Undying Life

Chapter 1028: Kong Xuan vs. Confucius

Chapter 1028: Chapter 1028: Kong Xuan vs. Confucius

"Is that so? Have you four old men forgotten the rules of the Kong family?"

At the sound of this voice, the expressions of the Four Elders shifted. The elder who had previously unleashed the seven-colored divine light against Tathagata suddenly halted his advance.

The faces of the Four Elders flickered with disbelief, which quickly gave way to a complex mix of emotions.

"Whoosh!" In the center of the battlefield, a man in a green robe appeared out of thin air.

This man, radiating pride and fully recovered from his injuries, was none other than Kong Xuan. His sudden appearance caused the entire battlefield to freeze as if by some unspoken agreement. Whether they were Confucian sages, Qin generals, Lan, or the Ancestral Immortals, everyone paused their actions.

For a moment, Kong Xuan became the focal point, drawing the gaze of nearly everyone present.

A glint of light flashed in Lan's eyes as he smiled faintly and, with a wave of his sleeve, returned to the Chongtian Hall plaza with his two subordinates.

Tathagata, seeing Kong Xuan, also nodded slightly and retreated.

The Qin generals, observing this scene, seemed to act as if they had anticipated this, all returning to the Chongtian Hall plaza.

The citizens of Xianyang erupted in excitement. Who was this man, who could bring a two-sided battle to a halt with just his presence?

Many of the Confucian disciples frowned as they gazed at Kong Xuan.

The Four Elders of the Kong family looked at Kong Xuan with complicated expressions, unsure of how to respond.

Kong Xuan's identity made him the center of attention at that moment. He ignored the Confucian sages and the Great Confucian Way, instead focusing on the Four Elders.

"Four old men, are you the elders of the Kong family or the elders of the Confucian Sect?" Kong Xuan asked coldly.

The Four Elders immediately showed a trace of shame, unable to find words under Kong Xuan's fierce gaze.

"Four Elders, the scepter represents the authority of the family head! Quickly save Brother Zilu! Didn't you hear me? That Zhong Shan—his beast killed Brother Zilu! Capture Zhong Shan, and we can save him! Hurry!" Zai Wo shouted anxiously.

Kong Xuan snapped his head around, glaring at Zai Wo with a terrifyingly fierce gaze. The moment Zai Wo met Kong Xuan's eyes, he felt as though he had been plunged into an icy abyss.

"Family... Family Head!" the elder who had stepped forward earlier spoke with a conflicted expression.

Family Head? Kong Xuan was the head of the Kong family? Then what was the scepter in Zai Wo's hand?

Everyone was stunned, looking at the elder in disbelief.

"We thought you were dead!" the elder said, his face grim.

"You thought I was dead, so you could give the family head's scepter to just anyone?" Kong Xuan replied coldly.

The four elders of the Kong family were clearly still hesitant. Although one of them had acknowledged Kong Xuan, the other three remained silent.

"Have you forgotten the rules of the Kong family?" Kong Xuan pressed.

Under Kong Xuan's intense questioning, the Four Elders were momentarily at a loss for words.

"I think it's you who has forgotten the rules of the Kong family!"

A sudden thunderous voice echoed through the void. The towering Great Confucian Way scattered instantly, and from the opposite direction, under an endless flood of white light, a man in Confucian robes appeared.

The man's face was obscured, but merely seeing him invoked a sense of overwhelming pressure that settled deep within the hearts of all who gazed upon him. The citizens of Xianyang instinctively bowed their heads, unable to look directly at him.

Boundless Righteous Energy radiated from this man, spreading in all directions.

"Greetings, Master!"

"Greetings, Sage!"

The Confucian scholars immediately bowed in reverence.

In the distance, Zhong Shan, standing within Chongtian Hall, raised an eyebrow. This man... is he Confucius? Did Kong Xuan actually force Confucius to reveal himself?

With a simple gesture, the scepter in Zai Wo's hand flew into Confucius's grasp. Confucius glanced down at the protected Xianyang Holy Capital.

