Undying Life

Chapter 1006: The Heavenly Court’s First Great Formation

Chapter 1006: Chapter 1006: The Heavenly Court’s First Great Formation

Zhong Shan's sudden kiss took Nian Youyou by surprise, but it also filled her heart with a warm sweetness. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment, as a tender farewell memento.

In the distance, Mr. Corpse and the others respectfully turned away, standing guard for Zhong Shan.

Meanwhile, Nü Qinghui had flown to a distant peak, waiting for Nian Youyou. But as time passed and Nian Youyou did not come, the little furball on her shoulder curiously watched in Zhong Shan's direction.

"Chirp? Chirp chirp? Chirp chirp chirp? Chirp...!"

The little furball made strange noises. While Nü Qinghui couldn't translate its language like Nian Youyou could, she sensed its peculiar behavior and turned to look in the direction it was staring.

Catching a glimpse, Nü Qinghui's face stiffened—she saw Zhong Shan and Nian Youyou kissing.

She quickly turned her head away, no longer looking in that direction.

Furrowing her brows, Nü Qinghui thought of Zixun, of herself, and of the current situation with Nian Youyou. Her mind was a whirl of confusion, and it took her a while to regain her composure before sighing softly, "What a tangled fate..."

In the distance, Zhong Shan and Nian Youyou ended their kiss, both smiling gently. Nian Youyou, usually so bold, now showed a rare hint of shyness.

"I have to go," Nian Youyou said, somewhat hesitantly.

"Be careful, and once you're done, come find me," Zhong Shan replied.

"Okay," Nian Youyou responded, her voice tinged with reluctance.

As she was about to fly towards Nü Qinghui, she suddenly grinned mischievously and whispered in Zhong Shan's ear, "I'll put in a good word for you."

With that, Nian Youyou, carrying the joy of their kiss, flew off to join Nü Qinghui.

Zhong Shan watched her go, shaking his head with a smile. "Little minx," he murmured.

After Nian Youyou and Nü Qinghui disappeared from view, Zhong Shan turned his attention back to Luo Xingchen and the others, who quickly flew over to join him.

"Saint King!"

"Let's go. We're heading to the Heavenly Court!" Zhong Shan declared.

The Heavenly Court of the Four Great Continents was a truly extraordinary place, even grander and more imposing than Zhong Shan's Lingxiao Heavenly Court. It was vast, immense, and toweringly high.

High, because parts of the Heavenly Court were even built among the stars, in a realm of profound mystery.

It was said that the Heavenly Court's construction was the work of Hongjun himself, but since Hongjun had perished long ago, the truth remained unknown.


Half a month later.

Zhong Shan and his entourage arrived outside the Heavenly Court, still not yet in the starry sky. The altitude was roughly three times that of the Lingxiao Heavenly Court in Fengzhong Territory.

The scene was breathtaking, with clouds swirling around, cranes soaring in the sky, and countless rays of sunlight illuminating the area with a myriad of colors, creating an otherworldly beauty.

The group flew directly to the entrance of the Southern Heavenly Gate.

At the gate, a large contingent of silver-armored Heavenly Soldiers stood watch.

"Halt! State your name and purpose!" one of the silver-armored soldiers called out.

Standing on the platform before the Southern Heavenly Gate, Zhong Shan responded solemnly, "Zhong Shan of the Great Zheng Sacred Court, here to seek an audience with the Jade Emperor of Haotian Tongming Palace!"

As soon as Zhong Shan spoke, an aura of authority naturally emanated from him, making it clear he was an individual of significant standing. Luo Xingchen and the others stood behind him, quietly observing the situation.

For his first visit to the Heavenly Court, Zhong Shan ensured that all the necessary formalities were observed.

"Zhong Shan?" one of the Heavenly Soldiers' faces changed as he heard the name.

A few months ago, during the battle at Sacred Corpse Mountain, there had been rumors about a powerful figure named Zhong Shan. Could this be the same person standing before them?

The Great Zheng Sacred Court? That was an entity on par with the Heavenly Court itself—a visiting Holy King?

The Heavenly Soldiers, recognizing the significance, avoided any harshness. After a brief exchange, a minor officer stepped forward to address Zhong Shan.

With a slight bow, the officer said, "Please wait here for a moment. I will report your arrival, and we will provide you with a response shortly."

"Very well," Zhong Shan nodded.

This was standard procedure, and Zhong Shan didn't mind waiting outside the Southern Heavenly Gate. He knew that meeting Haomeili would have to wait until after he met the Jade Emperor, who was, after all, the ruler of this domain.

Half an hour later, in one of the Heavenly Court's grand halls, the Heavenly Soldier who had gone to report Zhong Shan's arrival stood before another silver-armored man. This man had a fine line across his forehead—an unmistakable mark of the third eye, which only Erlang Shen possessed in the Heavenly Court.

"You're saying Zhong Shan is at the Southern Heavenly Gate?" Erlang Shen narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, but the Jade Emperor has gone to the Doushuai Palace. The formations around the palace are sealed, so we cannot inform him. Should we invite Zhong Shan into the Heavenly Court and have him stay until the Jade Emperor returns?" the Heavenly Soldier suggested.

Erlang Shen tapped his chair thoughtfully, then smirked. "No need, I will handle this personally."

"Understood," the Heavenly Soldier quickly replied.

Meanwhile, Zhong Shan patiently waited at the Southern Heavenly Gate. Before long, the guard returned, accompanied by a silver-armored man—handsome, with a fine line on his forehead. Zhong Shan recognized him immediately; he had seen him before when the Jade Emperor visited the Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

Zhong Shan had already learned about this man—Erlang Shen of the Heavenly Court.

