Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City

Chapter 221: I won’t peek

Chapter 221: I won’t peek

[You have acquired Stella Vermillion's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

[You have acquired Kurogane Shizuku's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

[You have acquired Ikki Kurogane's DNA.]

[Do you want to absorb it?]

Isao made all of the people inside the department store and even the outside sleep with the scent manipulation ability he gained from Tamayo, his wife's DNA. After that, he separated parts of his flesh and turned them into flies, touching all the nearby living beings. 

Yup, his luck was great as he directly got the DNA of the protagonist, heroines, and many important characters. 

At the same time, he was glad that he had come to the world of "Danmachi" first instead of this world, as the world of "Danmachi" increased his endurance, magic, and vitality along with the near-unlimited vitality he gained from Muzan's DNA, 

Still, while he was happy with the improvement of his strength, he didn't forget about Stella.

"Are you okay?" 

"Ah, um..." Stella nodded while laying in his arms. 

"Can you stand up?" 

"Ah, yes, I am sorry!" Stella quickly apologized and stood up, but she fell once again as her movement was so sudden that she caught a cramp. "Ah, my feet!"


Isao was speechless, but he calmly caught Stella in his arms. Nevertheless, he wondered whether she had a lucky pervert ability as she kept falling into his arms all the time. 

"You don't move so suddenly. Calm down and recover slowly." 

"O-Okay... th-thanks..." 

Stella felt her face was so hot as she kept messing up. 

"Can you walk slowly to that bench? I will help you." 


Stella nodded obediently and let him carry her to the nearby bench. Still, since she had removed her clothes due to those scumbags, her body was only covered in bra and underwear, exposing her obscene before him, which was in stark contrast with her identity as a princess that should appear dignified and magnificent. 

Due to this, she tried to peek at the young man who had saved her, and as expected, he also stole a glance at her. 

"..." 2x

"...I am sorry." Isao apologized sincerely.

"Ah, um, it's okay." Stella's face was hot as she said this. 

"...I think I won't be normal if I don't peek at you." 

"...it's okay. You don't have to explain it to me. I-It's fine..." 

"Then, can I look directly?" 

"....." Stella. 

"I was joking." Isao showed a gentle smile and put her down on the bench. Then he took off his jacket and gave it to Stella. "Wear this. I will pick up your clothes." 

"Th-Thanks..." Stella was embarrassed, but at the same time, she had to say this young man was so shameless! 

Still, she didn't hate it, and frankly, it made her at ease as the exchange made her forget about what had happened to her. Moreover, she had to say his scent was as nice as ever. His denim jacket and the scent that exuded from it made her wish to sniff it like a dog. 

'No, no! I'm not a pervert!' 

While saying so, she calmed down and had time to observe her surroundings. She was dumbfounded when she saw that all the people present had lost consciousness. 

Feeling dumbfounded, she was ready to ask, but Isao beat her first. "Before you asked, I made them fall asleep." 

"...they are sleeping?" Stella was surprised. 

"Yup." Isao nodded as he gave Stella her clothes. "Wear them first. I will turn." While saying so, he had already turned. 

"...you are not going to peek, right?" 

"Should I?" 

"You can't!" 

"I have seen everything though." 

"....." Stella. 

"Wear them first. I won't peek." 


"Yes," Isao answered with a firm tone that made it impossible for people to think that he would do something so shameless, such as peeking at a girl when they changed clothes. "So, just put on your clothes, and I will protect you." 

That was the truth. Peeking? What a childish action. 

Isao wasn't such a horny dog, and what was the fun of peeking? Just looking and not touching. He felt that the people who peeked at the women were stupid as the consequences of doing such an act were harsher than one ever thought of. 

"...thank you." Stella felt conflicted, but she didn't hate this feeling before she slowly put on her clothes, taking the time to put on her skirt as she tried to gauge Isao from the back, feeling relief with him by her side. 

Still, as she put her clothes on, she asked, "How did you put them to sleep?" 

"A secret." 


Stella pouted, but Isao said, "Have you put on your clothes? If you haven't, then I will turn my head and look at you directly." 

"Wa-Wait! I will put on my clothes soon!" 

Being urged, Stella could only put on her clothes as soon as possible and, once again, became a woman who fit her identity as a princess.



"Are you sure?" 

"I am! You can turn your head now." 

"Okay, okay." Isao turned and then looked at Stella, who had dressed up, thinking that she was quite good-looking, but then, as someone who had seen Freya, the most beautiful goddess in heaven, he felt that Stella was okay. Moreover, his type had always been those mature and married women... wait, wait! 

A widow, yes, a widow! 

Isao thought that he shouldn't touch a married woman anymore.

Shiba Miya was definitely the last! 

"Are you okay now?" Isao asked. 

"Um, I am fine." Stella nodded, thanked him, then asked with a mischievous smile. "Are you regretting not peeking at me before?" She felt a bit naughty somehow when she faced him. 



"You look cute now." 

"..." Stella's face burnt red. 

Isao only smiled softly and asked, "So, how are your feet?" 

"I am fine now. Thanks for asking." Stella told him softly. 

"You should call the police now." 

"There should be a police officer on the outside, right?" 

"I should have made all of those around the vicinity sleep too so that police who have come should be sleeping." 

"...." Stella. 


