Undying Life

Chapter 825: Descending into the Great Thousand World

Chapter 825: Chapter 825: Descending into the Great Thousand World

Zhong Shan's way of opening the heavens was unlike the painstaking efforts of the ancient god, Gu Shentong. His approach exuded only brute force and dominance—a savage method of opening the heavens!

As Zhong Shan's palms slashed through the Primordial Chaos barrier, he became invisible to onlookers. The surrounding space shattered completely, a massive rupture revealing the terrifying power Zhong Shan now possessed. In the past, he relied on "Qi Luck," but now, he didn't need it to unleash such vast power.

The pinnacle of mortals, the number one person in the world—Zhong Shan was now a figure of reverence for all.

A massive black hole surrounded Zhong Shan as he violently tore open the Primordial Chaos of the Yang Realm. The auspicious light from the Yin Realm continued to pour in, while the people of the Yang Realm waited anxiously.

Perhaps because the heavens of the Yin Realm had already opened, the Yang Realm's heavens seemed less resistant.


With a loud shout, Zhong Shan struck the Primordial Chaos barrier with immense force. Countless Heaven-Opening runes on his palm crackled loudly. The massive runes and the terrifying 'breaking' intent pushed the Primordial Chaos back.


The barrier opened. Zhong Shan felt it—his hand had pierced through the Small Thousand World, entering the Great Thousand World.

Not hesitating, Zhong Shan followed the same method as in the Yin Realm. With his palms forming an axe shape, he struck fiercely in one direction.


The entire divine land of Shenzhou shook violently. The citizens, though filled with fear, were also excited.

A massive rift was created by Zhong Shan's Heaven-Opening Palm, stretching infinitely.


Turning his hands, Zhong Shan slashed in the other direction.


Mountains collapsed, rivers flowed backward—the devastation Zhong Shan caused was terrifying.

The Lingxiao Heavenly Court retreated repeatedly.

During the retreat, almost everyone cheered.

"Long live the Sovereign! Long live, long live!"

Everyone heard the enchanting celestial music and saw the endless rays of dawn light pouring down from the rift Zhong Shan had created. Boundless celestial energy flooded into the Small Thousand World. The fragrance filled the air, and just a breath rejuvenated the body and seemed to enhance cultivation.

At this moment, no one noticed that the rift in the Primordial Chaos of the Yang Realm was aligned with that of the Yin Realm.

If the Yin and Yang Realms were seen as a chaotic egg, the Primordial Chaos barrier would be the eggshell. Zhong Shan's series of actions had effectively split this eggshell in half from the center.


With a loud shout, not only did Zhong Shan's main body but also his shadow body shouted simultaneously.

With all his strength, black holes formed all around. Both versions of Zhong Shan held half of the barrier in their hands.

The main body in the Yang Realm gave a mighty pull, tearing out the Yang Realm's half of the barrier. The other half was connected to the Yin Realm's barrier, and with one pull, half of the eggshell was forcibly removed.

The shadow body in the Yin Realm also pulled fiercely, tearing out the other half of the eggshell.

Breaking through the Primordial Chaos barrier typically meant that the Primordial Chaos would slowly dissipate due to the Great Thousand World's heavenly laws. In other Small Thousand Worlds, the barrier wouldn't break so neatly into two halves. Usually, it would shatter into countless pieces.

Zhong Shan, however, had managed to break the Primordial Chaos into two perfect halves, like an eggshell, demonstrating his unparalleled strength and dominance.

The entire process displayed Zhong Shan's overwhelming power and the tremendous energy of the Great Thousand World flooding into the Small Thousand World. The people of both realms felt the profound changes and celebrated the monumental achievement.

Zhong Shan, standing tall and mighty, had not only broken through the barriers but had also unified the celestial energies, transforming the entire world. His actions marked a new era, a testament to his supreme strength and the dawn of a new age in both realms.

The fragments of the Primordial Chaos barrier, if collected and refined by powerful individuals, could become the primordial treasures known as Hongmeng Lingbao. Was Zhong Shan planning to create his own Hongmeng Lingbao?

Zhong Shan carefully removed the two halves of the Primordial Chaos barrier. As he held them, they rapidly shrank, becoming smaller and smaller. Without hesitation, both versions of Zhong Shan compressed the barrier fragments and integrated them into the mouth of the two realms.

The Taiji Diagram and the Map of Rivers and Mountains framework were now infused with the Primordial Chaos barrier as their medium. Zhong Shan aimed to forge the ultimate Hongmeng Lingbao.

As soon as the Primordial Chaos barrier was extracted, endless light descended from the heavens. The divine land of Shenzhou and the Yin Realm were bathed in multicolored light, making it impossible to see more than a few meters ahead.

The celestial music grew louder, with countless divine beast phantoms dancing in the sky, and exotic fragrances filling the air. Boundless celestial energy from the Great Thousand World poured into the Small Thousand World, accompanied by a shower of fortune and merit.

