Undying Life

Chapter 847: Nine Tails

Chapter 847: Chapter 847: Nine Tails

"Sima Qianjun, ninety-nine consecutive victories!"

Ninety-nine consecutive victories? The surrounding chess players were abuzz with excitement.

Achieving a hundred consecutive victories might seem easy, but in reality, it was incredibly difficult. After all, those participating in the Chess Soul Selection were no amateurs; the ten endgame puzzles had already weeded out anyone but true masters of the game.

Sima Qianjun? Sima? Zhong Shan pondered the name.

"How dare you! Didn't you say you could win? How did you lose?" a woman's angry voice rang out from the crowd.

The woman was evidently furious.

"Princess, Lord Sima's chess skills have reached the level of 'artistic conception.' I am no match for him!" a man's voice replied, filled with frustration.

"Then what use are you? You boasted about your chess skills, so I had the Holy King grant you a 'middle position' in the heavens and earth. Why do I keep you as a retainer? What's the use of having you? I'm so angry, so angry!" the woman's voice seethed with rage.

At this point, Zhong Shan squeezed through the crowd and saw the so-called princess.

She was an extraordinarily beautiful woman dressed in fiery red, with a seductive fox-like appearance—her eyes, lips, ears, and nose all had an enchanting, foxy charm. The moment Zhong Shan saw her, he immediately thought of the term "fox spirit."

Among the people Zhong Shan knew, only Nü Qinghui could possibly rival her in beauty.

She was a national calamity, an absolute beauty that could topple kingdoms—a mesmerizing fox enchantress.

She was so stunning that many of the self-righteous chess players had their attention entirely captivated by her, all staring at the woman in red.

In Qingqiu, a land of many fox spirits, beautiful women and handsome men were plentiful. But none could compare to her.

The looks of these supposedly upright chess players spoke volumes.

"Princess, it's not my fault. Lord Sima has reached the 'artistic conception' in chess. I simply cannot defeat him!" a man in green, looking dejected, explained.

"Cannot defeat him? What did you tell me before? You claimed to be my foremost retainer? Is this all you're worth? Get lost, get out!" The princess kicked him in frustration.

The man didn't dare say another word and hurriedly fled.

"I'm so angry!" the princess fumed, placing her hands on her hips.

Despite her temper, her beauty made even her anger a delightful sight. Every frown and smile stirred endless fantasies in those watching.

On the other side of the chessboard sat an extremely handsome man.

With long, flowing green hair and a self-satisfied expression, the man had a hint of possessiveness in his eyes as he looked at the princess. This must be Sima Qianjun, whom the crowd had cheered for.

"Ninth Princess? Your retainers aren't that impressive," Sima Qianjun sneered, a hint of mischief in his voice.

"Hmph, don't get too cocky. There are many in Qingqiu who have reached the level of artistic conception," the Ninth Princess retorted coldly.

"But I'm about to achieve a hundred victories. I'll soon qualify to enter Yunhai, while your Ninth Princess Mansion doesn't even qualify to go!" Sima Qianjun taunted.

In Sima Qianjun's mind, women shouldn't always be flattered. He believed in occasionally putting them down to assert his strength and dominance. He had long set his sights on this prickly, top-notch flower of Qingqiu. Determined to conquer her, he knew there was no second woman like her, even in Qingqiu.

"You! Until you win a hundred matches in a day, don't boast in front of me!" the Ninth Princess snapped angrily.

"Is there anyone else who dares to challenge?" Sima Qianjun scanned the crowd.

Having reached the artistic conception in Go, Sima Qianjun was a daunting opponent. Achieving a hundred consecutive victories was a monumental task, and no one wanted to risk losing and having their score reset to zero.

"Is anyone brave enough?" Sima Qianjun's eyes glinted as he glared at the crowd.

The chess players took a step back. Who would dare challenge an expert who had reached the artistic conception? The true masters had already qualified decades ago. Only Sima Qianjun, who had recently achieved this level, was now dominating the scene.

"If no one steps forward, I will choose my opponent. If I point at you, you must play against me. Otherwise, you will face my wrath!" Sima Qianjun threatened.

The chess players were dismayed, regretting coming to watch the match. No one wanted to provoke Sima Qianjun, an important young master of the Sima family.

As tension filled the air, a voice broke the silence.

"Sima Qianjun?" Zhong Shan called out calmly.

"Who dares?" Sima Qianjun's eyes narrowed.

"I will challenge you," Zhong Shan stepped forward.

Seeing someone step up, the chess players made way for Zhong Shan, relieved that someone else had volunteered.

The Ninth Princess looked at Zhong Shan with curiosity.

"Who are you?" Sima Qianjun asked dismissively.

"The one who will defeat you," Zhong Shan replied directly.

"Good! Defeat him," the Ninth Princess immediately encouraged.

"Hmph, such arrogance. Be careful not to bite your tongue!" Sima Qianjun sneered.

"Whether or not I bite my tongue is not for you to decide," Zhong Shan said as he approached the board.

Zhong Shan's demeanor was composed, but the onlookers doubted his chances. Calmness alone wouldn't suffice against someone who had reached the artistic conception in Go. Reaching this level meant mastering the highest peaks of the game.