Isao didn't leave and sat by Stella's side, looking around while waiting for her to call someone. Still, he thought that the technology in this world was quite good. While it wasn't as advanced as the world of "Mahouka," it was far better than the world of "High School of the Dead," especially when she used her student book to call someone. 

"Ah, Director, it's me, Stella... yes, ah, the truth is..." 

Isao glanced at Stella, and Stella, who was about to tell the director of her school what he did, stopped and asked, "Do you want me to keep what you did a secret?" 

"...why did you ask that?" 

"You seem like a suspicious character somehow," Stella said with a sneaky smile. 

"..." Isao. 

Yet, he couldn't refute her since how could he not be suspicious as he fell from the sky directly? Still, he hadn't made his identity in this world, so it was a little troublesome, but it didn't matter. Nevertheless, he felt curious about the director in Stella's mouth, as from the director's voice, this director appeared to be a mature woman. 

Was she a widow? 

Isao hoped so since he didn't want to make a move on a married woman. 

"It should be fine." 

"Really?" Stella was surprised and then asked, "Then, how did you make all of them fall asleep?" 

"It's a secret." 

"..." Stella. 

"Vermillion, who is beside you?" 

"Ah, um, he was the one who helped me. He made all of the people inside the department store fall asleep. Even the police outside, too! Director, hurry up and send someone here to catch those terrorists before they all wake up!" 

"O-Okay." The director was surprised, but then she quickly asked, "Wait! Wait! Did he make all of them sleep? The terrorists and the hostages, too? 

Stella didn't answer and was about to use the video call so the director could see better, but Isao stopped her. 

"Wait! Wait! Don't use a video call. I don't want my face to be seen." Isao quickly stopped Stella, holding her hand as he didn't want the director to see his face. 

Stella blushed, feeling his strong hand wrapped tightly on her small hand, but she didn't move away. 

"Why? Who are you?" 

While the director didn't get angry, she became suspicious. 

"I am sorry. I am ugly. I am not confident with my face since I have many wounds on my face. I... I don't want you to see it..." Isao said softly with a hint of melancholy. 

"Ah, is that so? I am sorry," the director apologized sincerely. 

"...." Stella. 

Ugly? If Isao was ugly, then what were the people in this world? 

Stella was speechless, but since it was Isao's wish, she decided to help him. 

"So, what did you do?" 

"I made them sleep." 

"...." Stella and the director. 

"Is that true, Vermillion?" The director asked. 

"Yup." Stella nodded. "I can see that everyone is sleeping soundly at this moment." 

"Even Kurogane?" 

"Who is Kurogane?" Isao asked with a doubt. 

However, Stella became complicated, thinking about the young man who had made her fall. Frankly, after she was saved, she should have thought about Kurogane first, but she forgot about that and had been talking with Isao until now. 

"He is my student. He called me before," the director explained. 

"Is that so? But I should have made all the people in the vicinity sleep. You should go here to catch those terrorists. Oh, be careful; one of them hides herself within the group of hostages.

"Thank you." After the director said so, she didn't waste her time. 

Meanwhile, Isao stood up as he stretched his hands. 

"...are you going to leave?" Stella asked quickly as she held his hand. 


"....." Stella. 

"You should be okay now." 

"I-I am not. How can you leave me with this group of terrorists?!" 

"...is there anyone in this world who can hurt you?"

After all, Stella is someone with the strongest potential in this world. 

At the same time, Isao had to say, as expected, his luck was great. 

Stella looked at Isao in surprise and asked, "Do you know me?" 

"...I think it will be weird if I don't know you, especially when the news is all over you before." 

"But I don't know you. What's your name?" 

"I will tell you if we meet again. If we don't, then there is no need to." 

"It's not fair!" 

"There is no fairness in this world." Isao then sat down and said, "But I will accompany you until they come."

"...how can we meet again?" 

Isao looked at Stella strangely and asked, "You want to meet again?" 

"Um." Stella nodded. 

"...don't you have a boyfriend?" Isao looked at Stella strangely and said, "Don't say that again. You will make your boyfriend jealous." 

"Huh? I don't." 

Stella might have had someone she had fallen, but she hadn't gone out with anyone. Still, she definitely wanted to meet this young man again as she wanted to uncover his secret. 

"But then, why didn't you do anything before? With your power, you should be able to stop them, right?" 

"Ah, that's..." 

Naturally, when asked, Stella answered his questions about what had happened as they talked, and Isao suddenly said, "Your help is here. I will go out now." 

"Ah, wait!" 

As her words fell, her world was covered by falling cherry blossoms, and his figure disappeared, but she didn't give up and asked, "What's your name?!" 

"Iinuma Isao." 

After hearing his name, Stella tried to ask again, but this time, he didn't answer, and she knew that he was gone. Letting out a helpless sigh, she etched the name of this young man in her mind. 

"Iinuma Isao..." 

As expected, soon, the police came along with another group of strong people, and similarly, a young man also quickly came in Stella's direction. 

"Stella, are you okay?! I am sorry for letting you face that experience..." 

Kurogane, the protagonist of this story, quickly came to Stella as he apologized, but unfortunately, her eyes were on somewhere else. 

'Wait, he didn't tell me not to look for him, so...' 

It should be okay, right? 

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