"A temporal treasure to shield the people? Ying, you truly possess many rare treasures," Confucius remarked calmly.

Ying remained silent, his expression unchanged, merely observing.

Kong Xuan looked at Confucius, his expression cold. This junior had now ascended to the rank of a sage?

"Family Head!" The three elders who had previously refused to acknowledge Kong Xuan now addressed Confucius as such.

Family Head? Two family heads?

"Kong Qiu, do you truly think you are fit to be the head of the family?" Kong Xuan's voice was icy.

"Whoever holds the Kong family's ancestral scepter is the family head. Have you forgotten the rules of the Kong family?" Confucius finally spoke, his tone measured and authoritative.

Kong Xuan cast a cold glance at Confucius, then swept his gaze over the four elders.

"Four old men, is this what you believe as well?" Kong Xuan demanded, his voice frigid.

The four elders fell silent, unsure of how to respond.

"Hmph, while I was away, the Kong family has fallen into disarray. Is it even the Kong family anymore? Has the Kong family now become a mere branch of the Confucian Sect?" Kong Xuan's voice was filled with disdain.

His words struck a nerve with the four elders, who immediately lifted their heads. The pride of the Kong family was something they all held dear, but what did Kong Xuan's words imply?

The four elders were not fools. Kong Xuan's accusations made them start to understand, though they were reluctant to fully accept it.

"Before Kong Qiu arrived, a mere disciple of the Confucian Sect could command you? Even the Ancestral Immortals of the Kong family might accept such commands, but who are you? You are the Four Elders of the Kong family! When did a mere Confucian disciple gain the right to order you around? Have you forgotten the pride of the Kong family during the years I've been gone? Have you allowed the Confucian Sect to grow so powerful in your eyes that you would bow to it?" Kong Xuan's voice was sharp and accusatory.

The Four Elders' faces turned red with shame, and they shot Zai Wo a furious glare. The elder closest to Kong Xuan shook his head, saying, "Today is an exception, a special case, and the first time this has happened."

"Special? The first time? If I hadn't come today, would there be a second time? A third time? From today onward, were you planning to fully integrate the Kong family into the Confucian Sect? All four elders, gathered together?" Kong Xuan's voice rose with anger.

As he spoke, Kong Xuan cast a cold glance at Confucius.

It was at this moment that the four elders realized why Confucius had insisted they attend this gathering, even if just to observe. It was all a ploy to force them into making a binding decision.

Kong family? Confucian Sect? Which was more important?

The four elders were suddenly struck by the gravity of the situation and turned to Confucius, their eyes filled with questioning.

"I am the head of the Kong family, and I am also the leader of the Confucian Sect. Is there any difference?" Confucius asked sternly.

"Ridiculous! No difference? The Kong family will always be the Kong family. No matter how powerful the Confucian Sect becomes, it can only ever be a branch of the Kong family. No matter how great your accomplishments, Kong Qiu, even if you are a sage, you are still just a member of the Kong family, nothing more!" Kong Xuan retorted angrily.

Upon hearing this, the four elders nodded in agreement. The Kong family and the Confucian Sect—Kong Xuan was right, the Kong family must take precedence.

Confucius looked at Kong Xuan and said, "I acknowledge you as the former family head, but don't forget the rules of the Kong family. I am the family head now. In the Kong family, I am the highest authority, unless you no longer consider yourself a member of the Kong family."

With these words, Confucius was essentially threatening to expel Kong Xuan from the Kong family.

The Four Elders were momentarily speechless. On one hand, they had the former family head, and on the other, the current family head—it was an incredibly difficult situation.

"Who gave the scepter to Kong Qiu?" Kong Xuan asked coldly, his gaze fixed on the Four Elders.

"We did, after much deliberation. At the time, we believed you were dead, and Kong Qiu had become a sage. His influence and status in the world had reached their peak. For the strength of the Kong family, we handed the scepter to Kong Qiu," the elder closest to Kong Xuan explained after some thought.