Zhong Shan sat down, glancing at the Go board. His eyes showed understanding; Sima Qianjun was indeed a formidable opponent.

However, facing such a skilled adversary only made the challenge more satisfying for Zhong Shan.

"If you want to die, then come on!" Sima Qianjun smirked.

Sima Qianjun placed his foldable plaque in the slot on the board, and the numbers '99' slowly appeared.

Zhong Shan placed his own plaque in the slot, and the board displayed a single word that stunned everyone.


Zero? Could it be more exaggerated? The crowd mentally labeled Zhong Shan as doomed.

The Ninth Princess looked frustrated but glanced at Sima Qianjun with hatred, hoping to see him defeated.

Sima Qianjun waved his sleeve, and the pieces were divided. Sima Qianjun played white, and Zhong Shan played black.

"Zero? Hahaha, and you think you can challenge me? I'll let you go first!" Sima Qianjun said disdainfully.

"I accept your generosity," Zhong Shan replied, not backing down.

Holding a black piece between his index and middle fingers, Zhong Shan carefully placed it on the board with a decisive move.


Zhong Shan's black stone landed on the board, leaving everyone stunned.

"Center point? He placed his first stone on the center point?" a chess player exclaimed.

Everyone looked and confirmed that Zhong Shan had indeed placed his first stone on the center point, the unique central star point of the board.

"Why did he place his first stone on the center point? Is he crazy?"

"The first move should establish a strategic position, but placing it on the center point wastes it. Does he even know how to play?"

"He's lost his mind. No one dares to place the first stone on the center point. He's definitely going to lose!"

The chess players around them began criticizing Zhong Shan, but he remained unmoved.

"Center point? Are you deliberately giving me a handicap or already admitting defeat?" Sima Qianjun sneered.

"I always place my first stone on the center point," Zhong Shan said firmly.

This was true. Whenever Zhong Shan played against Nangong Sheng, his first stone always went on the center point, the most central star point on the board. He never placed it elsewhere.

This was because Zhong Shan played "Emperor's Chess," where the first move was called "Ruling the World."

The center point was always the first move.

"Hmph, if you want to die, I won't stop you!" Sima Qianjun sneered.

"Snap!" Sima Qianjun placed his stone.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

The two took turns placing their stones, but everyone doubted Zhong Shan. His moves were too unconventional. According to logic, Zhong Shan should counter Sima Qianjun's moves, but he seemed to be playing his own game, only occasionally responding to Sima Qianjun.

As Sima Qianjun placed his thirtieth stone, he occupied several advantageous positions, appearing to have the upper hand. He sneered at Zhong Shan, "It's your move. I can't believe someone so incompetent managed to get a foldable plaque!"

Zhong Shan didn't reply, instead pausing mid-air with a black stone before placing it with precision.

As he placed the stone, a faint breeze seemed to emanate from the board.

The subtle breeze gave everyone a sudden shiver as Zhong Shan placed his stone.


The sound of the stone hitting the board seemed to resonate in everyone's hearts, almost as if they saw a surge of purple energy emerging from Zhong Shan's move.

Many people shook their heads, thinking they were seeing things.

The Emperor's Chess brought forth the Emperor's Purple Qi! Zhong Shan's move shifted the game dramatically.

The board's dynamics changed instantly. What seemed like Sima Qianjun's certain victory now looked like a looming defeat.

The board appeared as if the black stones were dominating over the white stones.

"Excellent move!" Sima Qianjun said bitterly.

Sima Qianjun had underestimated his opponent. He realized Zhong Shan was no novice but a true master of strategy.



They continued placing their stones, but with each move, Sima Qianjun's forehead beaded with sweat.

"The center point? That stone can support moves in all directions?"

"No, that center point stone acts like a commander, ruling over the board. Its presence means the white stones can never recover!"

"Amazing, unbelievable! That center point move was a stroke of genius. With it, Sima Qianjun is doomed to lose. He has no chance of winning!"

The onlookers exclaimed in admiration.

Sima Qianjun felt the pressure. His moves seemed to invite a thousand spears stabbing at his heart. Each move brought him closer to despair. The board was now Zhong Shan's domain, and Sima Qianjun was merely a pawn being systematically dismantled.

Why is this happening? Why? Sima Qianjun felt like he was losing his mind. The humiliation of being dominated was unbearable.

He couldn't lose. He was so close to a hundred consecutive victories. If he lost, his score would reset to zero. He couldn't let that happen. His strong will forced him to endure the humiliation.

But as he watched his white stones being captured one by one, he realized that no matter what he did, his game was beyond saving.

"Snap!" Zhong Shan placed his final stone.

"You lost," Zhong Shan said calmly.

With that move, Sima Qianjun saw his defeat. His white stones, once dominant, now seemed blood-stained and defeated.

"Look, what's that?" a chess player shouted.

Everyone looked closely at the board. To their astonishment, Zhong Shan's black stones had formed two words amidst the white stones, words that only became clear after the game had ended.

Too weak!

'Too weak'? Was this a deliberate insult to Sima Qianjun?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

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