"Saint King Zhong, it's been a while!" Erlang Shen greeted politely as he approached.

Zhong Shan smiled and nodded. "Erlang Shen, indeed, it has been."

"I've just heard from my subordinate that you wish to see the Jade Emperor?" Erlang Shen inquired.

"That's correct."

"May I ask what business you have with the Jade Emperor?" Erlang Shen asked with a smile.

Zhong Shan's brow furrowed slightly—was this really a question a subordinate should be asking?

Sensing Zhong Shan's displeasure, Erlang Shen quickly added, "Please don't misunderstand, Saint King Zhong. The Jade Emperor is currently at Doushuai Palace, engaged in discussions with the Grand Supreme Elderly Lord. It's a bit far, but I've already sent word. The Jade Emperor has instructed me to treat you with respect. If there's anything I can assist with, I'm happy to do so in his stead."

Zhong Shan nodded after hearing this explanation.

"Since the Jade Emperor is at Doushuai Palace, then take me to see Haomeili," Zhong Shan said directly.

At the mention of Haomeili, a subtle change flickered across Erlang Shen's face, though he maintained his composure. "The Eighth Princess is part of the Heavenly Court's inner household. Inner household members do not receive outside guests. Perhaps it would be best to wait for the Jade Emperor's permission before meeting Haomeili."

"Very well," Zhong Shan replied, though he felt slightly uncomfortable. He understood that each court had its own rules and customs.

"Since waiting here would be idle, if Saint King Zhong has no other matters at the moment, I can escort you to Doushuai Palace. I'm certain the Jade Emperor would be pleased to meet you once he learns of your arrival," Erlang Shen offered.


Following Erlang Shen's lead, Zhong Shan and his entourage proceeded to the entrance of a grand hall. Guards stood vigilantly at the entrance, bowing slightly to Erlang Shen as he approached.

"Please, come in," Erlang Shen invited, leading the group into the hall.

Inside the hall, there was a passageway that emitted a radiant, multicolored glow, resembling the entrance to a small world.

"Please, follow me," Erlang Shen said.

With that, he stepped forward into the radiant passage, and Zhong Shan and his entourage followed.

As soon as they entered, a sensation of moving at an incredible speed enveloped them. The experience was reminiscent of the starry passageway in Fengzhong Territory where Nuwa had left her final message to the fox clan—a passageway constructed by a saint to allow rapid travel to the depths of the stars.

Zhong Shan had heard that Doushuai Palace was located in the Thirty-Third Heaven, in the region known as Lihen Heaven, and it seemed this passage was the way to reach it.

After about the time it takes to burn an incense stick, Zhong Shan felt the movement stop, and soon after, Luo Xingchen, Nangong Sheng, and Mr. Corpse also came to a halt.

The four found themselves standing in the void, surrounded by the infinite expanse of stars. The sight was both awe-inspiring and overwhelming.

In the distance, floating in the starry sky, were three massive, faintly glowing characters:

Lihen Heaven!

However, Erlang Shen was nowhere to be seen.

"Saint King!" Luo Xingchen's expression changed as he called out.

"Stay calm," Zhong Shan reassured him.

"But Erlang Shen has clearly plotted against us!" Luo Xingchen said, clearly upset.

"Haotian will give me an explanation for this," Zhong Shan replied, his eyes cold.

Meanwhile, Erlang Shen did not enter Lihen Heaven but instead returned to the previous hall, laughing heartily.

As he exited the hall, a young man approached—he was carrying a Qian Kun Ring and looked slightly anxious.

"Yang Jian, was that Zhong Shan just now?" the young man, Nezha, asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Yes, Nezha, why are you here? Oh, I forgot to tell you, I've avenged you!" Erlang Shen said with a satisfied smile.

"Avenged? What revenge?" Nezha frowned.

"Your family treasure, the Xuanyuan Bow—didn't Zhong Shan take it from you? I lured Zhong Shan into the 'Grand Taiqing Yin-Yang Dust Formation.' This is the Heavenly Court's most powerful formation, left behind by the Grand Supreme Elderly Lord. Zhong Shan is doomed!" Erlang Shen said with excitement.

"What? You lured Zhong Shan into that formation? Are you crazy?" Nezha shouted.

"Didn't you want revenge?" Erlang Shen retorted, annoyed.

"Who said I wanted revenge? Yang Jian, if you want to kill Zhong Shan, that's your business, but don't drag me into it!" Nezha shot back.

"What's the big deal? Zhong Shan has only been an immortal for a few hundred years. So what? Why are you so alarmed?" Erlang Shen sneered.

"You'd better rescue Zhong Shan immediately, or the consequences will be beyond what you can handle," Nezha warned.

"Hmph, what's done is done. If Zhong Shan has the skill, he'll break the formation and enter Doushuai Palace. If not, that's his problem. Rescue him? Not a chance!" Erlang Shen said coldly.

Nezha gave Erlang Shen a long, hard look. "Suit yourself."

With that, Nezha turned and walked away.

"Hmph!" Erlang Shen snorted as he watched Nezha leave.

At the Eighth Princess's Residence!

"Old man, is it true that Zhong Shan has arrived?" Haomeili asked excitedly.

"He has, but he's been lured into the Grand Taiqing Yin-Yang Dust Formation. The situation is dire—this is a formation left by a saint, deadly even for an Ancestor Immortal," Xidu Huang said, his face full of worry.

"What? We need to go, now! Explain on the way!" Haomeili said, her urgency palpable.


As they hurried along, Haomeili asked, "Old man, do you think someone is deliberately trying to harm Zhong Shan?"

"It seems likely," Xidu Huang replied, his expression dark.

"Whoever it is, they're courting death for trying to harm Zhong Shan!" Haomeili's face grew icy with anger.

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