Inside the Small Thousand World, nearly everyone felt an unprecedented warmth. Plants grew wildly, countless wild beasts gained intelligence, and the officials of the Daxia Heavenly Court were cocooned in light.

The entire Small Thousand World was undergoing a tremendous transformation.

While Zhong Shan calculated the range, he fully integrated the Primordial Chaos barrier into the mouth of the two realms, completing the initial form of the treasure. At the same time, the mouth of the two realms began to shrink, fulfilling the Mud Buddha's prophecy that the mouth of the two realms would cease to exist and the Small Thousand World would descend into the Great Thousand World.

As the mouth of the two realms shrank, the treasure before Zhong Shan was completed.

Using the complete Primordial Chaos barrier as the medium and the Taiji Diagram and the Map of Rivers and Mountains as the framework, a brand-new treasure was born.

The treasure retained the shape of a Taiji Yin-Yang fish, with landscapes within the Yin and Yang fish.

"I name this the 'Emperor's Map,'" Zhong Shan declared solemnly.

The Emperor's Map, Zhong Shan's perfect Hongmeng Lingbao, was thus named.

As soon as Zhong Shan named it, the Emperor's Map began to rotate rapidly.


Suddenly, the Emperor's Map emitted a loud explosion, radiating a powerful shockwave in all directions. But Zhong Shan was unaffected. The explosion came from the Emperor's Map, which unexpectedly split into two halves—the Yang Fish and the Yin Fish—each transforming into a separate round treasure, one black and one white.

The main body collected the white treasure. Inside the white treasure were the Map of Rivers and Mountains and the Yang Fish of the Taiji Diagram, with half of the Primordial Chaos barrier as its medium. It was now a perfect circle, surrounded by white mist, with a single black dot in the center (the Yin Eye of the Yang Fish).

The shadow body collected the black treasure. Inside the black treasure were the Map of Rivers and Mountains and the Yin Fish of the Taiji Diagram, with half of the Primordial Chaos barrier as its medium. It was also a perfect circle, surrounded by black mist, with a single white dot in the center (the Yang Eye of the Yin Fish).

The Emperor's Map had split into the Emperor's Yang Map and the Emperor's Yin Map, both Hongmeng Lingbao, capable of merging into one.

As the main body and shadow body each took their respective halves of the Emperor's Map, the mouth of the two realms closed with a thunderous roar.

The heaven-opening was successful. The shadow body shrank to normal size and entered the Immortal Hall.

In the Immortal Hall, the shadow body began to refine the Emperor's Yin Map while absorbing the immense fortune from the Great Thousand World.

The Yin and Yang realms were separated once more.

The main body did the same, shrinking to normal size and quickly entering the Longevity Hall of the Lingxiao Heavenly Court.

The auspicious blessings from the Great Thousand World began to descend.

The entire Daxia Heavenly Court was beginning to advance to the status of the Daxia Holy Court—

In the Yin Realm outside the Small Thousand World:

Tiantang's subordinates and the surrounding Tian dynasties were searching in a net-like pattern.


A sudden loud explosion shook the heavens and the earth, startling everyone nearby.

As people were still in shock, endless rays of dawn light and rainbows shot into the sky. Countless divine beasts flew up, and beautiful celestial music resonated deeply within everyone's hearts, accompanied by enchanting fragrances.


The ground around them roared and trembled, making it hard for people to keep their footing.

"The ground is moving? Third Brother, the ground is moving!" A man in green robes rushed to Tiantang.

Tiantang looked at the endless dawn light and rainbows in the distance, with celestial music filling the air. His eyes were filled with gravity.

"Third Brother, the ground is moving? What's happening? It's like a huge force is pushing the surrounding lands away. What kind of power is this? How can such a force exist?" the green-robed man exclaimed in shock.

"Opening the heavens and breaking the Primordial Chaos? Who could it be? Zhong Shan? Is Zhong Shan opening the heavens?" Tiantang frowned.

"Opening the heavens? Is a Small Thousand World descending into the Great Thousand World? Is this the power of the heavens and the earth? The Great Thousand World's power is creating enough space for the Small Thousand World to settle?" the green-robed man asked, furrowing his brows.

"It must be Zhong Shan. Inform everyone to prepare to face the Daxia Holy Court. Those Tian dynasties will be eager to act. If they destroy a Holy Court, they will gain endless fortune. I want to destroy his Holy Court and personally kill Zhong Shan!" Tiantang shouted.

"Yes!" The green-robed man obeyed and flew away.

In the distance, a pillar of auspicious light reached from the ground to the sky, expanding in diameter. Infinite fortune and merit gathered around the golden light pillar.

As the light pillar expanded, the surrounding lands shifted, and the Small Thousand World descended further into the Great Thousand World.

Zhong Shan's Daxia Heavenly Court officially descended into the Great Thousand World, advancing rapidly to the status of a Holy Court. The position in the celestial hierarchy rose from 'Upper Position' to 'Holy Position.'

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