Undying Life

Chapter 1021: The Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus

Chapter 1021: Chapter 1021: The Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus

The fate energy surged outward, purifying the bodies of the guests. Some of the weaker cultivators even broke through their bottlenecks under the influence of the fate energy. Those who did not break through still received significant benefits from the experience.

However, Zhong Shan remained unfazed, his body like a mountain, unshaken by the torrent of fate energy washing over him.

At this moment, though, the guests' attention shifted from the fate energy to what remained after its dispersal—a pool, ten zhang in diameter.

Within the pool was a dark liquid, almost like black water, but with a smoky appearance. Zhong Shan immediately recognized the substance as habitual energy, and not just any habitual energy—this was a concentration so dense that it had become liquid. It was far more potent than what Zhong Shan had encountered before, even surpassing what he had seen in the Blood Pool of Ghosts, where Mr. Corpse had displayed his massive coffin.

But the key was not the liquid; it was the tree that grew from it. The tree stood seven zhang tall, its entire form a pure, crystalline white. From the tree's nine branches, each one bore a lotus flower—each a thirteen-petaled white lotus, ethereal and dreamlike, yet appearing exceptionally sacred.

This was a treasure, an extraordinary treasure.

It was said that the greatest treasure of the ancient Sage Jieyin was the Twelve-Petaled Golden Lotus, a powerful artifact in its prime. Yet here were thirteen-petaled white lotuses, even more potent than the legendary golden lotus. Just looking at them imparted a sense of spiritual cleansing.

Such a treasure, and nine of them at once? When did white lotuses ever grow on trees?

"The Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus... I can't believe you actually found it," Lan said, his voice filled with awe.

The guests, aware of the treasure's value, looked expectantly at Ying, unsure of what to do.

"This is a gift for all the guests. Great Qin will not claim even a single piece, and if no one takes it, Great Qin will leave it behind," Ying declared firmly.

Upon hearing this, the guests became even more excited. This was a treasure of the highest caliber, comparable to the artifacts of Ancestor Immortals. But who would it go to?

"This is the Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus. Whether or not you can take it depends on your abilities. But be warned, there isn't much time. By sunset, this pool of habitual energy and the Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus will disperse into the heavens and earth. Once obtained, it must be refined immediately," Ying explained.

With that, Ying extended his hand, signaling that everyone was eligible to try and claim the treasure.

The guests exchanged glances until finally, one brave soul stepped forward. He flew up to one of the thirteen-petaled white lotuses and, under the envious eyes of the crowd, reached out to grab it.


His hand passed right through the lotus as if it were a mere illusion, grasping nothing.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

He tried again and again, each time with the same result—nothing.

"Impossible!" the man muttered anxiously. It wasn't just about failing to grab the lotus; it was also about the embarrassment of failing in front of so many people.

"Daoist Li, step back!" someone called out from the crowd.

The man, his face flushed with shame, retreated.

Then, several more guests attempted to seize the lotuses, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't catch them. The lotuses seemed to be nothing more than shadows.

After numerous failed attempts, the guests looked at Ying in disbelief. Was this some kind of joke?

"Master, is this fake?" Sun Shen asked Bodhi Patriarch quietly.

Although Sun Shen's voice was low, many heard his question and perked up, eager to hear the answer.

"How could the Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus be fake? It is a natural spiritual treasure, but it's not something just anyone can claim," Bodhi Patriarch replied, shaking his head.

Upon hearing this, the guests who had failed to grasp the treasure sighed deeply.

Ying, however, simply smiled. While the earlier guests were considered honored in Great Qin, they did not have the standing to claim such a significant treasure. The Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus was special by its very nature. Ying had made no alterations to it; its uniqueness was inherent. This treasure was meant for only the most distinguished guests—those whom Ying deemed worthy. Only they would have the ability and right to claim it.

With this explanation, all the guests had no reason to complain. If they lacked the ability to claim the treasure, it was their own shortcoming. The fact that the treasure was reserved for the most distinguished guests made it clear that it wasn't something to be taken lightly, and Ying had his own plans in mind.

"I'll give it a try!" Sun Shen called out.

Greed flashed in Sun Shen's eyes as he flew towards the Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus. Each of the thirteen-petaled white lotuses was a treasure of Ancestor Immortal caliber. How could Sun Shen not covet such an opportunity? He knew it would be a test of his abilities.

No one stopped him as he made his attempt. The ordinary guests had already tried and failed, unable to claim the lotuses.

Sun Shen reached out with his hand, channeling his powerful spells to grab the lotus.


His hand passed right through the lotus, his expression changing to one of frustration. He tried again with the second lotus.


Again, he failed to grasp it.

He continued until he had attempted to seize all nine lotuses, yet there was no reaction at all.

"What is this nonsense?" Sun Shen muttered in frustration as he descended.


He landed near the black water pool, but instead of stepping into the water, he found himself standing on solid ground, as if the black water was merely an illusion.

"What is this thing?" Sun Shen muttered anxiously, moving around inside the pool, but finding nothing of value.

"Hee-hee, this guy's jumping around like a monkey!" Hao Meili suddenly giggled from the side.

Hearing her mocking words, Sun Shen's face turned sour, and he glanced over with a look of resentment.

"Hmph, big monkey!" Hao Meili retorted, unafraid of Sun Shen's glare.

"Come back, Sun Shen. The Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus isn't something you can obtain through brute force. Only an Ancestor Immortal using the power of the Heavenly Dao, or some special technique, can retrieve it," Bodhi Patriarch said with a shake of his head.