"And why did I originally give the scepter to you? What were my instructions?" Kong Xuan's voice was icy.

"To repay the debt we owed to the ancient Heavenly Emperor, Di Jun. The Kong family agreed to serve as protectors of Di Jun's descendants, safeguarding the Great Shang dynasty until the end of its destiny. At that time, you served as the general of Jinji Ridge under the Great Shang. When the dynasty fell, and Emperor Zhou, Di Xin, perished, our family's debt was fulfilled. Before you left to serve as a protector, you entrusted the scepter to the four of us, instructing us to guard it until your return," one of the Kong family elders admitted with shame.

"You remember that? And what did you do? What has become of the Kong family in my absence? Has it fallen so low that it has become just another branch of a sect?" Kong Xuan's eyes blazed with fury.

The weight of the former family head's authority was overwhelming. Kong Xuan's words filled the elders with a deep sense of guilt.

"Kong Qiu became a sage, and with your disappearance and the many powerful enemies hunting you, we assumed you had died. Otherwise, we never would have..." the elder trailed off, speaking softly.

"Sage or not, what is more important? The title of sage or the Kong family itself? The Kong family has produced sages before!" Kong Xuan shouted.

As Kong Xuan berated the Four Elders, they stood there, like chastised children, accepting the scolding. However, Kong Xuan's last statement stunned everyone.

The Kong family had produced sages before? How could that be possible? Why had they never heard of it?

After a brief silence, Confucius spoke, "Do you still remember the affairs of the Kong family? Have you forgotten the rules of the Kong family? When the family head's fate is unknown, the Four Elders are tasked with appointing a new head. This has happened before, and it will happen again. The rules of the Kong family are clear: whoever holds the scepter is the family head. Kong Xuan, do you intend to break the rules of the Kong family?"

Confucius's words brought a sense of relief to the previously guilty-looking elders, who now felt slightly more justified in their actions.

Kong Xuan looked at Confucius with a cold smile and shook his head. "I never cared much about the title of family head. After all, I was the one who disappeared for so many years. I accepted the fact that the family would appoint a new head, and in truth, I had come to terms with your position as head of the family years ago. But what I never expected was that you were such a scheming individual!"

Kong Xuan's words caused the Four Elders to frown. The Confucian disciples glared at him with hostility, perceiving his accusation as an attack on Confucius himself.

Kong Xuan ignored their reactions and continued, "What I never expected was that my ambush by numerous powerful enemies was orchestrated by you. You revealed my whereabouts multiple times. If I hadn't severed ties with the Kong family to protect it, I might have long since been erased from history. You must have been plotting to take over the family head position for a long time, haven't you?"

"What?" The elder closest to Kong Xuan widened his eyes in disbelief.

The Four Elders and the Kong family's Ancestral Immortals, except for the two who were disciples of the Confucian Sect, all showed expressions of shock.

Was the old family head betrayed by the new family head?

"Utter nonsense!" Confucius retorted coldly.

"I know you won't admit it, but I have a confession from your disciple, Zigong. You can't hide the truth for long; the heavenly secrets have already been revealed!" Kong Xuan's voice was firm as he produced a set of scrolls and jade slips, which he tossed to the Four Elders.

The elders' expressions darkened as they read through the evidence.

Confucius made no attempt to seize the documents. Doing so would only confirm his guilt and solidify the accusations against him.

"To falsely accuse someone, you need to fabricate evidence, do you? How disappointing it is that our former family head would stoop to such levels," Confucius remarked disdainfully.

Confucius remained composed and dismissive, his attitude leaving the Four Elders confused and uncertain.

"None of this matters. What matters is the Kong family itself. Under your leadership, the family has lost its way, and that is why I have returned. You are unfit to be the head of this family!" Kong Xuan declared, his voice ringing with conviction.

You are unfit to be the head of the family!

With these words, Kong Xuan made his intentions clear: he intended to reclaim the position of family head.

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