Isao told her to leave, Aiz just stood there. 

"Go out." 

Hearing his voice, Aiz hesitated, but in the end, she became stubborn. "L-Let me help you... I-I might not have experience in taking care of people, but... I-I can learn." 

"Who do you learn from?" 


Why did you answer me with another question? 

Isao lay on his bed and decided to give up. 

However, watching Isao's reaction, Aiz moved closer cautiously before she took a chair and sat on the side of his bed. 

Isao glanced at Aiz before he started to think how important it was for him to become strong. Being weak wasn't good at all, and even if he tried to become a good person and try to avoid any troubles, many would come to cause him trouble. 


Why do people love to cause trouble? 

Wasn't it better for everyone to live with peace and love? 

Yet, as a bad person previously, he also understood why many conflicts happened. 

Still, instead of thinking about such complicated things, he thought about his plan to become stronger in this world. 

'Ah, I want to be comforted by Demeter...' 

On the other hand, Aiz kept watching him without looking away. His handsome face, his manly figure, and vigorous body, yet somehow there was this hint of melancholy on his face as if he bore many hidden things on his body. 

If only she knew that he was thinking of being comforted by Demeter...

Nevertheless, Aiz had so many questions on her mind, but she knew that she couldn't ask him, especially after what had happened between them. 

As for her assets, while all of them were taken by Isao, she didn't care at all as she knew that Riveria and her Familia would take care of most of her daily necessities, and with her power, she could make a lot of money with ease. 

Still, she was thinking deeply when suddenly Isao said, "By the way, Wallenstein, help me get the nurse." 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Aiz quickly asked worriedly. 

"No, I want to take a piss." 


"I can't move my hands, so I need to ask the nurse to help me to take a piss on the urinal—" 

"I will help you." 


Isao looked at Aiz strangely, but she appeared determined. 

"I will help you to take a piss." 

"...are you serious?" Isao's expression even became strange. 

"Yes, let me help you." As Aiz nodded, she moved into his trousers and was about to take them off. 


Isao wondered how many times they had met, yet with how their relationship was; their relationship shouldn't be so close that he could show his penis to this young woman, right? 

"It's fine. I can handle this." 

While saying so, Aiz stripped him off, and her hands reached for his trousers. 

Even if Isao wanted to stop her, his hands were unable to move as they were wrapped tightly by Airmid.

Soon his penis, a part that shouldn't be exposed to Aiz, someone who wasn't even his girlfriend or woman, was suddenly on full display in front of the young woman. 


Isao wondered what he should do at this moment. 


The next one will be lewd. 

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