"Yes, Master," Sun Shen replied, though his face still showed reluctance.

"It's fading! The tree is fading!" a guest suddenly exclaimed.

Sure enough, the white tree within the black water pool began to fade away, just as Ying had warned. It was starting to disperse into the heavens and earth.

"You'd better make your move now, or it will be gone soon," Ying urged the others, looking towards Tathagata and the others.

"I'll go first," Tathagata said to the group.

With everyone's approval, Tathagata stepped forward.

Seeing the Buddha make his move, nearly everyone held their breath.

Tathagata extended his right hand, and with a flash of golden light, he enveloped one of the thirteen-petaled white lotuses. He gently plucked it from the tree branch.

As soon as the lotus was removed, the branch from which it had been taken began to wither rapidly, disappearing within moments as if it had never existed.

The thirteen-petaled white lotus, now in Tathagata's hand, seemed to shrink slightly, trembling as if alive. Tathagata carefully held it, slowly walking back to his place.

"I must begin the refinement process immediately. Please continue," Tathagata said as he began to refine the lotus.

"Master, why is he in such a hurry?" Sun Shen asked Bodhi Patriarch.

"Don't speak out of ignorance. This thirteen-petaled white lotus will dissipate into the heavens and earth if not refined immediately," Bodhi Patriarch admonished.

"Oh! Master, hurry! You must go next!" Sun Shen urged anxiously.

Bodhi Patriarch shook his head slightly and stepped forward. With a gentle green light emanating from his palm, he reached out and, just like Tathagata before him, plucked one of the thirteen-petaled white lotuses.

After securing the lotus, Bodhi Patriarch returned to his seat and immediately began the process of refining it.

"Let's not be shy. Ying has been so generous; we should take advantage of this opportunity," Lan said with a smile.

Lan, accompanied by two of his subordinates, approached the tree. Each of them extended a hand, effortlessly plucking a lotus. In a single motion, they claimed three of the remaining thirteen-petaled white lotuses.

This scene left everyone momentarily stunned.

"Didn't Bodhi Patriarch say that only Ancestor Immortals or those with special methods could pluck the lotuses?" one of the guests asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and Lan is likely an Ancestor Immortal. But his two subordinates... they seem so casual about it. Could they be...?" another guest speculated.

"Could they be what?"

"Could they also be Ancestor Immortals?"


The realization that Lan had Ancestor Immortals as subordinates shocked nearly everyone present.

Ying's choice of Lan as the first guest to his right made perfect sense now. Such a powerful figure, commanding Ancestor Immortals as mere subordinates, was beyond extraordinary.

Zhong Shan, too, was surprised, casting an intrigued glance at Lan. He had known Lan was an Ancestor Immortal, but he hadn't expected Lan's subordinates to be of the same level. This was something Zhong Shan made a mental note to investigate further.

"Zhong Shan, it's your turn. The thirteen-petaled white lotuses are about to dissipate," Ying said with a smile.

Ying was curious about Zhong Shan's capabilities, interested in seeing how much strength Zhong Shan could demonstrate.

Zhong Shan had been waiting for this moment. He hadn't held back out of politeness but because he had other desires in mind. The moment the Nine-Path Thirteen Lotus had appeared, the Eye of Heavenly Retribution within Zhong Shan's divine realm had suddenly opened. This was the first time it had ever shown such eagerness.

The Eye of Heavenly Retribution wasn't interested in the thirteen-petaled white lotuses; it wanted the pool of liquid below—the pool of habitual energy. This liquid, transformed into its current state by some secret method, was something the Eye of Heavenly Retribution desired.

Habitual energy was said to be a power controlled only by Sages, a power Zhong Shan didn't fully understand. But he knew that the Eye of Heavenly Retribution wanted it, and that was enough.

"Zhong Shan, hurry! It's fading away!" Hao Meili urged, her voice filled with excitement.

"Can you retrieve one?" Zhong Shan asked.

"I'll give it a try. I might be able to!" Hao Meili replied, her voice brimming with excitement.

"In that case, let's go!" Zhong Shan said, turning to the others behind him.

Behind him sat Mr. Corpse, Nangong Sheng, Luo Xingchen, the Western Poison Emperor, and Little Gold Dragon.

Zhong Shan's words were clear: whoever could retrieve a lotus should come along.

Zhong Shan understood Ying's intentions. While the treasure was a gift, it was also a test. Soon, there would likely be a task requiring everyone's assistance. Given that, Zhong Shan saw no need to hold back.

As soon as Zhong Shan finished speaking, he and the eager Hao Meili stood up.

Mr. Corpse also rose, followed by Luo Xingchen.

Seeing the four of them step forward, the crowd couldn't help but feel a wave of surprise.

"There are only four lotuses left. Could they really take all of them?" someone muttered with a frown.

"Zhong Shan? Is that the Zhong Shan from Saint Corpse Mountain?"

Curiosity ran high among the crowd, and Sun Shen's eyes flickered with disdain and scorn. From what he knew from Bodhi Patriarch, this group didn't seem strong enough to claim such a treasure.

Ying, however, watched with a serious expression. On the other side, Lan also observed closely, paying full attention to Zhong Shan and his group.

The four of them approached the pool, which was slowly fading away.

"You go first," Zhong Shan said.

"Alright!" Hao Meili said eagerly.

"Yes," Mr. Corpse and Luo Xingchen both nodded in agreement.

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